Commit 57cb3e53 authored by Salah-Eddin Shaban's avatar Salah-Eddin Shaban Committed by Jean-Baptiste Kempf

freetype: use HarfBuzz for text shaping

Signed-off-by: default avatarJean-Baptiste Kempf <>
parent 063cba9f
......@@ -3102,6 +3102,8 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE(freetype,
[ --enable-freetype freetype support (default auto)])
[ --enable-fribidi fribidi support (default auto)])
[ --enable-harfbuzz harfbuzz support (default auto)])
[ --enable-fontconfig fontconfig support (default auto)])
......@@ -3130,6 +3132,7 @@ AC_ARG_WITH([default-monospace-font-family],
if test "${enable_freetype}" != "no"; then
......@@ -3152,7 +3155,18 @@ if test "${enable_freetype}" != "no"; then
],[AC_MSG_WARN([${FRIBIDI_PKG_ERRORS}. Bidirectional support will be disabled in FreeType.])])
],[AC_MSG_WARN([${FRIBIDI_PKG_ERRORS}. Bidirectional text and complex scripts (Arabic, Farsi, Thai...) will be disabled in FreeType.])])
dnl harfbuzz support
if test "${have_fribidi}" != "no"; then
if test "${enable_harfbuzz}" != "no"; then
],[AC_MSG_WARN([${HARFBUZZ_PKG_ERRORS}. Support for complex scripts (Arabic, Farsi, Thai...) will be disabled in FreeType.])])
AS_IF([test -n "${enable_freetype}"],[
......@@ -3164,6 +3178,7 @@ fi
AM_CONDITIONAL([HAVE_FREETYPE], [test "${have_freetype}" = "yes"])
AM_CONDITIONAL([HAVE_FONTCONFIG], [test "${have_fontconfig}" = "yes"])
AM_CONDITIONAL([HAVE_FRIBIDI], [test "${have_fribidi}" = "yes"])
AM_CONDITIONAL([HAVE_HARFBUZZ], [test "${have_harfbuzz}" = "yes"])
......@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ text_LTLIBRARIES =
libfreetype_plugin_la_SOURCES = \
text_renderer/text_renderer.c text_renderer/text_renderer.h \
text_renderer/platform_fonts.c text_renderer/platform_fonts.h \
text_renderer/freetype.c text_renderer/freetype.h \
text_renderer/text_layout.c text_renderer/text_layout.h
libfreetype_plugin_la_CPPFLAGS = $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(FREETYPE_CFLAGS)
libfreetype_plugin_la_LIBADD = $(LIBM) $(FREETYPE_LIBS)
......@@ -20,6 +21,10 @@ if HAVE_FRIBIDI
libfreetype_plugin_la_CPPFLAGS += $(FRIBIDI_CFLAGS) -DHAVE_FRIBIDI
libfreetype_plugin_la_LIBADD += $(FRIBIDI_LIBS)
libfreetype_plugin_la_LIBADD += $(HARFBUZZ_LIBS)
libfreetype_plugin_la_LDFLAGS = $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(FREETYPE_LDFLAGS) -rpath '$(textdir)'
libfreetype_plugin_la_LDFLAGS += -Wl,-framework,Carbon
......@@ -48,18 +48,6 @@
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#include FT_GLYPH_H
#include FT_STROKER_H
#define FT_FLOOR(X) ((X & -64) >> 6)
#define FT_CEIL(X) (((X + 63) & -64) >> 6)
#ifndef FT_MulFix
#define FT_MulFix(v, s) (((v)*(s))>>16)
/* RTL */
#if defined(HAVE_FRIBIDI)
# include <fribidi/fribidi.h>
/* apple stuff */
#ifdef __APPLE__
......@@ -85,6 +73,8 @@
#include "text_renderer.h"
#include "platform_fonts.h"
#include "freetype.h"
#include "text_layout.h"
* Module descriptor
......@@ -130,6 +120,9 @@ static void Destroy( vlc_object_t * );
#define SHADOW_ANGLE_TEXT N_("Shadow angle")
#define SHADOW_DISTANCE_TEXT N_("Shadow distance")
#define TEXT_DIRECTION_TEXT N_("Text direction")
#define TEXT_DIRECTION_LONGTEXT N_("Paragraph base direction for the Unicode bi-directional algorithm.")
static const int pi_sizes[] = { 20, 18, 16, 12, 6 };
static const char *const ppsz_sizes_text[] = {
......@@ -155,6 +148,15 @@ static const char *const ppsz_outline_thickness[] = {
N_("None"), N_("Thin"), N_("Normal"), N_("Thick"),
static const int pi_text_direction[] = {
0, 1, 2,
static const char *const ppsz_text_direction[] = {
N_("Left to right"), N_("Right to left"), N_("Auto"),
vlc_module_begin ()
set_shortname( N_("Text renderer"))
set_description( N_("Freetype2 font renderer") )
......@@ -231,69 +233,19 @@ vlc_module_begin ()
add_bool( "freetype-yuvp", false, YUVP_TEXT,
add_integer_with_range( "freetype-text-direction", 0, 0, 2, TEXT_DIRECTION_TEXT,
change_integer_list( pi_text_direction, ppsz_text_direction )
set_capability( "text renderer", 100 )
add_shortcut( "text" )
set_callbacks( Create, Destroy )
vlc_module_end ()
* Local prototypes
typedef struct
FT_BitmapGlyph p_glyph;
FT_BitmapGlyph p_outline;
FT_BitmapGlyph p_shadow;
uint32_t i_color; /* ARGB color */
int i_line_offset; /* underline/strikethrough offset */
int i_line_thickness; /* underline/strikethrough thickness */
} line_character_t;
typedef struct line_desc_t line_desc_t;
struct line_desc_t
line_desc_t *p_next;
int i_width;
int i_height;
int i_base_line;
int i_character_count;
line_character_t *p_character;
* filter_sys_t: freetype local data
* This structure is part of the video output thread descriptor.
* It describes the freetype specific properties of an output thread.
struct filter_sys_t
FT_Library p_library; /* handle to library */
FT_Face p_face; /* handle to face object */
FT_Stroker p_stroker; /* handle to path stroker object */
xml_reader_t *p_xml; /* vlc xml parser */
text_style_t style; /* Current Style */
/* More styles... */
float f_shadow_vector_x;
float f_shadow_vector_y;
int i_default_font_size;
/* Attachments */
input_attachment_t **pp_font_attachments;
int i_font_attachments;
char * (*pf_select) (filter_t *, const char* family,
bool bold, bool italic, int size,
int *index);
/* */
static void YUVFromRGB( uint32_t i_argb,
uint8_t *pi_y, uint8_t *pi_u, uint8_t *pi_v )
......@@ -908,52 +860,6 @@ static inline int RenderAXYZ( filter_t *p_filter,
static void FreeLine( line_desc_t *p_line )
for( int i = 0; i < p_line->i_character_count; i++ )
line_character_t *ch = &p_line->p_character[i];
FT_Done_Glyph( (FT_Glyph)ch->p_glyph );
if( ch->p_outline )
FT_Done_Glyph( (FT_Glyph)ch->p_outline );
if( ch->p_shadow )
FT_Done_Glyph( (FT_Glyph)ch->p_shadow );
free( p_line->p_character );
free( p_line );
static void FreeLines( line_desc_t *p_lines )
for( line_desc_t *p_line = p_lines; p_line != NULL; )
line_desc_t *p_next = p_line->p_next;
FreeLine( p_line );
p_line = p_next;
static line_desc_t *NewLine( int i_count )
line_desc_t *p_line = malloc( sizeof(*p_line) );
if( !p_line )
return NULL;
p_line->p_next = NULL;
p_line->i_width = 0;
p_line->i_base_line = 0;
p_line->i_character_count = 0;
p_line->p_character = calloc( i_count, sizeof(*p_line->p_character) );
if( !p_line->p_character )
free( p_line );
return NULL;
return p_line;
static FT_Face LoadEmbeddedFace( filter_sys_t *p_sys, const text_style_t *p_style )
......@@ -987,634 +893,6 @@ static FT_Face LoadEmbeddedFace( filter_sys_t *p_sys, const text_style_t *p_styl
return NULL;
static FT_Face LoadFace( filter_t *p_filter,
const text_style_t *p_style )
filter_sys_t *p_sys = p_filter->p_sys;
/* Look for a match amongst our attachments first */
FT_Face p_face = LoadEmbeddedFace( p_sys, p_style );
/* Load system wide font otheriwse */
if( !p_face )
int i_idx = 0;
char *psz_fontfile = NULL;
if( p_sys->pf_select )
psz_fontfile = p_sys->pf_select( p_filter,
(p_style->i_style_flags & STYLE_BOLD) != 0,
(p_style->i_style_flags & STYLE_ITALIC) != 0,
&i_idx );
psz_fontfile = NULL;
if( !psz_fontfile )
return NULL;
if( *psz_fontfile == '\0' )
msg_Warn( p_filter,
"We were not able to find a matching font: \"%s\" (%s %s),"
" so using default font",
(p_style->i_style_flags & STYLE_BOLD) ? "Bold" : "",
(p_style->i_style_flags & STYLE_ITALIC) ? "Italic" : "" );
p_face = NULL;
if( FT_New_Face( p_sys->p_library, psz_fontfile, i_idx, &p_face ) )
p_face = NULL;
free( psz_fontfile );
if( !p_face )
return NULL;
if( FT_Select_Charmap( p_face, ft_encoding_unicode ) )
/* We've loaded a font face which is unhelpful for actually
* rendering text - fallback to the default one.
