Commit 62282b6d authored by Felix Paul Kühne's avatar Felix Paul Kühne

macosx: Multiple GUI improvements follow j-b's and my approach to synchronise...

macosx: Multiple GUI improvements follow j-b's and my approach to synchronise the QT4 and OSX intfs, more to come
- "Use DVD Menus" is inverted now, so it's "No DVD Menus"
- 3 dots at the end of a menu-item's caption mean that the entry will trigger a window (following Apple's HIGL)
- removed the entries for "Report a Bug" and "License". The first isn't necessary as we got enough of them and users doing useable reports know how to do, the latter will re-appear in the to-be-re-designed About panel.
- additionally, removed useless occurences of vlc_bool_t in favour of BOOL
- preparations to add fps to Statistics
parent a7c86cab
......@@ -144,6 +144,8 @@
"o_description_txt" = id;
"o_displayed_lbl" = id;
"o_displayed_txt" = id;
"o_fps_lbl" = id;
"o_fps_txt" = id;
"o_genre_lbl" = id;
"o_genre_txt" = id;
"o_info_window" = id;
......@@ -199,11 +201,9 @@
openDocumentation = id;
openDonate = id;
openForum = id;
openLicense = id;
openReadMe = id;
openRecentItem = id;
openWebsite = id;
reportABug = id;
showBookmarks = id;
showExtended = id;
showMessagesPanel = id;
......@@ -270,7 +270,6 @@
"o_mi_hide" = id;
"o_mi_hide_others" = id;
"o_mi_info" = id;
"o_mi_license" = id;
"o_mi_loop" = id;
"o_mi_messages" = id;
"o_mi_minimize" = id;
......@@ -293,7 +292,6 @@
"o_mi_random" = id;
"o_mi_readme" = id;
"o_mi_repeat" = id;
"o_mi_reportabug" = id;
"o_mi_screen" = id;
"o_mi_select_all" = id;
"o_mi_services" = id;
......@@ -25,13 +25,14 @@
<key>IBSystem Version</key>
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>-8 61 505 517 0 0 800 578 </string>
<key>IBFramework Version</key>
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
<key>IBSystem Version</key>
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
productName = vlc;
productReference = 014CEA410018CDE011CA2923 /* VLC.bundle */;
productSettingsXML = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC \"-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN\" \"\">
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC \"-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN\" \"\">
<plist version=\"1.0\">
......@@ -1312,12 +1312,10 @@
089C1669FE841209C02AAC07 /* Project object */ = {
isa = PBXProject;
buildConfigurationList = C2F2A6EA09588F1B00018C74 /* Build configuration list for PBXProject "vlc" */;
compatibilityVersion = "Xcode 2.4";
hasScannedForEncodings = 1;
mainGroup = 089C166AFE841209C02AAC07 /* vlc */;
projectDirPath = "";
projectRoot = ../..;
shouldCheckCompatibility = 1;
targets = (
089C1673FE841209C02AAC07 /* vlc */,
......@@ -255,9 +255,7 @@ struct intf_sys_t
IBOutlet id o_mu_help;
IBOutlet id o_mi_readme;
IBOutlet id o_mi_documentation;
IBOutlet id o_mi_reportabug;
IBOutlet id o_mi_website;
IBOutlet id o_mi_license;
IBOutlet id o_mi_donation;
IBOutlet id o_mi_forum;
IBOutlet id o_mi_errorsAndWarnings;
......@@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ static VLCMain *_o_sharedMainInstance = nil;
/* messages panel */
[o_msgs_panel setTitle: _NS("Messages")];
[o_msgs_btn_crashlog setTitle: _NS("Open CrashLog")];
[o_msgs_btn_crashlog setTitle: _NS("Open CrashLog...")];
/* main menu */
[o_mi_about setTitle: [_NS("About VLC media player") \
......@@ -655,25 +655,23 @@ static VLCMain *_o_sharedMainInstance = nil;
[o_mu_window setTitle: _NS("Window")];
[o_mi_minimize setTitle: _NS("Minimize Window")];
[o_mi_close_window setTitle: _NS("Close Window")];
