Commit 4981062b authored by Antoine Cellerier's avatar Antoine Cellerier

Simplify the HTTP Digest Access Authentification code.

parent ee8a709f
......@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ typedef struct http_auth_t
char *psz_qop;
int i_nonce;
char *psz_cnonce;
char *psz_A1; /* stored A1 value if algorithm = "MD5-sess" */
char *psz_HA1; /* stored H(A1) value if algorithm = "MD5-sess" */
} http_auth_t;
struct access_sys_t
......@@ -1511,11 +1511,8 @@ static char *AuthGetParam( const char *psz_header, const char *psz_param )
const char *psz_end;
psz_header += strlen( psz_what );
psz_end = strchr( psz_header, '"' );
if( !psz_end )
psz_end = psz_header;
while( *psz_end ) psz_end++;
if( !psz_end ) /* Invalid since we should have a closing quote */
return strdup( psz_header );
return strndup( psz_header, psz_end - psz_header );
......@@ -1526,7 +1523,7 @@ static char *AuthGetParam( const char *psz_header, const char *psz_param )
static char *AuthGetParamNoQuotes( const char *psz_header, const char *psz_param )
char psz_what[strlen(psz_param)+3];
char psz_what[strlen(psz_param)+2];
sprintf( psz_what, "%s=", psz_param );
psz_header = strstr( psz_header, psz_what );
if( psz_header )
......@@ -1534,11 +1531,10 @@ static char *AuthGetParamNoQuotes( const char *psz_header, const char *psz_param
const char *psz_end;
psz_header += strlen( psz_what );
psz_end = strchr( psz_header, ',' );
if( !psz_end )
psz_end = psz_header;
while( *psz_end ) psz_end++;
/* XXX: Do we need to filter out trailing space between the value and
* the comma/end of line? */
if( !psz_end ) /* Can be valid if this is the last parameter */
return strdup( psz_header );
return strndup( psz_header, psz_end - psz_header );
......@@ -1576,14 +1572,18 @@ static void AuthParseHeader( access_t *p_access, const char *psz_header,
p_auth->psz_algorithm = AuthGetParamNoQuotes( psz_header, "algorithm" );
p_auth->psz_qop = AuthGetParam( psz_header, "qop" );
p_auth->i_nonce = 0;
/* printf("realm: %s\ndomain: %s\nnonce: %s\nopaque: %s\nstale: %s\nalgorithm: %s\nqop: %s\n",p_auth->psz_realm,p_auth->psz_domain,p_auth->psz_nonce,p_auth->psz_opaque,p_auth->psz_stale,p_auth->psz_algorithm,p_auth->psz_qop); */
/* printf("realm: |%s|\ndomain: |%s|\nnonce: |%s|\nopaque: |%s|\n"
"stale: |%s|\nalgorithm: |%s|\nqop: |%s|\n",
p_auth->psz_qop); */
if( !p_auth->psz_realm )
msg_Warn( p_access, "Digest Access Authentication: "
"Mandatory 'realm' parameter is missing" );
if( !p_auth->psz_nonce )
msg_Warn( p_access, "Digest Access Authentication: "
"Mandatory 'nonce' parameter is missing" );
if( p_auth->psz_qop ) /* FIXME */
if( p_auth->psz_qop ) /* FIXME: parse the qop list */
char *psz_tmp = strchr( p_auth->psz_qop, ',' );
if( psz_tmp ) *psz_tmp = '\0';
......@@ -1592,16 +1592,14 @@ static void AuthParseHeader( access_t *p_access, const char *psz_header,
const char *psz_end = strchr( psz_header, ' ' );
