Commit 4dc4a8d0 authored by Jean-Philippe Andre's avatar Jean-Philippe Andre Committed by Jean-Baptiste Kempf

Qt menus: add loadSubtitlesFile

Signed-off-by: default avatarJean-Baptiste Kempf <>
parent 895c05d7
......@@ -529,3 +529,22 @@ void DialogsProvider::doInteraction( intf_dialog_args_t *p_arg )
void DialogsProvider::loadSubtitlesFile()
playlist_t *p_playlist = pl_Yield( p_intf );
if( !p_playlist || !p_playlist->p_input )
msg_Err( p_intf, "cannot get input" );
QString qsFile = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(
qtr( "Choose subtitles file" ),
qtr( "Subtitles files (*.cdg *.idx *.srt *.sub *.utf);;"
"All files (*)" ) );
if( !input_AddSubtitles( p_playlist->p_input, qtu( qsFile ), true ) )
msg_Warn( p_intf, "unable to load subtitles file..." );
pl_Release( p_playlist );
......@@ -187,6 +187,8 @@ public slots:
void openAPlaylist();
void saveAPlaylist();
void loadSubtitlesFile();
void quit();
......@@ -455,15 +455,23 @@ QMenu *QVLCMenu::VideoMenu( intf_thread_t *p_intf, QMenu *current )
if( current->isEmpty() )
ACT_ADD( current, "video-es", qtr( "Video &Track" ) );
QAction *action;
QMenu *submenu = new QMenu( qtr( "&Subtitles Track" ), current );
action = current->addMenu( submenu );
action->setData( "spu-es" );
submenu->addAction( qfu( "Load File..." ), THEDP,
SLOT( loadSubtitlesFile() ) );
ACT_ADD( current, "fullscreen", qtr( "&Fullscreen" ) );
ACT_ADD( current, "zoom", qtr( "&Zoom" ) );
ACT_ADD( current, "deinterlace", qtr( "&Deinterlace" ) );
ACT_ADD( current, "aspect-ratio", qtr( "&Aspect Ratio" ) );
ACT_ADD( current, "crop", qtr( "&Crop" ) );
ACT_ADD( current, "video-on-top", qtr( "Always &On Top" ) );
ACT_ADD( current, "directx-wallpaper", qtr( "&DirectX Wallpaper" ) ); /* FIXME */
ACT_ADD( current, "video-snapshot", qtr( "&Snapshot" ) );
ACT_ADD( current, "ffmpeg-pp-q", qtr( "D&ecoder" ) ); /* FIXME */
/* ACT_ADD( current, "directx-wallpaper", qtr( "DirectX Wallpaper" ) ); */
ACT_ADD( current, "video-snapshot", qtr( "Snapshot" ) );
/* ACT_ADD( current, "ffmpeg-pp-q", qtr( "Decoder" ) ); */
p_input = THEMIM->getInput();
......@@ -838,7 +846,7 @@ QMenu * QVLCMenu::Populate( intf_thread_t *p_intf,
if( objects[i] == 0 )
p_object = NULL;
......@@ -850,6 +858,15 @@ QMenu * QVLCMenu::Populate( intf_thread_t *p_intf,
/* Some specific stuff */
if( p_object && !strcmp( varnames[i], "spu-es" ) )
vlc_object_t *p_vout = ( vlc_object_t* )( vlc_object_find( p_object,
if( !p_vout )
/* Ugly specific stuff */
if( strstr( varnames[i], "intf-add" ) )
UpdateItem( p_intf, menu, varnames[i], p_object, false );
......@@ -923,12 +940,6 @@ void QVLCMenu::UpdateItem( intf_thread_t *p_intf, QMenu *menu,
if( !strcmp( psz_var, "spu-es" ) )
/* TODO: add a static entry "Load File..." */
/* Check the type of the object variable */
if( !strcmp( psz_var, "audio-es" )
|| !strcmp( psz_var, "video-es" ) )
......@@ -951,7 +962,8 @@ void QVLCMenu::UpdateItem( intf_thread_t *p_intf, QMenu *menu,
/* Make sure we want to display the variable */
if( IsMenuEmpty( psz_var, p_object ) ) return;
if( menu->isEmpty() && IsMenuEmpty( psz_var, p_object ) )
/* Get the descriptive name of the variable */
int i_ret = var_Change( p_object, psz_var, VLC_VAR_GETTEXT, &text, NULL );
......@@ -965,6 +977,7 @@ void QVLCMenu::UpdateItem( intf_thread_t *p_intf, QMenu *menu,
action = new QAction( TEXT_OR_VAR, menu );
menu->addAction( action );
action->setData( psz_var );
if( i_type & VLC_VAR_HASCHOICE )
......@@ -973,17 +986,15 @@ void QVLCMenu::UpdateItem( intf_thread_t *p_intf, QMenu *menu,
if( b_submenu )
QMenu *submenu;
action->setEnabled( true );
submenu = action->menu();
if( !submenu )
submenu = new QMenu( menu );
action->setMenu( submenu );
submenu->setEnabled( true );
if( CreateChoicesMenu( submenu, psz_var, p_object, true ) == 0 )
menu->addMenu( submenu );
CreateChoicesMenu( submenu, psz_var, p_object, true ) == 0 );
CreateChoicesMenu( menu, psz_var, p_object, true );
......@@ -1020,7 +1031,8 @@ int QVLCMenu::CreateChoicesMenu( QMenu *submenu, const char *psz_var,
i_type = var_Type( p_object, psz_var );
/* Make sure we want to display the variable */
if( IsMenuEmpty( psz_var, p_object, b_root ) ) return VLC_EGENERIC;
if( submenu->isEmpty() && IsMenuEmpty( psz_var, p_object, b_root ) )
switch( i_type & VLC_VAR_TYPE )
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