Commit f9ac9c2e authored by Jean-Baptiste Kempf's avatar Jean-Baptiste Kempf

Qt: Change open dialog behaviour and layout in most categories.

Internal is now QStringList items and QString options (for the first Item, of course)

    There shouldn't be too many regressions, but testing is welcome
parent cdbdb9ca
* open.cpp : Panels for the open dialogs
* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 the VideoLAN team
* Copyright (C) 2006-2009 the VideoLAN team
* Copyright (C) 2007 Société des arts technologiques
* Copyright (C) 2007 Savoir-faire Linux
......@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ FileOpenPanel::FileOpenPanel( QWidget *_parent, intf_thread_t *_p_intf ) :
/* Classic UI Setup */
ui.setupUi( this );
#if 0
/** BEGIN QFileDialog tweaking **/
/* Use a QFileDialog and customize it because we don't want to
rewrite it all. Be careful to your eyes cause there are a few hacks.
......@@ -114,14 +115,16 @@ FileOpenPanel::FileOpenPanel( QWidget *_parent, intf_thread_t *_p_intf ) :
// Add the DialogBox to the layout
ui.gridLayout->addWidget( dialogBox, 0, 0, 1, 3 );
/* lineFileEdit = ui.fileEdit;
//TODO later: fill the fileCompleteList with previous items played.
QCompleter *fileCompleter = new QCompleter( fileCompleteList, this );
fileCompleter->setModel( new QDirModel( fileCompleter ) );
lineFileEdit->setCompleter( fileCompleter );
lineFileEdit->setCompleter( fileCompleter );*/
// Hide the subtitles control by default.
ui.subFrame->setEnabled( false );
/* Build the subs size combo box */
setfillVLCConfigCombo( "freetype-rel-fontsize" , p_intf,
......@@ -131,10 +134,11 @@ FileOpenPanel::FileOpenPanel( QWidget *_parent, intf_thread_t *_p_intf ) :
setfillVLCConfigCombo( "subsdec-align", p_intf, ui.alignSubComboBox );
/* Connects */
BUTTONACT( ui.fileBrowseButton, browseFile() );
BUTTONACT( ui.subBrowseButton, browseFileSub() );
BUTTONACT( ui.subCheckBox, toggleSubtitleFrame());
CONNECT( ui.subCheckBox, toggled( bool ), this, toggleSubtitleFrame( bool ) );
CONNECT( lineFileEdit, textChanged( QString ), this, updateMRL() );
CONNECT( ui.fileListWidg, itemChanged( QListWidgetItem * ), this, updateMRL() );
CONNECT( ui.subInput, textChanged( QString ), this, updateMRL() );
CONNECT( ui.alignSubComboBox, currentIndexChanged( int ), this, updateMRL() );
CONNECT( ui.sizeSubComboBox, currentIndexChanged( int ), this, updateMRL() );
......@@ -142,7 +146,19 @@ FileOpenPanel::FileOpenPanel( QWidget *_parent, intf_thread_t *_p_intf ) :
getSettings()->setValue( "file-dialog-state", dialogBox->saveState() );
// getSettings()->setValue( "file-dialog-state", dialogBox->saveState() );
void FileOpenPanel::browseFile()
QStringList files = QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames( this );
foreach( const QString &file, files)
QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem( file, ui.fileListWidg );
item->setFlags( Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
ui.fileListWidg->addItem( item );
/* Show a fileBrowser to select a subtitle */
......@@ -150,22 +166,32 @@ void FileOpenPanel::browseFileSub()
// TODO Handle selection of more than one subtitles file
QStringList files = THEDP->showSimpleOpen( qtr("Open subtitles file"),
dialogBox->directory().absolutePath() );
EXT_FILTER_SUBTITLE, p_intf->p_sys->psz_filepath );
if( files.isEmpty() ) return;
ui.subInput->setText( files.join(" ") );
