Commit c58d6d69 authored by Laurent Aimar's avatar Laurent Aimar Committed by Jean-Baptiste Kempf

Fixed BDA support (close #5627).

(cherry picked from commit 435f1d55)
Signed-off-by: default avatarJean-Baptiste Kempf <>
parent 29aa431e
......@@ -305,28 +305,40 @@ void BDAOutput::Push( block_t *p_block )
ssize_t BDAOutput::Pop(void *buf, size_t len)
block_t *block;
vlc_mutex_locker l( &lock );
if( !p_first )
vlc_cond_timedwait( &wait, &lock, mdate() + 250*1000 );
block = p_first;
p_first = NULL;
pp_next = &p_first;
mtime_t i_deadline = mdate() + 250 * 1000;
while( !p_first )
if( vlc_cond_timedwait( &wait, &lock, i_deadline ) )
return -1;
if(block == NULL)
return -1;
size_t i_index = 0;
while( i_index < len )
size_t i_copy = __MIN( len - i_index, p_first->i_buffer );
memcpy( (uint8_t *)buf + i_index, p_first->p_buffer, i_copy );
if(len < block->i_buffer)
msg_Err(p_access, "buffer overflow!");
len = block->i_buffer;
vlc_memcpy(buf, block->p_buffer, len);
return len;
i_index += i_copy;
p_first->p_buffer += i_copy;
p_first->i_buffer -= i_copy;
if( p_first->i_buffer <= 0 )
block_t *p_next = p_first->p_next;
block_Release( p_first );
p_first = p_next;
if( !p_first )
pp_next = &p_first;
return i_index;
void BDAOutput::Empty()
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