Commit 6a540902 authored by Rémi Duraffort's avatar Rémi Duraffort

Fix variables types.

(cherry picked from commit b9dc215e)
Signed-off-by: default avatarRémi Duraffort <>
parent 75895849
......@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ static int Open( vlc_object_t *p_this )
free( psz_src );
if( var_InheritInteger( p_intf, "http-album-art" ) )
if( var_InheritBool( p_intf, "http-album-art" ) )
/* FIXME: we're leaking h */
httpd_handler_sys_t *h = malloc( sizeof( httpd_handler_sys_t ) );
......@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ static void FindLength( demux_t *p_demux )
int64_t i_current_pos = -1, i_size = 0, i_end = 0;
int i;
if( !var_CreateGetInteger( p_demux, "ps-trust-timestamps" ) )
if( !var_CreateGetBool( p_demux, "ps-trust-timestamps" ) )
if( p_sys->i_length == -1 ) /* First time */
......@@ -319,11 +319,11 @@ static int Open( vlc_object_t *p_this )
p_sys->pi_fd = NULL;
p_sys->i_fd = 0;
p_sys->b_strict = var_CreateGetInteger( p_sd, "sap-strict");
p_sys->b_parse = var_CreateGetInteger( p_sd, "sap-parse" );
p_sys->b_strict = var_CreateGetBool( p_sd, "sap-strict");
p_sys->b_parse = var_CreateGetBool( p_sd, "sap-parse" );
#if 0
if( var_CreateGetInteger( p_sd, "sap-cache" ) )
if( var_CreateGetBool( p_sd, "sap-cache" ) )
CacheLoad( p_sd );
......@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ static int OpenDemux( vlc_object_t *p_this )
int errval = VLC_EGENERIC;
size_t i_len;
if( !var_CreateGetInteger( p_demux, "sap-parse" ) )
if( !var_CreateGetBool( p_demux, "sap-parse" ) )
/* We want livedotcom module to parse this SDP file */
......@@ -495,14 +495,14 @@ static void *Run( void *data )
* Winsock 1.1 from Windows 95, if not Windows 3.1.
* Anyway, to avoid a 30 seconds delay for failed IPv6 socket creation,
* we have to open sockets in Run() rather than Open(). */
if( var_CreateGetInteger( p_sd, "sap-ipv4" ) )
if( var_CreateGetBool( p_sd, "sap-ipv4" ) )
InitSocket( p_sd, SAP_V4_GLOBAL_ADDRESS, SAP_PORT );
InitSocket( p_sd, SAP_V4_ORG_ADDRESS, SAP_PORT );
InitSocket( p_sd, SAP_V4_LOCAL_ADDRESS, SAP_PORT );
InitSocket( p_sd, SAP_V4_LINK_ADDRESS, SAP_PORT );
if( var_CreateGetInteger( p_sd, "sap-ipv6" ) )
if( var_CreateGetBool( p_sd, "sap-ipv6" ) )
char psz_address[NI_MAXNUMERICHOST] = "ff02::2:7ffe%";
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