Commit a9962f14 authored by Rémi Duraffort's avatar Rémi Duraffort

THANKS: better ordering.

parent 79b4037d
......@@ -35,17 +35,17 @@ Andy Lindsay <andy_vl at> - fixes in the TS demux
Animesh Swar <> - Nepalese translation
Anthony Loiseau <anthony.loiseau at gmail dot com> - Various fixes
Antoine Lejeune - Maemo port
arai/Fujisawa Tooru <arai_a at mac dot com> - OpenGL-based Screen Input Module for Mac OS X
Ara Bextiyar <arastein at gmail dot com> - Sorani (Kurdish) translation
Arai/Fujisawa Tooru <arai_a at mac dot com> - OpenGL-based Screen Input Module for Mac OS X
Ari Constâncio <ari.constancio at gmail d0t com> - Portuguese localisation
Arkadiusz Lipiec <A.Lipiec at> - Polish translation
Arkadiusz Miskiewicz <misiek at pld.ORG.PL> - autoconf and Makefile patches
Ari Constâncio <ari.constancio at gmail d0t com> - Portuguese localisation
Arnaud Gomes-do-Vale <arnaud at> - autoconf patches
Arwed v. Merkatz <v.merkatz at gmx dot net> - Gamma correction for adjust filter
Audrey Prevost <fee . clochette007 at wanadoo dot fr> - Help on french translation
Aurélien Nephtali <aurelien at sitadelle dot com> - Patch for modules/stream_output/rtp.c proper test for NULL. Fix crash in video filters error handling code in transcode. Fix telnet crash.
Basil Achermann <vlc at acherma dot com> - Patch to handle esc and space key events from VLCControl (OSX)
Barak Ori <barakori at gmail dot com> - Bidi fixes
Basil Achermann <vlc at acherma dot com> - Patch to handle esc and space key events from VLCControl (OSX)
Bayarsaikhan Enkhtaivan Баярсайхан Энхтайван <ebayaraa qt gmail d0t com> - Mongolian translation
Benjamin Mironer <bmironer at> - Mac OS X fixes
Benoit Steiner <benny at> - MPEG system input, network input
......@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ Bill C. Riemers <> - http access fixes
Bob Maguire <maguirer at rjmaguire dot com> - addition of some coontrols to the OSX interface
Brian C. Wiles - vlm schedule date fix
Brian Johnson <> - interface fix
Brian Robb <vascy at hotmail dot com> - win32 CD/DVD drive detection in wx, bug fixes
Brian Raymond <braymond at echostorm dot net> - Quicktime 404 error on RTSP SETUP fix
Brian Robb <vascy at hotmail dot com> - win32 CD/DVD drive detection in wx, bug fixes
Brieuc Jeunhomme <bbp at> - bug fixes
Bruno Queirós <brunoqueiros at portugalmail dot com> - Portuguese localisation
Bruno Vella <allevb at> - Italian localization
......@@ -68,44 +68,43 @@ Cédric Cocquebert - Misc opengl effects for the OpenGL Video Output. "Panoramix
Charles Hordis - QAM modulation on ATSC
Chris Clepper - OpenGL fix
Christian Henz - libupnp service discovery plugin, CyberLink UPnP fixes
Cristian Secară <cristi at secarica dot ro> - Romanian l10n
Christof Baumgaertner - dbox web intf
Christophe Burgalat <c.burgalat _at_ broadcastavenue _dot_ com> - XVMC (cle266) patch for VIA boards
Christopher Johnson <cjohnson at> - Qt fix in vlc.spec
Cian Duffy <cian at> - BeOS builds and maintener
Colin Simmonds <colin_simmonds at> - compile fix for Mac OS X
Cristian Secară <cristi at secarica dot ro> - Romanian l10n
Cyril Mathé <cmathe at actech-innovation dot com> - WebPlugin features and improvements
Damian Ivereigh <damian at> - ac3dec uninitialized data structure fix
Damien Fouilleul <damien.fouilleul at> - DirectShow input improvements
Daniel Dreibrodt, aka aLtgLasS <daniel d.t dreibrodt -@t- gmx d0t de> - VLC 0.8.5 default skin, skins, design and help on the forum and the wiki
Daniel Fischer <dan at subsignal dot org> - Shoutcast output support
Daniel Nylander <info @t danielnylander at se> - Swedish translation
Daniel Stränger <vlc at schmaller d0t de> - M3U, xtag and playlist improvements. Meta information core fixes. XSPF playlist support
Danko Dolch <info at dolchonline d0t net> - Icons and Design for Qt4 Interface
Danny Wood <danwood76 -- gmail | com> - Surround PulseAudio support.