void FileOpenPanel::toggleSubtitleFrame( bool b )
ui.subFrame->setEnabled( b );
/* Update the MRL */
/* Update the current MRL */
void FileOpenPanel::updateMRL()
QString mrl = "";
foreach( const QString &file, dialogBox->selectedFiles() ) {
mrl += "\"" + file + "\" ";
QStringList fileList;
QString mrl;
if( ui.subCheckBox->isChecked() ) {
for( int i = 0; i < ui.fileListWidg->count(); i++ )
fileList << ui.fileListWidg->item( i )->text();
if( ui.subCheckBox->isChecked() && !ui.subInput->text().isEmpty() ) {
mrl.append( " :sub-file=\"" + ui.subInput->text() + "\"" );
int align = ui.alignSubComboBox->itemData(
ui.alignSubComboBox->currentIndex() ).toInt();
......@@ -175,42 +201,24 @@ void FileOpenPanel::updateMRL()
mrl.append( " :freetype-rel-fontsize=" + QString().setNum( size ) );
emit mrlUpdated( mrl );
emit mrlUpdated( fileList, mrl );
emit methodChanged( "file-caching" );
/* Function called by Open Dialog when clicke on Play/Enqueue */
void FileOpenPanel::accept()
//TODO set the completer
p_intf->p_sys->psz_filepath = qtu( dialogBox->directory().absolutePath() );
void FileOpenBox::accept()
OpenDialog::getInstance( NULL, NULL, true )->selectSlots();
void FileOpenBox::reject()
OpenDialog::getInstance( NULL, NULL, true )->cancel();
// p_intf->p_sys->psz_filepath = qtu( dialogBox->directory().absolutePath() );
/* Function called by Open Dialog when clicked on cancel */
void FileOpenPanel::clear()
void FileOpenPanel::toggleSubtitleFrame()
TOGGLEV( ui.subFrame );
/* Update the MRL */
* Open Discs ( DVD, CD, VCD and similar devices ) *
......@@ -285,6 +293,8 @@ void DiscOpenPanel::clear()
ui.titleSpin->setValue( 0 );
ui.chapterSpin->setValue( 0 );
ui.subtitlesSpin->setValue( -1 );
ui.audioSpin->setValue( -1 );
b_firstcdda = true;
b_firstdvd = true;
b_firstvcd = true;
......@@ -349,14 +359,15 @@ void DiscOpenPanel::updateButtons()
void DiscOpenPanel::updateMRL()
QString mrl = "";
QStringList fileList;
/* CDDAX and VCDX not implemented. TODO ? */
/* CDDAX and VCDX not implemented. TODO ? No. */
/* DVD */
if( ui.dvdRadioButton->isChecked() ) {
if( !ui.dvdsimple->isChecked() )
mrl = "\"dvd://";
mrl = "dvd://";
mrl = "\"dvdsimple://";
mrl = "dvdsimple://";
mrl += ui.deviceCombo->currentText();
emit methodChanged( "dvdnav-caching" );
......@@ -369,7 +380,7 @@ void DiscOpenPanel::updateMRL()
/* VCD */
} else if ( ui.vcdRadioButton->isChecked() ) {
mrl = "\"vcd://" + ui.deviceCombo->currentText();
mrl = "vcd://" + ui.deviceCombo->currentText();
emit methodChanged( "vcd-caching" );
if( ui.titleSpin->value() > 0 ) {
......@@ -378,13 +389,13 @@ void DiscOpenPanel::updateMRL()
/* CDDA */
} else {
mrl = "\"cdda://" + ui.deviceCombo->currentText();
mrl = "cdda://" + ui.deviceCombo->currentText();
if( ui.titleSpin->value() > 0 ) {
QString("@%1").arg( ui.titleSpin->value() );
mrl += QString("@%1").arg( ui.titleSpin->value() );
mrl += "\"";
fileList << mrl; mrl = "";
if ( ui.dvdRadioButton->isChecked() || ui.vcdRadioButton->isChecked() )
......@@ -397,7 +408,7 @@ void DiscOpenPanel::updateMRL()
QString("%1").arg( ui.subtitlesSpin->value() );
emit mrlUpdated( mrl );
emit mrlUpdated( fileList, mrl );
void DiscOpenPanel::browseDevice()
......@@ -431,7 +442,6 @@ NetOpenPanel::NetOpenPanel( QWidget *_parent, intf_thread_t *_p_intf ) :
this, updateProtocol( int ) );
CONNECT( ui.portSpin, valueChanged( int ), this, updateMRL() );
