Commit c6912c81 authored by Jean-Philippe André's avatar Jean-Philippe André

Extensions: Lua implementation for dialogs

New vlc.dialog library, that allows users to create scriptable dialogs.
The calling vlc_object_t should have register a callback for the variable
parent 8c64238e
* dialog.c: Functions to create interface dialogs from Lua extensions
* Copyright (C) 2009-2010 VideoLAN and authors
* $Id$
* Authors: Jean-Philippe André < jpeg # >
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
* Preamble
#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
# define _GNU_SOURCE
# include "config.h"
#include <vlc_common.h>
#include <vlc_extensions.h>
#include <lua.h> /* Low level lua C API */
#include <lauxlib.h> /* Higher level C API */
#include "../vlc.h"
#include "../libs.h"
#include "assert.h"
/* Dialog functions */
static int vlclua_dialog_create( lua_State *L );
static int vlclua_dialog_delete( lua_State *L );
static int vlclua_dialog_show( lua_State *L );
static int vlclua_dialog_hide( lua_State *L );
static int vlclua_dialog_add_button( lua_State *L );
static int vlclua_dialog_add_label( lua_State *L );
static int vlclua_dialog_add_html( lua_State *L );
static int vlclua_dialog_add_text_inner( lua_State *L, int );
static inline int vlclua_dialog_add_text_input( lua_State *L )
return vlclua_dialog_add_text_inner( L, EXTENSION_WIDGET_TEXT_FIELD );
static inline int vlclua_dialog_add_password( lua_State *L )
return vlclua_dialog_add_text_inner( L, EXTENSION_WIDGET_PASSWORD );
static inline int vlclua_dialog_add_html( lua_State *L )
return vlclua_dialog_add_text_inner( L, EXTENSION_WIDGET_HTML );
static int vlclua_dialog_add_check_box( lua_State *L );
static int vlclua_dialog_add_list( lua_State *L );
static int vlclua_dialog_add_dropdown( lua_State *L );
static int vlclua_dialog_add_image( lua_State *L );
static int vlclua_create_widget_inner( lua_State *L, int i_args,
extension_widget_t *p_widget);
static int vlclua_dialog_delete_widget( lua_State *L );
/* Widget methods */
static int vlclua_widget_set_text( lua_State *L );
static int vlclua_widget_get_text( lua_State *L );
static int vlclua_widget_set_checked( lua_State *L );
static int vlclua_widget_get_checked( lua_State *L );
static int vlclua_widget_add_value( lua_State *L );
static int vlclua_widget_get_value( lua_State *L );
static int vlclua_widget_clear( lua_State *L );
static int vlclua_widget_get_selection( lua_State *L );
/* Helpers */
static void AddWidget( extension_dialog_t *p_dialog,
extension_widget_t *p_widget );
static int DeleteWidget( extension_dialog_t *p_dialog,
extension_widget_t *p_widget );
static const luaL_Reg vlclua_dialog_reg[] = {
{ "show", vlclua_dialog_show },
{ "hide", vlclua_dialog_hide },
{ "close", vlclua_dialog_delete },
{ "add_button", vlclua_dialog_add_button },
{ "add_label", vlclua_dialog_add_label },
{ "add_html", vlclua_dialog_add_html },
{ "add_text_input", vlclua_dialog_add_text_input },
{ "add_password", vlclua_dialog_add_password },
{ "add_check_box", vlclua_dialog_add_check_box },
{ "add_dropdown", vlclua_dialog_add_dropdown },
{ "add_list", vlclua_dialog_add_list },
{ "add_image", vlclua_dialog_add_image },
{ "del_widget", vlclua_dialog_delete_widget },
static const luaL_Reg vlclua_widget_reg[] = {
{ "set_text", vlclua_widget_set_text },
{ "get_text", vlclua_widget_get_text },
