Commit 2158cf90 authored by Francois Cartegnie's avatar Francois Cartegnie

mux: ts: make PMT/PAT generation reusable

parent b80338e6
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ libmux_ts_plugin_la_SOURCES = \
mpeg/pes.c mpeg/pes.h \
mpeg/csa.c mpeg/csa.h \
mpeg/streams.h \
mpeg/tables.h \
mpeg/tables.c mpeg/tables.h \
mpeg/tsutil.c mpeg/tsutil.h \
mpeg/ts.c mpeg/bits.h mpeg/dvbpsi_compat.h
libmux_ts_plugin_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) $(DVBPSI_CFLAGS)
* tables.c
* Copyright (C) 2001-2005, 2015 VLC authors and VideoLAN
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
# include "config.h"
#include <vlc_common.h>
#include <vlc_block.h>
#include <vlc_fourcc.h>
#include <vlc_es.h>
# include <dvbpsi/dvbpsi.h>
# include <dvbpsi/demux.h>
# include <dvbpsi/descriptor.h>
# include <dvbpsi/pat.h>
# include <dvbpsi/pmt.h>
# include <dvbpsi/sdt.h>
# include <dvbpsi/dr.h>
# include <dvbpsi/psi.h>
#include "dvbpsi_compat.h"
#include "streams.h"
#include "tsutil.h"
#include "tables.h"
#include "bits.h"
block_t *WritePSISection( dvbpsi_psi_section_t* p_section )
block_t *p_psi, *p_first = NULL;
while( p_section )
int i_size = (uint32_t)(p_section->p_payload_end - p_section->p_data) +
(p_section->b_syntax_indicator ? 4 : 0);
p_psi = block_Alloc( i_size + 1 );
if( !p_psi )
goto error;
p_psi->i_pts = 0;
p_psi->i_dts = 0;
p_psi->i_length = 0;
p_psi->i_buffer = i_size + 1;
p_psi->p_buffer[0] = 0; /* pointer */
memcpy( p_psi->p_buffer + 1,
i_size );
block_ChainAppend( &p_first, p_psi );
p_section = p_section->p_next;
return( p_first );
if( p_first )
block_ChainRelease( p_first );
return NULL;
void BuildPAT( DVBPSI_HANDLE_PARAM(dvbpsi_t *p_dvbpsi)
void *p_opaque, PEStoTSCallback pf_callback,
int i_tsid, int i_pat_version_number,
ts_stream_t *p_pat,
unsigned i_programs, ts_stream_t *p_pmt, const int *pi_programs_number )
dvbpsi_pat_t patpsi;
dvbpsi_psi_section_t *p_section;
dvbpsi_InitPAT( &patpsi, i_tsid, i_pat_version_number, 1 /* b_current_next */ );
/* add all programs */
for (unsigned i = 0; i < i_programs; i++ )
dvbpsi_PATAddProgram( &patpsi, pi_programs_number[i], p_pmt[i].i_pid );
p_section = dvbpsi_pat_sections_generate( p_dvbpsi, &patpsi, 0 );
p_section = dvbpsi_GenPATSections( &pat, 0 /* max program per section */ );
block_t *p_block = WritePSISection( p_section );
PEStoTS( p_opaque, pf_callback, p_block, p_pat->i_pid,
&p_pat->b_discontinuity, &p_pat->i_continuity_counter );
dvbpsi_DeletePSISections( p_section );
dvbpsi_EmptyPAT( &patpsi );
#if 1
static uint32_t GetDescriptorLength24b( int i_length )
uint32_t i_l1, i_l2, i_l3;
i_l1 = i_length&0x7f;
i_l2 = ( i_length >> 7 )&0x7f;
i_l3 = ( i_length >> 14 )&0x7f;
return( 0x808000 | ( i_l3 << 16 ) | ( i_l2 << 8 ) | i_l1 );
static void GetPMTmpeg4( vlc_object_t *p_object, dvbpsi_pmt_t *p_dvbpmt,
unsigned i_mapped_streams, const pes_mapped_stream_t *p_mapped_streams )
uint8_t iod[4096];
bits_buffer_t bits, bits_fix_IOD;
/* Make valgrind happy : it works at byte level not bit one so
* bit_write confuse it (but DON'T CHANGE the way that bit_write is
* working (needed when fixing some bits) */
memset( iod, 0, 4096 );
bits_initwrite( &bits, 4096, iod );
/* IOD_label_scope */
bits_write( &bits, 8, 0x11 );
/* IOD_label */
bits_write( &bits, 8, 0x01 );
/* InitialObjectDescriptor */
bits_align( &bits );
bits_write( &bits, 8, 0x02 ); /* tag */
bits_fix_IOD = bits; /* save states to fix length later */
bits_write( &bits, 24,
GetDescriptorLength24b( 0 ) ); /* variable length (fixed later) */
