Commit 738ebc3c authored by Francois Cartegnie's avatar Francois Cartegnie

demux: dash: drop broken BasicCMParser

parent e186a15e
......@@ -39,8 +39,6 @@ libdash_plugin_la_SOURCES = \
stream_filter/dash/mpd/AdaptationSet.cpp \
stream_filter/dash/mpd/AdaptationSet.h \
stream_filter/dash/mpd/BaseUrl.h \
stream_filter/dash/mpd/BasicCMParser.cpp \
stream_filter/dash/mpd/BasicCMParser.h \
stream_filter/dash/mpd/CommonAttributesElements.cpp \
stream_filter/dash/mpd/CommonAttributesElements.h \
stream_filter/dash/mpd/ContentDescription.cpp \
* BasicCMParser.cpp
* Copyright (C) 2010 - 2011 Klagenfurt University
* Created on: Aug 10, 2010
* Authors: Christopher Mueller <>
* Christian Timmerer <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
# include "config.h"
#include "BasicCMParser.h"
#include "mpd/ContentDescription.h"
#include "mpd/SegmentInfoDefault.h"
#include "mpd/SegmentTemplate.h"
#include "mpd/SegmentTimeline.h"
#include "xml/DOMHelper.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <sstream>
#include <vlc_strings.h>
#include <vlc_stream.h>
using namespace dash::mpd;
using namespace dash::xml;
BasicCMParser::BasicCMParser( Node *root_, stream_t *p_stream ) :
IMPDParser( root_, NULL, p_stream, NULL )
this->url = p_stream->psz_access;
this->url += "://";
//Only append without the mpd file.
std::string path = p_stream->psz_path;
size_t it = path.find_last_of( '/', path.length() - 1 );
if ( it != std::string::npos )
this->url.append( path, 0, it );
this->url += p_stream->psz_path;
this->url += '/';
BasicCMParser::~BasicCMParser ()
bool BasicCMParser::parse (Profile profile)
const std::map<std::string, std::string> attr = this->root->getAttributes();
mpd = new MPD(p_stream, profile);
std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it;
it = attr.find("mediaPresentationDuration");
Standard specifies a default of "On-Demand",
so anything that is not "Live" is "On-Demand"
it = attr.find( "availabilityStartTime" );
if ( it == attr.end() && this->mpd->isLive() == true )
msg_Err( p_stream, "An @availabilityStartTime attribute must be specified when"
" the stream @type is Live" );
return false;
if ( it != attr.end() )
struct tm t;
char *res = strptime( it->second.c_str(), "%Y-%m-%dT%T", &t );
if ( res == NULL )
if ( this->mpd->isLive() == true )
msg_Err( p_stream, "An @availabilityStartTime attribute must be specified when"
" the stream @type is Live" );
return false;
this->mpd->setAvailabilityStartTime( mktime( &t ) );
it = attr.find( "availabilityEndTime" );
if ( it != attr.end() )
struct tm t;
char *res = strptime( it->second.c_str(), "%Y-%m-%dT%T", &t );
if ( res != NULL )
this->mpd->setAvailabilityEndTime( mktime( &t ) );
it = attr.find( "mediaPresentationDuration" );
if ( it != attr.end() )
this->mpd->setDuration( str_duration( it->second.c_str() ) );
it = attr.find( "minimumUpdatePeriodMPD" );
if ( it != attr.end() )
this->mpd->setMinUpdatePeriod( str_duration( it->second.c_str() ) );
it = attr.find( "minBufferTime" );
if ( it != attr.end() )
this->mpd->setMinBufferTime( str_duration( it->second.c_str() ) );
if ( this->mpd->isLive() )
//This value is undefined when using type "On-Demand"
it = attr.find( "timeshiftBufferDepth" );
if ( it != attr.end() )
this->mpd->setTimeShiftBufferDepth( str_duration( it->second.c_str() ) );
this->mpd->setProgramInformation( this->parseProgramInformation() );
