Commit 54aad20b authored by Rémi Denis-Courmont's avatar Rémi Denis-Courmont

CMML: use key-action

parent 19abe81c
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ struct intf_sys_t
decoder_t * p_cmml_decoder;
input_thread_t * p_input;
vlc_bool_t b_key_pressed;
int i_key_action;
struct navigation_history_t
......@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ int E_(OpenIntf) ( vlc_object_t *p_this )
p_intf->pf_run = RunIntf;
var_AddCallback( p_intf->p_libvlc, "key-pressed", KeyEvent, p_intf );
var_AddCallback( p_intf->p_libvlc, "key-action", KeyEvent, p_intf );
/* we also need to add the callback for "mouse-clicked", but do that later
* when we've found a p_vout */
......@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ void E_(CloseIntf) ( vlc_object_t *p_this )
vlc_object_release( p_vout );
var_DelCallback( p_intf->p_libvlc, "key-pressed", KeyEvent, p_intf );
var_DelCallback( p_intf->p_libvlc, "key-action", KeyEvent, p_intf );
vlc_object_release( p_intf->p_sys->p_cmml_decoder );
......@@ -219,32 +219,7 @@ static void RunIntf( intf_thread_t *p_intf )
* keyboard event
if( p_intf->p_sys->b_key_pressed )
vlc_value_t val;
int i, i_action = -1;
struct hotkey *p_hotkeys = p_intf->p_libvlc->p_hotkeys;
/* Find action triggered by hotkey (if any) */
var_Get( p_intf->p_libvlc, "key-pressed", &val );
/* Acknowledge that we've handled the b_key_pressed event */
p_intf->p_sys->b_key_pressed = VLC_FALSE;
msg_Dbg( p_intf, "Got a keypress: %d", val.i_int );
for( i = 0; p_hotkeys[i].psz_action != NULL; i++ )
if( p_hotkeys[i].i_key == val.i_int )
i_action = p_hotkeys[i].i_action;
/* What did the user do? */
if( i_action != -1 )
switch( i_action )
switch( p_intf->p_sys->i_key_action )
FollowAnchor( p_intf );
......@@ -258,9 +233,7 @@ static void RunIntf( intf_thread_t *p_intf )
p_intf->p_sys->i_key_action = 0;
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_intf->change_lock );
(void) DisplayPendingAnchor( p_intf, p_vout );
......@@ -386,7 +359,7 @@ static int InitThread( intf_thread_t * p_intf )
p_intf->p_sys->p_input = p_input;
p_intf->p_sys->p_cmml_decoder = p_cmml_decoder;
p_intf->p_sys->b_key_pressed = VLC_FALSE;
p_intf->p_sys->i_key_action = 0;
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_intf->change_lock );
......@@ -423,7 +396,7 @@ static int KeyEvent( vlc_object_t *p_this, char const *psz_var,
intf_thread_t *p_intf = (intf_thread_t *)p_data;
vlc_mutex_lock( &p_intf->change_lock );
p_intf->p_sys->b_key_pressed = VLC_TRUE;
p_intf->p_sys->i_key_action = newval.i_int;
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_intf->change_lock );
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