Commit a93b5288 authored by Antoine Cellerier's avatar Antoine Cellerier

Logo filter(s) now takes a list of images, delays and alpha as input and

loops through these. The syntax is <file>[,[<delay in ms>][,[<alpha>]]][;...]
Idea (and some parts of the code) by markfm

The vout-filter segfaults upon destruction but i don't understand why...
could someone have a look ?
parent 04c4f0c1
* logo.c : logo video plugin for vlc
* Copyright (C) 2003-2004 the VideoLAN team
* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 the VideoLAN team
* $Id$
* Authors: Gildas Bazin <>
......@@ -65,8 +65,13 @@ static int LogoCallback( vlc_object_t *, char const *,
* Module descriptor
#define FILE_TEXT N_("Logo filename")
#define FILE_LONGTEXT N_("Full path of the PNG file to use.")
#define FILE_TEXT N_("Logo filenames")
#define FILE_LONGTEXT N_("Full path of the image files to use. Format is <image>[,<delay in ms>[,<alpha>]][;<image>[,<delay>[,<alpha>]]][;...] .")
#define REPEAT_TEXT N_("Logo animation # of loops")
#define REPEAT_LONGTEXT N_("How many times to animate the logo images, -1 = continuous, 0 = disabled")
#define DELAY_TEXT N_("Logo individual image time in ms")
#define DELAY_LONGTEXT N_("Individual image display time of 0 - 60000 ms")
#define POSX_TEXT N_("X coordinate of the logo")
#define POSX_LONGTEXT N_("You can move the logo by left-clicking on it." )
#define POSY_TEXT N_("Y coordinate of the logo")
......@@ -97,6 +102,9 @@ vlc_module_begin();
add_file( "logo-file", NULL, NULL, FILE_TEXT, FILE_LONGTEXT, VLC_FALSE );
add_integer( "logo-x", -1, NULL, POSX_TEXT, POSX_LONGTEXT, VLC_TRUE );
add_integer( "logo-y", 0, NULL, POSY_TEXT, POSY_LONGTEXT, VLC_TRUE );
/* default to 1000 ms per image, continuously cycle through them */
add_integer( "logo-delay", 1000, NULL, DELAY_TEXT, DELAY_LONGTEXT, VLC_TRUE );
add_integer( "logo-repeat", -1, NULL, REPEAT_TEXT, REPEAT_LONGTEXT, VLC_TRUE );
add_integer_with_range( "logo-transparency", 255, 0, 255, NULL,
add_integer( "logo-position", 6, NULL, POS_TEXT, POS_LONGTEXT, VLC_FALSE );
......@@ -110,6 +118,41 @@ vlc_module_begin();
add_shortcut( "logo" );
* Structure to hold the set of individual logo image names, times,
* transparencies
typedef struct
char *psz_file; /* candidate for deletion -- not needed */
int i_delay; /* -1 means use default delay */
int i_alpha; /* -1 means use default alpha */
picture_t *p_pic;
} logo_t;
* Logo list structure. Common to both the vout and sub picture filter
typedef struct
logo_t *p_logo; /* the parsing's result */
unsigned int i_count; /* the number of logo images to be displayed */
int i_repeat; /* how often to repeat the images, image time in ms */
mtime_t i_next_pic; /* when to bring up a new logo image */
unsigned int i_counter; /* index into the list of logo images */
int i_delay; /* default delay (0 - 60000 ms) */
int i_alpha; /* default alpha */
char *psz_filename; /* --logo-file string ( is it really useful
* to store it ? ) */
vlc_mutex_t lock;
} logo_list_t;
* LoadImage: loads the logo image into memory
......@@ -127,6 +170,106 @@ static picture_t *LoadImage( vlc_object_t *p_this, char *psz_filename )
return p_pic;
* LoadLogoList: loads the logo images into memory
* Read the logo-file input switch, obtaining a list of images and associated
* durations and transparencies. Store the image(s), and times. An image
* without a stated time or transparency will use the logo-delay and
* logo-transparency values.
