Commit 6d2465be authored by Christophe Mutricy's avatar Christophe Mutricy

l10n: Czech update by Tomáš Chvátal

parent d7d95596
......@@ -246,6 +246,7 @@ Thomas L. Wood <twood at> - fixed a bug in QuantMatrixExtension
Thomas Mühlgrabner <muehltom &t cable d0t vol dot at> - AAC fixes.
Thomas Parmelan <tom+vlc at> - mosaic user-defined offsets for substreams
Tom Bigelajzen <tombigel at yahoo d0t com> - Interface icons and help with web design
Tomáš Chvátal <tomas d0t chvatal 4t gmail d0t com> - Czech Localisation
Tong Ka Man <kmtong at cwbase dot com> - playlist_Clear addition
Torsten Spindler <spindler at tspindler dot de> - Script to set vlc as default player on GNOME desktops.
Udo Richter <udo underscore richter at gmx dot de> - Trancode padding / cropping
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