bits_write( &bits, 10, 0x01 ); /* ObjectDescriptorID */
bits_write( &bits, 1, 0x00 ); /* URL Flag */
bits_write( &bits, 1, 0x00 ); /* includeInlineProfileLevelFlag */
bits_write( &bits, 4, 0x0f ); /* reserved */
bits_write( &bits, 8, 0xff ); /* ODProfile (no ODcapability ) */
bits_write( &bits, 8, 0xff ); /* sceneProfile */
bits_write( &bits, 8, 0xfe ); /* audioProfile (unspecified) */
bits_write( &bits, 8, 0xfe ); /* visualProfile( // ) */
bits_write( &bits, 8, 0xff ); /* graphicProfile (no ) */
for (unsigned i = 0; i < i_mapped_streams; i++ )
const pes_mapped_stream_t *p_stream = &p_mapped_streams[i];
if( p_stream->pes->i_stream_id != 0xfa && p_stream->pes->i_stream_id != 0xfb &&
p_stream->pes->i_stream_id != 0xfe )
bits_buffer_t bits_fix_ESDescr, bits_fix_Decoder;
/* ES descriptor */
bits_align( &bits );
bits_write( &bits, 8, 0x03 ); /* ES_DescrTag */
bits_fix_ESDescr = bits;
bits_write( &bits, 24,
GetDescriptorLength24b( 0 ) ); /* variable size */
bits_write( &bits, 16, p_stream->pes->i_es_id );
bits_write( &bits, 1, 0x00 ); /* streamDependency */
bits_write( &bits, 1, 0x00 ); /* URL Flag */
bits_write( &bits, 1, 0x00 ); /* OCRStreamFlag */
bits_write( &bits, 5, 0x1f ); /* streamPriority */
/* DecoderConfigDesciptor */
bits_align( &bits );
bits_write( &bits, 8, 0x04 ); /* DecoderConfigDescrTag */
bits_fix_Decoder = bits;
bits_write( &bits, 24, GetDescriptorLength24b( 0 ) );
if( p_stream->pes->i_stream_type == 0x10 )
bits_write( &bits, 8, 0x20 ); /* Visual 14496-2 */
bits_write( &bits, 6, 0x04 ); /* VisualStream */
else if( p_stream->pes->i_stream_type == 0x1b )
bits_write( &bits, 8, 0x21 ); /* Visual 14496-2 */
bits_write( &bits, 6, 0x04 ); /* VisualStream */
else if( p_stream->pes->i_stream_type == 0x11 ||
p_stream->pes->i_stream_type == 0x0f )
bits_write( &bits, 8, 0x40 ); /* Audio 14496-3 */
bits_write( &bits, 6, 0x05 ); /* AudioStream */
else if( p_stream->pes->i_stream_type == 0x12 &&
p_stream->pes->i_codec == VLC_CODEC_SUBT )
bits_write( &bits, 8, 0x0B ); /* Text Stream */
bits_write( &bits, 6, 0x04 ); /* VisualStream */
bits_write( &bits, 8, 0x00 );
bits_write( &bits, 6, 0x00 );
msg_Err( p_object, "Unsupported stream_type => broken IOD" );
bits_write( &bits, 1, 0x00 ); /* UpStream */
bits_write( &bits, 1, 0x01 ); /* reserved */
bits_write( &bits, 24, 1024 * 1024 ); /* bufferSizeDB */
bits_write( &bits, 32, 0x7fffffff ); /* maxBitrate */
bits_write( &bits, 32, 0 ); /* avgBitrate */
if( p_stream->pes->i_extra > 0 )
/* DecoderSpecificInfo */
bits_align( &bits );
bits_write( &bits, 8, 0x05 ); /* tag */
bits_write( &bits, 24, GetDescriptorLength24b(
p_stream->pes->i_extra ) );
for (int j = 0; j < p_stream->pes->i_extra; j++ )
bits_write( &bits, 8,
((uint8_t*)p_stream->pes->p_extra)[j] );
/* fix Decoder length */
bits_write( &bits_fix_Decoder, 24,
GetDescriptorLength24b( bits.i_data -
bits_fix_Decoder.i_data - 3 ) );
/* SLConfigDescriptor : predefined (0x01) */
bits_align( &bits );
bits_write( &bits, 8, 0x06 ); /* tag */
bits_write( &bits, 24, GetDescriptorLength24b( 8 ) );
bits_write( &bits, 8, 0x01 );/* predefined */
bits_write( &bits, 1, 0 ); /* durationFlag */
bits_write( &bits, 32, 0 ); /* OCRResolution */
bits_write( &bits, 8, 0 ); /* OCRLength */
bits_write( &bits, 8, 0 ); /* InstantBitrateLength */
bits_align( &bits );
/* fix ESDescr length */
bits_write( &bits_fix_ESDescr, 24,
GetDescriptorLength24b( bits.i_data -
bits_fix_ESDescr.i_data - 3 ) );
bits_align( &bits );
/* fix IOD length */
bits_write( &bits_fix_IOD, 24,
