Commit f3563dc1 authored by Boris Dorès's avatar Boris Dorès

- fixed a segfault occuring when the preference dialog box was destroyed

parent aafd6446
......@@ -52,35 +52,6 @@ void __fastcall TNarrowHintWindow::ActivateHint( const Windows::TRect &Rect,
THintWindow::ActivateHint( NarrowRect, AHint );
* Just a wrapper to embed an AnsiString into a TObject
__fastcall TObjectString::TObjectString( char * String )
FString = AnsiString( String );
AnsiString __fastcall TObjectString::String()
return FString;
* A TCheckListBox that automatically disposes any TObject
* associated with the string items
__fastcall TCleanCheckListBox::~TCleanCheckListBox()
for( int i = 0 ; i < Items->Count ; i++ )
if( Items->Objects[i] != NULL )
delete Items->Objects[i];
* Functions to help components creation
......@@ -94,16 +65,16 @@ __fastcall TPanelPref::TPanelPref( TComponent* Owner,
BorderStyle = bsNone;
TCleanCheckListBox * __fastcall TPanelPref::CreateCleanCheckListBox(
TExtCheckListBox * __fastcall TPanelPref::CreateExtCheckListBox(
TWinControl *Parent, int Left, int Width, int Top, int Height )
TCleanCheckListBox *CleanCheckListBox = new TCleanCheckListBox( Parent );
CleanCheckListBox->Parent = Parent;
CleanCheckListBox->Left = Left;
CleanCheckListBox->Width = Width;
CleanCheckListBox->Top = Top;
CleanCheckListBox->Height = Height;
return CleanCheckListBox;
TExtCheckListBox *ExtCheckListBox = new TExtCheckListBox( Parent );
ExtCheckListBox->Parent = Parent;
ExtCheckListBox->Left = Left;
ExtCheckListBox->Width = Width;
ExtCheckListBox->Top = Top;
ExtCheckListBox->Height = Height;
return ExtCheckListBox;
TButton * __fastcall TPanelPref::CreateButton( TWinControl *Parent,
......@@ -198,9 +169,11 @@ TCSpinEdit * __fastcall TPanelPref::CreateSpinEdit( TWinControl *Parent,
__fastcall TPanelPlugin::TPanelPlugin( TComponent* Owner,
module_config_t *p_config, intf_thread_t *_p_intf,
bool b_multi_plugins ) : TPanelPref( Owner, p_config, _p_intf )
TStringList * ModuleNames, bool b_multi_plugins )
: TPanelPref( Owner, p_config, _p_intf )
this->b_multi_plugins = b_multi_plugins;
this->ModuleNames = ModuleNames;
/* init configure button */
ButtonConfig = CreateButton( this,
......@@ -229,24 +202,24 @@ __fastcall TPanelPlugin::TPanelPlugin( TComponent* Owner,
ButtonConfig->Top += ( Label->Height - ButtonConfig->Height ) / 2;
/* init checklistbox */
CleanCheckListBox = CreateCleanCheckListBox( this,
ExtCheckListBox = CreateExtCheckListBox( this,
max( Label->Top + Label->Height , ButtonConfig->Top
+ ButtonConfig->Height ) + LIBWIN32_PREFSIZE_VPAD,
CleanCheckListBox->OnClick = CheckListBoxClick;
CleanCheckListBox->OnClickCheck = CheckListBoxClickCheck;
CleanCheckListBox->Hint = p_config->psz_longtext;
CleanCheckListBox->ShowHint = true;
ExtCheckListBox->OnClick = CheckListBoxClick;
ExtCheckListBox->OnClickCheck = CheckListBoxClickCheck;
ExtCheckListBox->Hint = p_config->psz_longtext;
ExtCheckListBox->ShowHint = true;
/* init up and down buttons */
if ( b_multi_plugins )
ButtonUp = CreateButton ( this, LIBWIN32_PREFSIZE_LEFT,
CleanCheckListBox->Left - LIBWIN32_PREFSIZE_HPAD
ExtCheckListBox->Left - LIBWIN32_PREFSIZE_HPAD
CleanCheckListBox->Top + ( CleanCheckListBox->Height
ExtCheckListBox->Top + ( ExtCheckListBox->Height
"+" );
......@@ -256,9 +229,9 @@ __fastcall TPanelPlugin::TPanelPlugin( TComponent* Owner,
ButtonUp->ShowHint = true;
ButtonDown = CreateButton ( this, LIBWIN32_PREFSIZE_LEFT,
CleanCheckListBox->Left - LIBWIN32_PREFSIZE_HPAD
ExtCheckListBox->Left - LIBWIN32_PREFSIZE_HPAD
CleanCheckListBox->Top + ( CleanCheckListBox->Height
ExtCheckListBox->Top + ( ExtCheckListBox->Height
......@@ -275,7 +248,7 @@ __fastcall TPanelPlugin::TPanelPlugin( TComponent* Owner,
/* panel height */
Height = CleanCheckListBox->Top + CleanCheckListBox->Height
Height = ExtCheckListBox->Top + ExtCheckListBox->Height
