Commit d944e227 authored by Srikanth Raju's avatar Srikanth Raju Committed by Laurent Aimar

Sql: Include interface for prepared statements.

Signed-off-by: default avatarLaurent Aimar <>
parent 6f121876
......@@ -39,11 +39,38 @@ extern "C" {
* General structure: SQL object.
* Return values for the function @see sql_Run()
#define VLC_SQL_ROW 1
#define VLC_SQL_DONE 2
typedef struct sql_t sql_t;
typedef struct sql_sys_t sql_sys_t;
typedef struct sql_stmt_t sql_stmt_t;
typedef int ( *sql_query_callback_t ) ( void*, int, char**, char** );
typedef enum {
} sql_type_e;
typedef struct
int length;
int i;
double dbl;
char* psz;
void* ptr;
} value;
} sql_value_t;
struct sql_t
......@@ -60,6 +87,7 @@ struct sql_t
/** Internal data */
sql_sys_t *p_sys;
/** All the functions are implemented as threadsafe functions */
/** Perform a query with a row-by-row callback function */
int (*pf_query_callback) ( sql_t *, const char *, sql_query_callback_t, void * );
......@@ -79,12 +107,36 @@ struct sql_t
int (*pf_begin) ( sql_t* );
/** Commit transaction */
void (*pf_commit) ( sql_t* );
int (*pf_commit) ( sql_t* );
/** Rollback transaction */
void (*pf_rollback) ( sql_t* );
int (*pf_rollback) ( sql_t* );
/** Create a statement object */
sql_stmt_t* (*pf_prepare) ( sql_t* p_sql, const char* p_fmt,
int i_length );
/** Bind parameters to a statement */
int (*pf_bind) ( sql_t* p_sql, sql_stmt_t* p_stmt, int i_pos,
unsigned int type, const sql_value_t* p_value );
/** Run the prepared statement */
int (*pf_run) ( sql_t* p_sql, sql_stmt_t* p_stmt );
/** Reset the prepared statement */
int (*pf_reset) ( sql_t* p_sql, sql_stmt_t* p_stmt );
/** Destroy the statement object */
int (*pf_finalize) ( sql_t* p_sql, sql_stmt_t* p_stmt );
/** Get the datatype for a specified column */
int (*pf_gettype) ( sql_t* p_sql, sql_stmt_t* p_stmt, int i_col,
int* type );
/** Get the data from a specified column */
int (*pf_getcolumn) ( sql_t* p_sql, sql_stmt_t* p_stmt, int i_col,
int type, sql_value_t *p_res );
* SQL Function headers
......@@ -125,7 +177,8 @@ VLC_EXPORT( void, sql_Destroy, ( vlc_object_t *obj ) );
* 4th is the columns names (array of strings).
* @param p_opaque Any pointer to an object you may need in the callback.
* @note The query will not necessarily be processed in a separate thread!
* @note The query will not necessarily be processed in a separate thread, but
* it is threadsafe
static inline int sql_QueryCallback( sql_t *p_sql, const char *psz_query,
sql_query_callback_t pf_callback,
......@@ -151,6 +204,7 @@ static inline int sql_QueryCallback( sql_t *p_sql, const char *psz_query,
* *pi_rows will be the number of result rows, so that the number of text rows
* in ppsz_result will be (*pi_rows + 1) (because of row 0).
* To get result[row,col] use (*pppsz_result)[ (row+1) * (*pi_cols) + col ].
* This function is threadsafe
static inline int sql_Query( sql_t *p_sql, const char *psz_query,
char ***pppsz_result, int *pi_rows, int *pi_cols )
......@@ -164,6 +218,7 @@ static inline int sql_Query( sql_t *p_sql, const char *psz_query,
* @param pppsz_tables Pointer to an array of strings. Dynamically allocated.
* Similar to pppsz_result of sql_Query but with only one row.
* @return Number of tables or <0 in case of error.
* @note This function is threadsafe
static inline int sql_GetTables( sql_t *p_sql, char ***pppsz_tables )
......@@ -175,6 +230,7 @@ static inline int sql_GetTables( sql_t *p_sql, char ***pppsz_tables )
* @param p_sql This SQL object.
* @param ppsz_result The result of sql_Query or sql_GetTables. See above.
* @return Nothing.