GetDescriptorLength24b(bits.i_data - bits_fix_IOD.i_data - 3 ));
dvbpsi_PMTAddDescriptor(&p_dvbpmt[0], 0x1d, bits.i_data, bits.p_data);
void BuildPMT( DVBPSI_HANDLE_PARAM(dvbpsi_t *p_dvbpsi) vlc_object_t *p_object,
void *p_opaque, PEStoTSCallback pf_callback,
int i_tsid, int i_pmt_version_number,
int i_pcr_pid,
sdt_psi_t *p_sdt,
unsigned i_programs, ts_stream_t *p_pmt, const int *pi_programs_number,
unsigned i_mapped_streams, const pes_mapped_stream_t *p_mapped_streams )
dvbpsi_pmt_t *dvbpmt = malloc( i_programs * sizeof(dvbpsi_pmt_t) );
if( !dvbpmt )
dvbpsi_sdt_t sdtpsi;
if( p_sdt )
dvbpsi_InitSDT( &sdtpsi, i_tsid, 1, 1, p_sdt->i_netid );
for (unsigned i = 0; i < i_programs; i++ )
dvbpsi_InitPMT( &dvbpmt[i],
pi_programs_number[i], /* program number */
1, /* b_current_next */
i_pcr_pid );
if( !p_sdt )
dvbpsi_sdt_service_t *p_service = dvbpsi_SDTAddService( &sdtpsi,
pi_programs_number[i], /* service id */
0, /* eit schedule */
0, /* eit present */
4, /* running status ("4=RUNNING") */
0 ); /* free ca */
const char *psz_sdtprov = p_sdt->desc[i].psz_provider;
const char *psz_sdtserv = p_sdt->desc[i].psz_service_name;
if( !psz_sdtprov || !psz_sdtserv )
size_t provlen = VLC_CLIP(strlen(psz_sdtprov), 0, 255);
size_t servlen = VLC_CLIP(strlen(psz_sdtserv), 0, 255);
uint8_t psz_sdt_desc[3 + provlen + servlen];
psz_sdt_desc[0] = 0x01; /* digital television service */
/* service provider name length */
psz_sdt_desc[1] = (char)provlen;
memcpy( &psz_sdt_desc[2], psz_sdtprov, provlen );
/* service name length */
psz_sdt_desc[ 2 + provlen ] = (char)servlen;
memcpy( &psz_sdt_desc[3+provlen], psz_sdtserv, servlen );
dvbpsi_sdt_service_descriptor_add( p_service, 0x48,
(3 + provlen + servlen),
psz_sdt_desc );
dvbpsi_SDTServiceAddDescriptor( p_service, 0x48,
3 + provlen + servlen, psz_sdt_desc );
for (unsigned i = 0; i < i_mapped_streams; i++ )
const pes_mapped_stream_t *p_stream = &p_mapped_streams[i];
if( p_stream->pes->i_stream_id == 0xfa ||
p_stream->pes->i_stream_id == 0xfb ||
p_stream->pes->i_stream_id == 0xfe )
/* Has at least 1 MPEG4 stream */
GetPMTmpeg4( p_object, dvbpmt, i_mapped_streams, p_mapped_streams );
for (unsigned i = 0; i < i_mapped_streams; i++ )
const pes_mapped_stream_t *p_stream = &p_mapped_streams[i];
dvbpsi_pmt_es_t *p_es = dvbpsi_PMTAddES( &dvbpmt[p_stream->i_mapped_prog],
p_stream->pes->i_stream_type, p_stream->ts->i_pid );
if( p_stream->pes->i_stream_id == 0xfa || p_stream->pes->i_stream_id == 0xfb )
uint8_t es_id[2];
/* SL descriptor */
es_id[0] = (p_stream->pes->i_es_id >> 8)&0xff;
es_id[1] = (p_stream->pes->i_es_id)&0xff;
dvbpsi_PMTESAddDescriptor( p_es, 0x1f, 2, es_id );
else if( p_stream->pes->i_stream_type == 0xa0 )
uint8_t data[512];
int i_extra = __MIN( p_stream->pes->i_extra, 502 );
/* private DIV3 descripor */
memcpy( &data[0], &p_stream->pes->i_bih_codec, 4 );
data[4] = ( p_stream->pes->i_bih_width >> 8 )&0xff;
data[5] = ( p_stream->pes->i_bih_width )&0xff;
data[6] = ( p_stream->pes->i_bih_height>> 8 )&0xff;
data[7] = ( p_stream->pes->i_bih_height )&0xff;
data[8] = ( i_extra >> 8 )&0xff;
data[9] = ( i_extra )&0xff;
if( i_extra > 0 )
memcpy( &data[10], p_stream->pes->p_extra, i_extra );
/* 0xa0 is private */
dvbpsi_PMTESAddDescriptor( p_es, 0xa0, i_extra + 10, data );
else if( p_stream->pes->i_stream_type == 0x81 )
uint8_t format[4] = { 'A', 'C', '-', '3'};
/* "registration" descriptor : "AC-3" */
dvbpsi_PMTESAddDescriptor( p_es, 0x05, 4, format );
else if( p_stream->pes->i_codec == VLC_CODEC_DIRAC )