......@@ -287,25 +260,25 @@ void __fastcall TPanelPlugin::CheckListBoxClick( TObject *Sender )
/* check that the click is valid (we are on an item, and the click
* started on an item */
if( CleanCheckListBox->ItemIndex == -1 )
if( ExtCheckListBox->ItemIndex == -1 )
if ( ButtonUp != NULL ) ButtonUp->Enabled = false;
if ( ButtonDown != NULL ) ButtonDown->Enabled = false;
AnsiString Name = ((TObjectString*)CleanCheckListBox->Items->
AnsiString Name = ModuleNames->Strings
if( Name == "" )
/* enable up and down buttons */
if ( b_multi_plugins && ButtonUp != NULL && ButtonDown != NULL )
if ( CleanCheckListBox->ItemIndex == 0 )
if ( ExtCheckListBox->ItemIndex == 0 )
ButtonUp->Enabled = false; else ButtonUp->Enabled = true;
if ( CleanCheckListBox->ItemIndex
== CleanCheckListBox->Items->Count - 1 )
if ( ExtCheckListBox->ItemIndex
== ExtCheckListBox->Items->Count - 1 )
ButtonDown->Enabled = false; else ButtonDown->Enabled = true;
......@@ -333,13 +306,13 @@ void __fastcall TPanelPlugin::CheckListBoxClickCheck( TObject *Sender )
if ( ! b_multi_plugins )
/* one item maximum must be checked */
if( CleanCheckListBox->Checked[CleanCheckListBox->ItemIndex] )
if( ExtCheckListBox->Checked[ExtCheckListBox->ItemIndex] )
for( int item = 0; item < CleanCheckListBox->Items->Count; item++ )
for( int item = 0; item < ExtCheckListBox->Items->Count; item++ )
if( item != CleanCheckListBox->ItemIndex )
if( item != ExtCheckListBox->ItemIndex )
CleanCheckListBox->Checked[item] = false;
ExtCheckListBox->Checked[item] = false;
......@@ -354,23 +327,23 @@ void __fastcall TPanelPlugin::ButtonConfigClick( TObject *Sender )
void __fastcall TPanelPlugin::ButtonUpClick( TObject *Sender )
if( CleanCheckListBox->ItemIndex != -1 && CleanCheckListBox->ItemIndex > 0 )
if( ExtCheckListBox->ItemIndex != -1 && ExtCheckListBox->ItemIndex > 0 )
int Pos = CleanCheckListBox->ItemIndex;
CleanCheckListBox->Items->Move ( Pos , Pos - 1 );
CleanCheckListBox->ItemIndex = Pos - 1;
int Pos = ExtCheckListBox->ItemIndex;
ExtCheckListBox->Items->Move ( Pos , Pos - 1 );
ExtCheckListBox->ItemIndex = Pos - 1;
CheckListBoxClick ( Sender );
void __fastcall TPanelPlugin::ButtonDownClick( TObject *Sender )
if( CleanCheckListBox->ItemIndex != -1
&& CleanCheckListBox->ItemIndex < CleanCheckListBox->Items->Count - 1 )
if( ExtCheckListBox->ItemIndex != -1
&& ExtCheckListBox->ItemIndex < ExtCheckListBox->Items->Count - 1 )
int Pos = CleanCheckListBox->ItemIndex;
CleanCheckListBox->Items->Move ( Pos , Pos + 1 );
CleanCheckListBox->ItemIndex = Pos + 1;
int Pos = ExtCheckListBox->ItemIndex;
ExtCheckListBox->Items->Move ( Pos , Pos + 1 );
ExtCheckListBox->ItemIndex = Pos + 1;
CheckListBoxClick ( Sender );
......@@ -397,13 +370,13 @@ void __fastcall TPanelPlugin::SetValue ( AnsiString Values )
if ( Value.Length() > 0 )
for ( int i = TopChecked; i < CleanCheckListBox->Items->Count; i++ )
for ( int i = TopChecked; i < ExtCheckListBox->Items->Count; i++ )
if ( ((TObjectString*)CleanCheckListBox->Items->Objects[i])
->String() == Value )
if ( ModuleNames->Strings[ExtCheckListBox->GetItemData(i)]
== Value )
CleanCheckListBox->Checked[i] = true;
CleanCheckListBox->Items->Move ( i , TopChecked );
ExtCheckListBox->Checked[i] = true;
ExtCheckListBox->Items->Move ( i , TopChecked );
......@@ -416,20 +389,19 @@ void __fastcall TPanelPlugin::UpdateChanges()
AnsiString Name = "";
/* find the selected plugin (if any) */
for( int item = 0; item < CleanCheckListBox->Items->Count; item++ )
for( int item = 0; item < ExtCheckListBox->Items->Count; item++ )
if( CleanCheckListBox->Checked[item] )
if( ExtCheckListBox->Checked[item] )
if ( Name.Length() == 0 )
Name = ((TObjectString*)CleanCheckListBox->Items->Objects[item])
Name = ModuleNames->Strings
Name = Name + ","
+ ((TObjectString*)CleanCheckListBox->Items->Objects[item])
Name = Name + "," + ModuleNames->Strings