return true;
void BasicCMParser::parseSegmentTimeline(Node *node, SegmentInfoCommon *segmentInfo)
Node* segmentTimelineNode = DOMHelper::getFirstChildElementByName( node, "SegmentTimeline" );
if ( segmentTimelineNode )
SegmentTimeline *segmentTimeline = new SegmentTimeline;
std::vector<Node*> sNodes = DOMHelper::getChildElementByTagName( segmentTimelineNode, "S" );
std::vector<Node*>::const_iterator it = sNodes.begin();
std::vector<Node*>::const_iterator end = sNodes.end();
while ( it != end )
SegmentTimeline::Element* s = new SegmentTimeline::Element;
const std::map<std::string, std::string> sAttr = (*it)->getAttributes();
std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator sIt;
sIt = sAttr.find( "t" );
if ( sIt == sAttr.end() )
msg_Err( p_stream, "'t' attribute is mandatory for every SegmentTimeline/S element" );
delete s;
continue ;
s->t = atoll( sIt->second.c_str() );
sIt = sAttr.find( "d" );
if ( sIt == sAttr.end() )
msg_Err( p_stream, "'d' attribute is mandatory for every SegmentTimeline/S element" );
delete s;
continue ;
s->d = atoll( sIt->second.c_str() );
sIt = sAttr.find( "r" );
if ( sIt != sAttr.end() )
s->r = atoi( sIt->second.c_str() );
segmentTimeline->addElement( s );
segmentInfo->setSegmentTimeline( segmentTimeline );
void BasicCMParser::parseSegmentInfoCommon(Node *node, SegmentInfoCommon *segmentInfo)
const std::map<std::string, std::string> attr = node->getAttributes();
const std::vector<Node*> baseUrls = DOMHelper::getChildElementByTagName( node, "BaseURL" );
if ( baseUrls.size() > 0 )
std::vector<Node*>::const_iterator it = baseUrls.begin();
std::vector<Node*>::const_iterator end = baseUrls.end();
while ( it != end )
segmentInfo->appendBaseURL( (*it)->getText() );
std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it = attr.begin();
this->setInitSegment( node, segmentInfo );
it = attr.find( "duration" );
if ( it != attr.end() )
segmentInfo->setDuration( str_duration( it->second.c_str() ) );
it = attr.find( "startIndex" );
if ( it != attr.end() )
segmentInfo->setStartIndex( atoi( it->second.c_str() ) );
this->parseSegmentTimeline( node, segmentInfo );
void BasicCMParser::parseSegmentInfoDefault(Node *node, AdaptationSet *group)
Node* segmentInfoDefaultNode = DOMHelper::getFirstChildElementByName( node, "SegmentInfoDefault" );
if ( segmentInfoDefaultNode != NULL )
SegmentInfoDefault* segInfoDef = new SegmentInfoDefault;
this->parseSegmentInfoCommon( segmentInfoDefaultNode, segInfoDef );
group->setSegmentInfoDefault( segInfoDef );
void BasicCMParser::setAdaptationSets(Node *root, Period *period)
std::vector<Node *> adaptSets = DOMHelper::getElementByTagName(root, "AdaptationSet", false);
if ( adaptSets.size() == 0 ) //In some old file, AdaptationSet may still be called Group
adaptSets = DOMHelper::getElementByTagName(root, "Group", false);
for(size_t i = 0; i < adaptSets.size(); i++)
const std::map<std::string, std::string> attr =>getAttributes();
AdaptationSet *adaptSet = new AdaptationSet(period);
if ( this->parseCommonAttributesElements( i ), adaptSet, NULL ) == false )
delete adaptSet;
continue ;
std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it = attr.find( "subsegmentAlignmentFlag" );
if ( it != attr.end() && it->second == "true" )
adaptSet->setSubsegmentAlignmentFlag( true ); //Otherwise it is false by default.