#define LoadLogoList( a, b ) __LoadLogoList( VLC_OBJECT( a ), b )
void __LoadLogoList( vlc_object_t *p_this, logo_list_t *p_logo_list )
char *psz_list; /* the list: <logo>[,[<delay>[,[<alpha>]]]][;...] */
unsigned int i;
logo_t *p_logo; /* the parsing's result */
p_logo_list->i_counter = 0;
p_logo_list->i_next_pic = 0;
psz_list = strdup( p_logo_list->psz_filename );
/* Count the number logos == number of ';' + 1 */
p_logo_list->i_count = 1;
for( i = 0; i < strlen( psz_list ); i++ )
if( psz_list[i] == ';' ) p_logo_list->i_count++;
p_logo_list->p_logo = p_logo =
(logo_t *)malloc( p_logo_list->i_count * sizeof(logo_t) );
/* Fill the data */
for( i = 0; i < p_logo_list->i_count; i++ )
char *p_c;
char *p_c2;
p_c = strchr( psz_list, ';' );
p_c2 = strchr( psz_list, ',' );
p_logo[i].i_alpha = -1; /* use default settings */
p_logo[i].i_delay = -1; /* use default settings */
if( p_c2 && ( p_c2 < p_c || !p_c ) )
/* <logo>,<delay>[,<alpha>] type */
if( p_c2[1] != ',' && p_c2[1] != ';' && p_c2[1] != '\0' )
p_logo[i].i_delay = atoi( p_c2+1 );
*p_c2 = '\0';
if( ( p_c2 = strchr( p_c2+1, ',' ) )
&& ( p_c2 < p_c || !p_c ) && p_c2[1] != ';' && p_c2[1] != '\0' )
p_logo[i].i_alpha = atoi( p_c2 + 1 );
/* <logo> type */
if( p_c ) *p_c = '\0';
p_logo[i].psz_file = strdup( psz_list );
p_logo[i].p_pic = LoadImage( p_this, p_logo[i].psz_file );
if( !p_logo[i].p_pic )
msg_Warn( p_this, "Error while loading logo %s. It will be skipped",
p_logo[i].psz_file );
if( p_c ) psz_list = p_c + 1;
for( i = 0; i < p_logo_list->i_count; i++ )
msg_Dbg( p_this, "logo file name %s, delay %d, alpha %d",
p_logo[i].psz_file, p_logo[i].i_delay, p_logo[i].i_alpha );
/* initialize so that on the first update it will wrap back to 0 */
p_logo_list->i_counter = p_logo_list->i_count;
* FreeLogoList
#define FREE( a ) free(a);a=NULL;
void FreeLogoList( logo_list_t *p_logo_list )
unsigned int i;
if( p_logo_list->psz_filename ) FREE( p_logo_list->psz_filename );
for( i = 0; i < p_logo_list->i_count; i++ )
logo_t *p_logo = &p_logo_list->p_logo[i];
if( p_logo[i].psz_file ) FREE( p_logo[i].psz_file );
if( p_logo[i].p_pic )
p_logo[i].p_pic->pf_release( p_logo[i].p_pic );
p_logo[i].p_pic = NULL;
#undef FREE
* vout_sys_t: logo video output method descriptor
......@@ -135,15 +278,14 @@ static picture_t *LoadImage( vlc_object_t *p_this, char *psz_filename )
struct vout_sys_t
logo_list_t *p_logo_list;
vout_thread_t *p_vout;
filter_t *p_blend;
picture_t *p_pic;
int i_width, i_height;
int pos, posx, posy;
char *psz_filename;
int i_trans;
......@@ -154,6 +296,7 @@ static int Create( vlc_object_t *p_this )
vout_thread_t *p_vout = (vout_thread_t *)p_this;
vout_sys_t *p_sys;
vlc_value_t val;
logo_list_t *p_logo_list;
/* Allocate structure */
p_sys = p_vout->p_sys = malloc( sizeof( vout_sys_t ) );
......@@ -162,6 +305,13 @@ static int Create( vlc_object_t *p_this )
msg_Err( p_vout, "out of memory" );
return VLC_ENOMEM;
p_logo_list = p_sys->p_logo_list = malloc( sizeof( logo_list_t ) );