{ "set_checked", vlclua_widget_set_checked },
{ "get_checked", vlclua_widget_get_checked },
{ "add_value", vlclua_widget_add_value },
{ "get_value", vlclua_widget_get_value },
{ "clear", vlclua_widget_clear },
{ "get_selection", vlclua_widget_get_selection },
/** Private static variable used for the registry index */
static const char key_opaque = 'A';
* Open dialog library for Lua
* @param L lua_State
* @param opaque Object associated to this lua state
* @note opaque will be p_ext for extensions, p_sd for service discoveries
void luaopen_dialog( lua_State *L, void *opaque )
lua_getglobal( L, "vlc" );
lua_pushcfunction( L, vlclua_dialog_create );
lua_setfield( L, -2, "dialog" );
/* Add a private pointer (opaque) in the registry
* The &key pointer is used to have a unique entry in the registry
lua_pushlightuserdata( L, (void*) &key_opaque );
lua_pushlightuserdata( L, opaque );
lua_settable( L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX );
static int vlclua_dialog_create( lua_State *L )
if( !lua_isstring( L, 1 ) )
return luaL_error( L, "vlc.dialog() usage: (title)" );
const char *psz_title = luaL_checkstring( L, 1 );
vlc_object_t *p_this = vlclua_get_this( L );
extension_dialog_t *p_dlg = calloc( 1, sizeof( extension_dialog_t ) );
if( !p_dlg )
return 0; // luaL_error( L, "Out Of Memory" );
lua_getglobal( L, "vlc" );
lua_getfield( L, -1, "__dialog" );
if( lua_topointer( L, lua_gettop( L ) ) != NULL )
return luaL_error( L, "Only one dialog allowed per extension!" );
p_dlg->p_object = p_this;
p_dlg->psz_title = strdup( psz_title );
p_dlg->b_kill = false;
ARRAY_INIT( p_dlg->widgets );
/* Read the opaque value stored while loading the dialog library */
lua_pushlightuserdata( L, (void*) &key_opaque );
lua_gettable( L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX );
p_dlg->p_sys = (void*) lua_topointer( L, -1 ); // "const" discarded
lua_pop( L, 1 );
vlc_mutex_init( &p_dlg->lock );
vlc_cond_init( &p_dlg->cond );
/** @todo Use the registry instead of __dialog,
so that the user can't tamper with it */
lua_getglobal( L, "vlc" );
lua_pushlightuserdata( L, p_dlg );
lua_setfield( L, -2, "__dialog" );
lua_pop( L, 1 );
extension_dialog_t **pp_dlg = lua_newuserdata( L, sizeof( void* ) );
*pp_dlg = p_dlg;
if( luaL_newmetatable( L, "dialog" ) )
lua_newtable( L );
luaL_register( L, NULL, vlclua_dialog_reg );
lua_setfield( L, -2, "__index" );
lua_pushcfunction( L, vlclua_dialog_delete );
lua_setfield( L, -2, "__gc" );
lua_setmetatable( L, -2 );
msg_Dbg( p_this, "Creating dialog '%s'", psz_title );
int i_ret = dialog_ExtensionUpdate( p_this, p_dlg );
return ( i_ret == VLC_SUCCESS ) ? 1 : 0;
static int vlclua_dialog_delete( lua_State *L )
vlc_object_t *p_mgr = vlclua_get_this( L );
/* Get dialog descriptor */
extension_dialog_t **pp_dlg =
(extension_dialog_t**) luaL_checkudata( L, 1, "dialog" );
if( !pp_dlg || !*pp_dlg )
return luaL_error( L, "Can't get pointer to dialog" );
extension_dialog_t *p_dlg = *pp_dlg;
*pp_dlg = NULL;
/* Remove private __dialog field */
lua_getglobal( L, "vlc" );
lua_pushnil( L );
lua_setfield( L, -2, "__dialog" );
assert( !p_dlg->b_kill );
msg_Dbg( p_mgr, "Deleting dialog '%s'", p_dlg->psz_title );
p_dlg->b_kill = true;
dialog_ExtensionUpdate( p_mgr, p_dlg );
/* After dialog_ExtensionUpdate, the UI thread must take the lock asap and
* then signal us when it's done deleting the dialog.
