Commit 9d64d522 authored by Gildas Bazin's avatar Gildas Bazin

* ./include/vlc_threads.h: re-merged vlc_threads.h and threads_funcs.h.
parent 9b21679c
* threads_funcs.h : threads implementation for the VideoLAN client
* This header provides a portable threads implementation.
* Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 VideoLAN
* $Id: threads_funcs.h,v 1.5 2002/06/01 12:31:58 sam Exp $
* Authors: Jean-Marc Dressler <>
* Samuel Hocevar <>
* Gildas Bazin <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA.
* Function definitions
VLC_EXPORT( int, __vlc_threads_init, ( vlc_object_t * ) );
VLC_EXPORT( int, vlc_threads_end, ( void ) );
VLC_EXPORT( int, __vlc_mutex_init, ( vlc_object_t *, vlc_mutex_t * ) );
VLC_EXPORT( int, __vlc_mutex_destroy, ( char *, int, vlc_mutex_t * ) );
VLC_EXPORT( int, vlc_cond_init, ( vlc_cond_t * ) );
VLC_EXPORT( int, __vlc_cond_destroy, ( char *, int, vlc_cond_t * ) );
VLC_EXPORT( int, __vlc_thread_create, ( vlc_object_t *, char *, int, char *, void * ( * ) ( void * ), vlc_bool_t ) );
VLC_EXPORT( void, __vlc_thread_ready, ( vlc_object_t * ) );
VLC_EXPORT( void, __vlc_thread_join, ( vlc_object_t *, char *, int ) );
* vlc_threads_init: initialize threads system
#define vlc_threads_init( P_THIS ) \
__vlc_threads_init( CAST_TO_VLC_OBJECT(P_THIS) )
* vlc_mutex_init: initialize a mutex
#define vlc_mutex_init( P_THIS, P_MUTEX ) \
__vlc_mutex_init( CAST_TO_VLC_OBJECT(P_THIS), P_MUTEX )
* vlc_mutex_lock: lock a mutex
#ifdef DEBUG
# define vlc_mutex_lock( P_MUTEX ) \
__vlc_mutex_lock( __FILE__, __LINE__, P_MUTEX )
# define vlc_mutex_lock( P_MUTEX ) \
__vlc_mutex_lock( "(unknown)", 0, P_MUTEX )
static inline int __vlc_mutex_lock( char * psz_file, int i_line,
vlc_mutex_t *p_mutex )
#if defined( PTH_INIT_IN_PTH_H )
return pth_mutex_acquire( p_mutex, TRUE, NULL );
#elif defined( ST_INIT_IN_ST_H )
return st_mutex_lock( *p_mutex );
#elif defined( WIN32 )
if( p_mutex->mutex )
WaitForSingleObject( p_mutex->mutex, INFINITE );
EnterCriticalSection( &p_mutex->csection );
return 0;
#elif defined( PTHREAD_COND_T_IN_PTHREAD_H )
int i_return = pthread_mutex_lock( p_mutex );
if( i_return )
// msg_Err( "thread %d: mutex_lock failed at %s:%d (%s)",
// pthread_self(), psz_file, i_line, strerror(i_return) );
return i_return;
#elif defined( HAVE_CTHREADS_H )
mutex_lock( p_mutex );
return 0;
#elif defined( HAVE_KERNEL_SCHEDULER_H )
status_t err;
if( !p_mutex )
return B_BAD_VALUE;
if( p_mutex->init < 2000 )
return B_NO_INIT;
err = acquire_sem( p_mutex->lock );
return err;
* vlc_mutex_unlock: unlock a mutex
#ifdef DEBUG
# define vlc_mutex_unlock( P_MUTEX ) \
__vlc_mutex_unlock( __FILE__, __LINE__, P_MUTEX )
# define vlc_mutex_unlock( P_MUTEX ) \
__vlc_mutex_unlock( "(unknown)", 0, P_MUTEX )
static inline int __vlc_mutex_unlock( char * psz_file, int i_line,
vlc_mutex_t *p_mutex )
#if defined( PTH_INIT_IN_PTH_H )
return pth_mutex_release( p_mutex );
#elif defined( ST_INIT_IN_ST_H )
return st_mutex_unlock( *p_mutex );
#elif defined( WIN32 )
if( p_mutex->mutex )
ReleaseMutex( p_mutex->mutex );
LeaveCriticalSection( &p_mutex->csection );
return 0;
#elif defined( PTHREAD_COND_T_IN_PTHREAD_H )
int i_return = pthread_mutex_unlock( p_mutex );
if( i_return )
// msg_Err( "thread %d: mutex_unlock failed at %s:%d (%s)",
// pthread_self(), psz_file, i_line, strerror(i_return) );
return i_return;
#elif defined( HAVE_CTHREADS_H )
mutex_unlock( p_mutex );
return 0;
#elif defined( HAVE_KERNEL_SCHEDULER_H )
if( !p_mutex)
return B_BAD_VALUE;
