Commit 710c2084 authored by Antoine Cellerier's avatar Antoine Cellerier Committed by Jean-Paul Saman

Add a bunch of MPEG4 fourccs. Not sure if they'll decode fine.

Signed-off-by: Jean-Paul Saman's avatarJean-Paul Saman <>
parent beec7a39
......@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ void __PrintAvailableAlgorithms( vlc_object_t *p_this, const char *psz_engine )
const char **psz_type = (const char **)info.typeTab;
msg_Dbg( p_this, " %d: %s (%s)", i,, info.isLocal?"local":"remote" );
if( *psz_type )
if( *psz_type && **psz_type )
msg_Dbg( p_this, " Inheritance hierarchy:" );
for( ; !*psz_type; psz_type++ )
......@@ -119,7 +119,39 @@ extern const char *ppsz_engine_error[];
case VLC_FOURCC('h','d','x','4'): \
case VLC_FOURCC('S','M','P','4'): \
case VLC_FOURCC('f','v','f','w'): \
case VLC_FOURCC('F','V','F','W'):
case VLC_FOURCC('F','V','F','W'): \
/* MSMPEG4 v1 (Not sure that we should include these) */ \
case VLC_FOURCC('D','I','V','1'): \
case VLC_FOURCC('d','i','v','1'): \
case VLC_FOURCC('M','P','G','4'): \
case VLC_FOURCC('m','p','g','4'): \
/* MSMPEG4 v2 (Not sure that we should include these) */ \
case VLC_FOURCC('D','I','V','2'): \
case VLC_FOURCC('d','i','v','2'): \
case VLC_FOURCC('M','P','4','2'): \
case VLC_FOURCC('m','p','4','2'): \
/* MSMPEG4 v3 (Not sure that we should include these) */ \
case VLC_FOURCC('M','P','G','3'): \
case VLC_FOURCC('m','p','g','3'): \
case VLC_FOURCC('d','i','v','3'): \
case VLC_FOURCC('M','P','4','3'): \
case VLC_FOURCC('m','p','4','3'): \
case VLC_FOURCC('D','I','V','3'): \
case VLC_FOURCC('D','I','V','4'): \
case VLC_FOURCC('d','i','v','4'): \
case VLC_FOURCC('D','I','V','5'): \
case VLC_FOURCC('d','i','v','5'): \
case VLC_FOURCC('D','I','V','6'): \
case VLC_FOURCC('d','i','v','6'): \
case VLC_FOURCC('C','O','L','1'): \
case VLC_FOURCC('c','o','l','1'): \
case VLC_FOURCC('C','O','L','0'): \
case VLC_FOURCC('c','o','l','0'): \
case VLC_FOURCC('A','P','4','1'): \
case VLC_FOURCC('3','I','V','D'): \
case VLC_FOURCC('3','i','v','d'): \
case VLC_FOURCC('3','V','I','D'): \
case VLC_FOURCC('3','v','i','d'):
#define CASE_H264 \
case VLC_FOURCC('a','v','c','1'): \
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