if( p_logo_list == NULL )
msg_Err( p_vout, "out of memory" );
free( p_sys );
return VLC_ENOMEM;
p_vout->pf_init = Init;
p_vout->pf_end = End;
......@@ -170,8 +320,8 @@ static int Create( vlc_object_t *p_this )
p_vout->pf_display = NULL;
p_vout->pf_control = Control;
p_sys->psz_filename = var_CreateGetString( p_this , "logo-file" );
if( !p_sys->psz_filename || !*p_sys->psz_filename )
p_logo_list->psz_filename = var_CreateGetString( p_this , "logo-file" );
if( !p_logo_list->psz_filename || !*p_logo_list->psz_filename )
msg_Err( p_this, "logo file not specified" );
return 0;
......@@ -180,25 +330,28 @@ static int Create( vlc_object_t *p_this )
var_Create( p_this, "logo-position", VLC_VAR_INTEGER | VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT );
var_Get( p_this, "logo-position", &val );
p_sys->pos = val.i_int;
var_Create( p_this, "logo-x", VLC_VAR_INTEGER | VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT );
var_Get( p_this, "logo-x", &val );
p_sys->posx = val.i_int;
var_Create( p_this, "logo-y", VLC_VAR_INTEGER | VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT );
var_Get( p_this, "logo-y", &val );
p_sys->posy = val.i_int;
var_Create( p_this, "logo-delay", VLC_VAR_INTEGER | VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT );
var_Get( p_this, "logo-delay", &val );
p_logo_list->i_delay = __MAX( __MIN( val.i_int, 60000 ), 0 );
var_Create( p_this, "logo-repeat", VLC_VAR_INTEGER | VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT );
var_Get( p_this, "logo-repeat", &val );
p_logo_list->i_repeat = val.i_int;
var_Create(p_this, "logo-transparency", VLC_VAR_INTEGER|VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT);
var_Get( p_this, "logo-transparency", &val );
p_sys->i_trans = __MAX( __MIN( val.i_int, 255 ), 0 );
p_logo_list->i_alpha = __MAX( __MIN( val.i_int, 255 ), 0 );
p_sys->p_pic = LoadImage( p_this, p_sys->psz_filename );
if( !p_sys->p_pic )
free( p_sys );
p_sys->i_width = p_sys->p_pic->p[Y_PLANE].i_visible_pitch;
p_sys->i_height = p_sys->p_pic->p[Y_PLANE].i_visible_lines;
LoadLogoList( p_vout, p_logo_list );
......@@ -213,8 +366,15 @@ static int Init( vout_thread_t *p_vout )
int i_index;
video_format_t fmt = {0};
logo_list_t *p_logo_list = p_sys->p_logo_list;
/* adjust index to the next logo */
p_logo_list->i_counter =
( p_logo_list->i_counter + 1 )%p_logo_list->i_count;
p_pic = p_logo_list->p_logo[p_logo_list->i_counter].p_pic;
/* Initialize the output structure */
p_vout->output.i_chroma = p_vout->render.i_chroma;
p_vout->output.i_width = p_vout->render.i_width;
......@@ -234,12 +394,14 @@ static int Init( vout_thread_t *p_vout )
p_sys->p_blend-> = p_vout->output.i_chroma;
p_sys->p_blend-> = VLC_FOURCC('Y','U','V','A');
p_sys->p_blend-> = VOUT_ASPECT_FACTOR;
p_sys->p_blend-> =
p_sys->p_blend-> =
p_sys->p_blend-> =
p_sys->p_blend-> =
p_sys->i_width =
p_sys->p_blend-> =
p_sys->p_blend-> =
p_pic ? p_pic->p[Y_PLANE].i_visible_pitch : 0;