CONNECT( ui.addressText, textChanged( QString ), this, updateMRL());
CONNECT( ui.timeShift, clicked(), this, updateMRL());
ui.protocolCombo->addItem( "" );
ui.protocolCombo->addItem("HTTP", QVariant("http"));
......@@ -476,7 +486,6 @@ void NetOpenPanel::updateProtocol( int idx_proto ) {
QString addr = ui.addressText->text();
QString proto = ui.protocolCombo->itemData( idx_proto ).toString();
ui.timeShift->setEnabled( idx_proto == UDP_PROTO );
ui.portSpin->setEnabled( idx_proto == UDP_PROTO ||
idx_proto == RTP_PROTO );
......@@ -573,10 +582,8 @@ void NetOpenPanel::updateMRL() {
if( ui.timeShift->isEnabled() && ui.timeShift->isChecked() ) {
mrl += " :access-filter=timeshift";
emit mrlUpdated( mrl );
QStringList qsl; qsl<< mrl;
emit mrlUpdated( qsl, "" );
void NetOpenPanel::updateCompleter()
......@@ -830,15 +837,15 @@ void CaptureOpenPanel::initialize()
jackChannels->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight );
jackDevLayout->addWidget( jackChannels, 1, 1 );
/* Jack Props panel */
/* Selected ports */
QLabel *jackPortsLabel = new QLabel( qtr( "Selected ports:" ) );
jackPropLayout->addWidget( jackPortsLabel, 0 , 0 );
jackDevLayout->addWidget( jackPortsLabel, 0 , 0 );
jackPortsSelected = new QLineEdit( qtr( ".*") );
jackPortsSelected->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight );
jackPropLayout->addWidget( jackPortsSelected, 0, 1 );
jackDevLayout->addWidget( jackPortsSelected, 0, 1 );
/* Jack Props panel */
/* Caching */
QLabel *jackCachingLabel = new QLabel( qtr( "Input caching:" ) );
......@@ -848,7 +855,7 @@ void CaptureOpenPanel::initialize()
jackCaching->setSuffix( " ms" );
jackCaching->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight );
jackPropLayout->addWidget( jackCaching, 1 , 1 );
jackPropLayout->addWidget( jackCaching, 1 , 2 );
/* Pace */
jackPace = new QCheckBox(qtr( "Use VLC pace" ));
......@@ -856,7 +863,7 @@ void CaptureOpenPanel::initialize()
/* Auto Connect */
jackConnect = new QCheckBox( qtr( "Auto connnection" ));
jackPropLayout->addWidget( jackConnect, 3, 1 );
jackPropLayout->addWidget( jackConnect, 2, 2 );
/* Jack CONNECTs */
CuMRL( jackChannels, valueChanged( int ) );
......@@ -1025,6 +1032,7 @@ void CaptureOpenPanel::clear()
void CaptureOpenPanel::updateMRL()
QString mrl = "";
QStringList fileList;
int i_devicetype = ui.deviceCombo->itemData(
ui.deviceCombo->currentIndex() ).toInt();
switch( i_devicetype )
......@@ -1036,6 +1044,8 @@ void CaptureOpenPanel::updateMRL()
else if( bdac->isChecked() ) mrl = "dvb-c://";
else if( bdaa->isChecked() ) mrl = "atsc://";
else return;
fileList << mrl; mrl = "";
mrl += " :dvb-frequency=" + QString("%1").arg( bdaFreq->value() );
if( bdas->isChecked() || bdac->isChecked() )
mrl += " :dvb-srate=" + QString("%1").arg( bdaSrate->value() );
......@@ -1045,7 +1055,7 @@ void CaptureOpenPanel::updateMRL()
bdaBandBox->currentIndex() ).toInt() );
mrl = "dshow://";
fileList << "dshow://";
mrl+= " :dshow-vdev=" + QString("\"%1\"").arg( vdevDshowW->getValue() );
mrl+= " :dshow-adev=" + QString("\"%1\"").arg( adevDshowW->getValue() );
if( dshowVSizeLine->isModified() )
......@@ -1053,14 +1063,14 @@ void CaptureOpenPanel::updateMRL()
case V4L_DEVICE:
mrl = "v4l://";
fileList << "v4l://";
mrl += " :v4l-vdev=" + v4lVideoDevice->text();
mrl += " :v4l-adev=" + v4lAudioDevice->text();
