Commit 40641a7b authored by Steve Lhomme's avatar Steve Lhomme

mkv.cpp: add preliminary code to support the UI hooks

parent e031492e
......@@ -84,6 +84,8 @@
#include "ebml/StdIOCallback.h"
#include "vlc_keys.h"
extern "C" {
#include "mp4/libmp4.h"
......@@ -96,6 +98,271 @@ extern "C" {
#define MKVD_TIMECODESCALE 1000000
#if defined(__GNUC__)
#if __GNUC__ > 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 95)
#define ATTRIBUTE_PACKED __attribute__ ((packed))
#define PRAGMA_PACK 0
#if !defined(ATTRIBUTE_PACKED)
#define PRAGMA_PACK 1
#pragma pack(1)
* taken from libdvdnav / libdvdread
* DVD Time Information.
typedef struct {
uint8_t hour;
uint8_t minute;
uint8_t second;
uint8_t frame_u; /* The two high bits are the frame rate. */
} ATTRIBUTE_PACKED dvd_time_t;
* User Operations.
typedef struct {
unsigned int zero : 7; /* 25-31 */
unsigned int video_pres_mode_change : 1; /* 24 */
unsigned int karaoke_audio_pres_mode_change : 1; /* 23 */
unsigned int angle_change : 1;
unsigned int subpic_stream_change : 1;
unsigned int audio_stream_change : 1;
unsigned int pause_on : 1;
unsigned int still_off : 1;
unsigned int button_select_or_activate : 1;
unsigned int resume : 1; /* 16 */
unsigned int chapter_menu_call : 1; /* 15 */
unsigned int angle_menu_call : 1;
unsigned int audio_menu_call : 1;
unsigned int subpic_menu_call : 1;
unsigned int root_menu_call : 1;
unsigned int title_menu_call : 1;
unsigned int backward_scan : 1;
unsigned int forward_scan : 1; /* 8 */
unsigned int next_pg_search : 1; /* 7 */
unsigned int prev_or_top_pg_search : 1;
unsigned int time_or_chapter_search : 1;
unsigned int go_up : 1;
unsigned int stop : 1;
unsigned int title_play : 1;
unsigned int chapter_search_or_play : 1;
unsigned int title_or_time_play : 1; /* 0 */
unsigned int video_pres_mode_change : 1; /* 24 */
unsigned int zero : 7; /* 25-31 */
unsigned int resume : 1; /* 16 */
unsigned int button_select_or_activate : 1;
unsigned int still_off : 1;
unsigned int pause_on : 1;
unsigned int audio_stream_change : 1;
unsigned int subpic_stream_change : 1;
unsigned int angle_change : 1;
unsigned int karaoke_audio_pres_mode_change : 1; /* 23 */
unsigned int forward_scan : 1; /* 8 */
unsigned int backward_scan : 1;
unsigned int title_menu_call : 1;
unsigned int root_menu_call : 1;
unsigned int subpic_menu_call : 1;
unsigned int audio_menu_call : 1;
unsigned int angle_menu_call : 1;
unsigned int chapter_menu_call : 1; /* 15 */
unsigned int title_or_time_play : 1; /* 0 */
unsigned int chapter_search_or_play : 1;
unsigned int title_play : 1;
unsigned int stop : 1;
unsigned int go_up : 1;
unsigned int time_or_chapter_search : 1;
unsigned int prev_or_top_pg_search : 1;
unsigned int next_pg_search : 1; /* 7 */
} ATTRIBUTE_PACKED user_ops_t;
* Type to store per-command data.