vlc_mutex_lock( &p_dlg->lock );
while( p_dlg->p_sys_intf != NULL )
mtime_t abstime = mdate() + 1000000; // Waiting 1 second at a time
vlc_cond_timedwait( &p_dlg->cond, &p_dlg->lock, abstime );
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_dlg->lock );
free( p_dlg->psz_title );
p_dlg->psz_title = NULL;
/* Destroy widgets */
extension_widget_t *p_widget;
FOREACH_ARRAY( p_widget, p_dlg->widgets )
if( !p_widget )
free( p_widget->psz_text );
/* Free data */
struct extension_widget_value_t *p_value, *p_next;
for( p_value = p_widget->p_values; p_value != NULL; p_value = p_next )
p_next = p_value->p_next;
free( p_value->psz_text );
free( p_value );
ARRAY_RESET( p_dlg->widgets );
/* Note: At this point, the UI must not use these resources */
vlc_mutex_destroy( &p_dlg->lock );
vlc_cond_destroy( &p_dlg->cond );
return 1;
/** Show the dialog */
static int vlclua_dialog_show( lua_State *L )
vlc_object_t *p_mgr = vlclua_get_this( L );
extension_dialog_t **pp_dlg =
(extension_dialog_t**) luaL_checkudata( L, 1, "dialog" );
if( !pp_dlg || !*pp_dlg )
return luaL_error( L, "Can't get pointer to dialog" );
extension_dialog_t *p_dlg = *pp_dlg;
p_dlg->b_hide = false;
dialog_ExtensionUpdate( p_mgr, p_dlg );
return 1;
/** Hide the dialog */
static int vlclua_dialog_hide( lua_State *L )
vlc_object_t *p_mgr = vlclua_get_this( L );
extension_dialog_t **pp_dlg =
(extension_dialog_t**) luaL_checkudata( L, 1, "dialog" );
if( !pp_dlg || !*pp_dlg )
return luaL_error( L, "Can't get pointer to dialog" );
extension_dialog_t *p_dlg = *pp_dlg;
p_dlg->b_hide = true;
dialog_ExtensionUpdate( p_mgr, p_dlg );
return 1;
* Create a button: add_button
* Arguments: text, function (as string)
* Qt: QPushButton
static int vlclua_dialog_add_button( lua_State *L )
/* Verify arguments */
if( !lua_isstring( L, 2 ) || !lua_isstring( L, 3 ) )
return luaL_error( L, "dialog:add_button usage: (text, func)" );
extension_widget_t *p_widget = calloc( 1, sizeof( extension_widget_t ) );
p_widget->psz_text = strdup( luaL_checkstring( L, 2 ) );
p_widget->p_sys = strdup( luaL_checkstring( L, 3 ) );
return vlclua_create_widget_inner( L, 2, p_widget );
* Create a text label: add_label
* Arguments: text
* Qt: QLabel
static int vlclua_dialog_add_label( lua_State *L )
/* Verify arguments */
if( !lua_isstring( L, 2 ) )
return luaL_error( L, "dialog:add_label usage: (text)" );
extension_widget_t *p_widget = calloc( 1, sizeof( extension_widget_t ) );
p_widget->type = EXTENSION_WIDGET_LABEL;
p_widget->psz_text = strdup( luaL_checkstring( L, 2 ) );
return vlclua_create_widget_inner( L, 1, p_widget );
* Create a text area: add_html, add_text_input, add_password
* Arguments: text (may be nil)
* Qt: QLineEdit (Text/Password) or QTextArea (HTML)
static int vlclua_dialog_add_text_inner( lua_State *L, int i_type )
/* Verify arguments */
if( !lua_isstring( L, 2 ) && !lua_isnil( L, 2 ) )
return luaL_error( L, "dialog:add_text_input usage: (text = nil)" );
extension_widget_t *p_widget = calloc( 1, sizeof( extension_widget_t ) );
p_widget->type = i_type;
if( !lua_isnil( L, 2 ) )
p_widget->psz_text = strdup( luaL_checkstring( L, 2 ) );
return vlclua_create_widget_inner( L, 1, p_widget );
* Create a checkable box: add_check_box
* Arguments: text, checked (as bool)
* Qt: QCheckBox
static int vlclua_dialog_add_check_box( lua_State *L )
/* Verify arguments */
if( !lua_isstring( L, 2 ) )
return luaL_error( L, "dialog:add_check_box usage: (text, checked)" );
extension_widget_t *p_widget = calloc( 1, sizeof( extension_widget_t ) );
p_widget->psz_text = strdup( luaL_checkstring( L, 2 ) );
p_widget->b_checked = lua_toboolean( L, 3 );
return vlclua_create_widget_inner( L, 2, p_widget );
* Create a drop-down list (non editable)
* Arguments: (none)
* Qt: QComboBox
* @todo make it editable?