if( p_mutex->init < 2000 )
return B_NO_INIT;
release_sem( p_mutex->lock );
return B_OK;
* vlc_mutex_destroy: destroy a mutex
#ifdef DEBUG
# define vlc_mutex_destroy( P_MUTEX ) \
__vlc_mutex_destroy( __FILE__, __LINE__, P_MUTEX )
# define vlc_mutex_destroy( P_MUTEX ) \
__vlc_mutex_destroy( "(unknown)", 0, P_MUTEX )
* vlc_cond_signal: start a thread on condition completion
static inline int vlc_cond_signal( vlc_cond_t *p_condvar )
#if defined( PTH_INIT_IN_PTH_H )
return pth_cond_notify( p_condvar, FALSE );
#elif defined( ST_INIT_IN_ST_H )
return st_cond_signal( *p_condvar );
#elif defined( WIN32 )
/* Release one waiting thread if one is available. */
/* For this trick to work properly, the vlc_cond_signal must be surrounded
* by a mutex. This will prevent another thread from stealing the signal */
PulseEvent( p_condvar->signal );
return 0;
#elif defined( PTHREAD_COND_T_IN_PTHREAD_H )
return pthread_cond_signal( p_condvar );
#elif defined( HAVE_CTHREADS_H )
/* condition_signal() */
if ( p_condvar->queue.head || p_condvar->implications )
cond_signal( (condition_t)p_condvar );
return 0;
#elif defined( HAVE_KERNEL_SCHEDULER_H )
if( !p_condvar )
return B_BAD_VALUE;
if( p_condvar->init < 2000 )
return B_NO_INIT;
while( p_condvar->thread != -1 )
thread_info info;
if( get_thread_info(p_condvar->thread, &info) == B_BAD_VALUE )
return 0;
if( info.state != B_THREAD_SUSPENDED )
/* The waiting thread is not suspended so it could
* have been interrupted beetwen the unlock and the
* suspend_thread line. That is why we sleep a little
* before retesting p_condver->thread. */
snooze( 10000 );
/* Ok, we have to wake up that thread */
resume_thread( p_condvar->thread );
return 0;
return 0;
* vlc_cond_broadcast: start all threads waiting on condition completion
* Only works with pthreads, you need to adapt it for others
static inline int vlc_cond_broadcast( vlc_cond_t *p_condvar )
#if defined( PTH_INIT_IN_PTH_H )
return pth_cond_notify( p_condvar, FALSE );
#elif defined( ST_INIT_IN_ST_H )
return st_cond_broadcast( p_condvar );
#elif defined( WIN32 )
/* Release all waiting threads. */
/* For this trick to work properly, the vlc_cond_signal must be surrounded
* by a mutex. This will prevent another thread from stealing the signal */
while( p_condvar->i_waiting_threads )
PulseEvent( p_condvar->signal );
Sleep( 1 ); /* deschedule the current thread */
return 0;
#elif defined( PTHREAD_COND_T_IN_PTHREAD_H )
return pthread_cond_broadcast( p_condvar );
#elif defined( HAVE_CTHREADS_H )
/* condition_signal() */
if ( p_condvar->queue.head || p_condvar->implications )
cond_signal( (condition_t)p_condvar );
return 0;
#elif defined( HAVE_KERNEL_SCHEDULER_H )
if( !p_condvar )
return B_BAD_VALUE;
if( p_condvar->init < 2000 )
return B_NO_INIT;
while( p_condvar->thread != -1 )
thread_info info;
if( get_thread_info(p_condvar->thread, &info) == B_BAD_VALUE )
return 0;
if( info.state != B_THREAD_SUSPENDED )
/* The waiting thread is not suspended so it could
* have been interrupted beetwen the unlock and the
* suspend_thread line. That is why we sleep a little
* before retesting p_condver->thread. */
snooze( 10000 );
/* Ok, we have to wake up that thread */
resume_thread( p_condvar->thread );
return 0;
return 0;
* vlc_cond_wait: wait until condition completion
#ifdef DEBUG
# define vlc_cond_wait( P_COND, P_MUTEX ) \
__vlc_cond_wait( __FILE__, __LINE__, P_COND, P_MUTEX )
# define vlc_cond_wait( P_COND, P_MUTEX ) \
__vlc_cond_wait( "(unknown)", 0, P_COND, P_MUTEX )
static inline int __vlc_cond_wait( char * psz_file, int i_line,