/* Dirac registration descriptor */
uint8_t data[4] = { 'd', 'r', 'a', 'c' };
dvbpsi_PMTESAddDescriptor( p_es, 0x05, 4, data );
else if( p_stream->pes->i_codec == VLC_CODEC_DTS )
/* DTS registration descriptor (ETSI TS 101 154 Annex F) */
/* DTS format identifier, frame size 1024 - FIXME */
uint8_t data[4] = { 'D', 'T', 'S', '2' };
dvbpsi_PMTESAddDescriptor( p_es, 0x05, 4, data );
else if( p_stream->pes->i_codec == VLC_CODEC_EAC3 )
uint8_t data[1] = { 0x00 };
dvbpsi_PMTESAddDescriptor( p_es, 0x7a, 1, data );
else if( p_stream->pes->i_codec == VLC_CODEC_OPUS )
uint8_t data[2] = {
0x80, /* tag extension */
dvbpsi_PMTESAddDescriptor( p_es, 0x7f, 2, data );
uint8_t format[4] = { 'O', 'p', 'u', 's'};
/* "registration" descriptor : "Opus" */
dvbpsi_PMTESAddDescriptor( p_es, 0x05, 4, format );
else if( p_stream->pes->i_codec == VLC_CODEC_TELETEXT )
if( p_stream->pes->i_extra )
dvbpsi_PMTESAddDescriptor( p_es, 0x56,
p_stream->pes->p_extra );
else if( p_stream->pes->i_codec == VLC_CODEC_DVBS )
/* DVB subtitles */
if( p_stream->pes->i_extra )
/* pass-through from the TS demux */
dvbpsi_PMTESAddDescriptor( p_es, 0x59,
p_stream->pes->p_extra );
/* from the dvbsub transcoder */
dvbpsi_subtitling_dr_t descr;
dvbpsi_subtitle_t sub;
dvbpsi_descriptor_t *p_descr;
memcpy( sub.i_iso6392_language_code, p_stream->pes->lang, 3 );
sub.i_subtitling_type = 0x10; /* no aspect-ratio criticality */
sub.i_composition_page_id = p_stream->pes->i_es_id & 0xFF;
sub.i_ancillary_page_id = p_stream->pes->i_es_id >> 16;
descr.i_subtitles_number = 1;
descr.p_subtitle[0] = sub;
p_descr = dvbpsi_GenSubtitlingDr( &descr, 0 );
/* Work around bug in old libdvbpsi */ p_descr->i_length = 8;
dvbpsi_PMTESAddDescriptor( p_es, p_descr->i_tag,
p_descr->i_length, p_descr->p_data );
if( p_stream->pes->i_langs )
dvbpsi_PMTESAddDescriptor( p_es, 0x0a, 4*p_stream->pes->i_langs,
for (unsigned i = 0; i < i_programs; i++ )
dvbpsi_psi_section_t *sect;
sect = dvbpsi_pmt_sections_generate( p_dvbpsi, &dvbpmt[i] );
sect = dvbpsi_GenPMTSections( &dvbpmt[i] );
block_t *pmt = WritePSISection( sect );
PEStoTS( p_opaque, pf_callback, pmt, p_pmt[i].i_pid,
&p_pmt[i].b_discontinuity, &p_pmt[i].i_continuity_counter );
dvbpsi_EmptyPMT( &dvbpmt[i] );
if( p_sdt )
dvbpsi_psi_section_t *sect;
sect = dvbpsi_sdt_sections_generate( p_dvbpsi, &sdtpsi );
sect = dvbpsi_GenSDTSections( &sdt );
block_t *p_sdtblock = WritePSISection( sect );
PEStoTS( p_opaque, pf_callback, p_sdtblock, p_sdt->ts.i_pid,
&p_sdt->ts.b_discontinuity, &p_sdt->ts.i_continuity_counter );
dvbpsi_DeletePSISections( sect );
dvbpsi_EmptySDT( &sdtpsi );
......@@ -20,6 +20,12 @@
#ifndef _TABLES_H
#define _TABLES_H 1
#define MAX_SDT_DESC 64
typedef struct
......@@ -33,4 +39,28 @@ typedef struct
} desc[MAX_SDT_DESC];
} sdt_psi_t;
block_t * WritePSISection( dvbpsi_psi_section_t* p_section );
void BuildPAT( DVBPSI_HANDLE_PARAM(dvbpsi_t *p_dvbpsi)
void *p_opaque, PEStoTSCallback pf_callback,
int i_tsid, int i_pat_version_number,
ts_stream_t *p_pat,
unsigned i_programs, ts_stream_t *p_pmt, const int *pi_programs_number );
typedef struct
const pes_stream_t *pes;
const ts_stream_t *ts;
const es_format_t *fmt;
int i_mapped_prog;
} pes_mapped_stream_t;
void BuildPMT( DVBPSI_HANDLE_PARAM(dvbpsi_t *p_dvbpsi) vlc_object_t *p_object,
void *p_opaque, PEStoTSCallback pf_callback,
int i_tsid, int i_pmt_version_number,
int i_pcr_pid,
sdt_psi_t *p_sdt,
unsigned i_programs, ts_stream_t *p_pmt, const int *pi_programs_number,
unsigned i_mapped_streams, const pes_mapped_stream_t *p_mapped_streams );