p_sys->i_height =
p_sys->p_blend-> =
p_sys->p_blend-> =
p_pic ? p_pic->p[Y_PLANE].i_visible_lines : 0;
p_sys->p_blend-> =
p_sys->p_blend-> =
......@@ -343,17 +505,79 @@ static void Destroy( vlc_object_t *p_this )
if( p_sys->p_pic ) p_sys->p_pic->pf_release( p_sys->p_pic );
FreeLogoList( p_sys->p_logo_list );
free( p_sys->p_logo_list );
free( p_sys );
* Render: render the logo onto the video
static void Render( vout_thread_t *p_vout, picture_t *p_pic )
static void Render( vout_thread_t *p_vout, picture_t *p_inpic )
vout_sys_t *p_sys = p_vout->p_sys;
picture_t *p_outpic;
picture_t *p_pic;
logo_list_t *p_logo_list;
logo_t * p_logo;
p_logo_list = p_sys->p_logo_list;
if( p_logo_list->i_next_pic < p_inpic->date )
/* It's time to use a new logo */
p_logo_list->i_counter =
( p_logo_list->i_counter + 1 )%p_logo_list->i_count;
p_logo = &p_logo_list->p_logo[p_sys->p_logo_list->i_counter];
p_pic = p_logo->p_pic;
p_logo_list->i_next_pic = p_inpic->date + ( p_logo->i_delay != -1 ?
p_logo->i_delay : p_logo_list->i_delay ) * 1000;
if( p_pic )
p_sys->i_width =
p_sys->p_blend-> =
p_sys->p_blend-> =
p_sys->i_height =
p_sys->p_blend-> =
p_sys->p_blend-> =
/* Just in case the new image would overflow the vout */
if( (unsigned int)(p_sys->posy + p_sys->i_height)
> p_vout->render.i_height
|| (unsigned int)(p_sys->posx + p_sys->i_width)
> p_vout->render.i_width
|| p_sys->pos )
if( p_sys->pos & SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_BOTTOM )
p_sys->posy = p_vout->render.i_height - p_sys->i_height;
else if ( !(p_sys->pos & SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_TOP) )
p_sys->posy = p_vout->render.i_height/2 - p_sys->i_height/2;
if( p_sys->pos & SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_RIGHT )
p_sys->posx = p_vout->render.i_width - p_sys->i_width;
else if ( !(p_sys->pos & SUBPICTURE_ALIGN_LEFT) )
p_sys->posx = p_vout->render.i_width/2 - p_sys->i_width/2;
p_logo = &p_logo_list->p_logo[p_sys->p_logo_list->i_counter];
p_pic = p_logo->p_pic;
/* This is a new frame. Get a structure from the video_output. */
while( !(p_outpic = vout_CreatePicture( p_sys->p_vout, 0, 0, 0 )) )
......@@ -362,12 +586,14 @@ static void Render( vout_thread_t *p_vout, picture_t *p_pic )
vout_CopyPicture( p_vout, p_outpic, p_pic );
vout_DatePicture( p_sys->p_vout, p_outpic, p_pic->date );
vout_CopyPicture( p_vout, p_outpic, p_inpic );
vout_DatePicture( p_sys->p_vout, p_outpic, p_inpic->date );
if( p_pic )
p_sys->p_blend->pf_video_blend( p_sys->p_blend, p_outpic, p_outpic,
p_sys->p_pic, p_sys->posx, p_sys->posy,
p_sys->i_trans );
p_pic, p_sys->posx, p_sys->posy,
p_logo->i_alpha != -1 ? p_logo->i_alpha
: p_logo_list->i_alpha );
vout_DisplayPicture( p_sys->p_vout, p_outpic );
......@@ -456,20 +682,15 @@ static int SendEventsToChild( vlc_object_t *p_this, char const *psz_var,
struct filter_sys_t
picture_t *p_pic;
logo_list_t *p_logo_list;
int i_width, i_height;
int pos, posx, posy;