* @note This function is threadsafe
static inline void sql_Free( sql_t *p_sql, char **ppsz_result )
......@@ -215,6 +271,7 @@ static inline char* sql_VPrintf( sql_t *p_sql, const char *psz_fmt,
* @brief Begin a SQL transaction
* @param p_sql The SQL object
* @return VLC error code or success
* @note This function is threadsafe
static inline int sql_BeginTransaction( sql_t *p_sql )
......@@ -225,20 +282,279 @@ static inline int sql_BeginTransaction( sql_t *p_sql )
* @brief Commit a SQL transaction
* @param p_sql The SQL object
* @return VLC error code or success
* @note This function is threadsafe
static inline void sql_CommitTransaction( sql_t *p_sql )
static inline int sql_CommitTransaction( sql_t *p_sql )
p_sql->pf_commit( p_sql );
return p_sql->pf_commit( p_sql );
* @brief Rollback a SQL transaction
* @param p_sql The SQL object
* @return VLC error code or success
* @note This function is threadsafe
static inline void sql_RollbackTransaction( sql_t *p_sql )
static inline int sql_RollbackTransaction( sql_t *p_sql )
return p_sql->pf_rollback( p_sql );
* @brief Prepare an sql statement
* @param p_sql The SQL object
* @param p_fmt SQL query string
* @param i_length length of the string. If negative, length will be
* considered upto the first \0 character equivalent to strlen(p_fmt).
* Otherwise the first i_length bytes will be used
* @return a sql_stmt_t pointer or NULL on failure
static inline sql_stmt_t* sql_Prepare( sql_t* p_sql, const char* p_fmt,
int i_length )
return p_sql->pf_prepare( p_sql, p_fmt, i_length );
* @brief Bind arguments to a sql_stmt_t object
* @param p_sql The SQL object
* @param p_stmt Statement Object
* @param type Data type of the value
* @param p_value Value to be bound
* @param i_pos Position at which the parameter should be bound
static inline int sql_BindGeneric( sql_t* p_sql, sql_stmt_t* p_stmt,
int i_pos, int type, const sql_value_t* p_value )
return p_sql->pf_bind( p_sql, p_stmt, i_pos, type, p_value );
* @brief Bind a NULL value to a position
* @param p_sql The SQL object
* @param p_stmt Statement Object
* @param i_pos Position at which the parameter should be bound
static inline int sql_BindNull( sql_t *p_sql, sql_stmt_t* p_stmt, int i_pos )
int i_ret = sql_BindGeneric( p_sql, p_stmt, i_pos, SQL_NULL, NULL );
return i_ret;
* @brief Bind an integer to the statement object at some position
* @param p_sql The SQL object
* @param p_stmt Statement Object
* @param i_pos Position at which the parameter should be bound
* @param i_int Value to be bound
static inline int sql_BindInteger( sql_t *p_sql, sql_stmt_t* p_stmt,
int i_pos, int i_int )
sql_value_t value;
value.length = 0;
value.value.i = i_int;
int i_ret = sql_BindGeneric( p_sql, p_stmt, i_pos, SQL_INT, &value );
return i_ret;
* @brief Bind a double to the statement object at some position
* @param p_sql The SQL object
* @param p_stmt Statement Object
* @param i_pos Position at which the parameter should be bound
* @param d_dbl Value to be bound
static inline int sql_BindDouble( sql_t *p_sql, sql_stmt_t* p_stmt,
int i_pos, double d_dbl )
sql_value_t value;
value.length = 0;
value.value.dbl = d_dbl;
int i_ret = sql_BindGeneric( p_sql, p_stmt, i_pos, SQL_INT, &value );
return i_ret;
* @brief Bind Text to the statement
* @param p_sql The SQL object
* @param p_stmt Statement Object
* @param i_pos Position at which the parameter should be bound
* @param p_fmt Value to be bound
* @param i_length Length of text. If -ve text upto the first null char
* will be selected.
static inline int sql_BindText( sql_t *p_sql, sql_stmt_t* p_stmt, int i_pos,
char* p_fmt, int i_length )
sql_value_t value;
value.length = i_length;
value.value.psz = p_fmt;
int i_ret = sql_BindGeneric( p_sql, p_stmt, i_pos, SQL_TEXT, &value );
return i_ret;
* @brief Bind a binary object to the statement
* @param p_sql The SQL object
* @param p_stmt Statement Object
* @param i_pos Position at which the parameter should be bound
* @param p_ptr Value to be bound
* @param i_length Size of the blob to read
static inline int sql_BindBlob( sql_t *p_sql, sql_stmt_t* p_stmt, int i_pos,
void* p_ptr, int i_length )
sql_value_t value;
value.length = i_length;
value.value.ptr = p_ptr;
int i_ret = sql_BindGeneric( p_sql, p_stmt, i_pos, SQL_INT, &value );
return i_ret;
* @brief Run the SQL statement. If the statement fetches data, then only
* one row of the data is fetched at a time. Run this function again to
* fetch the next row.
