 * libvlc.h:  libvlc_* new external API
 * Copyright (C) 1998-2005 the VideoLAN team
 * $Id: vlc.h 13701 2005-12-12 17:58:56Z zorglub $
 * Authors: Cl�ment Stenac <zorglub@videolan.org>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111, USA.

 * \defgroup libvlc Libvlc
 * This is libvlc, the base library of the VLC program.
 * @{

#ifndef _LIBVLC_H
#define _LIBVLC_H 1

#include <vlc/vlc.h>

# ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
# endif

 * Exception handling
/** defgroup libvlc_exception Exceptions
 * \ingroup libvlc
 * LibVLC Exceptions handling
 * @{

struct libvlc_exception_t
    int b_raised;
    char *psz_message;
typedef struct libvlc_exception_t libvlc_exception_t;

 * Initialize an exception structure. This can be called several times to reuse
 * an exception structure.
 * \param p_exception the exception to initialize
void libvlc_exception_init( libvlc_exception_t *p_exception );

 * Has an exception been raised ?
 * \param p_exception the exception to query
 * \return 0 if no exception raised, 1 else
int libvlc_exception_raised( libvlc_exception_t *p_exception );

 * Get exception message
 * \param p_exception the exception to query
 * \return the exception message or NULL if not applicable (exception not raised
 * for example)
char* libvlc_exception_get_message( libvlc_exception_t *p_exception );

/** @} */

 * Core handling

/** defgroup libvlc_core Core
 * \ingroup libvlc
 * LibVLC Core
 * @{

/** This structure is opaque. It represents a libvlc instance */
typedef struct libvlc_instance_t libvlc_instance_t;

 * Create an initialized libvlc instance
 * \param argc the number of arguments
 * \param argv command-line-type arguments
 * \param exception an initialized exception pointer
libvlc_instance_t * libvlc_new( int , char **, libvlc_exception_t *);

 * Destroy a libvlc instance
 * \param p_instance the instance to destroy
void libvlc_destroy( libvlc_instance_t *);

/** @}*/

 * Playlist
/** defgroup libvlc_playlist Playlist
 * \ingroup libvlc
 * LibVLC Playlist handling
 * @{

 * Start playing. You can give some additionnal playlist item options
 * that will be added to the item before playing it.
 * \param p_instance the instance
 * \param i_options the number of options to add to the item
 * \param ppsz_options the options to add to the item
 * \param p_exception an initialized exception
void libvlc_playlist_play( libvlc_instance_t*, int, char **,
                           libvlc_exception_t * );

typedef struct libvlc_input_t libvlc_input_t;

///\todo document me
libvlc_input_t *libvlc_playlist_get_input( libvlc_instance_t *,
                                           libvlc_exception_t * );

/** @}*/

 * Input
/** defgroup libvlc_input Input
 * \ingroup libvlc
 * LibVLC Input handling
 * @{

/** Free an input object
 * \param p_input the input to free
void libvlc_input_free( libvlc_input_t * );

/// \bug This might go away ... to be replaced by a broader system
vlc_int64_t libvlc_input_get_length( libvlc_input_t *, libvlc_exception_t *);
vlc_int64_t libvlc_input_get_time( libvlc_input_t *, libvlc_exception_t *);
float libvlc_input_get_position( libvlc_input_t *, libvlc_exception_t *);

/** @} */

# ifdef __cplusplus
# endif

#endif /* <vlc/vlc_control.h> */