FT_Done_Face( p_face );
return NULL;
return p_face;
static int GetGlyph( filter_t *p_filter,
FT_Glyph *pp_glyph, FT_BBox *p_glyph_bbox,
FT_Glyph *pp_outline, FT_BBox *p_outline_bbox,
FT_Glyph *pp_shadow, FT_BBox *p_shadow_bbox,
FT_Face p_face,
int i_glyph_index,
int i_style_flags,
FT_Vector *p_pen,
FT_Vector *p_pen_shadow )
if( FT_Load_Glyph( p_face, i_glyph_index, FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP | FT_LOAD_DEFAULT ) &&
FT_Load_Glyph( p_face, i_glyph_index, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT ) )
msg_Err( p_filter, "unable to render text FT_Load_Glyph failed" );
/* Do synthetic styling now that Freetype supports it;
* ie. if the font we have loaded is NOT already in the
* style that the tags want, then switch it on; if they
* are then don't. */
if ((i_style_flags & STYLE_BOLD) && !(p_face->style_flags & FT_STYLE_FLAG_BOLD))
FT_GlyphSlot_Embolden( p_face->glyph );
if ((i_style_flags & STYLE_ITALIC) && !(p_face->style_flags & FT_STYLE_FLAG_ITALIC))
FT_GlyphSlot_Oblique( p_face->glyph );
FT_Glyph glyph;
if( FT_Get_Glyph( p_face->glyph, &glyph ) )
msg_Err( p_filter, "unable to render text FT_Get_Glyph failed" );
FT_Glyph outline = NULL;
if( p_filter->p_sys->p_stroker )
outline = glyph;
if( FT_Glyph_StrokeBorder( &outline, p_filter->p_sys->p_stroker, 0, 0 ) )
outline = NULL;
FT_Glyph shadow = NULL;
if( p_filter->p_sys->style.i_shadow_alpha > 0 )
shadow = outline ? outline : glyph;
if( FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap( &shadow, FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL, p_pen_shadow, 0 ) )
shadow = NULL;
FT_Glyph_Get_CBox( shadow, ft_glyph_bbox_pixels, p_shadow_bbox );
*pp_shadow = shadow;
if( FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap( &glyph, FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL, p_pen, 1) )
FT_Done_Glyph( glyph );
if( outline )
FT_Done_Glyph( outline );
if( shadow )
FT_Done_Glyph( shadow );
FT_Glyph_Get_CBox( glyph, ft_glyph_bbox_pixels, p_glyph_bbox );
*pp_glyph = glyph;
if( outline )
FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap( &outline, FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL, p_pen, 1 );
FT_Glyph_Get_CBox( outline, ft_glyph_bbox_pixels, p_outline_bbox );
*pp_outline = outline;
static void FixGlyph( FT_Glyph glyph, FT_BBox *p_bbox, FT_Face face, const FT_Vector *p_pen )
FT_BitmapGlyph glyph_bmp = (FT_BitmapGlyph)glyph;
if( p_bbox->xMin >= p_bbox->xMax )
p_bbox->xMin = FT_CEIL(p_pen->x);
p_bbox->xMax = FT_CEIL(p_pen->x + face->glyph->advance.x);
glyph_bmp->left = p_bbox->xMin;
if( p_bbox->yMin >= p_bbox->yMax )
p_bbox->yMax = FT_CEIL(p_pen->y);
p_bbox->yMin = FT_CEIL(p_pen->y + face->glyph->advance.y);
glyph_bmp->top = p_bbox->yMax;
static void BBoxEnlarge( FT_BBox *p_max, const FT_BBox *p )
p_max->xMin = __MIN(p_max->xMin, p->xMin);
p_max->yMin = __MIN(p_max->yMin, p->yMin);
p_max->xMax = __MAX(p_max->xMax, p->xMax);
p_max->yMax = __MAX(p_max->yMax, p->yMax);
static int ProcessLines( filter_t *p_filter,
line_desc_t **pp_lines,
FT_BBox *p_bbox,
int *pi_max_face_height,
uni_char_t *psz_text,
text_style_t **pp_styles,
uint32_t *pi_k_dates,
int i_len )
filter_sys_t *p_sys = p_filter->p_sys;
uni_char_t *p_fribidi_string = NULL;
text_style_t **pp_fribidi_styles = NULL;
int *p_new_positions = NULL;
#if defined(HAVE_FRIBIDI)
int *p_old_positions;
int start_pos, pos = 0;
pp_fribidi_styles = calloc( i_len, sizeof(*pp_fribidi_styles) );
p_fribidi_string = malloc( (i_len + 1) * sizeof(*p_fribidi_string) );
p_old_positions = malloc( (i_len + 1) * sizeof(*p_old_positions) );
p_new_positions = malloc( (i_len + 1) * sizeof(*p_new_positions) );
if( ! pp_fribidi_styles ||
! p_fribidi_string ||
! p_old_positions ||
! p_new_positions )
free( p_old_positions );
free( p_new_positions );
free( p_fribidi_string );
free( pp_fribidi_styles );
return VLC_ENOMEM;
/* Do bidi conversion line-by-line */
while(pos < i_len)
while(pos < i_len) {
if (psz_text[pos] != '\n')
p_fribidi_string[pos] = psz_text[pos];
pp_fribidi_styles[pos] = pp_styles[pos];
p_new_positions[pos] = pos;
start_pos = pos;
while(pos < i_len) {
if (psz_text[pos] == '\n')
if (pos > start_pos)
FriBidiCharType base_dir = FRIBIDI_TYPE_LTR;
FriBidiParType base_dir = FRIBIDI_PAR_LTR;
fribidi_log2vis((FriBidiChar*)psz_text + start_pos,
pos - start_pos, &base_dir,
(FriBidiChar*)p_fribidi_string + start_pos,
p_new_positions + start_pos,
for( int j = start_pos; j < pos; j++ )
pp_fribidi_styles[ j ] = pp_styles[ start_pos + p_old_positions[j - start_pos] ];
p_new_positions[ j ] += start_pos;
p_fribidi_string[ i_len ] = 0;
free( p_old_positions );
pp_styles = pp_fribidi_styles;
psz_text = p_fribidi_string;
/* Work out the karaoke */
uint8_t *pi_karaoke_bar = NULL;
if( pi_k_dates )
pi_karaoke_bar = malloc( i_len * sizeof(*pi_karaoke_bar));
if( pi_karaoke_bar )
int64_t i_elapsed = var_GetTime( p_filter, "spu-elapsed" ) / 1000;
for( int i = 0; i < i_len; i++ )
unsigned i_bar = p_new_positions ? p_new_positions[i] : i;
pi_karaoke_bar[i_bar] = pi_k_dates[i] >= i_elapsed;
free( p_new_positions );
*pi_max_face_height = 0;
*pp_lines = NULL;
line_desc_t **pp_line_next = pp_lines;
FT_BBox bbox = {
.xMin = INT_MAX,
.yMin = INT_MAX,
.xMax = INT_MIN,
.yMax = INT_MIN,
int i_face_height_previous = 0;
int i_base_line = 0;
const text_style_t *p_previous_style = NULL;
FT_Face p_face = NULL;
for( int i_start = 0; i_start < i_len; )
/* Compute the length of the current text line */
int i_length = 0;
while( i_start + i_length < i_len && psz_text[i_start + i_length] != '\n' )
/* Render the text line (or the begining if too long) into 0 or 1 glyph line */
line_desc_t *p_line = i_length > 0 ? NewLine( i_length ) : NULL;
int i_index = i_start;
FT_Vector pen = {
.x = 0,
.y = 0,
int i_face_height = 0;
FT_BBox line_bbox = {
.xMin = INT_MAX,
.yMin = INT_MAX,
.xMax = INT_MIN,
.yMax = INT_MIN,
int i_ul_offset = 0;
int i_ul_thickness = 0;
typedef struct {
int i_index;
FT_Vector pen;
FT_BBox line_bbox;
int i_face_height;
int i_ul_offset;
int i_ul_thickness;
} break_point_t;
break_point_t break_point;
break_point_t break_point_fallback;
#define SAVE_BP(dst) do { \
dst.i_index = i_index; \
dst.pen = pen; \
dst.line_bbox = line_bbox; \
dst.i_face_height = i_face_height; \
dst.i_ul_offset = i_ul_offset; \
dst.i_ul_thickness = i_ul_thickness; \
} while(0)
SAVE_BP( break_point );
SAVE_BP( break_point_fallback );
while( i_index < i_start + i_length )
/* Split by common FT_Face + Size */
const text_style_t *p_current_style = pp_styles[i_index];
int i_part_length = 0;
while( i_index + i_part_length < i_start + i_length )
const text_style_t *p_style = pp_styles[i_index + i_part_length];
if( !FaceStyleEquals( p_style, p_current_style ) ||
p_style->i_font_size != p_current_style->i_font_size )
/* (Re)load/reconfigure the face if needed */
if( !FaceStyleEquals( p_current_style, p_previous_style ) )
if( p_face )
FT_Done_Face( p_face );
p_previous_style = NULL;
p_face = LoadFace( p_filter, p_current_style );
FT_Face p_current_face = p_face ? p_face : p_sys->p_face;
if( !p_previous_style || p_previous_style->i_font_size != p_current_style->i_font_size ||
((p_previous_style->i_style_flags ^ p_current_style->i_style_flags) & STYLE_HALFWIDTH) )
int i_font_width = ( p_current_style->i_style_flags & STYLE_HALFWIDTH )
? p_current_style->i_font_size / 2
: p_current_style->i_font_size;
if( FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes( p_current_face,
p_current_style->i_font_size ) )
msg_Err( p_filter, "Failed to set font size to %d", p_current_style->i_font_size );
if( p_sys->p_stroker )
double f_outline_thickness = var_InheritInteger( p_filter, "freetype-outline-thickness" ) / 100.0;