mrl += " :v4l-norm=" + QString("%1").arg( v4lNormBox->currentIndex() );
mrl += " :v4l-frequency=" + QString("%1").arg( v4lFreq->value() );
case V4L2_DEVICE:
mrl = "v4l2://";
fileList << "v4l2://";
mrl += " :v4l2-dev=" + v4l2VideoDevice->text();
mrl += " :v4l2-adev=" + v4l2AudioDevice->text();
mrl += " :v4l2-standard=" + QString("%1").arg( v4l2StdBox->currentIndex() );
......@@ -1069,18 +1079,20 @@ void CaptureOpenPanel::updateMRL()
mrl = "jack://";
mrl += "channels=" + QString("%1").arg( jackChannels->value() );
mrl += ":ports=" + jackPortsSelected->text();
mrl += " --jack-input-caching=" + QString("%1").arg( jackCaching->value() );
fileList << mrl; mrl = "";
mrl += " :jack-input-caching=" + QString("%1").arg( jackCaching->value() );
if ( jackPace->isChecked() )
mrl += " --jack-input-use-vlc-pace";
mrl += " :jack-input-use-vlc-pace";
if ( jackConnect->isChecked() )
mrl += " --jack-input-auto-connect";
mrl += " :jack-input-auto-connect";
mrl = "pvr://";
fileList << "pvr://";
mrl += " :pvr-device=" + pvrDevice->text();
mrl += " :pvr-radio-device=" + pvrRadioDevice->text();
mrl += " :pvr-norm=" + QString("%1").arg( pvrNormBox->currentIndex() );
......@@ -1090,22 +1102,22 @@ void CaptureOpenPanel::updateMRL()
mrl += " :pvr-bitrate=" + QString("%1").arg( pvrBitr->value() );
mrl = "dvb://";
fileList << "dvb://";
mrl += " :dvb-adapter=" + QString("%1").arg( dvbCard->value() );
mrl += " :dvb-frequency=" + QString("%1").arg( dvbFreq->value() );
mrl += " :dvb-srate=" + QString("%1").arg( dvbSrate->value() );
mrl = "screen://";
mrl += " :screen-fps=" + QString("%1").arg( screenFPS->value() );
fileList << "screen://";
mrl = " :screen-fps=" + QString("%1").arg( screenFPS->value() );
if( !advMRL.isEmpty() ) mrl += advMRL;
emit mrlUpdated( mrl );
emit mrlUpdated( fileList, mrl );
* open.hpp : Panels for the open dialogs
* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 the VideoLAN team
* Copyright (C) 2006-2009 the VideoLAN team
* Copyright (C) 2007 Société des arts technologiques
* Copyright (C) 2007 Savoir-faire Linux
* $Id$
......@@ -91,22 +91,10 @@ protected:
public slots:
virtual void updateMRL() = 0;
void mrlUpdated( QString );
void mrlUpdated( QStringList, QString );
void methodChanged( QString method );
class FileOpenBox: public QFileDialog
FileOpenBox( QWidget *parent, const QString &caption,
const QString &directory, const QString &filter ):
QFileDialog( parent, caption, directory, filter ) {}
public slots:
void accept();
void reject();
class FileOpenPanel: public OpenPanel
......@@ -117,15 +105,12 @@ public:
virtual void accept() ;
Ui::OpenFile ui;
QStringList browse( QString );
FileOpenBox *dialogBox;
QLineEdit *lineFileEdit;
QStringList fileCompleteList ;
public slots:
virtual void updateMRL();
private slots:
void browseFileSub();
void toggleSubtitleFrame();
void browseFile();
void toggleSubtitleFrame( bool );
class NetOpenPanel: public OpenPanel
* open.cpp : Advanced open dialog
* Copyright © 2006-2008 the VideoLAN team
* Copyright © 2006-2009 the VideoLAN team
* $Id$
* Authors: Jean-Baptiste Kempf <>
......@@ -85,9 +85,7 @@ OpenDialog::OpenDialog( QWidget *parent,
/* Basic Creation of the Window */
ui.setupUi( this );
setWindowTitle( qtr( "Open" ) );
/* resize( 410, 600 ); */
setMinimumSize( 520, 490 );
setWindowTitle( qtr( "Open a Media" ) );
/* Tab definition and creation */
fileOpenPanel = new FileOpenPanel( ui.Tab, p_intf );