......@@ -615,11 +587,17 @@ __fastcall TPreferencesDlg::TPreferencesDlg( TComponent* Owner,
Icon = p_intf->p_sys->p_window->Icon;
Application->HintHidePause = 0x1000000;
HintWindowClass = __classid ( TNarrowHintWindow );
ModuleNames = new TStringList();
/* prevent the form from being resized horizontally */
Constraints->MinWidth = Width;
Constraints->MaxWidth = Width;
__fastcall TPreferencesDlg::~TPreferencesDlg()
delete ModuleNames;
void __fastcall TPreferencesDlg::FormClose( TObject *Sender,
TCloseAction &Action )
......@@ -711,7 +689,8 @@ void __fastcall TPreferencesDlg::CreateConfigDialog( char *psz_module_name )
/* add new panel for the config option */
PanelPlugin = new TPanelPlugin( this, p_item, p_intf, true );
PanelPlugin =
new TPanelPlugin( this, p_item, p_intf, ModuleNames, true );
PanelPlugin->Parent = ScrollBox;
/* Look for valid modules */
......@@ -730,9 +709,11 @@ void __fastcall TPreferencesDlg::CreateConfigDialog( char *psz_module_name )
ModuleDesc = AnsiString( p_parser->psz_object_name );
new TObjectString( p_parser->psz_object_name ) );
// add a reference to the module name string
// in the list item object
PanelPlugin->ExtCheckListBox->SetItemData (
, ModuleNames->Add( p_parser->psz_object_name ) );
......@@ -34,14 +34,18 @@
#include <ExtCtrls.hpp>
#include "CSPIN.h"
/* A TCheckListBox that automatically disposes any TObject
associated with the string items */
class TCleanCheckListBox : public TCheckListBox
/* A TCheckListBox that can associate an integer to each string item */
class TExtCheckListBox : public TCheckListBox
__fastcall TCleanCheckListBox( Classes::TComponent* AOwner )
DYNAMIC void __fastcall SetItemData(int Index, int AData) {
TCheckListBox::SetItemData ( Index , AData );
DYNAMIC int __fastcall GetItemData(int Index) {
return TCheckListBox::GetItemData ( Index );
__fastcall TExtCheckListBox( Classes::TComponent* AOwner )
: TCheckListBox( AOwner ) {};
virtual __fastcall ~TCleanCheckListBox();
/* A THintWindow with a limited width */
......@@ -52,16 +56,6 @@ public:
const System::AnsiString AHint );
/* Just a wrapper to embed an AnsiString into a TObject */
class TObjectString : public TObject
AnsiString FString;
__fastcall TObjectString( char * String );
AnsiString __fastcall String();
class TPanelPref : public TPanel
......@@ -71,7 +65,7 @@ public:
module_config_t * p_config;
intf_thread_t * p_intf;
TCleanCheckListBox * __fastcall CreateCleanCheckListBox(TWinControl *Parent,
TExtCheckListBox * __fastcall CreateExtCheckListBox(TWinControl *Parent,
int Left, int Width, int Top, int Height );
TButton * __fastcall CreateButton( TWinControl *Parent,
int Left, int Width, int Top, int Height, AnsiString Caption );
......@@ -89,16 +83,18 @@ protected:
class TPanelPlugin : public TPanelPref
module_t *ModuleSelected;
__fastcall TPanelPlugin( TComponent* Owner, module_config_t *p_config,
intf_thread_t *_p_intf, bool b_multi_plugins );
intf_thread_t *_p_intf, TStringList * ModuleNames,
bool b_multi_plugins );
bool b_multi_plugins;
TCleanCheckListBox *CleanCheckListBox;
TExtCheckListBox *ExtCheckListBox;
TButton *ButtonConfig;
TButton *ButtonUp;
TButton *ButtonDown;
TLabel *Label;
module_t *ModuleSelected;
TStringList * ModuleNames;
virtual void __fastcall TPanelPlugin::SetValue ( AnsiString Values );
virtual void __fastcall UpdateChanges();
void __fastcall CheckListBoxClick( TObject *Sender );
......@@ -162,8 +158,10 @@ __published: // IDE-managed Components
void __fastcall FormClose( TObject *Sender, TCloseAction &Action );
private: // User declarations
intf_thread_t *p_intf;
TStringList * ModuleNames;
public: // User declarations
__fastcall TPreferencesDlg( TComponent* Owner, intf_thread_t *_p_intf );
virtual __fastcall ~TPreferencesDlg();
void __fastcall CreateConfigDialog( char *psz_module_name );
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