f_outline_thickness = VLC_CLIP( f_outline_thickness, 0.0, 0.5 );
int i_radius = (p_current_style->i_font_size << 6) * f_outline_thickness;
FT_Stroker_Set( p_sys->p_stroker,
p_previous_style = p_current_style;
i_face_height = __MAX(i_face_height, FT_CEIL(FT_MulFix(p_current_face->height,
/* Render the part */
bool b_break_line = false;
int i_glyph_last = 0;
FT_Vector advance = {
.x = 0,
.y = 0,
while( i_part_length > 0 )
const text_style_t *p_glyph_style = pp_styles[i_index];
uni_char_t character = psz_text[i_index];
int i_glyph_index = FT_Get_Char_Index( p_current_face, character );
/* If the missing glyph is U+FEFF (ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE) */
/* we can safely ignore it. Otherwise extra squares show up */
/* in Arabic text. */
if( i_glyph_index == 0 && character == 0xFEFF )
goto next;
/* These are the most common Arabic diacritics */
#define DIACRITIC( a ) ( a >= 0x064B && a <= 0x0653 )
/* Diacritics should be rendered over the preceding base glyph */
if( DIACRITIC( character ) )
pen.x -= advance.x;
pen.y -= advance.y;
/* Get kerning vector */
FT_Vector kerning = { .x = 0, .y = 0 };
if( FT_HAS_KERNING( p_current_face ) && i_glyph_last != 0 && i_glyph_index != 0 )
FT_Get_Kerning( p_current_face, i_glyph_last, i_glyph_index, ft_kerning_default, &kerning );
if( p_glyph_style->i_spacing > 0 && i_glyph_last != 0 && i_glyph_index != 0 )
kerning.x = (p_glyph_style->i_spacing) << 6;
/* Get the glyph bitmap and its bounding box and all the associated properties */
FT_Vector pen_new = {
.x = pen.x + kerning.x,
.y = pen.y + kerning.y,
int i_font_width = ( p_current_style->i_style_flags & STYLE_HALFWIDTH )
? p_current_style->i_font_size / 2
: p_current_style->i_font_size;
FT_Vector pen_shadow_new = {
.x = pen_new.x + p_sys->f_shadow_vector_x * (i_font_width << 6),
.y = pen_new.y + p_sys->f_shadow_vector_y * (p_current_style->i_font_size << 6),
FT_Glyph glyph;
FT_BBox glyph_bbox;
FT_Glyph outline;
FT_BBox outline_bbox;
FT_Glyph shadow;
FT_BBox shadow_bbox;
if( GetGlyph( p_filter,
&glyph, &glyph_bbox,
&outline, &outline_bbox,
&shadow, &shadow_bbox,
p_current_face, i_glyph_index, p_glyph_style->i_style_flags,
&pen_new, &pen_shadow_new ) )
goto next;
FixGlyph( glyph, &glyph_bbox, p_current_face, &pen_new );
if( outline )
FixGlyph( outline, &outline_bbox, p_current_face, &pen_new );
if( shadow )
FixGlyph( shadow, &shadow_bbox, p_current_face, &pen_shadow_new );
/* FIXME and what about outline */
bool b_karaoke = pi_karaoke_bar && pi_karaoke_bar[i_index] != 0;
uint32_t i_color = b_karaoke ? (p_glyph_style->i_karaoke_background_color |
(p_glyph_style->i_karaoke_background_alpha << 24))
: (p_glyph_style->i_font_color |
(p_glyph_style->i_font_alpha << 24));
int i_line_offset = 0;
int i_line_thickness = 0;
if( p_glyph_style->i_style_flags & (STYLE_UNDERLINE | STYLE_STRIKEOUT) )
i_line_offset = abs( FT_FLOOR(FT_MulFix(p_current_face->underline_position,
p_current_face->size->metrics.y_scale)) );
i_line_thickness = abs( FT_CEIL(FT_MulFix(p_current_face->underline_thickness,
p_current_face->size->metrics.y_scale)) );
if( p_glyph_style->i_style_flags & STYLE_STRIKEOUT )
/* Move the baseline to make it strikethrough instead of
* underline. That means that strikethrough takes precedence
i_line_offset -= abs( FT_FLOOR(FT_MulFix(p_current_face->descender*2,
p_current_face->size->metrics.y_scale)) );
else if( i_line_thickness > 0 )
glyph_bbox.yMin = __MIN( glyph_bbox.yMin, - i_line_offset - i_line_thickness );
/* The real underline thickness and position are
* updated once the whole line has been parsed */
i_ul_offset = __MAX( i_ul_offset, i_line_offset );
i_ul_thickness = __MAX( i_ul_thickness, i_line_thickness );
i_line_thickness = -1;
FT_BBox line_bbox_new = line_bbox;
BBoxEnlarge( &line_bbox_new, &glyph_bbox );
if( outline )
BBoxEnlarge( &line_bbox_new, &outline_bbox );
if( shadow )
BBoxEnlarge( &line_bbox_new, &shadow_bbox );
b_break_line = i_index > i_start &&
line_bbox_new.xMax - line_bbox_new.xMin >= (int)p_filter->;
if( b_break_line )
FT_Done_Glyph( glyph );
if( outline )
FT_Done_Glyph( outline );
if( shadow )
FT_Done_Glyph( shadow );
break_point_t *p_bp = NULL;
if( break_point.i_index > i_start )
p_bp = &break_point;
else if( break_point_fallback.i_index > i_start )
p_bp = &break_point_fallback;
if( p_bp )
msg_Dbg( p_filter, "Breaking line");
for( int i = p_bp->i_index; i < i_index; i++ )
line_character_t *ch = &p_line->p_character[i - i_start];
FT_Done_Glyph( (FT_Glyph)ch->p_glyph );
if( ch->p_outline )
FT_Done_Glyph( (FT_Glyph)ch->p_outline );
if( ch->p_shadow )
FT_Done_Glyph( (FT_Glyph)ch->p_shadow );
p_line->i_character_count = p_bp->i_index - i_start;
i_index = p_bp->i_index;
pen = p_bp->pen;
line_bbox = p_bp->line_bbox;
i_face_height = p_bp->i_face_height;
i_ul_offset = p_bp->i_ul_offset;
i_ul_thickness = p_bp->i_ul_thickness;
msg_Err( p_filter, "Breaking unbreakable line");
p_line->p_character[p_line->i_character_count++] = (line_character_t){
.p_glyph = (FT_BitmapGlyph)glyph,
.p_outline = (FT_BitmapGlyph)outline,
.p_shadow = (FT_BitmapGlyph)shadow,
.i_color = i_color,
.i_line_offset = i_line_offset,
.i_line_thickness = i_line_thickness,
/* Diacritics do not determine advance values. We use */
/* the advance values from the last encountered base glyph, */
/* since multiple diacritics may follow a single base glyph. */
if( !DIACRITIC( character ) )
advance.x = p_current_face->glyph->advance.x;
advance.y = p_current_face->glyph->advance.y;
pen.x = pen_new.x + advance.x;
pen.y = pen_new.y + advance.y;
line_bbox = line_bbox_new;
i_glyph_last = i_glyph_index;
if( character == ' ' || character == '\t' )
SAVE_BP( break_point );
else if( character == 160 )
SAVE_BP( break_point_fallback );
if( b_break_line )
#undef SAVE_BP
/* Update our baseline */
if( i_face_height_previous > 0 )
i_base_line += __MAX(i_face_height, i_face_height_previous);
if( i_face_height > 0 )
i_face_height_previous = i_face_height;
/* Update the line bbox with the actual base line */
if (line_bbox.yMax > line_bbox.yMin) {
line_bbox.yMin -= i_base_line;
line_bbox.yMax -= i_base_line;
BBoxEnlarge( &bbox, &line_bbox );
/* Terminate and append the line */
if( p_line )
p_line->i_width = __MAX(line_bbox.xMax - line_bbox.xMin, 0);
p_line->i_base_line = i_base_line;
p_line->i_height = __MAX(i_face_height, i_face_height_previous);
if( i_ul_thickness > 0 )
for( int i = 0; i < p_line->i_character_count; i++ )
line_character_t *ch = &p_line->p_character[i];
if( ch->i_line_thickness < 0 )
ch->i_line_offset = i_ul_offset;
ch->i_line_thickness = i_ul_thickness;
*pp_line_next = p_line;
pp_line_next = &p_line->p_next;
*pi_max_face_height = __MAX( *pi_max_face_height, i_face_height );
/* Skip what we have rendered and the line delimitor if present */
i_start = i_index;
if( i_start < i_len && psz_text[i_start] == '\n' )
if( bbox.yMax - bbox.yMin >= (int)p_filter-> )
msg_Err( p_filter, "Truncated too high subtitle" );
if( p_face )
FT_Done_Face( p_face );
free( pp_fribidi_styles );
free( p_fribidi_string );
free( pi_karaoke_bar );
*p_bbox = bbox;
static xml_reader_t *GetXMLReader( filter_t *p_filter, stream_t *p_sub )
xml_reader_t *p_xml_reader = p_filter->p_sys->p_xml;
......@@ -1766,9 +1044,9 @@ static int RenderCommon( filter_t *p_filter, subpicture_region_t *p_region_out,
if( !rv && i_text_length > 0 )
rv = ProcessLines( p_filter,
&p_lines, &bbox, &i_max_face_height,
psz_text, pp_styles, pi_k_durations, i_text_length );
rv = LayoutText( p_filter,
&p_lines, &bbox, &i_max_face_height,
psz_text, pp_styles, pi_k_durations, i_text_length );
p_region_out->i_x = p_region_in->i_x;
......@@ -2025,6 +1303,12 @@ static int Create( vlc_object_t *p_this )