vlc_cond_t *p_condvar, vlc_mutex_t *p_mutex )
#if defined( PTH_INIT_IN_PTH_H )
return pth_cond_await( p_condvar, p_mutex, NULL );
#elif defined( ST_INIT_IN_ST_H )
int i_ret;
st_mutex_unlock( *p_mutex );
i_ret = st_cond_wait( *p_condvar );
st_mutex_lock( *p_mutex );
return i_ret;
#elif defined( WIN32 )
/* The ideal would be to use a function which atomically releases the
* mutex and initiate the waiting.
* Unfortunately only the SignalObjectAndWait function does this and it's
* only supported on WinNT/2K, furthermore it cannot take multiple
* events as parameters.
* The solution we use should however fulfill all our needs (even though
* it is not a correct pthreads implementation)
int i_result;
p_condvar->i_waiting_threads ++;
if( p_mutex->mutex )
p_mutex->SignalObjectAndWait( p_mutex->mutex, p_condvar->signal,
/* Release the mutex */
vlc_mutex_unlock( p_mutex );
i_result = WaitForSingleObject( p_condvar->signal, INFINITE);
p_condvar->i_waiting_threads --;
/* Reacquire the mutex before returning. */
vlc_mutex_lock( p_mutex );
return( i_result == WAIT_FAILED );
#elif defined( PTHREAD_COND_T_IN_PTHREAD_H )
# ifdef DEBUG
/* In debug mode, timeout */
struct timeval now;
struct timespec timeout;
int i_result;
for( ; ; )
gettimeofday( &now, NULL );
timeout.tv_sec = now.tv_sec + THREAD_COND_TIMEOUT;
timeout.tv_nsec = now.tv_usec * 1000;
i_result = pthread_cond_timedwait( p_condvar, p_mutex, &timeout );
if( i_result == ETIMEDOUT )
//X msg_Warn( "thread %d: possible deadlock detected "
//X "in cond_wait at %s:%d (%s)", pthread_self(),
//X psz_file, i_line, strerror(i_result) );
if( i_result )
//X msg_Err( "thread %d: cond_wait failed at %s:%d (%s)",
//X pthread_self(), psz_file, i_line, strerror(i_result) );
return( i_result );
# else
return pthread_cond_wait( p_condvar, p_mutex );
# endif
#elif defined( HAVE_CTHREADS_H )
condition_wait( (condition_t)p_condvar, (mutex_t)p_mutex );
return 0;
#elif defined( HAVE_KERNEL_SCHEDULER_H )
if( !p_condvar )
return B_BAD_VALUE;
if( !p_mutex )
return B_BAD_VALUE;
if( p_condvar->init < 2000 )
return B_NO_INIT;
/* The p_condvar->thread var is initialized before the unlock because
* it enables to identify when the thread is interrupted beetwen the
* unlock line and the suspend_thread line */
p_condvar->thread = find_thread( NULL );
vlc_mutex_unlock( p_mutex );
suspend_thread( p_condvar->thread );
p_condvar->thread = -1;
vlc_mutex_lock( p_mutex );
return 0;
* vlc_cond_destroy: destroy a condition
#ifdef DEBUG
# define vlc_cond_destroy( P_COND ) \
__vlc_cond_destroy( __FILE__, __LINE__, P_COND )
# define vlc_cond_destroy( P_COND ) \
__vlc_cond_destroy( "(unknown)", 0, P_COND )
* vlc_thread_create: create a thread
# define vlc_thread_create( P_THIS, PSZ_NAME, FUNC, WAIT ) \
__vlc_thread_create( CAST_TO_VLC_OBJECT(P_THIS), __FILE__, __LINE__, PSZ_NAME, (void * ( * ) ( void * ))FUNC, WAIT )
* vlc_thread_ready: tell the parent thread we were successfully spawned
# define vlc_thread_ready( P_THIS ) \
__vlc_thread_ready( CAST_TO_VLC_OBJECT(P_THIS) )
* vlc_thread_join: wait until a thread exits
#ifdef DEBUG
# define vlc_thread_join( P_THIS ) \
__vlc_thread_join( CAST_TO_VLC_OBJECT(P_THIS), __FILE__, __LINE__ )
# define vlc_thread_join( P_THIS ) \
__vlc_thread_join( CAST_TO_VLC_OBJECT(P_THIS), "(unknown)", 0 )
...@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ...@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* vlc.h: global header for vlc * vlc.h: global header for vlc