......@@ -140,10 +138,14 @@ OpenDialog::OpenDialog( QWidget *parent,
/* Force MRL update on tab change */
CONNECT( ui.Tab, currentChanged( int ), this, signalCurrent( int ) );
CONNECT( fileOpenPanel, mrlUpdated( QString ), this, updateMRL( QString ) );
CONNECT( netOpenPanel, mrlUpdated( QString ), this, updateMRL( QString ) );
CONNECT( discOpenPanel, mrlUpdated( QString ), this, updateMRL( QString ) );
CONNECT( captureOpenPanel, mrlUpdated( QString ), this, updateMRL( QString ) );
CONNECT( fileOpenPanel, mrlUpdated( QStringList, QString ),
this, updateMRL( QStringList, QString ) );
CONNECT( netOpenPanel, mrlUpdated( QStringList, QString ),
this, updateMRL( QStringList, QString ) );
CONNECT( discOpenPanel, mrlUpdated( QStringList, QString ),
this, updateMRL( QStringList, QString ) );
CONNECT( captureOpenPanel, mrlUpdated( QStringList, QString ),
this, updateMRL( QStringList, QString ) );
CONNECT( fileOpenPanel, methodChanged( QString ),
this, newCachingMethod( QString ) );
......@@ -155,6 +157,7 @@ OpenDialog::OpenDialog( QWidget *parent,
this, newCachingMethod( QString ) );
/* Advanced frame Connects */
CONNECT( ui.slaveCheckbox, toggled( bool ), this, updateMRL() );
CONNECT( ui.slaveText, textChanged( QString ), this, updateMRL() );
CONNECT( ui.cacheSpinBox, valueChanged( int ), this, updateMRL() );
CONNECT( ui.startTimeSpinBox, valueChanged( int ), this, updateMRL() );
......@@ -176,7 +179,7 @@ OpenDialog::OpenDialog( QWidget *parent,
storedMethod = "";
newCachingMethod( "file-caching" );
resize( getSettings()->value( "opendialog-size", QSize( 520, 490 ) ).toSize() );
resize( getSettings()->value( "opendialog-size", QSize( 400, 490 ) ).toSize() );
......@@ -184,6 +187,13 @@ OpenDialog::~OpenDialog()
getSettings()->setValue( "opendialog-size", size() );
/* Used by VLM dialog and inputSlave selection */
QString OpenDialog::getMRL( bool b_all )
return b_all ? itemsMRL[0] + ui.advancedLineInput->text()
: itemsMRL[0];
/* Finish the dialog and decide if you open another one after */
void OpenDialog::setMenuAction()
......@@ -237,7 +247,6 @@ void OpenDialog::toggleAdvancedPanel()
if( ui.advancedFrame->isVisible() )
//setMinimumSize( 520, 460 );
if( size().isValid() )
resize( size().width(), size().height()
- ui.advancedFrame->height() );
......@@ -245,7 +254,6 @@ void OpenDialog::toggleAdvancedPanel()
//setMinimumSize( 520, 460 + ui.advancedFrame->height() );
if( size().isValid() )
resize( size().width(), size().height()
+ ui.advancedFrame->height() );
......@@ -263,8 +271,8 @@ void OpenDialog::cancel()
dynamic_cast<OpenPanel*>( ui.Tab->widget( i ) )->clear();
/* Clear the variables */
/* If in Select Mode, reject instead of hiding */
if( i_action_flag == SELECT ) reject();
......@@ -315,38 +323,50 @@ void OpenDialog::enqueue()
void OpenDialog::finish( bool b_enqueue = false )
mrl = ui.advancedLineInput->text();
if( i_action_flag != SELECT )
if( i_action_flag == SELECT )
QStringList tempMRL = SeparateEntries( mrl );
for( int i = 0; i < tempMRL.size(); i++ )
bool b_start = !i && !b_enqueue;
input_item_t *p_input;
/* Go through the item list */
for( int i = 0; i < itemsMRL.size(); i++ )
bool b_start = !i && !b_enqueue;
p_input = input_item_New( p_intf, qtu( tempMRL[i] ), NULL );
input_item_t *p_input;
p_input = input_item_New( p_intf, qtu( itemsMRL[i] ), NULL );
/* Insert options only for the first element.