if( Init_FT( p_this, psz_fontfile, fontindex, f_outline_thickness ) != VLC_SUCCESS )
goto error;
int i_faces_size = 20;
p_sys->faces_cache.p_faces = malloc( i_faces_size * sizeof( *p_sys->faces_cache.p_faces ) );
p_sys->faces_cache.p_styles = malloc( i_faces_size * sizeof( *p_sys->faces_cache.p_styles ) );
p_sys->faces_cache.i_cache_size = i_faces_size;
p_sys->faces_cache.i_faces_count = 0;
p_sys->pp_font_attachments = NULL;
p_sys->i_font_attachments = 0;
......@@ -2055,6 +1339,7 @@ static void Destroy_FT( vlc_object_t *p_this )
if( p_sys->p_stroker )
FT_Stroker_Done( p_sys->p_stroker );
FT_Done_Face( p_sys->p_face );
FT_Done_FreeType( p_sys->p_library );
......@@ -2069,6 +1354,15 @@ static void Destroy( vlc_object_t *p_this )
filter_t *p_filter = (filter_t *)p_this;
filter_sys_t *p_sys = p_filter->p_sys;
faces_cache_t *p_cache = &p_sys->faces_cache;
for( int i = 0; i < p_cache->i_faces_count; ++i )
FT_Done_Face( p_cache->p_faces[ i ] );
free( p_cache->p_styles[ i ].psz_fontname );
free( p_sys->faces_cache.p_faces );
free( p_sys->faces_cache.p_styles );
if( p_sys->pp_font_attachments )
for( int k = 0; k < p_sys->i_font_attachments; k++ )
......@@ -2084,3 +1378,99 @@ static void Destroy( vlc_object_t *p_this )
Destroy_FT( p_this );
free( p_sys );
FT_Face LoadFace( filter_t *p_filter,
const text_style_t *p_style )
filter_sys_t *p_sys = p_filter->p_sys;
faces_cache_t *p_cache = &p_sys->faces_cache;
for( int i = 0; i < p_cache->i_faces_count; ++i )
if( FaceStyleEquals( &p_cache->p_styles[ i ], p_style )
&& p_cache->p_styles[ i ].i_font_size == p_style->i_font_size
&& !( ( p_cache->p_styles[ i ].i_style_flags ^ p_style->i_style_flags ) & STYLE_HALFWIDTH ) )
return p_cache->p_faces[ i ];
/* Look for a match amongst our attachments first */
FT_Face p_face = LoadEmbeddedFace( p_sys, p_style );
/* Load system wide font otheriwse */
if( !p_face )
int i_idx = 0;
char *psz_fontfile = NULL;
if( p_sys->pf_select )
psz_fontfile = p_sys->pf_select( p_filter,
(p_style->i_style_flags & STYLE_BOLD) != 0,
(p_style->i_style_flags & STYLE_ITALIC) != 0,
&i_idx );
psz_fontfile = NULL;
if( !psz_fontfile )
return NULL;
if( *psz_fontfile == '\0' )
msg_Warn( p_filter,
"We were not able to find a matching font: \"%s\" (%s %s),"
" so using default font",
(p_style->i_style_flags & STYLE_BOLD) ? "Bold" : "",
(p_style->i_style_flags & STYLE_ITALIC) ? "Italic" : "" );
p_face = NULL;
if( FT_New_Face( p_sys->p_library, psz_fontfile, i_idx, &p_face ) )
p_face = NULL;
free( psz_fontfile );
if( !p_face )
return NULL;
if( FT_Select_Charmap( p_face, ft_encoding_unicode ) )
/* We've loaded a font face which is unhelpful for actually
* rendering text - fallback to the default one.
FT_Done_Face( p_face );
return NULL;
if( p_cache->i_faces_count == p_cache->i_cache_size )
FT_Face *p_new_faces =
realloc( p_cache->p_faces, p_cache->i_cache_size * 2 * sizeof( *p_cache->p_faces ) );
if( !p_new_faces )
FT_Done_Face( p_face );
return NULL;
p_cache->p_faces = p_new_faces;
text_style_t *p_new_styles =
realloc( p_cache->p_styles, p_cache->i_cache_size * 2 * sizeof( *p_cache->p_styles ) ) ;
if( !p_new_styles )
FT_Done_Face( p_face );
return NULL;
p_cache->p_styles = p_new_styles;
p_cache->i_cache_size *= 2;
text_style_t *p_face_style = p_cache->p_styles + p_cache->i_faces_count;
p_face_style->i_font_size = p_style->i_font_size;
p_face_style->i_style_flags = p_style->i_style_flags;
p_face_style->psz_fontname = strdup( p_style->psz_fontname );
p_cache->p_faces[ p_cache->i_faces_count ] = p_face;
return p_face;
* freetype.h : Put text on the video, using freetype2
* Copyright (C) 2015 VLC authors and VideoLAN
* $Id$
* Authors: Salah-Eddin Shaban <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
typedef struct faces_cache_t
FT_Face *p_faces;
text_style_t *p_styles;
int i_faces_count;
int i_cache_size;
} faces_cache_t;
* filter_sys_t: freetype local data
* This structure is part of the video output thread descriptor.
* It describes the freetype specific properties of an output thread.
struct filter_sys_t
FT_Library p_library; /* handle to library */
FT_Face p_face; /* handle to face object */
FT_Stroker p_stroker; /* handle to path stroker object */
xml_reader_t *p_xml; /* vlc xml parser */
text_style_t style; /* Current Style */
/* More styles... */
float f_shadow_vector_x;
float f_shadow_vector_y;
int i_default_font_size;
/* Attachments */
input_attachment_t **pp_font_attachments;
int i_font_attachments;
/* Font faces cache */
faces_cache_t faces_cache;
char * (*pf_select) (filter_t *, const char* family,
bool bold, bool italic, int size,
int *index);
#define FT_FLOOR(X) ((X & -64) >> 6)
#define FT_CEIL(X) (((X + 63) & -64) >> 6)
#ifndef FT_MulFix
#define FT_MulFix(v, s) (((v)*(s))>>16)
FT_Face LoadFace( filter_t *p_filter, const text_style_t *p_style );
* text_layout.c : Text shaping and layout
* Copyright (C) 2015 VLC authors and VideoLAN
* $Id$
* Authors: Salah-Eddin Shaban <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <vlc_common.h>
#include <vlc_filter.h>
#include <vlc_text_style.h>
/* Freetype */
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#include FT_GLYPH_H
#include FT_STROKER_H
/* RTL */
#if defined(HAVE_FRIBIDI)
# include <fribidi/fribidi.h>
/* Complex Scripts */
#if defined(HAVE_HARFBUZZ)
# include <hb.h>
# include <hb-ft.h>
#include "text_renderer.h"
#include "text_layout.h"
#include "freetype.h"
* Within a paragraph, run_desc_t represents a run of characters
* having the same font face, size, and style, Unicode script
* and text direction
typedef struct run_desc_t
int i_start_offset;
int i_end_offset;
FT_Face p_face;
text_style_t *p_style;
hb_script_t script;
hb_direction_t direction;
hb_font_t *p_hb_font;
hb_buffer_t *p_buffer;
hb_glyph_info_t *p_glyph_infos;
hb_glyph_position_t *p_glyph_positions;
unsigned int i_glyph_count;
} run_desc_t;
* Glyph bitmaps. Advance and offset are 26.6 values
typedef struct glyph_bitmaps_t
FT_Glyph p_glyph;
FT_Glyph p_outline;
FT_Glyph p_shadow;
FT_BBox glyph_bbox;
FT_BBox outline_bbox;
FT_BBox shadow_bbox;
int i_x_offset;
int i_y_offset;
int i_x_advance;
int i_y_advance;
} glyph_bitmaps_t;
typedef struct paragraph_t
uni_char_t *p_code_points; //Unicode code points
int *pi_glyph_indices; //Glyph index values within the run's font face
text_style_t **pp_styles;
int *pi_run_ids; //The run to which each glyph belongs
glyph_bitmaps_t *p_glyph_bitmaps;
uint8_t *pi_karaoke_bar;
int i_size;
run_desc_t *p_runs;
int i_runs_count;
int i_runs_size;
hb_script_t *p_scripts;
FriBidiCharType *p_types;
FriBidiLevel *p_levels;
FriBidiStrIndex *pi_reordered_indices;
FriBidiParType paragraph_type;
} paragraph_t;
void FreeLine( line_desc_t *p_line )
for( int i = 0; i < p_line->i_character_count; i++ )
line_character_t *ch = &p_line->p_character[i];
FT_Done_Glyph( (FT_Glyph)ch->p_glyph );
if( ch->p_outline )
FT_Done_Glyph( (FT_Glyph)ch->p_outline );
if( ch->p_shadow )
FT_Done_Glyph( (FT_Glyph)ch->p_shadow );
free( p_line->p_character );
free( p_line );
void FreeLines( line_desc_t *p_lines )
for( line_desc_t *p_line = p_lines; p_line != NULL; )
line_desc_t *p_next = p_line->p_next;
FreeLine( p_line );
p_line = p_next;
line_desc_t *NewLine( int i_count )
line_desc_t *p_line = malloc( sizeof(*p_line) );
if( !p_line )
return NULL;
p_line->p_next = NULL;
p_line->i_width = 0;
p_line->i_base_line = 0;
p_line->i_character_count = 0;
p_line->bbox.xMin = INT_MAX;
p_line->bbox.yMin = INT_MAX;
p_line->bbox.xMax = INT_MIN;
p_line->bbox.yMax = INT_MIN;
p_line->p_character = calloc( i_count, sizeof(*p_line->p_character) );
if( !p_line->p_character )
free( p_line );
return NULL;
return p_line;
static void FixGlyph( FT_Glyph glyph, FT_BBox *p_bbox,