***************************************************************************** *****************************************************************************
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000 VideoLAN * Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000 VideoLAN
* $Id: vlc.h,v 1.1 2002/06/01 12:31:58 sam Exp $ * $Id: vlc.h,v 1.2 2002/06/02 13:38:03 gbazin Exp $
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
...@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ VLC_DECLARE_STRUCT(vlc_object) ...@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ VLC_DECLARE_STRUCT(vlc_object)
# include "modules.h" # include "modules.h"
# include "main.h" # include "main.h"
# include "configuration.h" # include "configuration.h"
# include "threads_funcs.h"
# include "vlc_objects.h" # include "vlc_objects.h"
#endif #endif
...@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ ...@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* Collection of useful common types and macros definitions * Collection of useful common types and macros definitions
***************************************************************************** *****************************************************************************
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000 VideoLAN * Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000 VideoLAN
* $Id: vlc_common.h,v 1.3 2002/06/01 18:04:48 sam Exp $ * $Id: vlc_common.h,v 1.4 2002/06/02 13:38:03 gbazin Exp $
* *
* Authors: Samuel Hocevar <> * Authors: Samuel Hocevar <>
* Vincent Seguin <> * Vincent Seguin <>
...@@ -180,13 +180,22 @@ VLC_DECLARE_STRUCT(bit_stream) ...@@ -180,13 +180,22 @@ VLC_DECLARE_STRUCT(bit_stream)
VLC_DECLARE_STRUCT(network_socket) VLC_DECLARE_STRUCT(network_socket)
* Plug-in stuff
#ifndef __PLUGIN__
# define VLC_EXPORT( type, name, args ) type name args;
# define VLC_EXPORT( type, name, args ) ;
extern module_symbols_t* p_symbols;
/***************************************************************************** /*****************************************************************************
* OS-specific headers and thread types * OS-specific headers and thread types
*****************************************************************************/ *****************************************************************************/
#if defined( WIN32 ) #if defined( WIN32 )
# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN # define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
# include <windows.h> # include <windows.h>
#endif #endif
#include "vlc_threads.h" #include "vlc_threads.h"
...@@ -540,12 +549,4 @@ typedef __int64 off_t; ...@@ -540,12 +549,4 @@ typedef __int64 off_t;
/***************************************************************************** /*****************************************************************************
* Plug-in stuff * Plug-in stuff
*****************************************************************************/ *****************************************************************************/
#ifndef __PLUGIN__
# define VLC_EXPORT( type, name, args ) type name args;
# define VLC_EXPORT( type, name, args ) ;
extern module_symbols_t* p_symbols;
#include "vlc_symbols.h" #include "vlc_symbols.h"
...@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ ...@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* This header provides a portable threads implementation. * This header provides a portable threads implementation.