[o_mi_controller setTitle: _NS("Controller")];
[o_mi_equalizer setTitle: _NS("Equalizer")];
[o_mi_extended setTitle: _NS("Extended Controls")];
[o_mi_bookmarks setTitle: _NS("Bookmarks")];
[o_mi_playlist setTitle: _NS("Playlist")];
[o_mi_info setTitle: _NS("Information")];
[o_mi_messages setTitle: _NS("Messages")];
[o_mi_errorsAndWarnings setTitle: _NS("Errors and Warnings")];
[o_mi_controller setTitle: _NS("Controller...")];
[o_mi_equalizer setTitle: _NS("Equalizer...")];
[o_mi_extended setTitle: _NS("Extended Controls...")];
[o_mi_bookmarks setTitle: _NS("Bookmarks...")];
[o_mi_playlist setTitle: _NS("Playlist...")];
[o_mi_info setTitle: _NS("Media Information...")];
[o_mi_messages setTitle: _NS("Messages...")];
[o_mi_errorsAndWarnings setTitle: _NS("Errors and Warnings...")];
[o_mi_bring_atf setTitle: _NS("Bring All to Front")];
[o_mu_help setTitle: _NS("Help")];
[o_mi_readme setTitle: _NS("ReadMe...")];
[o_mi_documentation setTitle: _NS("Online Documentation")];
[o_mi_reportabug setTitle: _NS("Report a Bug")];
[o_mi_website setTitle: _NS("VideoLAN Website")];
[o_mi_license setTitle: _NS("License")];
[o_mi_donation setTitle: _NS("Make a donation")];
[o_mi_forum setTitle: _NS("Online Forum")];
[o_mi_readme setTitle: _NS("ReadMe / FAQ...")];
[o_mi_documentation setTitle: _NS("Online Documentation...")];
[o_mi_website setTitle: _NS("VideoLAN Website...")];
[o_mi_donation setTitle: _NS("Make a donation...")];
[o_mi_forum setTitle: _NS("Online Forum...")];
/* dock menu */
[o_dmi_play setTitle: _NS("Play")];
......@@ -693,7 +691,7 @@ static VLCMain *_o_sharedMainInstance = nil;
[o_vmi_fullscreen setTitle: _NS("Fullscreen")];
[o_vmi_snapshot setTitle: _NS("Snapshot")];
[o_info_window setTitle: _NS("Information")];
[o_info_window setTitle: _NS("Media Information")];
- (void)applicationWillFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)o_notification
......@@ -1923,14 +1921,6 @@ static VLCMain *_o_sharedMainInstance = nil;
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openURL: o_url];
- (IBAction)reportABug:(id)sender
NSURL * o_url = [NSURL URLWithString:
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openURL: o_url];
- (IBAction)openWebsite:(id)sender
NSURL * o_url = [NSURL URLWithString: @""];
......@@ -1938,15 +1928,6 @@ static VLCMain *_o_sharedMainInstance = nil;
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openURL: o_url];
- (IBAction)openLicense:(id)sender
NSString * o_path = [[NSBundle mainBundle]
pathForResource: @"COPYING" ofType: nil];
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openFile: o_path
withApplication: @"TextEdit"];
- (IBAction)openForum:(id)sender
NSURL * o_url = [NSURL URLWithString: @""];
......@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ static VLCOpen *_o_sharedMainInstance = nil;
[o_disc_title_lbl setStringValue: _NS("Title")];
[o_disc_chapter_lbl setStringValue: _NS("Chapter")];
[o_disc_videots_btn_browse setTitle: _NS("Browse...")];
[o_disc_dvd_menus setTitle: _NS("Use DVD menus")];
[o_disc_dvd_menus setTitle: _NS("No DVD menus")];
[[o_disc_type cellAtRow:0 column:0] setTitle: _NS("VIDEO_TS directory")];
[[o_disc_type cellAtRow:1 column:0] setTitle: _NS("DVD")];
......@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ static VLCOpen *_o_sharedMainInstance = nil;
- (IBAction)openDiscTypeChanged:(id)sender
NSString *o_type;
vlc_bool_t b_device, b_menus, b_title_chapter;
BOOL b_device, b_no_menus, b_title_chapter;
[o_disc_device removeAllItems];
