Commit a3633b83 authored by Pierre d'Herbemont's avatar Pierre d'Herbemont

MacOSX/Framework/VLCMedia.m: Separate the different part by some nice...

MacOSX/Framework/VLCMedia.m: Separate the different part by some nice comments. Remove uneeded and complicated code in meta information retrieval. Use stringWithUT8String instead of stringWithCString.
parent 7bca27a5
......@@ -52,14 +52,36 @@ NSString *VLCMetaInformationTrackID = @"trackID";
/* Notification Messages */
NSString *VLCMediaMetaChanged = @"VLCMediaMetaChanged";
/* libvlc event callback */
* Interface (Private)
// TODO: Documentation
@interface VLCMedia (Private)
/* Statics */
+ (libvlc_meta_t)stringToMetaType:(NSString *)string;
+ (NSString *)metaTypeToString:(libvlc_meta_t)type;
/* Initializers */
- (void)initInternalMediaDescriptor;
/* Operations */
- (void)fetchMetaInformationFromLibVLCWithType:(NSString*)metaType;
- (void)fetchMetaInformationForArtWorkWithURL:(NSString *)anURL;
/* Callback Methods */
- (void)metaChanged:(NSString *)metaType;
* LibVLC Event Callback
static void HandleMediaMetaChanged(const libvlc_event_t *event, void *self)
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
[[VLCEventManager sharedManager] callOnMainThreadObject:self
withArgumentAsObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:(int)event->u.media_descriptor_meta_changed.meta_type]];
withArgumentAsObject:[VLCMedia metaTypeToString:event->u.media_descriptor_meta_changed.meta_type]];
[pool release];
......@@ -74,26 +96,9 @@ static void HandleMediaDurationChanged(const libvlc_event_t *event, void *self)
[pool release];
// TODO: Documentation
@interface VLCMedia (Private)
/* Statics */
+ (libvlc_meta_t)stringToMetaType:(NSString *)string;
+ (NSString *)metaTypeToString:(libvlc_meta_t)type;
/* Initializers */
- (void)initInternalMediaDescriptor;
/* Operations */
- (BOOL)setMetaValue:(char *)value forKey:(NSString *)key;
- (void)fetchMetaInformation;
- (void)fetchMetaInformationForArtWorkWithURL:(NSString *)anURL;
- (void)notifyChangeForKey:(NSString *)key withOldValue:(id)oldValue;
/* Callback Methods */
- (void)metaChanged:(NSNumber *)metaType;
* Implementation
@implementation VLCMedia
+ (id)mediaWithPath:(NSString *)aPath;
......@@ -102,7 +107,7 @@ static void HandleMediaDurationChanged(const libvlc_event_t *event, void *self)
+ (id)mediaWithURL:(NSURL *)aURL;
return [[[VLCMedia alloc] initWithPath:(id)[aURL path] autorelease];
return [[[VLCMedia alloc] initWithPath:(id)[aURL path]] autorelease];
- (id)initWithPath:(NSString *)aPath
......@@ -114,11 +119,11 @@ static void HandleMediaDurationChanged(const libvlc_event_t *event, void *self)
p_md = libvlc_media_descriptor_new([VLCLibrary sharedInstance],
[aURL cString],
[aPath UTF8String],
url = [aURL copy];
url = [aPath copy];
delegate = nil;
metaDictionary = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:3];
......@@ -166,9 +171,7 @@ static void HandleMediaDurationChanged(const libvlc_event_t *event, void *self)
- (NSString *)description
NSString *result = nil;
if (metaDictionary)
result = [metaDictionary objectForKey:VLCMetaInformationTitle];
NSString *result = [metaDictionary objectForKey:VLCMetaInformationTitle];
return (result ? result : url);
......@@ -209,8 +212,7 @@ static void HandleMediaDurationChanged(const libvlc_event_t *event, void *self)
- (VLCTime *)lengthWaitUntilDate:(NSDate *)aDate
#define CLOCK_FREQ 1000000
#define THREAD_SLEEP ((long long)(0.010*CLOCK_FREQ))
static const long long thread_sleep = 10000;
if (![url hasPrefix:@"file://"])
return [self length];
......@@ -218,7 +220,7 @@ static void HandleMediaDurationChanged(const libvlc_event_t *event, void *self)
while (!length && ![self isPreparsed] && [aDate timeIntervalSinceNow] > 0)
usleep( THREAD_SLEEP );
usleep( thread_sleep );
// So we're done waiting, but sometimes we trap the fact that the parsing
......@@ -227,8 +229,7 @@ static void HandleMediaDurationChanged(const libvlc_event_t *event, void *self)
if (!length)
return [self length];
return [[length retain] autorelease];
......@@ -253,6 +254,9 @@ static void HandleMediaDurationChanged(const libvlc_event_t *event, void *self)
* Implementation VLCMedia (LibVLCBridging)
@implementation VLCMedia (LibVLCBridging)
+ (id)mediaWithLibVLCMediaDescriptor:(void *)md
......@@ -287,6 +291,9 @@ static void HandleMediaDurationChanged(const libvlc_event_t *event, void *self)
* Implementation VLCMedia (Private)
@implementation VLCMedia (Private)
+ (libvlc_meta_t)stringToMetaType:(NSString *)string
......@@ -352,130 +359,78 @@ static void HandleMediaDurationChanged(const libvlc_event_t *event, void *self)
subitems = nil;
[subitems release];
subitems = [[VLCMediaList mediaListWithLibVLCMediaList:p_mlist] retain];
libvlc_media_list_release( p_mlist );
[self fetchMetaInformation];
/* Let's retrieve some info */
[self fetchMetaInformationFromLibVLCWithType: VLCMetaInformationTitle];
[self fetchMetaInformationFromLibVLCWithType: VLCMetaInformationAlbum];