***************************************************************************** *****************************************************************************
* Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 VideoLAN * Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 VideoLAN
* $Id: vlc_threads.h,v 1.1 2002/06/01 12:31:58 sam Exp $ * $Id: vlc_threads.h,v 1.2 2002/06/02 13:38:03 gbazin Exp $
* *
* Authors: Jean-Marc Dressler <> * Authors: Jean-Marc Dressler <>
* Samuel Hocevar <> * Samuel Hocevar <>
...@@ -103,6 +103,8 @@ typedef st_cond_t * vlc_cond_t; ...@@ -103,6 +103,8 @@ typedef st_cond_t * vlc_cond_t;
#elif defined( WIN32 ) #elif defined( WIN32 )
typedef HANDLE vlc_thread_t; typedef HANDLE vlc_thread_t;
typedef unsigned (__stdcall *PTHREAD_START) (void *);
typedef struct typedef struct
{ {
...@@ -117,8 +119,6 @@ typedef struct ...@@ -117,8 +119,6 @@ typedef struct
HANDLE signal; HANDLE signal;
} vlc_cond_t; } vlc_cond_t;
typedef unsigned (__stdcall *PTHREAD_START) (void *);
#elif defined( PTHREAD_COND_T_IN_PTHREAD_H ) #elif defined( PTHREAD_COND_T_IN_PTHREAD_H )
typedef pthread_t vlc_thread_t; typedef pthread_t vlc_thread_t;
typedef pthread_mutex_t vlc_mutex_t; typedef pthread_mutex_t vlc_mutex_t;
...@@ -167,3 +167,460 @@ typedef struct ...@@ -167,3 +167,460 @@ typedef struct
#endif #endif
* Function definitions
VLC_EXPORT( int, __vlc_threads_init, ( vlc_object_t * ) );
VLC_EXPORT( int, vlc_threads_end, ( void ) );
VLC_EXPORT( int, __vlc_mutex_init, ( vlc_object_t *, vlc_mutex_t * ) );
VLC_EXPORT( int, __vlc_mutex_destroy, ( char *, int, vlc_mutex_t * ) );
VLC_EXPORT( int, vlc_cond_init, ( vlc_cond_t * ) );
VLC_EXPORT( int, __vlc_cond_destroy, ( char *, int, vlc_cond_t * ) );
VLC_EXPORT( int, __vlc_thread_create, ( vlc_object_t *, char *, int, char *, void * ( * ) ( void * ), vlc_bool_t ) );
VLC_EXPORT( void, __vlc_thread_ready, ( vlc_object_t * ) );
VLC_EXPORT( void, __vlc_thread_join, ( vlc_object_t *, char *, int ) );
* vlc_threads_init: initialize threads system
#define vlc_threads_init( P_THIS ) \
__vlc_threads_init( CAST_TO_VLC_OBJECT(P_THIS) )
* vlc_mutex_init: initialize a mutex
#define vlc_mutex_init( P_THIS, P_MUTEX ) \
__vlc_mutex_init( CAST_TO_VLC_OBJECT(P_THIS), P_MUTEX )
* vlc_mutex_lock: lock a mutex
#ifdef DEBUG
# define vlc_mutex_lock( P_MUTEX ) \
__vlc_mutex_lock( __FILE__, __LINE__, P_MUTEX )
# define vlc_mutex_lock( P_MUTEX ) \
__vlc_mutex_lock( "(unknown)", 0, P_MUTEX )
static inline int __vlc_mutex_lock( char * psz_file, int i_line,
vlc_mutex_t *p_mutex )
#if defined( PTH_INIT_IN_PTH_H )
return pth_mutex_acquire( p_mutex, TRUE, NULL );
#elif defined( ST_INIT_IN_ST_H )
return st_mutex_lock( *p_mutex );
#elif defined( WIN32 )
