Commit 83d312a5 authored by Ludovic Fauvet's avatar Ludovic Fauvet

msi: move disc associations on the bottom of the feature list

parent da22ebe3
......@@ -306,9 +306,6 @@
<ComponentRef Id='CompNpvlc' />
<Feature Id='DISCSPLAYBACK' Title='Discs Playback' Level='1' AllowAdvertise="no">
<ComponentRef Id='CompPlayDiscs' />
<Feature Id='FILEASSOCIATION' Title='File associations' Level='1' AllowAdvertise="no">
<Feature Id='VIDEOFILEASSOCIATION' Title='Video' Level='1' AllowAdvertise="no">
<ComponentRef Id='CompVideoFileAssociation' />
......@@ -320,6 +317,9 @@
<ComponentRef Id='CompOtherFileAssociation' />
<Feature Id='DISCSPLAYBACK' Title='Disc associations' Level='1' AllowAdvertise="no">
<ComponentRef Id='CompPlayDiscs' />
<UIRef Id="WixUI_Advanced" />
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