typedef struct {
uint8_t bytes[8];
* PCI General Information
typedef struct {
uint32_t nv_pck_lbn; /**< sector address of this nav pack */
uint16_t vobu_cat; /**< 'category' of vobu */
uint16_t zero1; /**< reserved */
user_ops_t vobu_uop_ctl; /**< UOP of vobu */
uint32_t vobu_s_ptm; /**< start presentation time of vobu */
uint32_t vobu_e_ptm; /**< end presentation time of vobu */
uint32_t vobu_se_e_ptm; /**< end ptm of sequence end in vobu */
dvd_time_t e_eltm; /**< Cell elapsed time */
char vobu_isrc[32];
* Non Seamless Angle Information
typedef struct {
uint32_t nsml_agl_dsta[9]; /**< address of destination vobu in AGL_C#n */
} ATTRIBUTE_PACKED nsml_agli_t;
* Highlight General Information
* For btngrX_dsp_ty the bits have the following meaning:
* 000b: normal 4/3 only buttons
* XX1b: wide (16/9) buttons
* X1Xb: letterbox buttons
* 1XXb: pan&scan buttons
typedef struct {
uint16_t hli_ss; /**< status, only low 2 bits 0: no buttons, 1: different 2: equal 3: eual except for button cmds */
uint32_t hli_s_ptm; /**< start ptm of hli */
uint32_t hli_e_ptm; /**< end ptm of hli */
uint32_t btn_se_e_ptm; /**< end ptm of button select */
unsigned char zero1 : 2; /**< reserved */
unsigned char btngr_ns : 2; /**< number of button groups 1, 2 or 3 with 36/18/12 buttons */
unsigned char zero2 : 1; /**< reserved */
unsigned char btngr1_dsp_ty : 3; /**< display type of subpic stream for button group 1 */
unsigned char zero3 : 1; /**< reserved */
unsigned char btngr2_dsp_ty : 3; /**< display type of subpic stream for button group 2 */
unsigned char zero4 : 1; /**< reserved */
unsigned char btngr3_dsp_ty : 3; /**< display type of subpic stream for button group 3 */
unsigned char btngr1_dsp_ty : 3;
unsigned char zero2 : 1;
unsigned char btngr_ns : 2;
unsigned char zero1 : 2;
unsigned char btngr3_dsp_ty : 3;
unsigned char zero4 : 1;
unsigned char btngr2_dsp_ty : 3;
unsigned char zero3 : 1;
uint8_t btn_ofn; /**< button offset number range 0-255 */
uint8_t btn_ns; /**< number of valid buttons <= 36/18/12 (low 6 bits) */
uint8_t nsl_btn_ns; /**< number of buttons selectable by U_BTNNi (low 6 bits) nsl_btn_ns <= btn_ns */
uint8_t zero5; /**< reserved */
uint8_t fosl_btnn; /**< forcedly selected button (low 6 bits) */
uint8_t foac_btnn; /**< forcedly activated button (low 6 bits) */
* Button Color Information Table
* Each entry beeing a 32bit word that contains the color indexs and alpha
* values to use. They are all represented by 4 bit number and stored
* like this [Ci3, Ci2, Ci1, Ci0, A3, A2, A1, A0]. The actual palette
* that the indexes reference is in the PGC.
* @TODO split the uint32_t into a struct
typedef struct {
uint32_t btn_coli[3][2]; /**< [button color number-1][select:0/action:1] */
} ATTRIBUTE_PACKED btn_colit_t;
* Button Information
* NOTE: I've had to change the structure from the disk layout to get
* the packing to work with Sun's Forte C compiler.
* The 4 and 7 bytes are 'rotated' was: ABC DEF GHIJ is: ABCG DEFH IJ
typedef struct {
unsigned int btn_coln : 2; /**< button color number */
unsigned int x_start : 10; /**< x start offset within the overlay */
unsigned int zero1 : 2; /**< reserved */
unsigned int x_end : 10; /**< x end offset within the overlay */
unsigned int zero3 : 2; /**< reserved */
unsigned int up : 6; /**< button index when pressing up */
unsigned int auto_action_mode : 2; /**< 0: no, 1: activated if selected */
unsigned int y_start : 10; /**< y start offset within the overlay */
unsigned int zero2 : 2; /**< reserved */
unsigned int y_end : 10; /**< y end offset within the overlay */
unsigned int zero4 : 2; /**< reserved */
unsigned int down : 6; /**< button index when pressing down */
unsigned char zero5 : 2; /**< reserved */
unsigned char left : 6; /**< button index when pressing left */
unsigned char zero6 : 2; /**< reserved */
unsigned char right : 6; /**< button index when pressing right */
unsigned int x_end : 10;
unsigned int zero1 : 2;
unsigned int x_start : 10;
unsigned int btn_coln : 2;
unsigned int up : 6;
unsigned int zero3 : 2;
unsigned int y_end : 10;
unsigned int zero2 : 2;
unsigned int y_start : 10;
unsigned int auto_action_mode : 2;
unsigned int down : 6;
unsigned int zero4 : 2;
unsigned char left : 6;
unsigned char zero5 : 2;
unsigned char right : 6;
unsigned char zero6 : 2;
vm_cmd_t cmd;
* Highlight Information
typedef struct {
hl_gi_t hl_gi;
btn_colit_t btn_colit;
btni_t btnit[36];
* PCI packet
typedef struct {
pci_gi_t pci_gi;
nsml_agli_t nsml_agli;
hli_t hli;
uint8_t zero1[189];
#pragma pack()
* What's between a directory and a filename?