......@@ -350,9 +350,6 @@ struct sout_mux_sys_t
int i_pmt_program_number[MAX_PMT];
bool b_data_alignment;
int i_mpeg4_streams;
dvbpsi_pmt_t *dvbpmt;
sdt_psi_t sdt;
/* for TS building */
......@@ -746,7 +743,6 @@ static void Close( vlc_object_t * p_this )
free( p_sys->sdt.desc[i].psz_provider );
free( p_sys->dvbpmt );
free( p_sys );
......@@ -966,7 +962,6 @@ static int AddStream( sout_mux_t *p_mux, sout_input_t *p_input )
p_stream->pes.i_stream_type = 0x12;
p_stream->pes.i_stream_id = 0xfa;
p_stream->pes.i_es_id = p_stream->ts.i_pid;
......@@ -1158,12 +1153,6 @@ static int DelStream( sout_mux_t *p_mux, sout_input_t *p_input )
free( p_stream->pes.p_extra );
if( p_stream->pes.i_stream_id == 0xfa ||
p_stream->pes.i_stream_id == 0xfb ||
p_stream->pes.i_stream_id == 0xfe )
pid = var_GetInteger( p_mux, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "pid-video" );
if ( pid > 0 && pid == p_stream->ts.i_pid )
......@@ -1922,280 +1911,21 @@ static void TSSetPCR( block_t *p_ts, mtime_t i_dts )
p_ts->p_buffer[11] = 0; /* we don't set PCR extension */
static block_t *WritePSISection( dvbpsi_psi_section_t* p_section )
block_t *p_psi, *p_first = NULL;
while( p_section )
int i_size = (uint32_t)(p_section->p_payload_end - p_section->p_data) +
(p_section->b_syntax_indicator ? 4 : 0);
p_psi = block_Alloc( i_size + 1 );
if( !p_psi )
goto error;
p_psi->i_pts = 0;
p_psi->i_dts = 0;
p_psi->i_length = 0;
p_psi->i_buffer = i_size + 1;
p_psi->p_buffer[0] = 0; /* pointer */
memcpy( p_psi->p_buffer + 1,
i_size );
block_ChainAppend( &p_first, p_psi );
p_section = p_section->p_next;
return( p_first );
if( p_first )
block_ChainRelease( p_first );
return NULL;
static void GetPAT( sout_mux_t *p_mux,
sout_buffer_chain_t *c )
void GetPAT( sout_mux_t *p_mux, sout_buffer_chain_t *c )
sout_mux_sys_t *p_sys = p_mux->p_sys;
block_t *p_pat;
dvbpsi_pat_t pat;
dvbpsi_psi_section_t *p_section;
dvbpsi_InitPAT( &pat, p_sys->i_tsid, p_sys->i_pat_version_number,
1 ); /* b_current_next */
/* add all programs */
for (unsigned i = 0; i < p_sys->i_num_pmt; i++ )
dvbpsi_PATAddProgram( &pat, p_sys->i_pmt_program_number[i],
p_sys->pmt[i].i_pid );
p_section = dvbpsi_pat_sections_generate( p_sys->p_dvbpsi, &pat, 0 );
p_section = dvbpsi_GenPATSections( &pat, 0 /* max program per section */ );
p_pat = WritePSISection( p_section );
PEStoTS( c, (PEStoTSCallback)BufferChainAppend, p_pat, p_sys->pat.i_pid,
&p_sys->pat.b_discontinuity, &p_sys->pat.i_continuity_counter );
dvbpsi_DeletePSISections( p_section );
dvbpsi_EmptyPAT( &pat );
static uint32_t GetDescriptorLength24b( int i_length )
uint32_t i_l1, i_l2, i_l3;
i_l1 = i_length&0x7f;
i_l2 = ( i_length >> 7 )&0x7f;
i_l3 = ( i_length >> 14 )&0x7f;
return( 0x808000 | ( i_l3 << 16 ) | ( i_l2 << 8 ) | i_l1 );
static void GetPMTmpeg4(sout_mux_t *p_mux)
sout_mux_sys_t *p_sys = p_mux->p_sys;
uint8_t iod[4096];
bits_buffer_t bits, bits_fix_IOD;
/* Make valgrind happy : it works at byte level not bit one so
* bit_write confuse it (but DON'T CHANGE the way that bit_write is
* working (needed when fixing some bits) */
memset( iod, 0, 4096 );
bits_initwrite( &bits, 4096, iod );
/* IOD_label_scope */
bits_write( &bits, 8, 0x11 );
/* IOD_label */
bits_write( &bits, 8, 0x01 );
/* InitialObjectDescriptor */
bits_align( &bits );
bits_write( &bits, 8, 0x02 ); /* tag */
bits_fix_IOD = bits; /* save states to fix length later */
bits_write( &bits, 24,
GetDescriptorLength24b( 0 ) ); /* variable length (fixed later) */