David Flynn - Dirac video codec
David Kennedy <dkennedy at> - X11 fullscreen patch
Daniel Nylander <info @t danielnylander at se> - Swedish translation
David J LaBarre "DJ" - Forum help, moderation and support
David Thiel - security audit and report
David Weber <david_weber at> - Mac OS X interface design & graphics (v0.5.0)
Davor Orel <syntheticamac at> - Mac OS X icons
Dennis van Amerongen <Dennis dot vanAmerongen at nob dot nl> - x264 options unification
Dennis Lou <dlou99 at yahoo dot com> - ATSC support in the DVB module, MPEG2 support in the v4l2 module
Dennis van Amerongen <Dennis dot vanAmerongen at nob dot nl> - x264 options unification
Dermot McGahon <dermot at dspsrv dot com> - Bug fixes, RC interface loop and repeat
Diego Petteno <flameeyes at gentoo dot org> - remove usage of internal ffmpeg symbols, configure fixes
DirektX <direktx at> - Hungarian translation
Dominic Spitaler <Dominic dot Spitaler at gmx dot at> - Mac OS X Document Icons (v1.0)
Dominique Leuenberger <dominique-vlc dot suse at leuenberger dot net> - SuSE packaging
Dominique Leuenberger <dominique at leuenberger dot net> - xulrunner-1.9.1 patches
Dominique Leuenberger <dominique at leuenberger dot net> - SUSE Packaging, some patches
Dugal Harris - DirectShow fixes and MJPEG patches
Dylan Aïssi <aissi dot dylan at free dot fr> - French translation
Dylan Yudaken <dyudaken -- gmail # com> - hotkeys patch
Emmanuel Blindauer <manu at> - aRts audio output
Eric Dudiak <dudiak at gmail dot com> - Mac OS X Interface rework (GSoC 2008)
Enrico Gueli <e_gueli at> - Brightness threshold in adjust video filter
Enrique Osuna <enrique.osuna at> - Various bug fixes in libvlc. Major Mac OS X Framework improvements.
Eren Türkay <turkay dot eren \a/ gmail point com> - Speex boundary checks and security fix
Eric Adler <eric dot adler -- videoproductionsupport dot com> - Forum help and support, strings review
Eric Dudiak <dudiak at gmail dot com> - Mac OS X Interface rework (GSoC 2008)
Eric Lassauge <lassauge at users dot sf dot net> -- French translation
Espen Skoglund <esk at> - FreeBSD autoconf and Makefile patches
Ethan C. Baldridge <BaldridgeE at> - directory browsing code
......@@ -145,23 +144,23 @@ Jasper Alias <j.alias at>- Mozilla plugin toolbar
Javier Varela <tonxabar at> - Spanish translation
Jean-Alexis Montignies <ja at> - coreaudio multiple streams fix
Jean-Baptiste Le Stang <jp.lestand at> - Equalizer-GUI-fixes (OSX), Universal Binary Script
Jean-François Massol <jf.massol -<@t>> - Qt4 Sout work
Jean-Philippe André <jpeg at> - Qt bugs and improvements, various bugfixes, Zip access module
Jean-Philippe Grimaldi <jeanphi at> - bug fixes
Jean-Pierre Kuypers <Kuypers at> - French translation
Jeffrey Baker <jwbaker at> - port of the ALSA plugin to the ALSA 1.0 API
Jeroen Massar <jeroen at unfix dot org> - IPv6 hostname resolution fix
Jean-François Massol <jf.massol -<@t>> - Qt4 Sout work
Jérôme Guilbaud - Update of the WinAmp 5 VLC skin
Joel Arvidsson <dogai at> - Swedish translation
Joeri van Dooren <joeri at> - OS X icon (v0.4.0)
Joseph Tulou <brezhoneg1 at> - small dc1394 patch, image demuxer
Jörg<vlc-ml at aab.noctis dot de> - VLM seek/show media functions
Johannes Buchner <buchner.johannes at gmx dot at> - Hotkeys for zoom
Johen Michael Zorko <zorko at> - fix for delay issues in udp sout
Johnathan Rosser - Dirac video codec
John Dalgliesh <johnd at> - macosx interface playlist fix
John Paul Lorenti <jpl31 at> - ALSA device selection patch
Johnathan Rosser - Dirac video codec
Jonas Larsen <jonas at> - Danish translation
Jörg <vlc-ml at aab.noctis dot de> - VLM seek/show media functions
Joseph Tulou <brezhoneg1 at> - small dc1394 patch, image demuxer
Jouni Kähkönen - Finnish translation
Julien Blache <jb at> - disc ejection code
Julien Bouquillon <julien -- bouquillon ## com> - Forum support and a VLC JS library
......@@ -171,10 +170,10 @@ Kang Jeong-Hee <keizie at gmail dot com> - Korean translation
Kenneth Ostby <kenneo -at- idi -dot- ntnu -dot- no> - Audioscrobbler plugin
Kenneth Self <kens at campoz DoT. fslife _dOt co dOT- uk> - BDA capture plugin
Kevin H. Patterson <kevpatt at khptech dot com> - Theora framesize calculation
kty0ne - WinAmp 5 skin for VLC
K. Staring <qdk at quickdekay dot net> - RTSP rewind and fast-forward support
Koehler, Vitally <vkoehler AT telekom de> - solves the problem of audio packet losses by the playback of MPEG2 transport stream.