char *psz_filename;
int i_trans;
vlc_bool_t b_absolute;
mtime_t i_last_date;
/* On the fly control variable */
vlc_bool_t b_need_update;
vlc_bool_t b_new_image;
static subpicture_t *Filter( filter_t *, mtime_t );
......@@ -482,6 +703,7 @@ static int CreateFilter( vlc_object_t *p_this )
filter_t *p_filter = (filter_t *)p_this;
filter_sys_t *p_sys;
vlc_object_t *p_input;
logo_list_t *p_logo_list;
/* Allocate structure */
p_sys = p_filter->p_sys = malloc( sizeof( filter_sys_t ) );
......@@ -490,54 +712,64 @@ static int CreateFilter( vlc_object_t *p_this )
msg_Err( p_filter, "out of memory" );
return VLC_ENOMEM;
p_logo_list = p_sys->p_logo_list = malloc( sizeof( logo_list_t ) );
if( p_logo_list == NULL )
msg_Err( p_filter, "out of memory" );
free( p_sys );
return VLC_ENOMEM;
/* Hook used for callback variables */
p_input = vlc_object_find( p_this, VLC_OBJECT_INPUT, FIND_PARENT );
if( !p_input )
free( p_sys );
free( p_logo_list );
return VLC_ENOOBJ;
p_sys->psz_filename =
p_logo_list->psz_filename =
var_CreateGetString( p_input->p_libvlc , "logo-file" );
if( !p_sys->psz_filename || !*p_sys->psz_filename )
if( !p_logo_list->psz_filename || !*p_logo_list->psz_filename )
msg_Err( p_this, "logo file not specified" );
vlc_object_release( p_input );
if( p_sys->psz_filename ) free( p_sys->psz_filename );
//if( p_sys->psz_filename ) free( p_sys->psz_filename );
free( p_sys );
free( p_logo_list );
p_sys->posx = var_CreateGetInteger( p_input->p_libvlc , "logo-x" );
p_sys->posy = var_CreateGetInteger( p_input->p_libvlc , "logo-y" );
p_sys->pos = var_CreateGetInteger( p_input->p_libvlc , "logo-position" );
p_sys->i_trans =
var_CreateGetInteger( p_input->p_libvlc, "logo-transparency");
p_sys->i_trans = __MAX( __MIN( p_sys->i_trans, 255 ), 0 );
p_logo_list->i_alpha = __MAX( __MIN( var_CreateGetInteger(
p_input->p_libvlc, "logo-transparency"), 255 ), 0 );
p_logo_list->i_delay =
var_CreateGetInteger( p_input->p_libvlc , "logo-delay" );
p_logo_list->i_repeat =
var_CreateGetInteger( p_input->p_libvlc , "logo-repeat" );
var_AddCallback( p_input->p_libvlc, "logo-file", LogoCallback, p_sys );
var_AddCallback( p_input->p_libvlc, "logo-x", LogoCallback, p_sys );
var_AddCallback( p_input->p_libvlc, "logo-y", LogoCallback, p_sys );
var_AddCallback( p_input->p_libvlc, "logo-position", LogoCallback, p_sys );
var_AddCallback( p_input->p_libvlc, "logo-transparency", LogoCallback, p_sys );
var_AddCallback( p_input->p_libvlc, "logo-repeat", LogoCallback, p_sys );
vlc_object_release( p_input );
p_sys->p_pic = LoadImage( p_this, p_sys->psz_filename );
if( !p_sys->p_pic )
free( p_sys );
msg_Err( p_this, "couldn't load logo file" );
vlc_mutex_init( p_filter, &p_logo_list->lock );
vlc_mutex_lock( &p_logo_list->lock );
LoadLogoList( p_this, p_logo_list );
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_logo_list->lock );
/* Misc init */
p_filter->pf_sub_filter = Filter;
p_sys->i_width = p_sys->p_pic->p[Y_PLANE].i_visible_pitch;