......@@ -952,6 +1219,7 @@ public:
......@@ -1006,6 +1274,7 @@ public:
/* for spu variables */
input_thread_t *p_input;
block_t *p_pci_packet;
/* event */
event_thread_t *p_ev;
......@@ -1016,6 +1285,7 @@ public:
vlc_value_t oldval, vlc_value_t newval, void *p_data );
virtual_segment_c *VirtualFromSegments( matroska_segment_c *p_segment ) const;
bool IsUsedSegment( matroska_segment_c &p_segment ) const;
......@@ -1463,12 +1733,17 @@ static void BlockDecode( demux_t *p_demux, KaxBlock *block, mtime_t i_pts,
return; /* discard audio packets that shouldn't be rendered */
if ( tk->fmt.i_cat != SPU_ES || strcmp( tk->psz_codec, "B_VOBBTN" ) )
es_out_Control( p_demux->out, ES_OUT_GET_ES_STATE, tk->p_es, &b );
if( !b )
tk->b_inited = VLC_FALSE;
/* First send init data */
if( !tk->b_inited && tk->i_data_init > 0 )
......@@ -1512,10 +1787,27 @@ static void BlockDecode( demux_t *p_demux, KaxBlock *block, mtime_t i_pts,
p_block->i_pts = 0;
if( tk->fmt.i_cat == SPU_ES && strcmp( tk->psz_codec, "S_VOBSUB" ) )
if ( tk->fmt.i_cat == SPU_ES )
if ( !strcmp( tk->psz_codec, "B_VOBBTN" ) )
// TODO handle the start/stop times of this packet
if ( p_sys->b_ui_hooked )
vlc_mutex_lock( &p_sys->p_ev->lock );
if ( p_sys->p_pci_packet != NULL )
block_Release( p_sys->p_pci_packet );
p_sys->p_pci_packet = p_block;
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_sys->p_ev->lock );
else if ( strcmp( tk->psz_codec, "S_VOBSUB" ) )
p_block->i_length = i_duration * 1000;
es_out_Send( p_demux->out, tk->p_es, p_block );
......@@ -1908,8 +2200,6 @@ bool matroska_segment_c::Select( mtime_t i_start_time )
else if( !strcmp( tracks[i_track]->psz_codec, "B_VOBBTN" ) )
/* FIXME: support this codec */
msg_Err( &sys.demuxer, "Vob Buttons not supported yet[%d, n=%d]", i_track, tracks[i_track]->i_number );
tracks[i_track]->fmt.i_codec = VLC_FOURCC( 's','p','u',' ' );
......@@ -1942,6 +2232,7 @@ void demux_sys_t::StartUiThread()
if ( !b_ui_hooked )
msg_Dbg( &demuxer, "Starting the UI Hook" );
b_ui_hooked = true;
/* FIXME hack hack hack hack FIXME */
/* Get p_input and create variable */
......@@ -1958,6 +2249,7 @@ void demux_sys_t::StartUiThread()
/* Now create our event thread catcher */
p_ev = (event_thread_t *) vlc_object_create( &demuxer, sizeof( event_thread_t ) );
p_ev->p_demux = &demuxer;
vlc_mutex_init( p_ev, &p_ev->lock );
vlc_thread_create( p_ev, "mkv event thread handler", EventThread,
......@@ -1968,8 +2260,6 @@ void demux_sys_t::StopUiThread()
if ( b_ui_hooked )
p_ev->b_die = VLC_TRUE;
vlc_thread_join( p_ev );
vlc_object_destroy( p_ev );
var_Destroy( p_input, "highlight-mutex" );