static int vlclua_dialog_add_dropdown( lua_State *L )
extension_widget_t *p_widget = calloc( 1, sizeof( extension_widget_t ) );
return vlclua_create_widget_inner( L, 0, p_widget );
* Create a list panel (multiple selection)
* Arguments: (none)
* Qt: QListWidget
static int vlclua_dialog_add_list( lua_State *L )
extension_widget_t *p_widget = calloc( 1, sizeof( extension_widget_t ) );
p_widget->type = EXTENSION_WIDGET_LIST;
return vlclua_create_widget_inner( L, 0, p_widget );
* Create an image label
* Arguments: url
* Qt: QLabel with setPixmap( QPixmap& )
static int vlclua_dialog_add_image( lua_State *L )
/* Verify arguments */
if( !lua_isstring( L, 2 ) )
return luaL_error( L, "dialog:add_image usage: (filename)" );
extension_widget_t *p_widget = calloc( 1, sizeof( extension_widget_t ) );
p_widget->type = EXTENSION_WIDGET_IMAGE;
p_widget->psz_text = strdup( luaL_checkstring( L, 2 ) );
return vlclua_create_widget_inner( L, 1, p_widget );
* Internal helper to finalize the creation of a widget
* @param L Lua State
* @param i_args Number of arguments before "row" (0 or more)
* @param p_widget The widget to add
static int vlclua_create_widget_inner( lua_State *L, int i_args,
extension_widget_t *p_widget )
int arg = i_args + 2;
/* Get dialog */
extension_dialog_t **pp_dlg =
(extension_dialog_t**) luaL_checkudata( L, 1, "dialog" );
if( !pp_dlg || !*pp_dlg )
return luaL_error( L, "Can't get pointer to dialog" );
extension_dialog_t *p_dlg = *pp_dlg;
/* Set parent dialog */
p_widget->p_dialog = p_dlg;
/* Set common arguments: col, row, hspan, vspan, width, height */
if( lua_isnumber( L, arg ) )
p_widget->i_column = luaL_checkinteger( L, arg );
else goto end_of_args;
if( lua_isnumber( L, ++arg ) )
p_widget->i_row = luaL_checkinteger( L, arg );
else goto end_of_args;
if( lua_isnumber( L, ++arg ) )
p_widget->i_horiz_span = luaL_checkinteger( L, arg );
else goto end_of_args;
if( lua_isnumber( L, ++arg ) )
p_widget->i_vert_span = luaL_checkinteger( L, arg );
else goto end_of_args;
if( lua_isnumber( L, ++arg ) )
p_widget->i_width = luaL_checkinteger( L, arg );
else goto end_of_args;
if( lua_isnumber( L, ++arg ) )
p_widget->i_height = luaL_checkinteger( L, arg );
else goto end_of_args;
vlc_mutex_lock( &p_dlg->lock );
/* Add the widget to the dialog descriptor */
AddWidget( p_dlg, p_widget );
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_dlg->lock );
/* Create meta table */
extension_widget_t **pp_widget = lua_newuserdata( L, sizeof( void* ) );
*pp_widget = p_widget;
if( luaL_newmetatable( L, "widget" ) )
lua_newtable( L );
luaL_register( L, NULL, vlclua_widget_reg );
lua_setfield( L, -2, "__index" );
lua_setmetatable( L, -2 );
/* Signal interface */
vlc_object_t *p_mgr = vlclua_get_this( L );
int i_ret = dialog_ExtensionUpdate( p_mgr, p_dlg );
return ( i_ret == VLC_SUCCESS ) ? 1 : 0;
static int vlclua_widget_set_text( lua_State *L )
/* Get dialog */
extension_widget_t **pp_widget =
(extension_widget_t **) luaL_checkudata( L, 1, "widget" );
if( !pp_widget || !*pp_widget )
return luaL_error( L, "Can't get pointer to widget" );
extension_widget_t *p_widget = *pp_widget;
/* Verify arguments */
if( !lua_isstring( L, 2 ) )