* @param p_sql The SQL object
* @param p_stmt The statement
* @return VLC_SQL_DONE if done fetching all rows or there are no rows to fetch
* VLC_SQL_ROW if a row was fetched for this statement.
* VLC_EGENERIC if this function failed
static inline int sql_Run( sql_t* p_sql, sql_stmt_t* p_stmt )
return p_sql->pf_run( p_sql, p_stmt );
* @brief Reset the SQL statement. Resetting the statement will unbind all
* the values that were bound on this statement
* @param p_sql The SQL object
* @param p_stmt The sql statement object
static inline int sql_Reset( sql_t* p_sql, sql_stmt_t* p_stmt )
return p_sql->pf_reset( p_sql, p_stmt );
* @brief Destroy the sql statement object. This will free memory.
* @param p_sql The SQL object
* @param p_stmt The statement object
static inline int sql_Finalize( sql_t* p_sql, sql_stmt_t* p_stmt )
return p_sql->pf_finalize( p_sql, p_stmt );
* @brief Get the datatype of the result of the column
* @param p_sql The SQL object
* @param p_stmt The sql statement object
* @param i_col The column
* @param type pointer to datatype of the given column
static inline int sql_GetColumnType( sql_t* p_sql, sql_stmt_t* p_stmt,
int i_col, int* type )
return p_sql->pf_gettype( p_sql, p_stmt, i_col, type );
* @brief Get the column data
* @param p_sql The SQL object
* @param p_stmt The statement object
* @param i_col The column number
* @param type Datatype of result
* @param p_res The structure which contains the value of the result
static inline int sql_GetColumn( sql_t* p_sql, sql_stmt_t* p_stmt,
int i_col, int type, sql_value_t *p_res )
return p_sql->pf_getcolumn( p_sql, p_stmt, i_col, type, p_res );
* @brief Get an integer from the results of a statement
* @param p_sql The SQL object
* @param p_stmt The statement object
* @param i_col The column number
* @param i_res Pointer of the location for result to be stored
static inline int sql_GetColumnInteger( sql_t* p_sql, sql_stmt_t* p_stmt,
int i_col, int* pi_res )
sql_value_t tmp;
int i_ret = p_sql->pf_getcolumn( p_sql, p_stmt, i_col, SQL_INT, &tmp );
if( i_ret == VLC_SUCCESS )
*pi_res = tmp.value.i;
return i_ret;
* @brief Get a double from the results of a statement
* @param p_sql The SQL object
* @param p_stmt The statement object
* @param i_col The column number
* @param d_res Pointer of the location for result to be stored
static inline int sql_GetColumnDouble( sql_t* p_sql, sql_stmt_t* p_stmt,
int i_col, double* pd_res )
sql_value_t tmp;
int i_ret = p_sql->pf_getcolumn( p_sql, p_stmt, i_col, SQL_DOUBLE, &tmp );
if( i_ret == VLC_SUCCESS )
*pd_res = tmp.value.dbl;
return i_ret;
* @brief Get some text from the results of a statement
* @param p_sql The SQL object
* @param p_stmt The statement object
* @param i_col The column number
* @param pp_res Pointer of the location for result to be stored
static inline int sql_GetColumnText( sql_t* p_sql, sql_stmt_t* p_stmt,
int i_col, char** pp_res )
sql_value_t tmp;
int i_ret = p_sql->pf_getcolumn( p_sql, p_stmt, i_col, SQL_TEXT, &tmp );
if( i_ret == VLC_SUCCESS )
*pp_res = tmp.value.psz;
return i_ret;
* @brief Get a blob from the results of a statement
* @param p_sql The SQL object
* @param p_stmt The statement object
* @param i_col The column number
* @param pp_res Pointer of the location for result to be stored
static inline int sql_GetColumnBlob( sql_t* p_sql, sql_stmt_t* p_stmt,
int i_col, void** pp_res )
p_sql->pf_rollback( p_sql );
sql_value_t tmp;
int i_ret = p_sql->pf_getcolumn( p_sql, p_stmt, i_col, SQL_BLOB, &tmp );
if( i_ret == VLC_SUCCESS )
*pp_res = tmp.value.ptr;
return i_ret;
# ifdef __cplusplus
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