bits_write( &bits, 10, 0x01 ); /* ObjectDescriptorID */
bits_write( &bits, 1, 0x00 ); /* URL Flag */
bits_write( &bits, 1, 0x00 ); /* includeInlineProfileLevelFlag */
bits_write( &bits, 4, 0x0f ); /* reserved */
bits_write( &bits, 8, 0xff ); /* ODProfile (no ODcapability ) */
bits_write( &bits, 8, 0xff ); /* sceneProfile */
bits_write( &bits, 8, 0xfe ); /* audioProfile (unspecified) */
bits_write( &bits, 8, 0xfe ); /* visualProfile( // ) */
bits_write( &bits, 8, 0xff ); /* graphicProfile (no ) */
for (int i_stream = 0; i_stream < p_mux->i_nb_inputs; i_stream++ )
sout_input_sys_t *p_stream = (sout_input_sys_t*)p_mux->pp_inputs[i_stream]->p_sys;
if( p_stream->pes.i_stream_id != 0xfa && p_stream->pes.i_stream_id != 0xfb &&
p_stream->pes.i_stream_id != 0xfe )
bits_buffer_t bits_fix_ESDescr, bits_fix_Decoder;
/* ES descriptor */
bits_align( &bits );
bits_write( &bits, 8, 0x03 ); /* ES_DescrTag */
bits_fix_ESDescr = bits;
bits_write( &bits, 24,
GetDescriptorLength24b( 0 ) ); /* variable size */
bits_write( &bits, 16, p_stream->pes.i_es_id );
bits_write( &bits, 1, 0x00 ); /* streamDependency */
bits_write( &bits, 1, 0x00 ); /* URL Flag */
bits_write( &bits, 1, 0x00 ); /* OCRStreamFlag */
bits_write( &bits, 5, 0x1f ); /* streamPriority */
/* DecoderConfigDesciptor */
bits_align( &bits );
bits_write( &bits, 8, 0x04 ); /* DecoderConfigDescrTag */
bits_fix_Decoder = bits;
bits_write( &bits, 24, GetDescriptorLength24b( 0 ) );
if( p_stream->pes.i_stream_type == 0x10 )
bits_write( &bits, 8, 0x20 ); /* Visual 14496-2 */
bits_write( &bits, 6, 0x04 ); /* VisualStream */
else if( p_stream->pes.i_stream_type == 0x1b )
bits_write( &bits, 8, 0x21 ); /* Visual 14496-2 */
bits_write( &bits, 6, 0x04 ); /* VisualStream */
else if( p_stream->pes.i_stream_type == 0x11 ||
p_stream->pes.i_stream_type == 0x0f )
bits_write( &bits, 8, 0x40 ); /* Audio 14496-3 */
bits_write( &bits, 6, 0x05 ); /* AudioStream */
else if( p_stream->pes.i_stream_type == 0x12 &&
p_stream->pes.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_SUBT )
bits_write( &bits, 8, 0x0B ); /* Text Stream */
bits_write( &bits, 6, 0x04 ); /* VisualStream */
bits_write( &bits, 8, 0x00 );
bits_write( &bits, 6, 0x00 );
msg_Err( p_mux, "Unsupported stream_type => broken IOD" );
bits_write( &bits, 1, 0x00 ); /* UpStream */
bits_write( &bits, 1, 0x01 ); /* reserved */
bits_write( &bits, 24, 1024 * 1024 ); /* bufferSizeDB */
bits_write( &bits, 32, 0x7fffffff ); /* maxBitrate */
bits_write( &bits, 32, 0 ); /* avgBitrate */
if( p_stream->pes.i_extra > 0 )
/* DecoderSpecificInfo */
bits_align( &bits );
bits_write( &bits, 8, 0x05 ); /* tag */
bits_write( &bits, 24, GetDescriptorLength24b(
p_stream->pes.i_extra ) );
for (int i = 0; i < p_stream->pes.i_extra; i++ )
bits_write( &bits, 8,
((uint8_t*)p_stream->pes.p_extra)[i] );
/* fix Decoder length */
bits_write( &bits_fix_Decoder, 24,
GetDescriptorLength24b( bits.i_data -
bits_fix_Decoder.i_data - 3 ) );
/* SLConfigDescriptor : predefined (0x01) */
bits_align( &bits );
bits_write( &bits, 8, 0x06 ); /* tag */
bits_write( &bits, 24, GetDescriptorLength24b( 8 ) );
bits_write( &bits, 8, 0x01 );/* predefined */
bits_write( &bits, 1, 0 ); /* durationFlag */
bits_write( &bits, 32, 0 ); /* OCRResolution */
bits_write( &bits, 8, 0 ); /* OCRLength */
bits_write( &bits, 8, 0 ); /* InstantBitrateLength */
bits_align( &bits );
/* fix ESDescr length */
bits_write( &bits_fix_ESDescr, 24,
GetDescriptorLength24b( bits.i_data -
bits_fix_ESDescr.i_data - 3 ) );
bits_align( &bits );
/* fix IOD length */