We don't know how to edit that anyway. */
if( i == 0 )
/* Take options from the UI, not from what we stored */
QStringList optionsList = ui.advancedLineInput->text().split( ":" );
/* Insert options */
while( i + 1 < tempMRL.size() && tempMRL[i + 1].startsWith( ":" ) )
for( int j = 0; j < optionsList.size(); j++ )
input_item_AddOption( p_input, qtu( tempMRL[i] ), VLC_INPUT_OPTION_TRUSTED );
QString qs = optionsList[j].trimmed();
if( !qs.isEmpty() )
input_item_AddOption( p_input, qtu( qs ), VLC_INPUT_OPTION_TRUSTED );
// msg_Err( p_intf, "Here %s", qtu( qs ));
/* Switch between enqueuing and starting the item */
/* FIXME: playlist_AddInput() can fail */
playlist_AddInput( THEPL, p_input,
/* Switch between enqueuing and starting the item */
/* FIXME: playlist_AddInput() can fail */
playlist_AddInput( THEPL, p_input,
PLAYLIST_END, b_pl ? true : false, pl_Unlocked );
vlc_gc_decref( p_input );
vlc_gc_decref( p_input );
/* Do not add the current MRL if playlist_AddInput fail */
RecentsMRL::getInstance( p_intf )->addRecent( tempMRL[i] );
/* Do not add the current MRL if playlist_AddInput fail */
RecentsMRL::getInstance( p_intf )->addRecent( itemsMRL[i] );
void OpenDialog::transcode()
......@@ -356,43 +376,24 @@ void OpenDialog::transcode()
void OpenDialog::stream( bool b_transcode_only )
mrl = ui.advancedLineInput->text();
QString soutMRL = getMRL();
/* Separate the entries */
QStringList listMRL = SeparateEntries( mrl );
/* We can only take the first entry since we have no idea what
to do with many files ? Gather ? */
if( listMRL.size() > 0 )
/* First item */
QString soutMRL = listMRL[0];
/* Keep all the :xxx options because they are needed see v4l and dshow */
for( int i = 1; i < listMRL.size(); i++ )
if( listMRL[i].at( 0 ) == ':' )
soutMRL.append( " " + listMRL[i] );
/* Dbg and send :D */
msg_Dbg( p_intf, "MRL passed to the Sout: %s", qtu( soutMRL ) );
THEDP->streamingDialog( this, soutMRL, b_transcode_only );
/* Dbg and send :D */
msg_Dbg( p_intf, "MRL passed to the Sout: %s", qtu( soutMRL ) );
THEDP->streamingDialog( this, soutMRL, b_transcode_only );
/* Update the MRL */
void OpenDialog::updateMRL( QString tempMRL )
void OpenDialog::updateMRL( QStringList item, QString tempMRL )
mainMRL = tempMRL;
optionsMRL = tempMRL;
itemsMRL = item;
void OpenDialog::updateMRL() {
mrl = mainMRL;
QString mrl = optionsMRL;
if( ui.slaveCheckbox->isChecked() ) {
mrl += " :input-slave=" + ui.slaveText->text();
......@@ -406,6 +407,7 @@ void OpenDialog::updateMRL() {
arg( ui.startTimeSpinBox->value() );
ui.advancedLineInput->setText( mrl );
ui.mrlLine->setText( itemsMRL.join( " " ) );
void OpenDialog::newCachingMethod( QString method )
......@@ -469,6 +471,6 @@ void OpenDialog::browseInputSlave()
OpenDialog *od = new OpenDialog( this, p_intf, true, SELECT );
ui.slaveText->setText( od->getMRL() );
ui.slaveText->setText( od->getMRL( false ) );
delete od;
......@@ -56,8 +56,6 @@ class QTabWidget;
class OpenDialog : public QVLCDialog
friend class FileOpenBox;
static OpenDialog * getInstance( QWidget *parent, intf_thread_t *p_intf,
......@@ -72,7 +70,7 @@ public:
virtual ~OpenDialog();
void showTab( int = OPEN_FILE_TAB );
QString getMRL(){ return mrl; }
QString getMRL( bool b = true );
public slots:
void selectSlots();
......@@ -88,9 +86,9 @@ private:
static OpenDialog *instance;
input_thread_t *p_input;
QString mrl;
QString mainMRL;
QString optionsMRL;
QString storedMethod;
QStringList itemsMRL;
Ui::Open ui;
FileOpenPanel *fileOpenPanel;
......@@ -112,7 +110,7 @@ private slots:
void cancel();
void close();
void toggleAdvancedPanel();
void updateMRL( QString );
void updateMRL( QStringList, QString );
void updateMRL();
void newCachingMethod( QString );
void signalCurrent( int );
......@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
<property name="sizePolicy" >
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
<item row="0" column="1" >
<item row="0" column="2" >
<widget class="QSpinBox" name="cacheSpinBox" >
<property name="toolTip" >
<string>_("Change the caching for the media")</string>
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
<item row="0" column="2" >
<item row="0" column="3" >
<property name="orientation" >
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
<item row="0" column="3" >
<item row="0" column="4" >
<widget class="QLabel" name="label_3" >
<property name="text" >
<string>_("Start Time")</string>
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
<item row="0" column="4" colspan="2" >
<item row="0" column="5" colspan="2" >
<widget class="QSpinBox" name="startTimeSpinBox" >
<property name="toolTip" >
<string>_("Change the start time for the media")</string>
......@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
<item row="0" column="6" >
<item row="0" column="7" >
<property name="orientation" >
......@@ -123,10 +123,10 @@
