Commit b758d168 authored by Rémi Denis-Courmont's avatar Rémi Denis-Courmont

aout: use unsigned stats

parent a4504ffb
......@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ int aout_DecNew(audio_output_t *, const audio_sample_format_t *,
const audio_replay_gain_t *, const aout_request_vout_t *);
void aout_DecDelete(audio_output_t *);
int aout_DecPlay(audio_output_t *, block_t *, int i_input_rate);
int aout_DecGetResetLost(audio_output_t *);
unsigned aout_DecGetResetLost(audio_output_t *);
void aout_DecChangePause(audio_output_t *, bool b_paused, mtime_t i_date);
void aout_DecFlush(audio_output_t *, bool wait);
void aout_RequestRestart (audio_output_t *, unsigned);
......@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ lost:
goto out;
int aout_DecGetResetLost (audio_output_t *aout)
unsigned aout_DecGetResetLost (audio_output_t *aout)
aout_owner_t *owner = aout_owner (aout);
return atomic_exchange(&owner->buffers_lost, 0);
......@@ -1038,7 +1038,8 @@ static void DecoderProcessVideo( decoder_t *p_dec, block_t *p_block )
static int DecoderPlayAudio( decoder_t *p_dec, block_t *p_audio,
int *pi_played_sum, int *pi_lost_sum )
unsigned *restrict pi_played_sum,
unsigned *restrict pi_lost_sum )
decoder_owner_sys_t *p_owner = p_dec->p_owner;
bool prerolled;
......@@ -1109,8 +1110,8 @@ static int DecoderPlayAudio( decoder_t *p_dec, block_t *p_audio,
return 0;
static void DecoderUpdateStatAudio( decoder_t *p_dec, int i_decoded,
int i_lost, int i_played )
static void DecoderUpdateStatAudio( decoder_t *p_dec, unsigned decoded,
unsigned lost, unsigned played )
decoder_owner_sys_t *p_owner = p_dec->p_owner;
input_thread_t *p_input = p_owner->p_input;
......@@ -1120,19 +1121,18 @@ static void DecoderUpdateStatAudio( decoder_t *p_dec, int i_decoded,
if( p_owner->p_aout != NULL )
i_lost += aout_DecGetResetLost( p_owner->p_aout );
lost += aout_DecGetResetLost( p_owner->p_aout );
vlc_mutex_lock( &p_input->p->counters.counters_lock);
stats_Update( p_input->p->counters.p_lost_abuffers, i_lost, NULL );
stats_Update( p_input->p->counters.p_played_abuffers, i_played, NULL );
stats_Update( p_input->p->counters.p_decoded_audio, i_decoded, NULL );
stats_Update( p_input->p->counters.p_lost_abuffers, lost, NULL );
stats_Update( p_input->p->counters.p_played_abuffers, played, NULL );
stats_Update( p_input->p->counters.p_decoded_audio, decoded, NULL );
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_input->p->counters.counters_lock);
static int DecoderQueueAudio( decoder_t *p_dec, block_t *p_aout_buf )
int i_lost = 0;
int i_played = 0;
unsigned i_lost = 0, i_played = 0;
int ret = DecoderPlayAudio( p_dec, p_aout_buf, &i_played, &i_lost );
......@@ -1145,9 +1145,7 @@ static void DecoderDecodeAudio( decoder_t *p_dec, block_t *p_block )
block_t *p_aout_buf;
block_t **pp_block = p_block ? &p_block : NULL;
int i_decoded = 0;
int i_lost = 0;
int i_played = 0;
unsigned i_decoded = 0, i_lost = 0, i_played = 0;
while( (p_aout_buf = p_dec->pf_decode_audio( p_dec, pp_block ) ) )
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