FT_Face face, const FT_Vector *p_pen )
FT_BitmapGlyph glyph_bmp = (FT_BitmapGlyph)glyph;
if( p_bbox->xMin >= p_bbox->xMax )
p_bbox->xMin = FT_CEIL(p_pen->x);
p_bbox->xMax = FT_CEIL(p_pen->x + face->glyph->advance.x);
glyph_bmp->left = p_bbox->xMin;
if( p_bbox->yMin >= p_bbox->yMax )
p_bbox->yMax = FT_CEIL(p_pen->y);
p_bbox->yMin = FT_CEIL(p_pen->y + face->glyph->advance.y);
glyph_bmp->top = p_bbox->yMax;
static void BBoxEnlarge( FT_BBox *p_max, const FT_BBox *p )
p_max->xMin = __MIN(p_max->xMin, p->xMin);
p_max->yMin = __MIN(p_max->yMin, p->yMin);
p_max->xMax = __MAX(p_max->xMax, p->xMax);
p_max->yMax = __MAX(p_max->yMax, p->yMax);
static paragraph_t *NewParagraph( filter_t *p_filter,
int i_size,
uni_char_t *p_code_points,
text_style_t **pp_styles,
uint32_t *pi_k_dates,
int i_runs_size )
paragraph_t *p_paragraph = calloc( 1, sizeof( paragraph_t ) );
if( !p_paragraph )
return 0;
p_paragraph->i_size = i_size;
p_paragraph->p_code_points =
malloc( i_size * sizeof( *p_paragraph->p_code_points ) );
p_paragraph->pi_glyph_indices =
malloc( i_size * sizeof( *p_paragraph->pi_glyph_indices ) );
p_paragraph->pp_styles =
malloc( i_size * sizeof( *p_paragraph->pp_styles ) );
p_paragraph->pi_run_ids =
calloc( i_size, sizeof( *p_paragraph->pi_run_ids ) );
p_paragraph->p_glyph_bitmaps =
calloc( i_size, sizeof( *p_paragraph->p_glyph_bitmaps ) );
p_paragraph->pi_karaoke_bar =
calloc( i_size, sizeof( *p_paragraph->pi_karaoke_bar ) );
p_paragraph->p_runs = calloc( i_runs_size, sizeof( run_desc_t ) );
p_paragraph->i_runs_size = i_runs_size;
p_paragraph->i_runs_count = 0;
if( !p_paragraph->p_code_points || !p_paragraph->pi_glyph_indices
|| !p_paragraph->pp_styles || !p_paragraph->pi_run_ids
|| !p_paragraph->p_glyph_bitmaps || !p_paragraph->pi_karaoke_bar )
goto error;
if( p_code_points )
memcpy( p_paragraph->p_code_points, p_code_points,
i_size * sizeof( *p_code_points ) );
if( pp_styles )
memcpy( p_paragraph->pp_styles, pp_styles,
i_size * sizeof( *pp_styles ) );
if( pi_k_dates )
int64_t i_elapsed = var_GetTime( p_filter, "spu-elapsed" ) / 1000;
for( int i = 0; i < i_size; ++i )
p_paragraph->pi_karaoke_bar[ i ] = pi_k_dates[ i ] >= i_elapsed;
p_paragraph->p_scripts = malloc( i_size * sizeof( *p_paragraph->p_scripts ) );
if( !p_paragraph->p_scripts )
goto error;
p_paragraph->p_levels = malloc( i_size * sizeof( *p_paragraph->p_levels ) );
p_paragraph->p_types = malloc( i_size * sizeof( *p_paragraph->p_types ) );
p_paragraph->pi_reordered_indices =
malloc( i_size * sizeof( *p_paragraph->pi_reordered_indices ) );
if( !p_paragraph->p_levels || !p_paragraph->p_types
|| !p_paragraph->pi_reordered_indices )
goto error;
int i_direction = var_InheritInteger( p_filter, "freetype-text-direction" );
if( i_direction == 0 )
p_paragraph->paragraph_type = FRIBIDI_PAR_LTR;
else if( i_direction == 1 )
p_paragraph->paragraph_type = FRIBIDI_PAR_RTL;
p_paragraph->paragraph_type = FRIBIDI_PAR_ON;
return p_paragraph;
if( p_paragraph->p_code_points ) free( p_paragraph->p_code_points );
if( p_paragraph->pi_glyph_indices ) free( p_paragraph->pi_glyph_indices );
if( p_paragraph->pp_styles ) free( p_paragraph->pp_styles );
if( p_paragraph->pi_run_ids ) free( p_paragraph->pi_run_ids );
if( p_paragraph->p_glyph_bitmaps ) free( p_paragraph->p_glyph_bitmaps );
if (p_paragraph->pi_karaoke_bar ) free( p_paragraph->pi_karaoke_bar );
if( p_paragraph->p_runs ) free( p_paragraph->p_runs );
if( p_paragraph->p_scripts ) free( p_paragraph->p_scripts );
if( p_paragraph->p_levels ) free( p_paragraph->p_levels );
if( p_paragraph->p_types ) free( p_paragraph->p_types );
if( p_paragraph->pi_reordered_indices )
free( p_paragraph->pi_reordered_indices );
free( p_paragraph );
return 0;
static void FreeParagraph( paragraph_t *p_paragraph )
free( p_paragraph->p_runs );
free( p_paragraph->pi_glyph_indices );
free( p_paragraph->p_glyph_bitmaps );
free( p_paragraph->pi_karaoke_bar );
free( p_paragraph->pi_run_ids );
free( p_paragraph->pp_styles );
free( p_paragraph->p_code_points );
free( p_paragraph->p_scripts );
free( p_paragraph->pi_reordered_indices );
free( p_paragraph->p_types );
free( p_paragraph->p_levels );
free( p_paragraph );
static int AnalyzeParagraph( paragraph_t *p_paragraph )
fribidi_get_bidi_types( p_paragraph->p_code_points,
p_paragraph->p_types );
fribidi_get_par_embedding_levels( p_paragraph->p_types,
p_paragraph->p_levels );
hb_unicode_funcs_t *p_funcs = hb_unicode_funcs_get_default();
for( int i = 0; i < p_paragraph->i_size; ++i )
p_paragraph->p_scripts[ i ] =
hb_unicode_script( p_funcs, p_paragraph->p_code_points[ i ] );
hb_script_t i_last_script;
int i_last_script_index = -1;
int i_last_set_index = -1;
* For shaping to work, characters that are assigned HB_SCRIPT_COMMON or
* HB_SCRIPT_INHERITED should be resolved to the last encountered valid
* script value, if any, and to the first one following them otherwise
for( int i = 0; i < p_paragraph->i_size; ++i )
if( p_paragraph->p_scripts[ i ] == HB_SCRIPT_COMMON
|| p_paragraph->p_scripts[ i ] == HB_SCRIPT_INHERITED)
if( i_last_script_index != -1)
p_paragraph->p_scripts[ i ] = i_last_script;
i_last_set_index = i;
for( int j = i_last_set_index + 1; j < i; ++j )
p_paragraph->p_scripts[ j ] = p_paragraph->p_scripts[ i ];
i_last_script = p_paragraph->p_scripts[ i ];
i_last_script_index = i;
i_last_set_index = i;
static int AddRun( filter_t *p_filter,
paragraph_t *p_paragraph,
int i_start_offset,
int i_end_offset,
FT_Face p_face )
if( i_start_offset >= i_end_offset
|| i_start_offset < 0 || i_start_offset >= p_paragraph->i_size
|| i_end_offset <= 0 || i_end_offset > p_paragraph->i_size )
msg_Err( p_filter,
"AddRun() invalid parameters. Paragraph size: %d, "
"Start offset: %d, End offset: %d",
p_paragraph->i_size, i_start_offset, i_end_offset );
if( p_paragraph->i_runs_count == p_paragraph->i_runs_size )
run_desc_t *p_new_runs =
realloc( p_paragraph->p_runs,
p_paragraph->i_runs_size * 2 * sizeof( *p_new_runs ) );
if( !p_new_runs )
return VLC_ENOMEM;
p_paragraph->p_runs = p_new_runs;
p_paragraph->i_runs_size *= 2;
int i_run_id = p_paragraph->i_runs_count;
run_desc_t *p_run = p_paragraph->p_runs + p_paragraph->i_runs_count++;
p_run->i_start_offset = i_start_offset;
p_run->i_end_offset = i_end_offset;
p_run->p_style = p_paragraph->pp_styles[ i_start_offset ];
p_run->p_face = p_face;
p_run->script = p_paragraph->p_scripts[ i_start_offset ];
p_run->direction = p_paragraph->p_levels[ i_start_offset ] & 1 ?
for( int i = i_start_offset; i < i_end_offset; ++i )
p_paragraph->pi_run_ids[ i ] = i_run_id;
* Segment a paragraph into runs
static int ItemizeParagraph( filter_t *p_filter, paragraph_t *p_paragraph )
if( p_paragraph->i_size <= 0 )
msg_Err( p_filter,
"ItemizeParagraph() invalid parameters. Paragraph size: %d",
p_paragraph->i_size );
int i_last_run_start = 0;
text_style_t *p_last_style = p_paragraph->pp_styles[ 0 ];
hb_script_t last_script = p_paragraph->p_scripts[ 0 ];
FriBidiLevel last_level = p_paragraph->p_levels[ 0 ];
for( int i = 0; i <= p_paragraph->i_size; ++i )
if( i == p_paragraph->i_size
|| last_script != p_paragraph->p_scripts[ i ]
|| last_level != p_paragraph->p_levels[ i ]
|| p_last_style->i_font_size != p_paragraph->pp_styles[ i ]->i_font_size
|| ( ( p_last_style->i_style_flags
^ p_paragraph->pp_styles[ i ]->i_style_flags )
||!FaceStyleEquals( p_last_style, p_paragraph->pp_styles[ i ] ) )
int i_ret = AddRun( p_filter, p_paragraph, i_last_run_start, i, 0 );
if( i_ret )
return i_ret;
if( i < p_paragraph->i_size )
i_last_run_start = i;
p_last_style = p_paragraph->pp_styles[ i ];
last_script = p_paragraph->p_scripts[ i ];
last_level = p_paragraph->p_levels[ i ];
* Shape an itemized paragraph using HarfBuzz.