if( p_mutex->mutex )
WaitForSingleObject( p_mutex->mutex, INFINITE );
EnterCriticalSection( &p_mutex->csection );
return 0;
#elif defined( PTHREAD_COND_T_IN_PTHREAD_H )
int i_return = pthread_mutex_lock( p_mutex );
if( i_return )
// msg_Err( "thread %d: mutex_lock failed at %s:%d (%s)",
// pthread_self(), psz_file, i_line, strerror(i_return) );
return i_return;
#elif defined( HAVE_CTHREADS_H )
mutex_lock( p_mutex );
return 0;
#elif defined( HAVE_KERNEL_SCHEDULER_H )
status_t err;
if( !p_mutex )
return B_BAD_VALUE;
if( p_mutex->init < 2000 )
return B_NO_INIT;
err = acquire_sem( p_mutex->lock );
return err;
* vlc_mutex_unlock: unlock a mutex
#ifdef DEBUG
# define vlc_mutex_unlock( P_MUTEX ) \
__vlc_mutex_unlock( __FILE__, __LINE__, P_MUTEX )
# define vlc_mutex_unlock( P_MUTEX ) \
__vlc_mutex_unlock( "(unknown)", 0, P_MUTEX )
static inline int __vlc_mutex_unlock( char * psz_file, int i_line,
vlc_mutex_t *p_mutex )
#if defined( PTH_INIT_IN_PTH_H )
return pth_mutex_release( p_mutex );
#elif defined( ST_INIT_IN_ST_H )
return st_mutex_unlock( *p_mutex );
#elif defined( WIN32 )
if( p_mutex->mutex )
ReleaseMutex( p_mutex->mutex );
LeaveCriticalSection( &p_mutex->csection );
return 0;
#elif defined( PTHREAD_COND_T_IN_PTHREAD_H )
int i_return = pthread_mutex_unlock( p_mutex );
if( i_return )
// msg_Err( "thread %d: mutex_unlock failed at %s:%d (%s)",
// pthread_self(), psz_file, i_line, strerror(i_return) );
return i_return;
#elif defined( HAVE_CTHREADS_H )
mutex_unlock( p_mutex );
return 0;
#elif defined( HAVE_KERNEL_SCHEDULER_H )
if( !p_mutex)
return B_BAD_VALUE;
if( p_mutex->init < 2000 )
return B_NO_INIT;
release_sem( p_mutex->lock );
return B_OK;
* vlc_mutex_destroy: destroy a mutex
#ifdef DEBUG
# define vlc_mutex_destroy( P_MUTEX ) \
__vlc_mutex_destroy( __FILE__, __LINE__, P_MUTEX )
# define vlc_mutex_destroy( P_MUTEX ) \
__vlc_mutex_destroy( "(unknown)", 0, P_MUTEX )
* vlc_cond_signal: start a thread on condition completion
static inline int vlc_cond_signal( vlc_cond_t *p_condvar )
#if defined( PTH_INIT_IN_PTH_H )
return pth_cond_notify( p_condvar, FALSE );
#elif defined( ST_INIT_IN_ST_H )
return st_cond_signal( *p_condvar );
#elif defined( WIN32 )
/* Release one waiting thread if one is available. */
/* For this trick to work properly, the vlc_cond_signal must be surrounded
* by a mutex. This will prevent another thread from stealing the signal */
PulseEvent( p_condvar->signal );
return 0;
#elif defined( PTHREAD_COND_T_IN_PTHREAD_H )
return pthread_cond_signal( p_condvar );
#elif defined( HAVE_CTHREADS_H )
/* condition_signal() */
if ( p_condvar->queue.head || p_condvar->implications )
cond_signal( (condition_t)p_condvar );
return 0;
#elif defined( HAVE_KERNEL_SCHEDULER_H )