<item row="1" column="1" colspan="6" >
<item row="1" column="2" colspan="6" >
<widget class="Line" name="line" />
<item row="2" column="0" colspan="7" >
<item row="2" column="0" colspan="8" >
<widget class="QCheckBox" name="slaveCheckbox" >
<property name="text" >
<string>_("Play another media synchronously (extra audio file, ...)")</string>
......@@ -143,10 +143,10 @@
<item row="3" column="1" colspan="4" >
<item row="3" column="2" colspan="4" >
<widget class="QLineEdit" name="slaveText" />
<item row="3" column="5" colspan="2" >
<item row="3" column="6" colspan="2" >
<widget class="QPushButton" name="slaveBrowseButton" >
<property name="toolTip" >
<string>_("Select the file")</string>
......@@ -156,26 +156,40 @@
<item row="4" column="1" colspan="6" >
<item row="4" column="2" colspan="6" >
<widget class="Line" name="line" />
<item row="5" column="0" >
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<string>_("Complete MRL for VLC internal")</string>
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<string>_("Edit Options")</string>
......@@ -252,22 +266,6 @@
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......@@ -278,7 +276,6 @@
......@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
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......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
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......@@ -6,20 +6,32 @@
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<string>_("Disc Selection")</string>
<string>_("Disc Type Selection")</string>
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......@@ -46,7 +58,7 @@
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......@@ -59,7 +71,14 @@
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<string>_("Audio CD")</string>
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......@@ -72,7 +91,14 @@
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......@@ -95,14 +121,7 @@
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<string>_("Disc device")</string>
......@@ -112,14 +131,27 @@
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......@@ -129,7 +161,7 @@
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......@@ -142,21 +174,17 @@
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<string>_("Audio CD")</string>
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......@@ -164,63 +192,73 @@
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<string>_("Starting Position")</string>
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......@@ -231,65 +269,87 @@
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<string>_("Audio and Subtitles")</string>
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<string>_("Audio track")</string>
<string>_("Subtitles track")</string>
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<string>_("Subtitles track")</string>
<string>_("Audio track")</string>
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......@@ -310,7 +370,7 @@
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......@@ -319,6 +379,8 @@
......@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
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......@@ -19,31 +19,67 @@
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<string>_("Open File")</string>
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<string>_("Choose one or more media file to open")</string>
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<string>_("Select one or more files")</string>
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<string>_("Select the subtitles file")</string>
<property name="text" >
<item row="2" column="0" >
<widget class="QCheckBox" name="subCheckBox" >
<property name="toolTip" >
<string>_("Add a subtitles file")</string>
......@@ -53,7 +89,7 @@
<item row="3" column="0" >
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......@@ -64,7 +100,7 @@
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......@@ -78,6 +114,32 @@
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......@@ -89,6 +151,9 @@
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......@@ -101,19 +166,6 @@
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......@@ -125,9 +177,12 @@
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......@@ -137,37 +192,11 @@
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......@@ -185,9 +214,27 @@
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......@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
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......@@ -89,31 +89,6 @@
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<widget class="QCheckBox" name="timeShift" >
<property name="toolTip" >
<property name="text" >
<string>_("Allow timeshifting")</string>
<property name="orientation" >
......@@ -136,7 +111,6 @@
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