this->parseSegmentInfoDefault( i ), adaptSet );
this->setRepresentations(, adaptSet);
void BasicCMParser::parseTrickMode(Node *node, Representation *repr)
std::vector<Node *> trickModes = DOMHelper::getElementByTagName(node, "TrickMode", false);
if ( trickModes.size() == 0 )
return ;
if ( trickModes.size() > 1 )
msg_Err( p_stream, "More than 1 TrickMode element. Only the first one will be used." );
Node* trickModeNode = trickModes[0];
TrickModeType *trickMode = new TrickModeType;
const std::map<std::string, std::string> attr = trickModeNode->getAttributes();
std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it = attr.find( "alternatePlayoutRate" );
if ( it != attr.end() )
trickMode->setAlternatePlayoutRate( atoi( it->second.c_str() ) );
repr->setTrickMode( trickMode );
void BasicCMParser::setRepresentations (Node *root, AdaptationSet *group)
std::vector<Node *> representations = DOMHelper::getElementByTagName(root, "Representation", false);
for(size_t i = 0; i < representations.size(); i++)
const std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes =>getAttributes();
Representation *rep = new Representation(group, getMPD());
this->currentRepresentation = rep;
if ( this->parseCommonAttributesElements( i ), rep, group ) == false )
delete rep;
continue ;
std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it;
it = attributes.find( "id" );
if ( it == attributes.end() )
msg_Err( p_stream, "Missing mandatory attribute for Representation: @id" );
rep->setId( it->second );
it = attributes.find( "bandwidth" );
if ( it == attributes.end() )
msg_Err( p_stream, "Missing mandatory attribute for Representation: @bandwidth" );
delete rep;
continue ;
rep->setBandwidth( atoi( it->second.c_str() ) );
it = attributes.find( "qualityRanking" );
if ( it != attributes.end() )
rep->setQualityRanking( atoi( it->second.c_str() ) );
it = attributes.find( "dependencyId" );
if ( it != attributes.end() )
this->handleDependencyId( rep, group, it->second );
if ( this->setSegmentInfo(, rep ) == false )
delete rep;
continue ;
void BasicCMParser::handleDependencyId(Representation *rep, const AdaptationSet *adaptationSet, const std::string &dependencyId )
if ( dependencyId.empty() == true )
return ;
std::istringstream s( dependencyId );
while ( s )
std::string id;
s >> id;
const Representation *dep = adaptationSet->getRepresentationById( id );
if ( dep )
rep->addDependency( dep );
bool BasicCMParser::setSegmentInfo (Node *root, Representation *rep)
Node *segmentInfo = DOMHelper::getFirstChildElementByName( root, "SegmentInfo");
if ( segmentInfo )
SegmentInfo *info = new SegmentInfo(rep);
this->parseSegmentInfoCommon( segmentInfo, info );
//If we don't have any segment, there's no point keeping this SegmentInfo.
if ( this->setSegments( segmentInfo, info ) == false )
delete info;
return false;
rep->setSegmentInfo( info );
return true;
msg_Err( p_stream, "Missing mandatory element: Representation/SegmentInfo" );
return false;
Segment* BasicCMParser::parseSegment( Node* node, bool init )
const std::map<std::string, std::string> attr = node->getAttributes();
std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it;
bool isTemplate = false;
Segment* seg = NULL;
if ( node->getName() == "UrlTemplate" )
isTemplate = true;
it = attr.find( "sourceURL" );
//FIXME: When not present, the sourceUrl attribute should be computed
//using BaseURL and the range attribute.
if ( it != attr.end() )
std::string url = it->second;
bool runtimeToken = false;
if ( isTemplate == true )
if ( this->resolveUrlTemplates( url, runtimeToken ) == false )
msg_Err( p_stream, "Failed to substitute URLTemplate identifier." );
return NULL;
seg = new SegmentTemplate( currentRepresentation );
if ( init )
seg = new InitSegment( currentRepresentation );
seg = new Segment( currentRepresentation );
if ( url.find( this->p_stream->psz_access ) != 0 ) //Relative url
url = this->url + url;
seg->setSourceUrl( url );
return seg;
ProgramInformation* BasicCMParser::parseProgramInformation()
Node* pInfoNode = DOMHelper::getFirstChildElementByName( this->root, "ProgramInformation" );
if ( pInfoNode == NULL )
return NULL;
ProgramInformation *pInfo = new ProgramInformation;
const std::map<std::string, std::string> attr = pInfoNode->getAttributes();
std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it;
it = attr.find( "moreInformationURL" );