p_sys->i_height = p_sys->p_pic->p[Y_PLANE].i_visible_lines;
p_sys->b_need_update = VLC_TRUE;
p_sys->b_new_image = VLC_FALSE;
p_sys->i_last_date = 0;
......@@ -552,8 +784,9 @@ static void DestroyFilter( vlc_object_t *p_this )
filter_sys_t *p_sys = p_filter->p_sys;
vlc_object_t *p_input;
if( p_sys->p_pic ) p_sys->p_pic->pf_release( p_sys->p_pic );
if( p_sys->psz_filename ) free( p_sys->psz_filename );
vlc_mutex_destroy( &p_sys->p_logo_list->lock );
FreeLogoList( p_sys->p_logo_list );
free( p_sys->p_logo_list );
free( p_sys );
/* Delete the logo variables from INPUT */
......@@ -563,6 +796,8 @@ static void DestroyFilter( vlc_object_t *p_this )
var_Destroy( p_input->p_libvlc , "logo-file" );
var_Destroy( p_input->p_libvlc , "logo-x" );
var_Destroy( p_input->p_libvlc , "logo-y" );
var_Destroy( p_input->p_libvlc , "logo-delay" );
var_Destroy( p_input->p_libvlc , "logo-repeat" );
var_Destroy( p_input->p_libvlc , "logo-position" );
var_Destroy( p_input->p_libvlc , "logo-transparency" );
vlc_object_release( p_input );
......@@ -576,31 +811,40 @@ static void DestroyFilter( vlc_object_t *p_this )
static subpicture_t *Filter( filter_t *p_filter, mtime_t date )
filter_sys_t *p_sys = p_filter->p_sys;
logo_list_t *p_logo_list = p_sys->p_logo_list;
subpicture_t *p_spu;
subpicture_region_t *p_region;
video_format_t fmt;
picture_t *p_pic;
logo_t *p_logo;
if( !p_sys->b_need_update && p_sys->i_last_date +5000000 > date ) return 0;
vlc_mutex_lock( &p_logo_list->lock );
/* Basic test: b_need_update occurs on a dynamic change,
& i_next_pic is the general timer, when to
look at updating the logo image */
if( p_sys->b_new_image )
if( ( ( !p_sys->b_need_update ) && ( p_logo_list->i_next_pic > date ) )
|| !p_logo_list->i_repeat )
if( p_sys->p_pic ) p_sys->p_pic->pf_release( p_sys->p_pic );
p_sys->p_pic = LoadImage( VLC_OBJECT(p_filter), p_sys->psz_filename );
if( p_sys->p_pic )
p_sys->i_width = p_sys->p_pic->p[Y_PLANE].i_visible_pitch;
p_sys->i_height = p_sys->p_pic->p[Y_PLANE].i_visible_lines;
p_sys->b_new_image = VLC_FALSE;
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_logo_list->lock );
return 0;
/* prior code tested on && p_sys->i_last_date +5000000 > date ) return 0; */
p_sys->b_need_update = VLC_FALSE;
/* adjust index to the next logo */
p_logo_list->i_counter =
( p_logo_list->i_counter + 1 )%p_logo_list->i_count;
p_logo = &p_logo_list->p_logo[p_logo_list->i_counter];
p_pic = p_logo->p_pic;
/* Allocate the subpicture internal data. */
p_spu = p_filter->pf_sub_buffer_new( p_filter );
if( !p_spu ) return NULL;
if( !p_spu )
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_logo_list->lock );
return NULL;
p_spu->b_absolute = p_sys->b_absolute;
p_spu->i_start = p_sys->i_last_date = date;
......@@ -608,10 +852,25 @@ static subpicture_t *Filter( filter_t *p_filter, mtime_t date )
p_spu->b_ephemer = VLC_TRUE;
p_sys->b_need_update = VLC_FALSE;
p_logo_list->i_next_pic = date +