if( !psz_end )
psz_end = psz_header;
while( *psz_end ) psz_end++;
msg_Warn( p_access, "Unknown authentication scheme: '%*s'",
psz_end - psz_header, psz_header );
if( psz_end )
msg_Warn( p_access, "Unknown authentication scheme: '%*s'",
psz_end - psz_header, psz_header );
msg_Warn( p_access, "Unknown authentication scheme: '%s'",
psz_header );
static char *AuthAlgoMD5( const char *psz_data )
struct md5_s md5;
......@@ -1625,27 +1623,21 @@ static void AuthReply( access_t *p_access, const char *psz_prefix,
if( p_auth->psz_nonce )
/* Digest Access Authentication */
char *psz_HA1 = NULL;
char *psz_HA2 = NULL;
char *psz_response = NULL;
char *psz_A1 = NULL;
char *psz_A2 = NULL;
char *psz_secret = NULL;
char *psz_data = NULL;
char * (*pf_algo)( const char * );
if( p_auth->psz_algorithm == NULL
|| !strcmp( p_auth->psz_algorithm, "MD5" )
|| !strcmp( p_auth->psz_algorithm, "MD5-sess" ) )
pf_algo = AuthAlgoMD5;
struct md5_s md5;
if( p_auth->psz_algorithm
&& strcmp( p_auth->psz_algorithm, "MD5" )
&& strcmp( p_auth->psz_algorithm, "MD5-sess" ) )
msg_Err( p_access, "Digest Access Authentication: "
"Unknown algorithm '%s'", p_auth->psz_algorithm );
if( !pf_algo ) return;
if( p_auth->psz_qop )
if( p_auth->psz_qop || !p_auth->psz_cnonce )
/* FIXME: needs to be really random to prevent man in the middle
* attacks */
......@@ -1654,96 +1646,92 @@ static void AuthReply( access_t *p_access, const char *psz_prefix,
p_auth->i_nonce ++;
if( p_auth->psz_algorithm && !strcmp( p_auth->psz_algorithm, "MD5-sess" ) )
/* H(A1) */
if( p_auth->psz_HA1 )
if( !p_auth->psz_A1 )
char *psz_tmp = NULL;
if( asprintf( &psz_A1, "%s:%s:%s", psz_username,
p_auth->psz_realm, psz_password ) < 0 )
goto error;
psz_tmp = pf_algo( psz_A1 );
free( psz_A1 ); psz_A1 = NULL;
if( !psz_tmp ) goto error;
if( asprintf( &psz_A1, "%s:%s:%s", psz_tmp, p_auth->psz_nonce,
p_auth->psz_cnonce ) < 0 )
free( psz_tmp );
goto error;
p_auth->psz_A1 = strdup( psz_A1 );
psz_A1 = strdup( p_auth->psz_A1 );
psz_HA1 = strdup( p_auth->psz_HA1 );
if( !psz_HA1 ) goto error;
if( asprintf( &psz_A1, "%s:%s:%s", psz_username, p_auth->psz_realm,
psz_password ) < 0 ) goto error;
InitMD5( &md5 );
AddMD5( &md5, psz_username, strlen( psz_username ) );
AddMD5( &md5, ":", 1 );
AddMD5( &md5, p_auth->psz_realm, strlen( p_auth->psz_realm ) );
AddMD5( &md5, ":", 1 );
AddMD5( &md5, psz_password, strlen( psz_password ) );
EndMD5( &md5 );
if( !p_auth->psz_qop || !strcmp( p_auth->psz_qop, "auth" ) )
if( asprintf( &psz_A2, "%s:%s", "GET", p_url->psz_path ?: "/" )
< 0 ) goto error;
char *psz_tmp = pf_algo( "FIXME entity-body" ); /* FIXME */
if( asprintf( &psz_A2, "%s:%s:%s", "GET", p_url->psz_path ?: "/",
psz_tmp ) < 0 )
psz_HA1 = psz_md5_hash( &md5 );
if( !psz_HA1 ) goto error;
if( p_auth->psz_algorithm
&& !strcmp( p_auth->psz_algorithm, "MD5-sess" ) )
free( psz_tmp );
goto error;
InitMD5( &md5 );
AddMD5( &md5, psz_HA1, 32 );
free( psz_HA1 );
