Commit 7bcedb58 authored by Christophe Massiot's avatar Christophe Massiot

* Added the possibility to select DVD menus with VIDEO_TS folder in the

  OS X open panel.
parent a7eb9fc8
......@@ -112,6 +112,7 @@
openDisc = id;
openDiscMenusChanged = id;
openDiscStepperChanged = id;
openDiscTypeChanged = id;
openFile = id;
......@@ -135,6 +136,7 @@
"o_disc_chapter_stp" = id;
"o_disc_device" = id;
"o_disc_device_lbl" = id;
"o_disc_dvd_menus" = id;
"o_disc_title" = id;
"o_disc_title_lbl" = id;
"o_disc_title_stp" = id;
......@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
<key>IBSystem Version</key>
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* open.h: MacOS X plugin for vlc
* Copyright (C) 2002 VideoLAN
* $Id: open.h,v 1.4 2002/12/30 23:45:21 massiot Exp $
* $Id: open.h,v 1.5 2003/01/05 02:39:48 massiot Exp $
* Authors: Jon Lech Johansen <>
......@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ NSArray *GetEjectableMediaOfClass( const char *psz_class );
IBOutlet id o_disc_chapter_stp;
IBOutlet id o_disc_videots_folder;
IBOutlet id o_disc_videots_btn_browse;
IBOutlet id o_disc_dvd_menus;
IBOutlet id o_net_mode;
IBOutlet id o_net_udp_port;
......@@ -85,6 +86,7 @@ NSArray *GetEjectableMediaOfClass( const char *psz_class );
- (IBAction)openDiscTypeChanged:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)openDiscStepperChanged:(id)sender;
- (void)openDiscInfoChanged:(NSNotification *)o_notification;
- (IBAction)openDiscMenusChanged:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)openVTSBrowse:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)openNet:(id)sender;
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* open.m: MacOS X plugin for vlc
* Copyright (C) 2002 VideoLAN
* $Id: open.m,v 1.5 2002/12/30 23:45:21 massiot Exp $
* $Id: open.m,v 1.6 2003/01/05 02:39:48 massiot Exp $
* Authors: Jon Lech Johansen <>
* Christophe Massiot <>
......@@ -154,11 +154,11 @@ NSArray *GetEjectableMediaOfClass( const char *psz_class )
[o_disc_title_lbl setStringValue: _NS("Title")];
[o_disc_chapter_lbl setStringValue: _NS("Chapter")];
[o_disc_videots_btn_browse setStringValue: _NS("Browse...")];
[o_disc_dvd_menus setTitle: _NS("Use DVD menus")];
[[o_disc_type cellAtRow:0 column:0] setTitle: _NS("DVD")];
[[o_disc_type cellAtRow:1 column:0] setTitle: _NS("DVD with menus")];
[[o_disc_type cellAtRow:0 column:0] setTitle: _NS("VIDEO_TS folder")];
[[o_disc_type cellAtRow:1 column:0] setTitle: _NS("DVD")];
[[o_disc_type cellAtRow:2 column:0] setTitle: _NS("VCD")];
[[o_disc_type cellAtRow:3 column:0] setTitle: _NS("VIDEO_TS folder")];
[o_net_udp_port_lbl setStringValue: _NS("Port")];
[o_net_udpm_addr_lbl setStringValue: _NS("Address")];
......@@ -299,40 +299,36 @@ NSArray *GetEjectableMediaOfClass( const char *psz_class )
- (IBAction)openDiscTypeChanged:(id)sender
NSString *o_type;
vlc_bool_t b_vts, b_device, b_title_chapter;
vlc_bool_t b_device, b_menus, b_title_chapter;
[o_disc_device removeAllItems];
b_title_chapter = ![o_disc_dvd_menus state];
o_type = [[o_disc_type selectedCell] title];
if ( [o_type isEqualToString: _NS("VIDEO_TS folder")] )
b_vts = 1; b_device = b_title_chapter = 0;
b_device = 0; b_menus = 1;
NSArray *o_devices;
NSString *o_disc;
const char *psz_class = NULL;
b_vts = 0; b_device = 1;
b_device = 1;
if ( [o_type isEqualToString: _NS("VCD")] )
psz_class = kIOCDMediaClass;
o_disc = o_type;
b_title_chapter = 1;
b_menus = 0; b_title_chapter = 1;
[o_disc_dvd_menus setState: FALSE];
else if ( [o_type isEqualToString: _NS("DVD")] )
psz_class = kIODVDMediaClass;
o_disc = o_type;
b_title_chapter = 1;
else /* DVD with menus */
psz_class = kIODVDMediaClass;
o_disc = _NS("DVD");
b_title_chapter = 0;
b_menus = 1;
o_devices = GetEjectableMediaOfClass( psz_class );
......@@ -365,8 +361,9 @@ NSArray *GetEjectableMediaOfClass( const char *psz_class )
[o_disc_title_stp setEnabled: b_title_chapter];
[o_disc_chapter setEnabled: b_title_chapter];
[o_disc_chapter_stp setEnabled: b_title_chapter];
[o_disc_videots_folder setEnabled: b_vts];
[o_disc_videots_btn_browse setEnabled: b_vts];
[o_disc_videots_folder setEnabled: !b_device];
[o_disc_videots_btn_browse setEnabled: !b_device];
[o_disc_dvd_menus setEnabled: b_menus];
[self openDiscInfoChanged: nil];
......@@ -394,12 +391,14 @@ NSArray *GetEjectableMediaOfClass( const char *psz_class )
NSString *o_videots;
NSString *o_mrl_string;
int i_title, i_chapter;
vlc_bool_t b_menus;
o_type = [[o_disc_type selectedCell] title];
o_device = [o_disc_device stringValue];
i_title = [o_disc_title intValue];
i_chapter = [o_disc_chapter intValue];
o_videots = [o_disc_videots_folder stringValue];
b_menus = [o_disc_dvd_menus state];
if ( [o_type isEqualToString: _NS("VCD")] )
......@@ -414,24 +413,32 @@ NSArray *GetEjectableMediaOfClass( const char *psz_class )
if ( [o_device isEqualToString:
[NSString stringWithFormat: _NS("No %@s found"), o_type]] )
o_device = @"";
if ( b_menus )
o_mrl_string = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"dvdplay://%@",
o_mrl_string = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"dvdold://%@@%i,%i",
o_device, i_title, i_chapter];
else if ( [o_type isEqualToString: _NS("DVD with menus")] )
if ( [o_device isEqualToString:
[NSString stringWithFormat: _NS("No %@s found"), _NS("DVD")]] )
o_device = @"";
o_mrl_string = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"dvdplay://%@", o_device];
else /* VIDEO_TS folder */
o_mrl_string = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"dvdread://%@", o_videots];
if ( b_menus )
o_mrl_string = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"dvdplay://%@",
o_mrl_string = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"dvdread://%@@%i,%i",
o_videots, i_title, i_chapter];
[o_mrl setStringValue: o_mrl_string];
- (IBAction)openDiscMenusChanged:(id)sender
[self openDiscInfoChanged: nil];
[self openDiscTypeChanged: nil];
- (IBAction)openNetModeChanged:(id)sender
NSString *o_mode;
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