var_Destroy( p_input, "highlight" );
......@@ -1979,6 +2269,11 @@ void demux_sys_t::StopUiThread()
var_Destroy( p_input, "y-end" );
var_Destroy( p_input, "color" );
var_Destroy( p_input, "menu-contrast" );
vlc_thread_join( p_ev );
vlc_object_destroy( p_ev );
msg_Dbg( &demuxer, "Stopping the UI Hook" );
b_ui_hooked = false;
......@@ -2014,7 +2309,6 @@ int demux_sys_t::EventThread( vlc_object_t *p_this )
demux_sys_t *p_sys = p_ev->p_demux->p_sys;
vlc_object_t *p_vout = NULL;
vlc_mutex_init( p_ev, &p_ev->lock );
p_ev->b_moved = VLC_FALSE;
p_ev->b_clicked = VLC_FALSE;
p_ev->b_key = VLC_FALSE;
......@@ -2025,6 +2319,95 @@ int demux_sys_t::EventThread( vlc_object_t *p_this )
/* main loop */
while( !p_ev->b_die )
vlc_bool_t b_activated = VLC_FALSE;
/* KEY part */
if( p_ev->b_key )
vlc_value_t valk;
struct vlc_t::hotkey *p_hotkeys = p_ev->p_vlc->p_hotkeys;
int i, i_action = -1;
vlc_mutex_lock( &p_ev->lock );
pci_t *pci = (pci_t *) &p_sys->p_pci_packet->p_buffer[1];
var_Get( p_ev->p_vlc, "key-pressed", &valk );
for( i = 0; p_hotkeys[i].psz_action != NULL; i++ )
if( p_hotkeys[i].i_key == valk.i_int )
i_action = p_hotkeys[i].i_action;
switch( i_action )
// dvdnav_left_button_select( NULL, pci );
// dvdnav_right_button_select( NULL, pci );
// dvdnav_upper_button_select( NULL, pci );
// dvdnav_lower_button_select( NULL, pci );
b_activated = VLC_TRUE;
// dvdnav_button_activate( NULL, pci );
p_ev->b_key = VLC_FALSE;
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_ev->lock );
/* VOUT part */
if( p_vout && ( p_ev->b_moved || p_ev->b_clicked ) )
vlc_value_t valx, valy;
vlc_mutex_lock( &p_ev->lock );
pci_t *pci = (pci_t *) &p_sys->p_pci_packet->p_buffer[1];
var_Get( p_vout, "mouse-x", &valx );
var_Get( p_vout, "mouse-y", &valy );
if( p_ev->b_moved )
// dvdnav_mouse_select( NULL, pci, valx.i_int, valy.i_int );
p_ev->b_moved = 0;
if( p_ev->b_clicked )
b_activated = VLC_TRUE;
// dvdnav_mouse_activate( NULL, pci, valx.i_int, valy.i_int );
p_ev->b_moved = VLC_FALSE;
p_ev->b_clicked = VLC_FALSE;
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_ev->lock );
if( p_vout && p_vout->b_die )
var_DelCallback( p_vout, "mouse-moved", EventMouse, p_ev );
var_DelCallback( p_vout, "mouse-clicked", EventMouse, p_ev );
vlc_object_release( p_vout );
p_vout = NULL;
if( p_vout == NULL )
p_vout = (vlc_object_t*) vlc_object_find( p_sys->p_input, VLC_OBJECT_VOUT,
if( p_vout)
var_AddCallback( p_vout, "mouse-moved", EventMouse, p_ev );
var_AddCallback( p_vout, "mouse-clicked", EventMouse, p_ev );
/* Wait a bit */
msleep( 10000 );
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