* This is where the glyphs of complex scripts get their positions
* (offsets and advance values) and final forms.
* Glyph substitutions of base glyphs and diacritics may take place,
* so the paragraph size may change.
static int ShapeParagraphHarfBuzz( filter_t *p_filter,
paragraph_t **p_old_paragraph )
paragraph_t *p_paragraph = *p_old_paragraph;
paragraph_t *p_new_paragraph = 0;
filter_sys_t *p_sys = p_filter->p_sys;
int i_total_glyphs = 0;
int i_ret = VLC_EGENERIC;
if( p_paragraph->i_size <= 0 || p_paragraph->i_runs_count <= 0 )
msg_Err( p_filter, "ShapeParagraphHarfBuzz() invalid parameters. "
"Paragraph size: %d. Runs count %d",
p_paragraph->i_size, p_paragraph->i_runs_count );
for( int i = 0; i < p_paragraph->i_runs_count; ++i )
run_desc_t *p_run = p_paragraph->p_runs + i;
text_style_t *p_style = p_run->p_style;
* When using HarfBuzz, this is where font faces are loaded.
* In the other two paths (shaping with FriBidi or no
* shaping at all), faces are loaded in LoadGlyphs()
FT_Face p_face = 0;
if( !p_run->p_face )
p_face = LoadFace( p_filter, p_style );
if( !p_face )
p_face = p_sys->p_face;
p_run->p_face = p_face;
p_face = p_run->p_face;
int i_font_width = p_style->i_style_flags & STYLE_HALFWIDTH
? p_style->i_font_size / 2 : p_style->i_font_size;
if( FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes( p_face, i_font_width, p_style->i_font_size ) )
msg_Err( p_filter,
"Failed to set font size to %d", p_style->i_font_size );
p_run->p_hb_font = hb_ft_font_create( p_face, 0 );
if( !p_run->p_hb_font )
msg_Err( p_filter,
"ShapeParagraphHarfBuzz(): hb_ft_font_create() error" );
goto error;
p_run->p_buffer = hb_buffer_create();
if( !p_run->p_buffer )
msg_Err( p_filter,
"ShapeParagraphHarfBuzz(): hb_buffer_create() error" );
goto error;
hb_buffer_set_direction( p_run->p_buffer, p_run->direction );
hb_buffer_set_script( p_run->p_buffer, p_run->script );
#ifdef __OS2__
hb_buffer_add_utf16( p_run->p_buffer,
p_paragraph->p_code_points + p_run->i_start_offset,
p_run->i_end_offset - p_run->i_start_offset, 0,
p_run->i_end_offset - p_run->i_start_offset );
hb_buffer_add_utf32( p_run->p_buffer,
p_paragraph->p_code_points + p_run->i_start_offset,
p_run->i_end_offset - p_run->i_start_offset, 0,
p_run->i_end_offset - p_run->i_start_offset );
hb_shape( p_run->p_hb_font, p_run->p_buffer, 0, 0 );
p_run->p_glyph_infos =
hb_buffer_get_glyph_infos( p_run->p_buffer, &p_run->i_glyph_count );
p_run->p_glyph_positions =
hb_buffer_get_glyph_positions( p_run->p_buffer, &p_run->i_glyph_count );
i_total_glyphs += p_run->i_glyph_count;
if( i_total_glyphs <= 0 )
msg_Err( p_filter,
"ShapeParagraphHarfBuzz() error. Shaped glyphs' count: %d",
i_total_glyphs );
goto error;
p_new_paragraph = NewParagraph( p_filter, i_total_glyphs, 0, 0, 0,
p_paragraph->i_runs_size );
if( !p_new_paragraph )
i_ret = VLC_ENOMEM;
goto error;
p_new_paragraph->paragraph_type = p_paragraph->paragraph_type;
int i_index = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < p_paragraph->i_runs_count; ++i )
run_desc_t *p_run = p_paragraph->p_runs + i;
hb_glyph_info_t *p_infos = p_run->p_glyph_infos;
hb_glyph_position_t *p_positions = p_run->p_glyph_positions;
for( unsigned int j = 0; j < p_run->i_glyph_count; ++j )
* HarfBuzz reverses the order of glyphs in RTL runs. We reverse
* it again here to keep the glyphs in theirs logical order.
* For line breaking of paragraphs to work correctly, visual
* reordering should be done after line breaking has taken
* place.
int i_run_index = p_run->direction == HB_DIRECTION_LTR ?
j : p_run->i_glyph_count - 1 - j;
int i_source_index =
p_infos[ i_run_index ].cluster + p_run->i_start_offset;
p_new_paragraph->p_code_points[ i_index ] = 0;
p_new_paragraph->pi_glyph_indices[ i_index ] =
p_infos[ i_run_index ].codepoint;
p_new_paragraph->p_scripts[ i_index ] =
p_paragraph->p_scripts[ i_source_index ];
p_new_paragraph->p_types[ i_index ] =
p_paragraph->p_types[ i_source_index ];
p_new_paragraph->p_levels[ i_index ] =
p_paragraph->p_levels[ i_source_index ];
p_new_paragraph->pp_styles[ i_index ] =
p_paragraph->pp_styles[ i_source_index ];
p_new_paragraph->pi_karaoke_bar[ i_index ] =
p_paragraph->pi_karaoke_bar[ i_source_index ];
p_new_paragraph->p_glyph_bitmaps[ i_index ].i_x_offset =
p_positions[ i_run_index ].x_offset;
p_new_paragraph->p_glyph_bitmaps[ i_index ].i_y_offset =
p_positions[ i_run_index ].y_offset;
p_new_paragraph->p_glyph_bitmaps[ i_index ].i_x_advance =
p_positions[ i_run_index ].x_advance;
p_new_paragraph->p_glyph_bitmaps[ i_index ].i_y_advance =
p_positions[ i_run_index ].y_advance;
AddRun( p_filter, p_new_paragraph, i_index - p_run->i_glyph_count,
i_index, p_run->p_face );
for( int i = 0; i < p_paragraph->i_runs_count; ++i )
hb_font_destroy( p_paragraph->p_runs[ i ].p_hb_font );
hb_buffer_destroy( p_paragraph->p_runs[ i ].p_buffer );
FreeParagraph( *p_old_paragraph );
*p_old_paragraph = p_new_paragraph;
for( int i = 0; i < p_paragraph->i_runs_count; ++i )
if( p_paragraph->p_runs[ i ].p_hb_font )
hb_font_destroy( p_paragraph->p_runs[ i ].p_hb_font );
if( p_paragraph->p_runs[ i ].p_buffer )
hb_buffer_destroy( p_paragraph->p_runs[ i ].p_buffer );
if( p_new_paragraph )
FreeParagraph( p_new_paragraph );
return i_ret;
* Shape a paragraph with FriBidi.
* Shaping with FriBidi is currently limited to mirroring and simple
* Arabic shaping.
static int ShapeParagraphFriBidi( filter_t *p_filter, paragraph_t *p_paragraph )
if( p_paragraph->i_size <= 0 )
msg_Err( p_filter,
"ShapeParagraphFriBidi() invalid parameters. Paragraph size: %d",
p_paragraph->i_size );
FriBidiJoiningType *p_joining_types =
malloc( p_paragraph->i_size * sizeof( *p_joining_types ) );
if( !p_joining_types )
return VLC_ENOMEM;
fribidi_get_joining_types( p_paragraph->p_code_points,
p_paragraph->i_size, p_joining_types );
fribidi_join_arabic( p_paragraph->p_types, p_paragraph->i_size,
p_paragraph->p_levels, p_joining_types );
p_paragraph->p_code_points );
free( p_joining_types );
* Zero-width invisible characters include Unicode control characters and
* zero-width spaces among other things. If not removed they can show up in the
* text as squares or other glyphs depending on the font. Zero-width spaces are
* inserted when shaping with FriBidi, when it performs glyph substitution for
* ligatures.
static int RemoveZeroWidthCharacters( paragraph_t *p_paragraph )
for( int i = 0; i < p_paragraph->i_size; ++i )
uni_char_t ch = p_paragraph->p_code_points[ i ];
if( ch == 0xfeff
|| ch == 0x061c
|| ( ch >= 0x202a && ch <= 0x202e )
|| ( ch >= 0x2060 && ch <= 0x2069 )
|| ( ch >= 0x200b && ch <= 0x200f ) )
glyph_bitmaps_t *p_bitmaps = p_paragraph->p_glyph_bitmaps + i;
if( p_bitmaps->p_glyph )
FT_Done_Glyph( p_bitmaps->p_glyph );
if( p_bitmaps->p_outline )
FT_Done_Glyph( p_bitmaps->p_outline );
p_bitmaps->p_glyph = 0;
p_bitmaps->p_outline = 0;
p_bitmaps->p_shadow = 0;
p_bitmaps->i_x_advance = 0;
p_bitmaps->i_y_advance = 0;
* Set advance values of non-spacing marks to zero. Diacritics are
* not positioned correctly but the text is more readable.