bits_write( &bits_fix_IOD, 24,
GetDescriptorLength24b(bits.i_data - bits_fix_IOD.i_data - 3 ));
dvbpsi_PMTAddDescriptor(&p_sys->dvbpmt[0], 0x1d, bits.i_data, bits.p_data);
BuildPAT( DVBPSI_HANDLE_PARAM(p_sys->p_dvbpsi)
c, (PEStoTSCallback)BufferChainAppend,
p_sys->i_tsid, p_sys->i_pat_version_number,
p_sys->i_num_pmt, p_sys->pmt, p_sys->i_pmt_program_number );
static void GetPMT( sout_mux_t *p_mux, sout_buffer_chain_t *c )
sout_mux_sys_t *p_sys = p_mux->p_sys;
if( p_sys->dvbpmt == NULL )
p_sys->dvbpmt = malloc( p_sys->i_num_pmt * sizeof(dvbpsi_pmt_t) );
if( p_sys->dvbpmt == NULL )
dvbpsi_sdt_t sdt;
if( p_sys->b_sdt )
dvbpsi_InitSDT( &sdt, p_sys->i_tsid, 1, 1, p_sys->sdt.i_netid );
for (unsigned i = 0; i < p_sys->i_num_pmt; i++ )
dvbpsi_InitPMT( &p_sys->dvbpmt[i],
p_sys->i_pmt_program_number[i], /* program number */
1, /* b_current_next */
p_sys->i_pcr_pid );
if( !p_sys->b_sdt )
dvbpsi_sdt_service_t *p_service = dvbpsi_SDTAddService( &sdt,
p_sys->i_pmt_program_number[i], /* service id */
0, /* eit schedule */
0, /* eit present */
4, /* running status ("4=RUNNING") */
0 ); /* free ca */
const char *psz_sdtprov = p_sys->sdt.desc[i].psz_provider;
const char *psz_sdtserv = p_sys->sdt.desc[i].psz_service_name;
if( !psz_sdtprov || !psz_sdtserv )
size_t provlen = VLC_CLIP(strlen(psz_sdtprov), 0, 255);
size_t servlen = VLC_CLIP(strlen(psz_sdtserv), 0, 255);
uint8_t psz_sdt_desc[3 + provlen + servlen];
psz_sdt_desc[0] = 0x01; /* digital television service */
/* service provider name length */
psz_sdt_desc[1] = (char)provlen;
memcpy( &psz_sdt_desc[2], psz_sdtprov, provlen );
/* service name length */
psz_sdt_desc[ 2 + provlen ] = (char)servlen;
memcpy( &psz_sdt_desc[3+provlen], psz_sdtserv, servlen );
dvbpsi_sdt_service_descriptor_add( p_service, 0x48,
(3 + provlen + servlen),
psz_sdt_desc );
dvbpsi_SDTServiceAddDescriptor( p_service, 0x48,
3 + provlen + servlen, psz_sdt_desc );
if( p_sys->i_mpeg4_streams > 0 )
pes_mapped_stream_t mappeds[p_mux->i_nb_inputs];
for (int i_stream = 0; i_stream < p_mux->i_nb_inputs; i_stream++ )
......@@ -2204,159 +1934,20 @@ static void GetPMT( sout_mux_t *p_mux, sout_buffer_chain_t *c )
int i_pidinput = p_input->p_fmt->i_id;
pmt_map_t *p_usepid = bsearch( &i_pidinput, p_sys->pmtmap,
p_sys->i_pmtslots, sizeof(pmt_map_t), intcompare );
p_sys->i_pmtslots, sizeof(pmt_map_t), intcompare );
/* If there's an error somewhere, dump it to the first pmt */
unsigned prog = p_usepid ? p_usepid->i_prog : 0;
dvbpsi_pmt_es_t *p_es = dvbpsi_PMTAddES( &p_sys->dvbpmt[prog],
p_stream->pes.i_stream_type, p_stream->ts.i_pid );
if( p_stream->pes.i_stream_id == 0xfa || p_stream->pes.i_stream_id == 0xfb )
uint8_t es_id[2];
/* SL descriptor */
es_id[0] = (p_stream->pes.i_es_id >> 8)&0xff;
es_id[1] = (p_stream->pes.i_es_id)&0xff;
dvbpsi_PMTESAddDescriptor( p_es, 0x1f, 2, es_id );
else if( p_stream->pes.i_stream_type == 0xa0 )
uint8_t data[512];
int i_extra = __MIN( p_stream->pes.i_extra, 502 );
/* private DIV3 descripor */
memcpy( &data[0], &p_stream->pes.i_bih_codec, 4 );
data[4] = ( p_stream->pes.i_bih_width >> 8 )&0xff;
data[5] = ( p_stream->pes.i_bih_width )&0xff;
data[6] = ( p_stream->pes.i_bih_height>> 8 )&0xff;
data[7] = ( p_stream->pes.i_bih_height )&0xff;
data[8] = ( i_extra >> 8 )&0xff;
data[9] = ( i_extra )&0xff;
if( i_extra > 0 )
memcpy( &data[10], p_stream->pes.p_extra, i_extra );
/* 0xa0 is private */
dvbpsi_PMTESAddDescriptor( p_es, 0xa0, i_extra + 10, data );
else if( p_stream->pes.i_stream_type == 0x81 )
uint8_t format[4] = { 'A', 'C', '-', '3'};