if ( it != attr.end() )
pInfo->setMoreInformationUrl( it->second );
Node* title = DOMHelper::getFirstChildElementByName( pInfoNode, "Title" );
if ( title )
pInfo->setTitle( title->getText() );
Node* source = DOMHelper::getFirstChildElementByName( pInfoNode, "Source" );
if ( source )
pInfo->setSource( source->getText() );
Node* copyright = DOMHelper::getFirstChildElementByName( pInfoNode, "copyright" );
if ( copyright )
pInfo->setCopyright( copyright->getText() );
return pInfo;
void BasicCMParser::setInitSegment (Node *root, SegmentInfoCommon *info)
const std::vector<Node *> initSeg = DOMHelper::getChildElementByTagName(root, "InitialisationSegmentURL");
if ( initSeg.size() > 1 )
msg_Err( p_stream, "There could be at most one InitialisationSegmentURL per SegmentInfo"
" other InitialisationSegmentURL will be dropped." );
if ( initSeg.size() == 1 )
Segment *seg = parseSegment(, true );
if ( seg != NULL )
info->setInitialisationSegment( seg );
bool BasicCMParser::setSegments (Node *root, SegmentInfo *info)
std::vector<Node *> segments = DOMHelper::getElementByTagName( root, "Url", false );
std::vector<Node *> segmentsTemplates = DOMHelper::getElementByTagName( root, "UrlTemplate", false );
if ( segments.size() == 0 && segmentsTemplates.size() == 0 )
return false;
segments.insert( segments.end(), segmentsTemplates.begin(), segmentsTemplates.end() );
for(size_t i = 0; i < segments.size(); i++)
Segment* seg = parseSegment( i ) );
if ( seg == NULL )
continue ;
return true;
bool BasicCMParser::resolveUrlTemplates( std::string &url, bool &containRuntimeToken )
size_t it = url.find( '$' );
containRuntimeToken = false;
while ( it != std::string::npos )
size_t closing = url.find( '$', it + 1 );
if ( closing == std::string::npos )
msg_Err( p_stream, "Unmatched '$' in url template: %s", url.c_str() );
return false;
std::string token = std::string( url, it, closing - it + 1 );
if ( token == "$$" )
url.replace( it, token.length(), "$" );
it = closing + 1;
else if ( token == "$RepresentationID$" )
if ( this->currentRepresentation->getId().empty() == false )
msg_Err( p_stream, "Representation doesn't have an ID. Can't substitute"
" identifier $RepresentationID$" );
return false;
url.replace( it, token.length(), this->currentRepresentation->getId() );
it = it + this->currentRepresentation->getId().length();
else if ( token == "$Bandwidth$" )
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << this->currentRepresentation->getBandwidth();
url.replace( it, token.length(), oss.str() );
it = it + oss.str().length();
if ( token == "$Index$" || token == "$Time$" )
containRuntimeToken = true;
it = it + token.length();
msg_Err( p_stream, "Unhandled token %s", token.c_str() );
return false;
it = url.find( '$', it );
return true;
void BasicCMParser::parseContentDescriptor(Node *node, const std::string &name, void (CommonAttributesElements::*addPtr)(ContentDescription *), CommonAttributesElements *self) const
std::vector<Node*> descriptors = DOMHelper::getChildElementByTagName( node, name );
if ( descriptors.empty() == true )
return ;
std::vector<Node*>::const_iterator it = descriptors.begin();
std::vector<Node*>::const_iterator end = descriptors.end();
while ( it != end )
const std::map<std::string, std::string> attr = (*it)->getAttributes();
std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator itAttr = attr.find( "schemeIdUri" );
if ( itAttr == attr.end() )
continue ;
ContentDescription *desc = new ContentDescription;
desc->setSchemeIdUri( itAttr->second );
Node *schemeInfo = DOMHelper::getFirstChildElementByName( node, "SchemeInformation" );
if ( schemeInfo != NULL )
desc->setSchemeInformation( schemeInfo->getText() );
(self->*addPtr)( desc );
bool BasicCMParser::parseCommonAttributesElements( Node *node, CommonAttributesElements *common, CommonAttributesElements *parent ) const
const std::map<std::string, std::string> &attr = node->getAttributes();
std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it;
//Parse mandatory elements first.
it = attr.find( "mimeType" );
if ( it == attr.end() )
if ( parent && parent->getMimeType().empty() == false )
common->setMimeType( parent->getMimeType() );
else if ( node->getName().find( "Representation" ) != std::string::npos )
msg_Err( p_stream, "Missing mandatory attribute: @mimeType" );
return false;
common->setMimeType( it->second );
//Everything else is optionnal.