b_title_chapter = ![o_disc_dvd_menus state];
......@@ -508,34 +508,32 @@ static VLCOpen *_o_sharedMainInstance = nil;
if ( [o_type isEqualToString: _NS("VIDEO_TS directory")] )
b_device = 0; b_menus = 1;
b_device = NO; b_no_menus = YES;
NSArray *o_devices;
NSString *o_disc;
const char *psz_class = NULL;
b_device = 1;
b_device = YES;
if ( [o_type isEqualToString: _NS("VCD")] )
psz_class = kIOCDMediaClass;
o_disc = o_type;
b_menus = 0; b_title_chapter = 1;
[o_disc_dvd_menus setState: FALSE];
b_no_menus = NO; b_title_chapter = YES;
else if ( [o_type isEqualToString: _NS("Audio CD")])
psz_class = kIOCDMediaClass;
o_disc = o_type;
b_menus = 0; b_title_chapter = 0;
[o_disc_dvd_menus setState: FALSE];
b_no_menus = NO; b_title_chapter = NO;
psz_class = kIODVDMediaClass;
o_disc = o_type;
b_menus = 1;
b_no_menus = YES;
o_devices = GetEjectableMediaOfClass( psz_class );
......@@ -545,9 +543,7 @@ static VLCOpen *_o_sharedMainInstance = nil;
if ( i_devices )
int i;
for( i = 0; i < i_devices; i++ )
for( int i = 0; i < i_devices; i++ )
addItemWithObjectValue: [o_devices objectAtIndex: i]];
......@@ -570,7 +566,7 @@ static VLCOpen *_o_sharedMainInstance = nil;
[o_disc_chapter_stp setEnabled: b_title_chapter];
[o_disc_videots_folder setEnabled: !b_device];
[o_disc_videots_btn_browse setEnabled: !b_device];
[o_disc_dvd_menus setEnabled: b_menus];
[o_disc_dvd_menus setEnabled: b_no_menus];
[self openDiscInfoChanged: nil];
......@@ -598,14 +594,14 @@ static VLCOpen *_o_sharedMainInstance = nil;
NSString *o_videots;
NSString *o_mrl_string;
int i_title, i_chapter;
vlc_bool_t b_menus;
BOOL b_no_menus;
o_type = [[o_disc_type selectedCell] title];
o_device = [o_disc_device stringValue];
i_title = [o_disc_title intValue];
i_chapter = [o_disc_chapter intValue];
o_videots = [o_disc_videots_folder stringValue];
b_menus = [o_disc_dvd_menus state];
b_no_menus = [o_disc_dvd_menus state];
if ( [o_type isEqualToString: _NS("VCD")] )
......@@ -628,21 +624,22 @@ static VLCOpen *_o_sharedMainInstance = nil;
if ( [o_device isEqualToString:
[NSString stringWithFormat: _NS("No %@s found"), o_type]] )
o_device = @"";
if ( b_menus )
o_mrl_string = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"dvdnav://%@",
if ( b_no_menus )
o_mrl_string = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"dvdread://%@@%i:%i-",
o_device, i_title, i_chapter];
o_mrl_string = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"dvdnav://%@",
else /* VIDEO_TS folder */
if ( b_menus )
o_mrl_string = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"dvdnav://%@",
if ( b_no_menus )
o_mrl_string = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"dvdread://%@@%i:%i",
o_videots, i_title, i_chapter];
o_mrl_string = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"dvdnav://%@",
[o_mrl setStringValue: o_mrl_string];
......@@ -95,6 +95,8 @@
IBOutlet id o_video_box;
IBOutlet id o_video_decoded_lbl;
IBOutlet id o_video_decoded_txt;
IBOutlet id o_fps_lbl;
IBOutlet id o_fps_txt;
playlist_item_t * p_item;
NSTimer * o_statUpdateTimer;
......@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@
[o_video_decoded_lbl setStringValue: _NS("Decoded blocks")];
[o_displayed_lbl setStringValue: _NS("Displayed frames")];
[o_lost_frames_lbl setStringValue: _NS("Lost frames")];
[o_fps_lbl setStringValue: _NS("Frames per Second")];
[o_sout_box setTitle: _NS("Streaming")];
[o_sent_packets_lbl setStringValue: _NS("Sent packets")];
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
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