if( !p_condvar )
return B_BAD_VALUE;
if( p_condvar->init < 2000 )
return B_NO_INIT;
while( p_condvar->thread != -1 )
thread_info info;
if( get_thread_info(p_condvar->thread, &info) == B_BAD_VALUE )
return 0;
if( info.state != B_THREAD_SUSPENDED )
/* The waiting thread is not suspended so it could
* have been interrupted beetwen the unlock and the
* suspend_thread line. That is why we sleep a little
* before retesting p_condver->thread. */
snooze( 10000 );
/* Ok, we have to wake up that thread */
resume_thread( p_condvar->thread );
return 0;
return 0;
* vlc_cond_broadcast: start all threads waiting on condition completion
* Only works with pthreads, you need to adapt it for others
static inline int vlc_cond_broadcast( vlc_cond_t *p_condvar )
#if defined( PTH_INIT_IN_PTH_H )
return pth_cond_notify( p_condvar, FALSE );
#elif defined( ST_INIT_IN_ST_H )
return st_cond_broadcast( p_condvar );
#elif defined( WIN32 )
/* Release all waiting threads. */
while( p_condvar->i_waiting_threads )
PulseEvent( p_condvar->signal );
Sleep( 1 ); /* deschedule the current thread */
return 0;
#elif defined( PTHREAD_COND_T_IN_PTHREAD_H )
return pthread_cond_broadcast( p_condvar );
#elif defined( HAVE_CTHREADS_H )
/* condition_signal() */
if ( p_condvar->queue.head || p_condvar->implications )
cond_signal( (condition_t)p_condvar );
return 0;
#elif defined( HAVE_KERNEL_SCHEDULER_H )
if( !p_condvar )
return B_BAD_VALUE;
if( p_condvar->init < 2000 )
return B_NO_INIT;
while( p_condvar->thread != -1 )
thread_info info;
if( get_thread_info(p_condvar->thread, &info) == B_BAD_VALUE )
return 0;
if( info.state != B_THREAD_SUSPENDED )
/* The waiting thread is not suspended so it could
* have been interrupted beetwen the unlock and the
* suspend_thread line. That is why we sleep a little
* before retesting p_condver->thread. */
snooze( 10000 );
/* Ok, we have to wake up that thread */
resume_thread( p_condvar->thread );
return 0;
return 0;
* vlc_cond_wait: wait until condition completion
#ifdef DEBUG
# define vlc_cond_wait( P_COND, P_MUTEX ) \
__vlc_cond_wait( __FILE__, __LINE__, P_COND, P_MUTEX )
# define vlc_cond_wait( P_COND, P_MUTEX ) \
__vlc_cond_wait( "(unknown)", 0, P_COND, P_MUTEX )
static inline int __vlc_cond_wait( char * psz_file, int i_line,
vlc_cond_t *p_condvar, vlc_mutex_t *p_mutex )
#if defined( PTH_INIT_IN_PTH_H )
return pth_cond_await( p_condvar, p_mutex, NULL );
#elif defined( ST_INIT_IN_ST_H )
int i_ret;
st_mutex_unlock( *p_mutex );
i_ret = st_cond_wait( *p_condvar );
st_mutex_lock( *p_mutex );
return i_ret;
#elif defined( WIN32 )
/* It is only possible to atomically release the mutex and initiate the
* waiting on WinNT/2K/XP. Win9x doesn't have SignalObjectAndWait().