[self fetchMetaInformationFromLibVLCWithType: VLCMetaInformationArtist];
- (BOOL)setMetaValue:(char *)value forKey:(NSString *)key
- (void)fetchMetaInformationFromLibVLCWithType:(NSString *)metaType
BOOL result = NO;
NSString *oldValue = [metaDictionary valueForKey:key];
if ((!oldValue && value) || (oldValue && !value) || (oldValue && value && [oldValue compare:[NSString stringWithCString:value]] != NSOrderedSame))
if (!metaDictionary)
metaDictionary = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:3];
if (value)
[metaDictionary setValue:[NSString stringWithCString:value] forKeyPath:key];
[metaDictionary setValue:nil forKeyPath:key];
if ([key compare:VLCMetaInformationArtworkURL] == NSOrderedSame)
char * psz_value = libvlc_media_descriptor_get_meta( p_md, [VLCMedia stringToMetaType:metaType], NULL);
NSString *newValue = psz_value ? [NSString stringWithUTF8String: psz_value] : nil;
NSString *oldValue = [metaDictionary valueForKey:metaType];
if ( !(newValue && oldValue && [oldValue compare:newValue] == NSOrderedSame) )
if ([metaType isEqualToString:VLCMetaInformationArtworkURL])
if ([metaDictionary valueForKey:VLCMetaInformationArtworkURL])
// Initialize a new thread
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(fetchMetaInformationForArtWorkWithURL:)
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(fetchMetaInformationForArtWorkWithURL:)
withObject:[metaDictionary valueForKey:VLCMetaInformationArtworkURL]];
@synchronized(metaDictionary) {
[metaDictionary setValue: newValue forKeyPath:metaType];
result = YES;
free( value );
return result;
- (void)fetchMetaInformation
// TODO: Only fetch meta data that has been requested. Just don't fetch
// it, just because.
[self setMetaValue:libvlc_media_descriptor_get_meta( p_md, libvlc_meta_Title, NULL ) forKey:[VLCMedia metaTypeToString:libvlc_meta_Title]];
[self setMetaValue:libvlc_media_descriptor_get_meta( p_md, libvlc_meta_Artist, NULL ) forKey:[VLCMedia metaTypeToString:libvlc_meta_Artist]];
[self setMetaValue:libvlc_media_descriptor_get_meta( p_md, libvlc_meta_ArtworkURL, NULL ) forKey:[VLCMedia metaTypeToString:libvlc_meta_ArtworkURL]];
- (void)fetchMetaInformationForArtWorkWithURL:(NSString *)anURL
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
// Go ahead and load up the art work
NSURL *artUrl = [NSURL URLWithString:[anURL stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
NSImage *art = [[[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:artUrl] autorelease];
// Go ahead and load up the art work
NSURL * artUrl = [NSURL URLWithString:[anURL stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
NSImage * art = [[[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:artUrl] autorelease];
// If anything was found, lets save it to the meta data dictionary
if (art)
[metaDictionary setObject:art forKey:VLCMetaInformationArtwork];
// Let the world know that there is new art work available
[self notifyChangeForKey:VLCMetaInformationArtwork withOldValue:nil];
// If anything was found, lets save it to the meta data dictionary
if (art)
[pool release];
@synchronized(metaDictionary) {
[metaDictionary setObject:art forKey:VLCMetaInformationArtwork];
- (void)notifyChangeForKey:(NSString *)key withOldValue:(id)oldValue
// Send out a formal notification
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:VLCMediaMetaChanged
userInfo:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
key, @"key",
oldValue, @"oldValue",
// Now notify the delegate
if (delegate && [delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(media:metaValueChangedFrom:forKey:)])
[delegate media:self metaValueChangedFrom:oldValue forKey:key];
[pool release];
- (void)metaChanged:(NSNumber *)metaType
- (void)metaChanged:(NSString *)metaType
// TODO: Only retrieve the meta that was changed
// Can we figure out what piece was changed instead of retreiving everything?
NSString *key = [VLCMedia metaTypeToString:[metaType intValue]];
id oldValue = (metaDictionary ? [metaDictionary valueForKey:key] : nil);
// Update the meta data
if ([self setMetaValue:libvlc_media_descriptor_get_meta(p_md, [metaType intValue], NULL) forKey:key])
// There was actually a change, send out the notifications
[self notifyChangeForKey:key withOldValue:oldValue];
[self fetchMetaInformationFromLibVLCWithType:metaType];
* Implementation VLCMedia (VLCMediaPlayerBridging)
@implementation VLCMedia (VLCMediaPlayerBridging)
- (void)setLength:(VLCTime *)value
if (length != value)
if (length && value && [length compare:value] == NSOrderedSame)
if (length && value && [length compare:value] == NSOrderedSame)
[self willChangeValueForKey:@"length"];
if (length) {
[length release];
length = nil;
if (value)
length = [value retain];
[self didChangeValueForKey:@"length"];
[self willChangeValueForKey:@"length"];
[length release];
length = value ? [value retain] : nil;
[self didChangeValueForKey:@"length"];
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