Commit 4e68ddd0 authored by Rafaël Carré's avatar Rafaël Carré

Qt4 Icon View: cache full rendering for each item

parent 3daab2d0
...@@ -40,92 +40,123 @@ ...@@ -40,92 +40,123 @@
#define ITEMS_SPACING 10 #define ITEMS_SPACING 10
#define ART_RADIUS 5 #define ART_RADIUS 5
static QPixmap find_art_pixmap( const QString& url )
QPixmap pix;
if( QPixmapCache::find( url, pix ) ) /* great, we found it */
return pix;
if( url.isEmpty() || !pix.load( url ) )
pix = QPixmap( ":/noart64" );
pix = pix.scaled( ART_SIZE, ART_SIZE, Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding );
QPixmapCache::insert( url, pix ); /* save it for next time */ static const QRect drawRect = QRect( 0, 0, RECT_SIZE, RECT_SIZE );
return pix; static const QRect artRect = drawRect.adjusted( OFFSET - 1, 0, - OFFSET, - OFFSET *2 );
void PlListViewItemDelegate::paint( QPainter * painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QModelIndex & index ) const void PlListViewItemDelegate::paint( QPainter * painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QModelIndex & index ) const
{ {
painter->setRenderHints( QPainter::Antialiasing | QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform );
/*if( option.state & QStyle::State_Selected )
painter->fillRect(option.rect, option.palette.highlight());*/
QApplication::style()->drawPrimitive( QStyle::PE_PanelItemViewItem, &option, painter );
PLItem *currentItem = static_cast<PLItem*>( index.internalPointer() ); PLItem *currentItem = static_cast<PLItem*>( index.internalPointer() );
assert( currentItem ); assert( currentItem );
QPixmap artpix; char *meta;
QString url = InputManager::decodeArtURL( currentItem->inputItem() );
meta = input_item_GetTitleFbName( currentItem->inputItem() );
QString title = qfu( meta );
free( meta );
meta = input_item_GetArtist( currentItem->inputItem() );
QString artist = qfu( meta );
free( meta );
/* look up through all children and use the first picture found */ QString artUrl = InputManager::decodeArtURL( currentItem->inputItem() );
if( url.isEmpty() )
// look up through all children and use the first picture found
if( artUrl.isEmpty() )
{ {
int children = currentItem->childCount(); int children = currentItem->childCount();
for( int i = 0; i < children; i++ ) for( int i = 0; i < children; i++ )
{ {
PLItem *child = currentItem->child( i ); PLItem *child = currentItem->child( i );
url = InputManager::decodeArtURL( child->inputItem() ); artUrl = InputManager::decodeArtURL( child->inputItem() );
if( !url.isEmpty() ) if( !artUrl.isEmpty() )
break; break;
} }
} }
QRect artRect = option.rect.adjusted( OFFSET - 1, 0, - OFFSET, - OFFSET *2 ); /*if( option.state & QStyle::State_Selected )
artpix = find_art_pixmap( url ); /* look in the QPixmapCache for art */ painter->fillRect(option.rect, option.palette.highlight());*/
QApplication::style()->drawPrimitive( QStyle::PE_PanelItemViewItem, &option,
painter );
QPainterPath artRectPath; // picture where all the rendering happens and which will be cached
artRectPath.addRoundedRect( artRect, ART_RADIUS, ART_RADIUS ); QPixmap pix;
QString key = title + artist + artUrl;
if(QPixmapCache::find( key, pix ))
// cool, we found it in the cache
painter->drawPixmap( option.rect, pix );
// load album art
QPixmap artPix;
if( artUrl.isEmpty() || !artPix.load( artUrl ) )
artPix = QPixmap( ":/noart64" );
artPix = artPix.scaled( ART_SIZE, ART_SIZE,
Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding );
pix = QPixmap( RECT_SIZE, RECT_SIZE );
pix.fill( Qt::transparent );
QPainter *pixpainter = new QPainter( &pix );
QPainter::Antialiasing | QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform );
// Draw the drop shadow // Draw the drop shadow
painter->save(); pixpainter->save();
painter->setOpacity( 0.7 ); pixpainter->setOpacity( 0.7 );
painter->setBrush( QBrush( Qt::gray ) ); pixpainter->setBrush( QBrush( Qt::gray ) );
painter->drawRoundedRect( artRect.adjusted( 2, 2, 2, 2 ), ART_RADIUS, ART_RADIUS ); pixpainter->drawRoundedRect( artRect.adjusted( 2, 2, 2, 2 ), ART_RADIUS, ART_RADIUS );
painter->restore(); pixpainter->restore();
// Draw the art pixmap // Draw the art pix
painter->setClipPath( artRectPath ); QPainterPath artRectPath;
painter->drawPixmap( artRect, artpix ); artRectPath.addRoundedRect( artRect, ART_RADIUS, ART_RADIUS );
painter->setClipping( false ); pixpainter->setClipPath( artRectPath );
pixpainter->drawPixmap( artRect, artPix );
pixpainter->setClipping( false );
QColor text = qApp->palette().text().color(); QColor text = qApp->palette().text().color();
QString title = qfu( input_item_GetTitleFbName( currentItem->inputItem() ) );
QString artist = qfu( input_item_GetArtist( currentItem->inputItem() ) );
painter->setPen( text ); // Draw title
pixpainter->setPen( text );
QFont font; QFont font;
font.setPointSize( 7 ); font.setPointSize( 7 );
font.setItalic(true); font.setItalic(true);
font.setBold( Qt::FontRole ).value<QFont>().bold() ); font.setBold( Qt::FontRole ).value<QFont>().bold() );
painter->setFont( font ); pixpainter->setFont( font );
QFontMetrics fm = painter->fontMetrics(); QFontMetrics fm = pixpainter->fontMetrics();
QRect titleRect = option.rect.adjusted( 1, ART_SIZE + 4, 0, -1 ); QRect textRect = drawRect.adjusted( 1, ART_SIZE + 4, 0, -1 );
titleRect.setHeight( fm.height() + 2 ); textRect.setHeight( fm.height() + 2 );
painter->drawText( titleRect, fm.elidedText( title, Qt::ElideRight, titleRect.width() ), pixpainter->drawText( textRect,
fm.elidedText( title, Qt::ElideRight, textRect.width() ),
QTextOption( Qt::AlignCenter ) ); QTextOption( Qt::AlignCenter ) );
painter->setPen( text.lighter( 240 ) ); // Draw artist
pixpainter->setPen( text.lighter( 240 ) );
font.setItalic( false ); font.setItalic( false );
painter->setFont( font ); pixpainter->setFont( font );
fm = painter->fontMetrics(); fm = pixpainter->fontMetrics();
QRect artistRect = option.rect.adjusted( 1, ART_SIZE + 4 + titleRect.height(), -1, -1 );
painter->drawText( artistRect, fm.elidedText( artist, Qt::ElideRight, artistRect.width() ),
textRect = textRect.adjusted( 0, textRect.height(),
0, textRect.height() );
pixpainter->drawText( textRect,
fm.elidedText( artist, Qt::ElideRight, textRect.width() ),
QTextOption( Qt::AlignCenter ) ); QTextOption( Qt::AlignCenter ) );
delete pixpainter; // Ensure all paint operations have finished
// Here real drawing happens
painter->drawPixmap( option.rect, pix );
// Cache the rendering
QPixmapCache::insert( key, pix );
} }
QSize PlListViewItemDelegate::sizeHint ( const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QModelIndex & index ) const QSize PlListViewItemDelegate::sizeHint ( const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QModelIndex & index ) const
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