it = attr.find( "width" );
if ( it != attr.end() )
common->setWidth( atoi( it->second.c_str() ) );
it = attr.find( "height" );
if ( it != attr.end() )
common->setHeight( atoi( it->second.c_str() ) );
it = attr.find( "parx" );
if ( it != attr.end() )
common->setParX( atoi( it->second.c_str() ) );
it = attr.find( "pary" );
if ( it != attr.end() )
common->setParY( atoi( it->second.c_str() ) );
it = attr.find( "frameRate" );
if ( it != attr.end() )
common->setFrameRate( atoi( it->second.c_str() ) );
it = attr.find( "lang" );
if ( it != attr.end() && it->second.empty() == false )
std::istringstream s( it->second );
while ( s )
std::string lang;
s >> lang;
common->addLang( lang );
it = attr.find( "numberOfChannels" );
if ( it != attr.end() )
std::istringstream s( it->second );
while ( s )
std::string channel;
s >> channel;
common->addChannel( channel );
it = attr.find( "samplingRate" );
if ( it != attr.end() )
std::istringstream s( it->second );
while ( s )
int rate;
s >> rate;
common->addSampleRate( rate );
this->parseContentDescriptor( node, "ContentProtection",
common );
this->parseContentDescriptor( node, "Accessibility",
common );
this->parseContentDescriptor( node, "Rating",
&CommonAttributesElements::addRating, common );
this->parseContentDescriptor( node, "Viewpoint",
&CommonAttributesElements::addViewpoint, common );
//FIXME: Handle : group, maximumRAPPeriod startWithRAP attributes
//FIXME: Handle : ContentProtection Accessibility Rating Viewpoing MultipleViews elements
return true;
* BasicCMParser.h
* Copyright (C) 2010 - 2011 Klagenfurt University
* Created on: Aug 10, 2010
* Authors: Christopher Mueller <>
* Christian Timmerer <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "xml/Node.h"
#include "mpd/IMPDParser.h"
#include "mpd/AdaptationSet.h"
#include "mpd/BaseUrl.h"
#include "mpd/SegmentInfo.h"
#include "mpd/Segment.h"
struct stream_t;
namespace dash
namespace mpd
class BasicCMParser : public IMPDParser
BasicCMParser( dash::xml::Node *root, stream_t *p_stream );
virtual ~BasicCMParser();
bool parse (Profile profile);
void handleDependencyId( Representation* rep, const AdaptationSet* adaptationSet, const std::string& dependencyId );
void parseSegmentTimeline( xml::Node* node, SegmentInfoCommon *segmentInfo );
void parseSegmentInfoCommon( xml::Node* node, SegmentInfoCommon *segmentInfo );
void parseSegmentInfoDefault( xml::Node* node, AdaptationSet* group );
void setAdaptationSets (dash::xml::Node *root, Period *period);
void parseTrickMode( dash::xml::Node *node, Representation *repr );
void setRepresentations (dash::xml::Node *root, AdaptationSet *group);
bool setSegmentInfo (dash::xml::Node *root, Representation *rep);
void setInitSegment (dash::xml::Node *root, SegmentInfoCommon *info);
bool setSegments (dash::xml::Node *root, SegmentInfo *info );
bool resolveUrlTemplates( std::string &url, bool &containRuntimeToken );
void parseContentDescriptor( xml::Node *node, const std::string &name,
void (CommonAttributesElements::*addPtr)(ContentDescription*),
CommonAttributesElements *self ) const;
bool parseCommonAttributesElements( dash::xml::Node *node,
CommonAttributesElements *common,
CommonAttributesElements *parent ) const;
Segment* parseSegment( xml::Node* node, bool init = false );
ProgramInformation* parseProgramInformation();
std::string url;
#endif /* BASICCMPARSER_H_ */
......@@ -37,9 +37,6 @@ MPD* MPDFactory::create (dash::xml::Node *root, stream_t *p_stream,
switch( profile )
case Profile::Full:
parser = new BasicCMParser(root, p_stream);
case Profile::ISOOnDemand:
case Profile::ISOMain:
case Profile::ISOLive:
......@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
#include "mpd/MPD.h"
#include "mpd/BasicCMParser.h"
#include "mpd/IsoffMainParser.h"
namespace dash
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