 * mtime.c: high rezolution time management functions
 * (c)1998 VideoLAN
 * Functions are prototyped in mtime.h.
 * to-do list:
 *  see if using Linux real-time extensions is possible and profitable

 * Preamble

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/time.h>

#include "common.h"
#include "mtime.h"

 * mstrtime: return a date in a readable format
 * This functions is provided for any interface function which need to print a
 * date. psz_buffer should be a buffer long enough to store the formatted
 * date. 
char *mstrtime( char *psz_buffer, mtime_t date )
    sprintf( psz_buffer, "%02d:%02d:%02d-%03d.%03d", 
             (int) (date / (1000UL * 1000UL * 60UL * 60UL) % 24UL), 
             (int) (date / (1000UL * 1000UL * 60UL) % 60UL),
             (int) (date / (1000UL * 1000UL) % 60UL),
             (int) (date / 1000UL % 1000UL),
             (int) (date % 1000UL) );
    return( psz_buffer );

 * mdate: return high precision date (inline function)
 * Uses the gettimeofday() function when possible (1 MHz resolution) or the
 * ftime() function (1 kHz resolution).
 * to-do list: ??
 *  implement the function when gettimeofday is not available
 *  this function should be decalred as inline
mtime_t mdate( void ) 
    struct timeval tv_date;

    /* gettimeofday() could return an error, and should be tested. However, the
     * only possible error, according to 'man', is EFAULT, which can not happen
     * here, since tv is a local variable. */
    gettimeofday( &tv_date, NULL );
    return( (mtime_t) tv_date.tv_sec * 1000000 + (mtime_t) tv_date.tv_usec );

 * mwait: wait for a date (inline function)                            
 * This function uses select() and an system date function to wake up at a
 * precise date. It should be used for process synchronization. If current date
 * is posterior to wished date, the function returns immediately.
 * to-do list:
 *  implement the function when gettimeofday is not available
 *  optimize delay calculation
 *  ?? declare as inline
void mwait( mtime_t date )
    struct timeval tv_date, tv_delay;
    s64            delay;            /* delay in msec, signed to detect errors */

    /* see mdate() about gettimeofday() possible errors */
    gettimeofday( &tv_date, NULL );

    /* calculate delay and check if current date is before wished date */
    delay = date - (mtime_t) tv_date.tv_sec * 1000000 - (mtime_t) tv_date.tv_usec;
    if( delay < 0 )                       /* wished date is already passed */
    tv_delay.tv_sec = delay / 1000000;
    tv_delay.tv_usec = delay % 1000000; 
    /* see msleep() about select() errors */
    select( 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &tv_delay );

 * msleep: more precise sleep() (inline function)                        (ok ?)
 * This function uses select() in a classical way to implement a sleep() call
 * with a microsecond precision. 
 * For synchronization purposes, mwait() should be prefered.
 * ?? decalre as inline
void msleep( mtime_t delay )
    struct timeval tv_delay;

    tv_delay.tv_sec = delay / 1000000;
    tv_delay.tv_usec = delay % 1000000;
    /* select() return value should be tested, since several possible errors
     * can occur. However, they should only happen in very particular occasions
     * (i.e. when a signal is sent to the thread, or when memory is full), and
     * can be ingnored. */
    select( 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &tv_delay );