Commit add15152 authored by Antoine Cellerier's avatar Antoine Cellerier

* luaplaylist.c, README.txt: add support for VLC options.

* *.lua: misc fixes.
parent 93d0208e
......@@ -472,34 +472,70 @@ static int Demux( demux_t *p_demux )
if( lua_istable( p_state, t+2 ) )
const char *psz_url = NULL;
const char *psz_title = NULL;
lua_getfield( p_state, t+2, "path" );
if( lua_isstring( p_state, t+3 ) )
psz_url = lua_tostring( p_state, t+3 );
msg_Dbg( p_demux, "Path: %s", psz_url );
const char *psz_path = NULL;
const char *psz_name = NULL;
char **ppsz_options = NULL;
int i_options = 0;
/* Read path and name */
psz_path = lua_tostring( p_state, t+3 );
msg_Dbg( p_demux, "Path: %s", psz_path );
lua_getfield( p_state, t+2, "name" );
if( lua_isstring( p_state, t+4 ) )
psz_title = lua_tostring( p_state, t+4 );
msg_Dbg( p_demux, "Name: %s", psz_title );
psz_name = lua_tostring( p_state, t+4 );
msg_Dbg( p_demux, "Name: %s", psz_name );
psz_title = psz_url;
psz_name = psz_path;
p_input = input_ItemNewExt( p_playlist, psz_url,
psz_title, 0, NULL, -1 );
p_input->p_meta = vlc_meta_New();
/* Read options */
lua_getfield( p_state, t+2, "options" );
if( lua_istable( p_state, t+5 ) )
lua_pushnil( p_state );
while( lua_next( p_state, t+5 ) )
if( lua_isstring( p_state, t+7 ) )
char *psz_option = strdup(
lua_tostring( p_state, t+7 ) );
msg_Dbg( p_demux, "Option: %s",
psz_option );
INSERT_ELEM( ppsz_options, i_options,
i_options, psz_option );
msg_Warn( p_demux,
"Option should be a string" );
lua_pop( p_state, 1 ); /* pop option */
lua_pop( p_state, 1 ); /* pop "options" */
/* Create input item */
p_input = input_ItemNewExt( p_playlist, psz_path,
psz_name, i_options,
(const char **)ppsz_options,
-1 );
lua_pop( p_state, 1 ); /* pop "name" */
/* Read meta data */
p_input->p_meta = vlc_meta_New();
#define TRY_META( a, b ) \
lua_getfield( p_state, t+2, a ); \
if( lua_isstring( p_state, t+5 ) ) \
if( lua_isstring( p_state, t+4 ) ) \
{ \
psz_title = lua_tostring( p_state, t+5 ); \
msg_Dbg( p_demux, #b ": %s", psz_title ); \
vlc_meta_Set ## b ( p_input->p_meta, psz_title ); \
psz_name = lua_tostring( p_state, t+4 ); \
msg_Dbg( p_demux, #b ": %s", psz_name ); \
vlc_meta_Set ## b ( p_input->p_meta, psz_name ); \
} \
lua_pop( p_state, 1 ); /* pop a */
TRY_META( "title", Title );
......@@ -520,12 +556,16 @@ static int Demux( demux_t *p_demux )
TRY_META( "arturl", ArtURL );
TRY_META( "trackid", TrackID );
/* Append item to playlist */
p_playlist, p_input,
lua_pop( p_state, 1 ); /* pop "name" */
while( i_options > 0 )
free( ppsz_options[--i_options] );
free( ppsz_options );
......@@ -541,7 +581,6 @@ static int Demux( demux_t *p_demux )
lua_pop( p_state, 1 ); /* pop the value, keep the key for
* the next lua_next() call */
lua_pop( p_state, 1 ); /* pop the last key */
Instructions to code your own VLC Lua playlist script.
Examples: See dailymotion.lua, googlevideo.lua, metacafe.lua and youbtube.lua.
Examples: See dailymotion.lua, googlevideo.lua, metacafe.lua, youbtube.lua
and youtube_homepage.lua .
VLC Lua playlist modules should define two functions:
* probe(): returns true if we want to handle the playlist in this script
......@@ -27,6 +28,8 @@ VLC Lua playlist modules should define two functions:
.encodedby: the item's EncodedBy (OPTIONAL, meta data)
.arturl: the item's ArtURL (OPTIONAL, meta data)
.trackid: the item's TrackID (OPTIONAL, meta data)
.options: a list of VLC options (OPTIONAL)
example: .options = { "fullscreen" }
Invalid playlist items will be discarded by VLC.
VLC defines a global vlc object with the following members:
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
function probe()
return vlc.access == "http"
and string.match( vlc.path, "" )
and vlc.peek( 9 ) == "<!DOCTYPE"
and string.match( vlc.peek( 256 ), "<!DOCTYPE.*<title>Video " )
-- Parse function.
function probe()
return vlc.access == "http" and ( string.match( vlc.path, "$" ) or string.match( vlc.path, "" ) )
return vlc.access == "http" and ( string.match( vlc.path, "$" ) or string.match( vlc.path, "" ) )
function parse()
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