AddMD5( &md5, ":", 1 );
AddMD5( &md5, p_auth->psz_nonce, strlen( p_auth->psz_nonce ) );
AddMD5( &md5, ":", 1 );
AddMD5( &md5, p_auth->psz_cnonce, strlen( p_auth->psz_cnonce ) );
EndMD5( &md5 );
psz_HA1 = psz_md5_hash( &md5 );
if( !psz_HA1 ) goto error;
p_auth->psz_HA1 = strdup( psz_HA1 );
if( !p_auth->psz_HA1 ) goto error;
free( psz_tmp );
psz_secret = pf_algo( psz_A1 );
/* H(A2) */
InitMD5( &md5 );
AddMD5( &md5, "GET", 3 ); /* FIXME ? */
AddMD5( &md5, ":", 1 );
if( p_url->psz_path )
AddMD5( &md5, p_url->psz_path, strlen( p_url->psz_path ) );
AddMD5( &md5, "/", 1 );
if( p_auth->psz_qop && !strcmp( p_auth->psz_qop, "auth-int" ) )
char *psz_ent;
struct md5_s ent;
InitMD5( &ent );
AddMD5( &ent, "", 0 ); /* XXX: entity-body. should be ok for GET */
EndMD5( &ent );
psz_ent = psz_md5_hash( &ent );
if( !psz_ent ) goto error;
AddMD5( &md5, ":", 1 );
AddMD5( &md5, psz_ent, 32 );
free( psz_ent );
EndMD5( &md5 );
psz_HA2 = psz_md5_hash( &md5 );
if( !psz_HA2 ) goto error;
/* Request digest */
InitMD5( &md5 );
AddMD5( &md5, psz_HA1, 32 );
AddMD5( &md5, ":", 1 );
AddMD5( &md5, p_auth->psz_nonce, strlen( p_auth->psz_nonce ) );
AddMD5( &md5, ":", 1 );
if( p_auth->psz_qop
&& ( !strcmp( p_auth->psz_qop, "auth" )
|| !strcmp( p_auth->psz_qop, "auth-int" ) ) )
char *psz_tmp = pf_algo( psz_A2 );
if( !psz_tmp ) goto error;
if( asprintf( &psz_data, "%s:%08x:%s:%s:%s",
p_auth->psz_nonce, p_auth->i_nonce,
p_auth->psz_cnonce, p_auth->psz_qop, psz_tmp ) < 0 )
free( psz_tmp );
goto error;
free( psz_tmp );
char *psz_tmp = pf_algo( psz_A2 );
if( !psz_tmp ) goto error;
if( asprintf( &psz_data, "%s:%s", p_auth->psz_nonce, psz_tmp ) < 0 )
free( psz_tmp );
goto error;
free( psz_tmp );
if( psz_secret && psz_data )
char *psz_tmp = NULL;
if( asprintf( &psz_tmp, "%s:%s", psz_secret, psz_data ) < 0 )
goto error;
psz_response = pf_algo( psz_tmp );
free( psz_tmp );
if( !psz_response )
goto error;
goto error;
char psz_inonce[9];
snprintf( psz_inonce, 9, "%08x", p_auth->i_nonce );
AddMD5( &md5, psz_inonce, 8 );
AddMD5( &md5, ":", 1 );
AddMD5( &md5, p_auth->psz_cnonce, strlen( p_auth->psz_cnonce ) );
AddMD5( &md5, ":", 1 );
AddMD5( &md5, p_auth->psz_qop, strlen( p_auth->psz_qop ) );
AddMD5( &md5, ":", 1 );
AddMD5( &md5, psz_HA2, 32 );
EndMD5( &md5 );
psz_response = psz_md5_hash( &md5 );
if( !psz_response ) goto error;
net_Printf( VLC_OBJECT(p_access), p_sys->fd, pvs,
"%sAuthorization: Digest "
......@@ -1785,12 +1773,11 @@ static void AuthReply( access_t *p_access, const char *psz_prefix,
p_auth->i_nonce ? "\"" : "\""
free( psz_HA1 );
free( psz_HA2 );
free( psz_response );
free( psz_A1 );
free( psz_A2 );
free( psz_secret );
free( psz_data );
......@@ -1821,5 +1808,5 @@ static void AuthReset( http_auth_t *p_auth )
FREENULL( p_auth->psz_qop );
p_auth->i_nonce = 0;
FREENULL( p_auth->psz_cnonce );
FREENULL( p_auth->psz_A1 );
FREENULL( p_auth->psz_HA1 );
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