return luaL_error( L, "widget:set_text usage: (text)" );
/* Verify widget type */
switch( p_widget->type )
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_widget->p_dialog->lock );
return luaL_error( L, "method set_text not valid for this widget" );
vlc_mutex_lock( &p_widget->p_dialog->lock );
/* Update widget */
p_widget->b_update = true;
free( p_widget->psz_text );
p_widget->psz_text = strdup( luaL_checkstring( L, 2 ) );
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_widget->p_dialog->lock );
/* Update dialog */
vlc_object_t *p_mgr = vlclua_get_this( L );
dialog_ExtensionUpdate( p_mgr, p_widget->p_dialog );
return 1;
static int vlclua_widget_get_text( lua_State *L )
/* Get dialog */
extension_widget_t **pp_widget =
(extension_widget_t **) luaL_checkudata( L, 1, "widget" );
if( !pp_widget || !*pp_widget )
return luaL_error( L, "Can't get pointer to widget" );
extension_widget_t *p_widget = *pp_widget;
/* Verify widget type */
switch( p_widget->type )
return luaL_error( L, "method get_text not valid for this widget" );
extension_dialog_t *p_dlg = p_widget->p_dialog;
vlc_mutex_lock( &p_dlg->lock );
char *psz_text = NULL;
if( p_widget->psz_text )
psz_text = strdup( p_widget->psz_text );
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_dlg->lock );
lua_pushstring( L, psz_text );
free( psz_text );
return 1;
static int vlclua_widget_get_checked( lua_State *L )
/* Get widget */
extension_widget_t **pp_widget =
(extension_widget_t **) luaL_checkudata( L, 1, "widget" );
if( !pp_widget || !*pp_widget )
return luaL_error( L, "Can't get pointer to widget" );
extension_widget_t *p_widget = *pp_widget;
if( p_widget->type != EXTENSION_WIDGET_CHECK_BOX )
return luaL_error( L, "method get_checked not valid for this widget" );
vlc_mutex_lock( &p_widget->p_dialog->lock );
lua_pushboolean( L, p_widget->b_checked );
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_widget->p_dialog->lock );
return 1;
static int vlclua_widget_add_value( lua_State *L )
/* Get widget */
extension_widget_t **pp_widget =
(extension_widget_t **) luaL_checkudata( L, 1, "widget" );
if( !pp_widget || !*pp_widget )
return luaL_error( L, "Can't get pointer to widget" );
extension_widget_t *p_widget = *pp_widget;
if( p_widget->type != EXTENSION_WIDGET_DROPDOWN
&& p_widget->type != EXTENSION_WIDGET_LIST )
return luaL_error( L, "method add_value not valid for this widget" );
if( !lua_isstring( L, 2 ) )
return luaL_error( L, "widget:add_value usage: (text, id = 0)" );
struct extension_widget_value_t *p_value,
*p_new_value = calloc( 1, sizeof( struct extension_widget_value_t ) );
p_new_value->psz_text = strdup( luaL_checkstring( L, 2 ) );
p_new_value->i_id = lua_tointeger( L, 3 );
vlc_mutex_lock( &p_widget->p_dialog->lock );
if( !p_widget->p_values )
p_widget->p_values = p_new_value;
for( p_value = p_widget->p_values;
p_value->p_next != NULL;
p_value = p_value->p_next )
{ /* Do nothing, iterate to find the end */ }
p_value->p_next = p_new_value;
p_widget->b_update = true;
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_widget->p_dialog->lock );
vlc_object_t *p_mgr = vlclua_get_this( L );