* For full shaping HarfBuzz is required.
static int ZeroNsmAdvance( paragraph_t *p_paragraph )
for( int i = 0; i < p_paragraph->i_size; ++i )
if( p_paragraph->p_types[ i ] == FRIBIDI_TYPE_NSM )
p_paragraph->p_glyph_bitmaps[ i ].i_x_advance = 0;
p_paragraph->p_glyph_bitmaps[ i ].i_y_advance = 0;
* Load the glyphs of a paragraph. When shaping with HarfBuzz the glyph indices
* have already been determined at this point, as well as the advance values.
static int LoadGlyphs( filter_t *p_filter, paragraph_t *p_paragraph,
bool b_use_glyph_indices, bool b_overwrite_advance )
if( p_paragraph->i_size <= 0 || p_paragraph->i_runs_count <= 0 )
msg_Err( p_filter, "LoadGlyphs() invalid parameters. "
"Paragraph size: %d. Runs count %d", p_paragraph->i_size,
p_paragraph->i_runs_count );
filter_sys_t *p_sys = p_filter->p_sys;
for( int i = 0; i < p_paragraph->i_runs_count; ++i )
run_desc_t *p_run = p_paragraph->p_runs + i;
text_style_t *p_style = p_run->p_style;
FT_Face p_face;
if( !p_run->p_face )
p_face = LoadFace( p_filter, p_style );
if( !p_face )
p_face = p_sys->p_face;
p_run->p_face = p_face;
p_face = p_run->p_face;
int i_font_width = p_style->i_style_flags & STYLE_HALFWIDTH ?
p_style->i_font_size / 2 : p_style->i_font_size;
if( FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes( p_face, i_font_width, p_style->i_font_size ) )
msg_Err( p_filter,
"Failed to set font size to %d", p_style->i_font_size );
if( p_sys->p_stroker )
double f_outline_thickness =
var_InheritInteger( p_filter, "freetype-outline-thickness" ) / 100.0;
f_outline_thickness = VLC_CLIP( f_outline_thickness, 0.0, 0.5 );
int i_radius = ( p_style->i_font_size << 6 ) * f_outline_thickness;
FT_Stroker_Set( p_sys->p_stroker,
for( int j = p_run->i_start_offset; j < p_run->i_end_offset; ++j )
int i_glyph_index;
if( b_use_glyph_indices )
i_glyph_index = p_paragraph->pi_glyph_indices[ j ];
i_glyph_index =
FT_Get_Char_Index( p_face, p_paragraph->p_code_points[ j ] );
glyph_bitmaps_t *p_bitmaps = p_paragraph->p_glyph_bitmaps + j;
if( FT_Load_Glyph( p_face, i_glyph_index,
&& FT_Load_Glyph( p_face, i_glyph_index, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT ) )
p_bitmaps->p_glyph = 0;
p_bitmaps->p_outline = 0;
p_bitmaps->p_shadow = 0;
p_bitmaps->i_x_advance = 0;
p_bitmaps->i_y_advance = 0;
if( ( p_style->i_style_flags & STYLE_BOLD )
&& !( p_face->style_flags & FT_STYLE_FLAG_BOLD ) )
FT_GlyphSlot_Embolden( p_face->glyph );
if( ( p_style->i_style_flags & STYLE_ITALIC )
&& !( p_face->style_flags & FT_STYLE_FLAG_ITALIC ) )
FT_GlyphSlot_Oblique( p_face->glyph );
if( FT_Get_Glyph( p_face->glyph, &p_bitmaps->p_glyph ) )
p_bitmaps->p_glyph = 0;
p_bitmaps->p_outline = 0;
p_bitmaps->p_shadow = 0;
p_bitmaps->i_x_advance = 0;
p_bitmaps->i_y_advance = 0;
if( p_filter->p_sys->p_stroker )
p_bitmaps->p_outline = p_bitmaps->p_glyph;
if( FT_Glyph_StrokeBorder( &p_bitmaps->p_outline,
p_filter->p_sys->p_stroker, 0, 0 ) )
p_bitmaps->p_outline = 0;
if( p_filter->p_sys->style.i_shadow_alpha > 0 )
p_bitmaps->p_shadow = p_bitmaps->p_outline ?
p_bitmaps->p_outline : p_bitmaps->p_glyph;
if( b_overwrite_advance )
p_bitmaps->i_x_advance = p_face->glyph->advance.x;
p_bitmaps->i_y_advance = p_face->glyph->advance.y;
static int NewLayoutLine( filter_t *p_filter,
paragraph_t *p_paragraph,
int i_start_offset, int i_end_offset,
line_desc_t **pp_line )
if( p_paragraph->i_size <= 0 || p_paragraph->i_runs_count <= 0
|| i_start_offset >= i_end_offset
|| i_start_offset < 0 || i_start_offset >= p_paragraph->i_size
|| i_end_offset <= 0 || i_end_offset > p_paragraph->i_size )
msg_Err( p_filter,
"NewLayoutLine() invalid parameters. "
"Paragraph size: %d. Runs count: %d. "
"Start offset: %d. End offset: %d",
p_paragraph->i_size, p_paragraph->i_runs_count,
i_start_offset, i_end_offset );
line_desc_t *p_line = NewLine( i_end_offset - i_start_offset );
filter_sys_t *p_sys = p_filter->p_sys;
int i_last_run = -1;
run_desc_t *p_run = 0;
text_style_t *p_style = 0;
FT_Face p_face = 0;
FT_Vector pen = { .x = 0, .y = 0 };
int i_line_index = 0;
int i_font_width = 0;
int i_ul_offset = 0;
int i_ul_thickness = 0;
fribidi_reorder_line( 0, p_paragraph->p_types + i_start_offset,
i_end_offset - i_start_offset,
0, p_paragraph->paragraph_type,
p_paragraph->p_levels + i_start_offset,
0, p_paragraph->pi_reordered_indices + i_start_offset );
for( int i = i_start_offset; i < i_end_offset; ++i, ++i_line_index )
int i_paragraph_index;
i_paragraph_index = p_paragraph->pi_reordered_indices[ i ];
i_paragraph_index = i;
line_character_t *p_ch = p_line->p_character + i_line_index;
glyph_bitmaps_t *p_bitmaps =
p_paragraph->p_glyph_bitmaps + i_paragraph_index;
if( !p_bitmaps->p_glyph )
if( i_last_run != p_paragraph->pi_run_ids[ i_paragraph_index ] )
i_last_run = p_paragraph->pi_run_ids[ i_paragraph_index ];
p_run = p_paragraph->p_runs + i_last_run;
p_style = p_run->p_style;
p_face = p_run->p_face;
i_font_width = p_style->i_style_flags & STYLE_HALFWIDTH ?
p_style->i_font_size / 2 : p_style->i_font_size;
FT_Vector pen_new = {
.x = pen.x + p_paragraph->p_glyph_bitmaps[ i_paragraph_index ].i_x_offset,
.y = pen.y + p_paragraph->p_glyph_bitmaps[ i_paragraph_index ].i_y_offset
FT_Vector pen_shadow = {
.x = pen_new.x + p_sys->f_shadow_vector_x * ( i_font_width << 6 ),
.y = pen_new.y + p_sys->f_shadow_vector_y * ( p_style->i_font_size << 6 )
if( p_bitmaps->p_shadow )
if( FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap( &p_bitmaps->p_shadow, FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL,
&pen_shadow, 0 ) )
p_bitmaps->p_shadow = 0;
FT_Glyph_Get_CBox( p_bitmaps->p_shadow, ft_glyph_bbox_pixels,
&p_bitmaps->shadow_bbox );
if( p_bitmaps->p_glyph )
if( FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap( &p_bitmaps->p_glyph, FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL,
&pen_new, 1 ) )
FT_Done_Glyph( p_bitmaps->p_glyph );
if( p_bitmaps->p_outline )
FT_Done_Glyph( p_bitmaps->p_outline );
if( p_bitmaps->p_shadow )
FT_Done_Glyph( p_bitmaps->p_shadow );
FT_Glyph_Get_CBox( p_bitmaps->p_glyph, ft_glyph_bbox_pixels,
&p_bitmaps->glyph_bbox );
if( p_bitmaps->p_outline )
if( FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap( &p_bitmaps->p_outline, FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL,
&pen_new, 1 ) )
FT_Done_Glyph( p_bitmaps->p_outline );
p_bitmaps->p_outline = 0;
FT_Glyph_Get_CBox( p_bitmaps->p_outline, ft_glyph_bbox_pixels,
&p_bitmaps->outline_bbox );
FixGlyph( p_bitmaps->p_glyph, &p_bitmaps->glyph_bbox,
p_face, &pen_new );
if( p_bitmaps->p_outline )
FixGlyph( p_bitmaps->p_outline, &p_bitmaps->outline_bbox,
p_face, &pen_new );
if( p_bitmaps->p_shadow )
FixGlyph( p_bitmaps->p_shadow, &p_bitmaps->shadow_bbox,
p_face, &pen_shadow );
int i_line_offset = 0;
int i_line_thickness = 0;
text_style_t *p_glyph_style = p_paragraph->pp_styles[ i_paragraph_index ];
if( p_glyph_style->i_style_flags & (STYLE_UNDERLINE | STYLE_STRIKEOUT) )
i_line_offset =
abs( FT_FLOOR( FT_MulFix( p_face->underline_position,
p_face->size->metrics.y_scale ) ) );
i_line_thickness =
abs( FT_CEIL( FT_MulFix( p_face->underline_thickness,
p_face->size->metrics.y_scale ) ) );
if( p_glyph_style->i_style_flags & STYLE_STRIKEOUT )
/* Move the baseline to make it strikethrough instead of
* underline. That means that strikethrough takes precedence
i_line_offset -=
abs( FT_FLOOR( FT_MulFix( p_face->descender * 2,
p_face->size->metrics.y_scale ) ) );
else if( i_line_thickness > 0 )
p_bitmaps->glyph_bbox.yMin =
__MIN( p_bitmaps->glyph_bbox.yMin,
- i_line_offset - i_line_thickness );
/* The real underline thickness and position are
* updated once the whole line has been parsed */
i_ul_offset = __MAX( i_ul_offset, i_line_offset );
i_ul_thickness = __MAX( i_ul_thickness, i_line_thickness );
i_line_thickness = -1;
p_ch->p_glyph = ( FT_BitmapGlyph ) p_bitmaps->p_glyph;
p_ch->p_outline = ( FT_BitmapGlyph ) p_bitmaps->p_outline;
p_ch->p_shadow = ( FT_BitmapGlyph ) p_bitmaps->p_shadow;
bool b_karaoke = p_paragraph->pi_karaoke_bar[ i_paragraph_index ] != 0;
p_ch->i_color = b_karaoke ?
