Commit dc8e4323 authored by Stephan Assmus's avatar Stephan Assmus

user can now drop a DVD disk icon onto the interface or playlist window to open a DVD

parent 8656100e
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* InterfaceWindow.cpp: beos interface
* Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001 VideoLAN
* $Id: InterfaceWindow.cpp,v 2002/10/09 15:29:51 stippi Exp $
* $Id: InterfaceWindow.cpp,v 2002/10/11 00:46:59 stippi Exp $
* Authors: Jean-Marc Dressler <>
* Samuel Hocevar <>
......@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
#include <fs_info.h>
#include <string.h>
/* VLC headers */
extern "C"
......@@ -62,6 +61,41 @@ extern "C"
#define INTERFACE_UPDATE_TIMEOUT 80000 // 2 frames if at 25 fps
get_volume_info( BVolume& volume, BString& volumeName, bool& isCDROM, BString& deviceName )
bool success = false;
isCDROM = false;
deviceName = "";
volumeName = "";
char name[B_FILE_NAME_LENGTH];
if ( volume.GetName( name ) >= B_OK ) // disk is currently mounted
volumeName = name;
dev_t dev = volume.Device();
fs_info info;
if ( fs_stat_dev( dev, &info ) == B_OK )
success = true;
deviceName = info.device_name;
if ( volume.IsReadOnly() )
int i_dev = open( info.device_name, O_RDONLY );
if ( i_dev >= 0 )
device_geometry g;
if ( ioctl( i_dev, B_GET_GEOMETRY, &g, sizeof( g ) ) >= 0 )
isCDROM = ( g.device_type == B_CD );
close( i_dev );
return success;
* InterfaceWindow
......@@ -453,9 +487,48 @@ void InterfaceWindow::MessageReceived( BMessage * p_message )
BPath path( &ref );
if ( path.InitCheck() == B_OK )
bool add = true;
// has the user dropped a dvd disk icon?
BDirectory dir( &ref );
if ( dir.InitCheck() == B_OK && dir.IsRootDirectory() )
BVolumeRoster volRoster;
BVolume vol;
BDirectory volumeRoot;
status_t status = volRoster.GetNextVolume( &vol );
while ( status == B_NO_ERROR )
if ( vol.GetRootDirectory( &volumeRoot ) == B_OK
&& dir == volumeRoot )
BString volumeName;
BString deviceName;
bool isCDROM;
if ( get_volume_info( vol, volumeName, isCDROM, deviceName )
&& isCDROM )
BMessage msg( OPEN_DVD );
msg.AddString( "device", deviceName.String() );
PostMessage( &msg );
add = false;
status = volRoster.GetNextVolume( &vol );
if ( add )
// the BString objects will be deleted
// by the wrapper function further down
files.AddItem( new BString( (char*)path.Path() ) );
files.AddItem( new BString( path.Path() ) );
// give the list to VLC
Intf_VLCWrapper::openFiles(&files, replace);
......@@ -878,9 +951,9 @@ CDMenu::~CDMenu()
void CDMenu::AttachedToWindow(void)
// remove all items
while (BMenuItem* item = RemoveItem(0L))
while ( BMenuItem* item = RemoveItem( 0L ) )
delete item;
GetCD( "/dev/disk" );
......@@ -889,52 +962,25 @@ void CDMenu::AttachedToWindow(void)
int CDMenu::GetCD( const char *directory )
BVolumeRoster *volRoster;
BVolume *vol;
BDirectory *dir;
int status;
int mounted;
char name[B_FILE_NAME_LENGTH];
fs_info info;
dev_t dev;
volRoster = new BVolumeRoster();
vol = new BVolume();
dir = new BDirectory();
status = volRoster->GetNextVolume(vol);
status = vol->GetRootDirectory(dir);
while (status == B_NO_ERROR)
mounted = vol->GetName(name);
if ((mounted == B_OK) && /* Disk is currently Mounted */
(vol->IsReadOnly()) ) /* Disk is read-only */
dev = vol->Device();
fs_stat_dev(dev, &info);
device_geometry g;
int i_dev;
i_dev = open( info.device_name, O_RDONLY );
if( i_dev >= 0 )
if( ioctl(i_dev, B_GET_GEOMETRY, &g, sizeof(g)) >= 0 )
if( g.device_type == B_CD ) //ensure the drive is a CD-ROM
BMessage *msg;
msg = new BMessage( OPEN_DVD );
msg->AddString( "device", info.device_name );
BMenuItem *menu_item;
menu_item = new BMenuItem( name, msg );
AddItem( menu_item );
BVolumeRoster volRoster;
BVolume vol;
BDirectory dir;
status_t status = volRoster.GetNextVolume( &vol );
while ( status == B_NO_ERROR )
BString deviceName;
BString volumeName;
bool isCDROM;
if ( get_volume_info( vol, volumeName, isCDROM, deviceName )
&& isCDROM )
BMessage* msg = new BMessage( OPEN_DVD );
msg->AddString( "device", deviceName.String() );
BMenuItem* item = new BMenuItem( volumeName.String(), msg );
AddItem( item );
status = volRoster->GetNextVolume(vol);
status = volRoster.GetNextVolume( &vol );
......@@ -983,6 +1029,7 @@ void LanguageMenu::_GetChannels()
es_descriptor_t *p_es = NULL;
// Insert the "None" item if in subtitle mode
bool emptyItemAdded = false;
if( kind != AUDIO_ES ) //subtitle
msg = new BMessage( SELECT_SUBTITLE );
......@@ -990,6 +1037,7 @@ void LanguageMenu::_GetChannels()
menu_item = new BMenuItem( "None", msg );
AddItem( menu_item );
menu_item->SetMarked( true );
emptyItemAdded = true;
input_thread_s* input = p_input_bank->pp_input[0];
......@@ -1003,7 +1051,6 @@ void LanguageMenu::_GetChannels()
int32 addedItems = 0;
bool emptyItemAdded = false;
const char* fieldName = kind == AUDIO_ES ? "channel" : "subtitle";
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