Konstanty Bialkowski <konstanty -|- ieee [] org> - improvements on mod files support
K. Staring <qdk at quickdekay dot net> - RTSP rewind and fast-forward support
kty0ne - WinAmp 5 skin for VLC
Lahiru Lakmal Priyadarshana <llahiru at gmail # com> - Qt4 patch
Laurent Jonqueres <laurent_jonqueres at> - Occitan localization
Laurent Mutricy <laurent.mutricy at ecl2005 dot ec-lyon dot fr> - HTTP interface fixes
......@@ -208,11 +207,11 @@ Meelad Zakaria <meelad at farsiweb dot info> - Persian localisation
Michael Mondragon <mammon at> - ncurses compilation fix
Michael Ploujnikov <ploujj at gmail dot com> - Spelling fix
Michał Trzebiatowski <hippie_1968 at hotmail dot com> - Polish translation
Michel Lanners <mlan at> - fixed typos and AltiVec detection
Mickael Hoerdt <hoerdt at> - IPv6 SSM multicast patch
Miguel Angel Cabrera <macabrera at> - RTMP access patch
Mike Schrag <mschrag at pobox dot com> - directx device selection
Mikko Hirvonen <masse at astro dot helsinki dot fi> - Firefox-1.5.x development configure patch
Michel Lanners <mlan at> - fixed typos and AltiVec detection
Miroslav Oujeský <oujesky at mail dot muni dot cz> - Czech translation
Mirsal Ennaime <mirsal.ennaime at gmail dot com> - D-Bus ameliorations
Moritz Bunkus <moritz at bunkus dot org> - Matroska patches
......@@ -229,10 +228,10 @@ Otto Kekäläinen <otto 4t sange d0t fi> - Finnish translation
Øyvind Kolbu <oyvindk at> - FreeBSD patches
Patrick Horn <patrickd0thorn at mindspring d0t com> - DirectShow patch
Patrick McLean <chutzpah at gentoo d0t org> - Libcdio update patch
Paul Corke <paul.corke at datatote dot co do uk> - pvr patch for newer ivtv drivers
Paul Corke <paul.corke at datatote dot co do uk> - dv patch to keep up with the hardware
Paul Mackerras <paulus at> - AltiVec IDCT and motion
Paul Corke <paul.corke at datatote dot co do uk> - pvr patch for newer ivtv drivers
Pauline Castets <pcastets at actech-innovation dot com> - NSIS fixes and i18n
Paul Mackerras <paulus at> - AltiVec IDCT and motion
Petr Vacek - FTP cleartext authentication
Philippe A. aka "Lotesdelère" - Numerous testing and bug reporting
Philippe Van Hecke <philippe at belnet dot be> - SAP header hash patch
......@@ -264,8 +263,8 @@ Simon Damkjær Andersen <simondamkjaer at> - playmode icons and the en
Soren Bog <avacore at videolan dot org> - dynamicoverlays
Srikanth Raju - Chorus flanger audio filter
Stefán Freyr Stefánsson <stefan.freyr -at-> - Qt4 speed slider
Steve Lhomme <steve dot lhomme at free dot fr> - MSVC fixes and Matroska enhancements
Steve Brown <sbrown at> - fix for optional PES size bug
Steve Lhomme <steve dot lhomme at free dot fr> - MSVC fixes and Matroska enhancements
Steven M. Schultz <sms at TO.GD-ES.COM> - BSD/OS port
Steven Sheehy - wxWidgets interface fix
Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000 at users.sourceforge dot net> - Japanese translation
......@@ -303,9 +302,9 @@ William Hawkins - Speex RTP payload format
Xavier Maillard <zedek at> - audio converters
Xavier Marchesini <xav at> - Win32 fixes
Xènia Albà Cantero <xenia_alba at> - Catalan translation
Ye zhang <yzhang90003 _at_ gmail dot com> - Fix for VLM RTSP concurent LEAVE make VLC crash
Yuehua Zhao <> - real video codec
Yves Duret <yves at> - RPM packages
Ye zhang <yzhang90003 _at_ gmail dot com> - Fix for VLM RTSP concurent LEAVE make VLC crash
Zhang Tong <admin at wisestudio dot org> - Chinese translation
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