/* "registration" descriptor : "AC-3" */
dvbpsi_PMTESAddDescriptor( p_es, 0x05, 4, format );
else if( p_stream->pes.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_DIRAC )
/* Dirac registration descriptor */
uint8_t data[4] = { 'd', 'r', 'a', 'c' };
dvbpsi_PMTESAddDescriptor( p_es, 0x05, 4, data );
else if( p_stream->pes.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_DTS )
/* DTS registration descriptor (ETSI TS 101 154 Annex F) */
/* DTS format identifier, frame size 1024 - FIXME */
uint8_t data[4] = { 'D', 'T', 'S', '2' };
dvbpsi_PMTESAddDescriptor( p_es, 0x05, 4, data );
else if( p_stream->pes.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_EAC3 )
uint8_t data[1] = { 0x00 };
dvbpsi_PMTESAddDescriptor( p_es, 0x7a, 1, data );
else if( p_stream->pes.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_OPUS )
uint8_t data[2] = {
0x80, /* tag extension */
dvbpsi_PMTESAddDescriptor( p_es, 0x7f, 2, data );
uint8_t format[4] = { 'O', 'p', 'u', 's'};
/* "registration" descriptor : "Opus" */
dvbpsi_PMTESAddDescriptor( p_es, 0x05, 4, format );
else if( p_stream->pes.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_TELETEXT )
if( p_stream->pes.i_extra )
dvbpsi_PMTESAddDescriptor( p_es, 0x56,
p_stream->pes.p_extra );
else if( p_stream->pes.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_DVBS )
/* DVB subtitles */
if( p_stream->pes.i_extra )
/* pass-through from the TS demux */
dvbpsi_PMTESAddDescriptor( p_es, 0x59,
p_stream->pes.p_extra );
/* from the dvbsub transcoder */
dvbpsi_subtitling_dr_t descr;
dvbpsi_subtitle_t sub;
dvbpsi_descriptor_t *p_descr;
memcpy( sub.i_iso6392_language_code, p_stream->pes.lang, 3 );
sub.i_subtitling_type = 0x10; /* no aspect-ratio criticality */
sub.i_composition_page_id = p_stream->pes.i_es_id & 0xFF;
sub.i_ancillary_page_id = p_stream->pes.i_es_id >> 16;
descr.i_subtitles_number = 1;
descr.p_subtitle[0] = sub;
p_descr = dvbpsi_GenSubtitlingDr( &descr, 0 );
/* Work around bug in old libdvbpsi */ p_descr->i_length = 8;
dvbpsi_PMTESAddDescriptor( p_es, p_descr->i_tag,
p_descr->i_length, p_descr->p_data );
if( p_stream->pes.i_langs )
dvbpsi_PMTESAddDescriptor( p_es, 0x0a, 4*p_stream->pes.i_langs,
for (unsigned i = 0; i < p_sys->i_num_pmt; i++ )
dvbpsi_psi_section_t *sect;
sect = dvbpsi_pmt_sections_generate( p_sys->p_dvbpsi, &p_sys->dvbpmt[i] );
sect = dvbpsi_GenPMTSections( &p_sys->dvbpmt[i] );
block_t *pmt = WritePSISection( sect );
PEStoTS( c, (PEStoTSCallback)BufferChainAppend, pmt, p_sys->pmt[i].i_pid,
&p_sys->pmt[i].b_discontinuity, &p_sys->pmt[i].i_continuity_counter );
dvbpsi_EmptyPMT( &p_sys->dvbpmt[i] );
if( p_sys->b_sdt )
dvbpsi_psi_section_t *sect;
sect = dvbpsi_sdt_sections_generate( p_sys->p_dvbpsi, &sdt );
sect = dvbpsi_GenSDTSections( &sdt );
block_t *p_sdt = WritePSISection( sect );
PEStoTS( c, (PEStoTSCallback)BufferChainAppend, p_sdt, p_sys->sdt.ts.i_pid,
&p_sys->sdt.ts.b_discontinuity, &p_sys->sdt.ts.i_continuity_counter );
dvbpsi_DeletePSISections( sect );
dvbpsi_EmptySDT( &sdt );
mappeds[i_stream].i_mapped_prog = p_usepid ? p_usepid->i_prog : 0;
mappeds[i_stream].fmt = p_input->p_fmt;
mappeds[i_stream].pes = &p_stream->pes;
mappeds[i_stream].ts = &p_stream->ts;
BuildPMT( DVBPSI_HANDLE_PARAM(p_sys->p_dvbpsi) VLC_OBJECT(p_mux),
c, (PEStoTSCallback)BufferChainAppend,
p_sys->i_tsid, p_sys->i_pmt_version_number,
p_sys->i_num_pmt, p_sys->pmt, p_sys->i_pmt_program_number,
p_mux->i_nb_inputs, mappeds );
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