dialog_ExtensionUpdate( p_mgr, p_widget->p_dialog );
return 1;
static int vlclua_widget_get_value( lua_State *L )
/* Get widget */
extension_widget_t **pp_widget =
(extension_widget_t **) luaL_checkudata( L, 1, "widget" );
if( !pp_widget || !*pp_widget )
return luaL_error( L, "Can't get pointer to widget" );
extension_widget_t *p_widget = *pp_widget;
if( p_widget->type != EXTENSION_WIDGET_DROPDOWN )
return luaL_error( L, "method get_value not valid for this widget" );
vlc_mutex_lock( &p_widget->p_dialog->lock );
struct extension_widget_value_t *p_value;
for( p_value = p_widget->p_values;
p_value != NULL;
p_value = p_value->p_next )
if( p_value->b_selected )
lua_pushinteger( L, p_value->i_id );
lua_pushstring( L, p_value->psz_text );
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_widget->p_dialog->lock );
return 2;
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_widget->p_dialog->lock );
lua_pushinteger( L, -1 );
lua_pushnil( L );
return 2;
static int vlclua_widget_clear( lua_State *L )
/* Get widget */
extension_widget_t **pp_widget =
(extension_widget_t **) luaL_checkudata( L, 1, "widget" );
if( !pp_widget || !*pp_widget )
return luaL_error( L, "Can't get pointer to widget" );
extension_widget_t *p_widget = *pp_widget;
if( p_widget->type != EXTENSION_WIDGET_DROPDOWN
&& p_widget->type != EXTENSION_WIDGET_LIST )
return luaL_error( L, "method add_value not valid for this widget" );
struct extension_widget_value_t *p_value, *p_next;
vlc_mutex_lock( &p_widget->p_dialog->lock );
for( p_value = p_widget->p_values;
p_value != NULL;
p_value = p_next )
p_next = p_value->p_next;
free( p_value->psz_text );
free( p_value );
p_widget->p_values = NULL;
p_widget->b_update = true;
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_widget->p_dialog->lock );
vlc_object_t *p_mgr = vlclua_get_this( L );
dialog_ExtensionUpdate( p_mgr, p_widget->p_dialog );
return 1;
static int vlclua_widget_get_selection( lua_State *L )
/* Get widget */
extension_widget_t **pp_widget =
(extension_widget_t **) luaL_checkudata( L, 1, "widget" );
if( !pp_widget || !*pp_widget )
return luaL_error( L, "Can't get pointer to widget" );
extension_widget_t *p_widget = *pp_widget;
if( p_widget->type != EXTENSION_WIDGET_LIST )
return luaL_error( L, "method get_selection not valid for this widget" );
/* Create empty table */
lua_newtable( L );
vlc_mutex_lock( &p_widget->p_dialog->lock );
struct extension_widget_value_t *p_value;
for( p_value = p_widget->p_values;
p_value != NULL;
p_value = p_value->p_next )
if( p_value->b_selected )
lua_pushinteger( L, p_value->i_id );
lua_pushstring( L, p_value->psz_text );
lua_settable( L, -3 );
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_widget->p_dialog->lock );
return 1;
static int vlclua_widget_set_checked( lua_State *L )
/* Get dialog */
extension_widget_t **pp_widget =
(extension_widget_t **) luaL_checkudata( L, 1, "widget" );
if( !pp_widget || !*pp_widget )
return luaL_error( L, "Can't get pointer to widget" );
extension_widget_t *p_widget = *pp_widget;
if( p_widget->type != EXTENSION_WIDGET_CHECK_BOX )
return luaL_error( L, "method set_checked not valid for this widget" );
/* Verify arguments */