int i_result;
p_condvar->i_waiting_threads ++;
if( p_mutex->mutex )
p_mutex->SignalObjectAndWait( p_mutex->mutex, p_condvar->signal,
/* Release the mutex */
vlc_mutex_unlock( p_mutex );
i_result = WaitForSingleObject( p_condvar->signal, INFINITE);
p_condvar->i_waiting_threads --;
/* Reacquire the mutex before returning. */
vlc_mutex_lock( p_mutex );
return( i_result == WAIT_FAILED );
#elif defined( PTHREAD_COND_T_IN_PTHREAD_H )
# ifdef DEBUG
/* In debug mode, timeout */
struct timeval now;
struct timespec timeout;
int i_result;
for( ; ; )
gettimeofday( &now, NULL );
timeout.tv_sec = now.tv_sec + THREAD_COND_TIMEOUT;
timeout.tv_nsec = now.tv_usec * 1000;
i_result = pthread_cond_timedwait( p_condvar, p_mutex, &timeout );
if( i_result == ETIMEDOUT )
//X msg_Warn( "thread %d: possible deadlock detected "
//X "in cond_wait at %s:%d (%s)", pthread_self(),
//X psz_file, i_line, strerror(i_result) );
if( i_result )
//X msg_Err( "thread %d: cond_wait failed at %s:%d (%s)",
//X pthread_self(), psz_file, i_line, strerror(i_result) );
return( i_result );
# else
return pthread_cond_wait( p_condvar, p_mutex );
# endif
#elif defined( HAVE_CTHREADS_H )
condition_wait( (condition_t)p_condvar, (mutex_t)p_mutex );
return 0;
#elif defined( HAVE_KERNEL_SCHEDULER_H )
if( !p_condvar )
return B_BAD_VALUE;
if( !p_mutex )
return B_BAD_VALUE;
if( p_condvar->init < 2000 )
return B_NO_INIT;
/* The p_condvar->thread var is initialized before the unlock because
* it enables to identify when the thread is interrupted beetwen the
* unlock line and the suspend_thread line */
p_condvar->thread = find_thread( NULL );
vlc_mutex_unlock( p_mutex );
suspend_thread( p_condvar->thread );
p_condvar->thread = -1;
vlc_mutex_lock( p_mutex );
return 0;
* vlc_cond_destroy: destroy a condition
#ifdef DEBUG
# define vlc_cond_destroy( P_COND ) \
__vlc_cond_destroy( __FILE__, __LINE__, P_COND )
# define vlc_cond_destroy( P_COND ) \
__vlc_cond_destroy( "(unknown)", 0, P_COND )
* vlc_thread_create: create a thread
# define vlc_thread_create( P_THIS, PSZ_NAME, FUNC, WAIT ) \
__vlc_thread_create( CAST_TO_VLC_OBJECT(P_THIS), __FILE__, __LINE__, PSZ_NAME, (void * ( * ) ( void * ))FUNC, WAIT )
* vlc_thread_ready: tell the parent thread we were successfully spawned
# define vlc_thread_ready( P_THIS ) \
__vlc_thread_ready( CAST_TO_VLC_OBJECT(P_THIS) )
* vlc_thread_join: wait until a thread exits
#ifdef DEBUG
# define vlc_thread_join( P_THIS ) \
__vlc_thread_join( CAST_TO_VLC_OBJECT(P_THIS), __FILE__, __LINE__ )
# define vlc_thread_join( P_THIS ) \
__vlc_thread_join( CAST_TO_VLC_OBJECT(P_THIS), "(unknown)", 0 )
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