p_paragraph->pp_styles[ i_paragraph_index ]->i_karaoke_background_color
| p_paragraph->pp_styles[ i_paragraph_index ]->i_karaoke_background_alpha << 24
: p_paragraph->pp_styles[ i_paragraph_index ]->i_font_color
| p_paragraph->pp_styles[ i_paragraph_index ]->i_font_alpha << 24;
p_ch->i_line_thickness = i_line_thickness;
p_ch->i_line_offset = i_line_offset;
BBoxEnlarge( &p_line->bbox, &p_bitmaps->glyph_bbox );
if( p_bitmaps->p_outline )
BBoxEnlarge( &p_line->bbox, &p_bitmaps->outline_bbox );
if( p_bitmaps->p_shadow )
BBoxEnlarge( &p_line->bbox, &p_bitmaps->shadow_bbox );
pen.x += p_bitmaps->i_x_advance;
pen.y += p_bitmaps->i_y_advance;
p_line->i_width = __MAX( 0, p_line->bbox.xMax - p_line->bbox.xMin );
p_line->i_height = __MAX( 0, p_line->bbox.yMax - p_line->bbox.yMin );
p_line->i_character_count = i_line_index;
if( i_ul_thickness > 0 )
for( int i = 0; i < p_line->i_character_count; i++ )
line_character_t *ch = &p_line->p_character[i];
if( ch->i_line_thickness < 0 )
ch->i_line_offset = i_ul_offset;
ch->i_line_thickness = i_ul_thickness;
*pp_line = p_line;
static int LayoutParagraph( filter_t *p_filter, paragraph_t *p_paragraph,
int i_max_width, line_desc_t **pp_lines )
if( p_paragraph->i_size <= 0 || p_paragraph->i_runs_count <= 0 )
msg_Err( p_filter, "LayoutParagraph() invalid parameters. "
"Paragraph size: %d. Runs count %d",
p_paragraph->i_size, p_paragraph->i_runs_count );
int i_line_start = 0;
FT_Pos i_width = 0;
int i_last_space = -1;
line_desc_t *p_first_line = 0;
line_desc_t **pp_line = &p_first_line;
for( int i = 0; i < p_paragraph->i_size; ++i )
p_paragraph->pi_reordered_indices[ i ] = i;
for( int i = 0; i <= p_paragraph->i_size; ++i )
if( i == p_paragraph->i_size )
if( i_line_start < i )
if( NewLayoutLine( p_filter, p_paragraph,
i_line_start, i, pp_line ) )
goto error;
if( p_paragraph->p_code_points[ i ] == ' '
|| p_paragraph->p_types[ i ] == FRIBIDI_TYPE_WS
if( i_line_start == i )
* Free orphaned white space glyphs not belonging to any lines.
* At this point p_shadow points to either p_glyph or p_outline,
* so we should not free it explicitly.
if( p_paragraph->p_glyph_bitmaps[ i ].p_glyph )
FT_Done_Glyph( p_paragraph->p_glyph_bitmaps[ i ].p_glyph );
if( p_paragraph->p_glyph_bitmaps[ i ].p_outline )
FT_Done_Glyph( p_paragraph->p_glyph_bitmaps[ i ].p_outline );
i_line_start = i + 1;
if( i_last_space == i - 1 )
p_paragraph->p_glyph_bitmaps[ i - 1 ].i_x_advance = 0;
i_last_space = i;
i_last_space = i;
i_width += p_paragraph->p_glyph_bitmaps[ i ].i_x_advance;
if( FT_CEIL( i_width ) >= i_max_width )
if( i_line_start == i )
msg_Err( p_filter,
"LayoutParagraph(): Width of single glyph exceeds maximum" );
goto error;
int i_end_offset;
if( i_last_space > i_line_start )
i_end_offset = i_last_space;
i_end_offset = i;
if( NewLayoutLine( p_filter, p_paragraph, i_line_start,
i_end_offset, pp_line ) )
goto error;
pp_line = &( *pp_line )->p_next;
i_line_start = i_end_offset;
i = i_line_start - 1;
i_width = 0;
*pp_lines = p_first_line;
if( p_first_line )
FreeLines( p_first_line );
int LayoutText( filter_t *p_filter, line_desc_t **pp_lines,
FT_BBox *p_bbox, int *pi_max_face_height,
uni_char_t *psz_text, text_style_t **pp_styles,
uint32_t *pi_k_dates, int i_len )
line_desc_t *p_first_line = 0;
line_desc_t **pp_line = &p_first_line;
paragraph_t *p_paragraph = 0;
int i_paragraph_start = 0;
int i_max_height = 0;
for( int i = 0; i <= i_len; ++i )
if( i == i_len || psz_text[ i ] == '\n' )
if( i_paragraph_start == i )
i_paragraph_start = i + 1;
p_paragraph = NewParagraph( p_filter, i - i_paragraph_start,
psz_text + i_paragraph_start,
pp_styles + i_paragraph_start,
pi_k_dates ?
pi_k_dates + i_paragraph_start : 0,
20 );
if( !p_paragraph )
if( p_first_line ) FreeLines( p_first_line );
return VLC_ENOMEM;
if( AnalyzeParagraph( p_paragraph ) )
goto error;
if( ItemizeParagraph( p_filter, p_paragraph ) )
goto error;
#if defined HAVE_HARFBUZZ
if( ShapeParagraphHarfBuzz( p_filter, &p_paragraph ) )
goto error;
if( LoadGlyphs( p_filter, p_paragraph, true, false ) )
goto error;
#elif defined HAVE_FRIBIDI
if( ShapeParagraphFriBidi( p_filter, p_paragraph ) )
goto error;
if( LoadGlyphs( p_filter, p_paragraph, false, true ) )
goto error;
if( RemoveZeroWidthCharacters( p_paragraph ) )
goto error;
if( ZeroNsmAdvance( p_paragraph ) )
goto error;
if( LoadGlyphs( p_filter, p_paragraph, false, true ) )
goto error;
* Set max line width to allow for outline and shadow glyphs,
* and any extra width caused by visual reordering
int i_max_width = ( int ) p_filter->
- 2 * p_filter->p_sys->style.i_font_size;
if( LayoutParagraph( p_filter, p_paragraph,
i_max_width, pp_line ) )
goto error;
for( ; *pp_line; pp_line = &( *pp_line )->p_next )
i_max_height = __MAX( i_max_height, ( *pp_line )->i_height );
i_paragraph_start = i + 1;
int i_base_line = 0;
FT_BBox bbox = {
.xMin = INT_MAX,
.yMin = INT_MAX,
.xMax = INT_MIN,
.yMax = INT_MIN
for( line_desc_t *p_line = p_first_line; p_line; p_line = p_line->p_next )
p_line->i_base_line = i_base_line;
p_line->bbox.yMin -= i_base_line;
p_line->bbox.yMax -= i_base_line;
BBoxEnlarge( &bbox, &p_line->bbox );
i_base_line += i_max_height;
*pp_lines = p_first_line;
*p_bbox = bbox;
*pi_max_face_height = i_max_height;
if( p_first_line ) FreeLines( p_first_line );
if( p_paragraph ) FreeParagraph( p_paragraph );
* text_layout.h : Text shaping and layout
* Copyright (C) 2015 VLC authors and VideoLAN
* $Id$
* Authors: Salah-Eddin Shaban <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
typedef struct
FT_BitmapGlyph p_glyph;
FT_BitmapGlyph p_outline;
FT_BitmapGlyph p_shadow;
uint32_t i_color; /* ARGB color */
int i_line_offset; /* underline/strikethrough offset */
int i_line_thickness; /* underline/strikethrough thickness */
} line_character_t;
typedef struct line_desc_t line_desc_t;
struct line_desc_t
line_desc_t *p_next;
int i_width;
int i_height;
int i_base_line;
int i_character_count;
line_character_t *p_character;
FT_BBox bbox;
void FreeLine( line_desc_t *p_line );
void FreeLines( line_desc_t *p_lines );
line_desc_t *NewLine( int i_count );
int LayoutText( filter_t *p_filter, line_desc_t **pp_lines,
FT_BBox *p_bbox, int *pi_max_face_height,
uni_char_t *psz_text, text_style_t **pp_styles,
uint32_t *pi_k_dates, int i_len );
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