if( !lua_isboolean( L, 2 ) )
return luaL_error( L, "widget:set_checked usage: (bool)" );
vlc_mutex_lock( &p_widget->p_dialog->lock );
bool b_old_check = p_widget->b_checked;
p_widget->b_checked = lua_toboolean( L, 2 );
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_widget->p_dialog->lock );
if( b_old_check != p_widget->b_checked )
/* Signal interface of the change */
p_widget->b_update = true;
vlc_object_t *p_mgr = vlclua_get_this( L );
dialog_ExtensionUpdate( p_mgr, p_widget->p_dialog );
return 1;
* Delete a widget from a dialog
* Remove it from the list once it has been safely destroyed by the interface
static int vlclua_dialog_delete_widget( lua_State *L )
/* Get dialog */
extension_dialog_t **pp_dlg =
(extension_dialog_t**) luaL_checkudata( L, 1, "dialog" );
if( !pp_dlg || !*pp_dlg )
return luaL_error( L, "Can't get pointer to dialog" );
extension_dialog_t *p_dlg = *pp_dlg;
/* Get widget */
if( !lua_isuserdata( L, 2 ) )
return luaL_error( L, "Argument to del_widget is not a widget" );
/* Get dialog */
extension_widget_t **pp_widget =
(extension_widget_t **) luaL_checkudata( L, 2, "widget" );
if( !pp_widget || !*pp_widget )
return luaL_error( L, "Can't get pointer to widget" );
extension_widget_t *p_widget = *pp_widget;
/* Delete widget */
*pp_widget = NULL;
vlc_object_t *p_mgr = vlclua_get_this( L );
p_widget->b_kill = true;
int i_ret = dialog_ExtensionUpdate( p_mgr, p_dlg );
if( i_ret != VLC_SUCCESS )
return luaL_error( L, "Could not delete widget" );
vlc_mutex_lock( &p_dlg->lock );
/* Same remarks as for dialog delete */
mtime_t abstime = mdate() + 2000000;
if( p_widget->p_sys_intf != NULL )
vlc_cond_timedwait( &p_dlg->cond, &p_dlg->lock, abstime );
if( p_widget->p_sys_intf == NULL )
i_ret = DeleteWidget( p_dlg, p_widget );
if( i_ret != VLC_SUCCESS )
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_dlg->lock );
return luaL_error( L, "Could not remove widget from list" );
msg_Warn( p_mgr, "Could not delete a widget. Leaking its descriptor." );
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_dlg->lock );
return ( i_ret == VLC_SUCCESS ) ? 1 : 0;
* Below this line, no Lua specific code.
* Extension helpers.
* Add a widget to the widget list of a dialog
* @note Must be entered with lock on dialog
static void AddWidget( extension_dialog_t *p_dialog,
extension_widget_t *p_widget )
ARRAY_APPEND( p_dialog->widgets, p_widget );
* Remove a widget from the widget list of a dialog
* @note The widget MUST have been safely killed before
* @note Must be entered with lock on dialog
static int DeleteWidget( extension_dialog_t *p_dialog,
extension_widget_t *p_widget )
int pos = -1;
bool found = false;
extension_widget_t *p_iter;
FOREACH_ARRAY( p_iter, p_dialog->widgets )
if( p_iter == p_widget )
found = true;
if( !found )
ARRAY_REMOVE( p_dialog->widgets, pos );
/* Now free the data */
free( p_widget->p_sys );
struct extension_widget_value_t *p_value = p_widget->p_values;
while( p_value )
free( p_value->psz_text );
struct extension_widget_value_t *old = p_value;
p_value = p_value->p_next;
free( old );
free( p_widget->psz_text );
free( p_widget );
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