( p_logo->i_delay != -1 ? p_logo->i_delay : p_logo_list->i_delay ) * 1000;
if( p_logo_list->i_repeat != -1
&& p_logo_list->i_counter == 0 )
if( p_logo_list->i_repeat == 0 )
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_logo_list->lock );
return p_spu;
if( !p_sys->p_pic || !p_sys->i_trans )
if( !p_pic || !p_logo->i_alpha
|| ( p_logo->i_alpha == -1 && !p_logo_list->i_alpha ) )
/* Send an empty subpicture to clear the display */
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_logo_list->lock );
return p_spu;
......@@ -620,18 +879,20 @@ static subpicture_t *Filter( filter_t *p_filter, mtime_t date )
fmt.i_chroma = VLC_FOURCC('Y','U','V','A');
fmt.i_aspect = VOUT_ASPECT_FACTOR;
fmt.i_sar_num = fmt.i_sar_den = 1;
fmt.i_width = fmt.i_visible_width = p_sys->i_width;
fmt.i_height = fmt.i_visible_height = p_sys->i_height;
fmt.i_width = fmt.i_visible_width = p_pic->p[Y_PLANE].i_visible_pitch;
fmt.i_height = fmt.i_visible_height = p_pic->p[Y_PLANE].i_visible_lines;
fmt.i_x_offset = fmt.i_y_offset = 0;
p_region = p_spu->pf_create_region( VLC_OBJECT(p_filter), &fmt );
if( !p_region )
msg_Err( p_filter, "cannot allocate SPU region" );
p_filter->pf_sub_buffer_del( p_filter, p_spu );
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_logo_list->lock );
return NULL;
vout_CopyPicture( p_filter, &p_region->picture, p_sys->p_pic );
vout_CopyPicture( p_filter, &p_region->picture, p_pic );
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_logo_list->lock );
/* where to locate the logo: */
if( p_sys->posx < 0 || p_sys->posy < 0 )
......@@ -650,7 +911,9 @@ static subpicture_t *Filter( filter_t *p_filter, mtime_t date )
p_spu->p_region = p_region;
p_spu->i_alpha = p_sys->i_trans;
p_spu->i_alpha = ( p_logo->i_alpha != -1 ?
p_logo->i_alpha : p_logo_list->i_alpha );
return p_spu;
......@@ -662,12 +925,16 @@ static int LogoCallback( vlc_object_t *p_this, char const *psz_var,
vlc_value_t oldval, vlc_value_t newval, void *p_data )
filter_sys_t *p_sys = (filter_sys_t *)p_data;
logo_list_t *p_logo_list = p_sys->p_logo_list;
if( !strncmp( psz_var, "logo-file", 6 ) )
if( p_sys->psz_filename ) free( p_sys->psz_filename );
p_sys->psz_filename = strdup( newval.psz_string );
p_sys->b_new_image = VLC_TRUE;
vlc_mutex_lock( &p_logo_list->lock );
FreeLogoList( p_logo_list );
p_logo_list->psz_filename = strdup( newval.psz_string );
LoadLogoList( p_this, p_logo_list );
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_logo_list->lock );
p_sys->b_need_update = VLC_TRUE;
else if ( !strncmp( psz_var, "logo-x", 6 ) )
......@@ -683,7 +950,15 @@ static int LogoCallback( vlc_object_t *p_this, char const *psz_var,
else if ( !strncmp( psz_var, "logo-transparency", 9 ) )
p_sys->i_trans = __MAX( __MIN( newval.i_int, 255 ), 0 );
vlc_mutex_lock( &p_logo_list->lock );
p_logo_list->i_alpha = __MAX( __MIN( newval.i_int, 255 ), 0 );
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_logo_list->lock );
else if ( !strncmp( psz_var, "logo-repeat", 11 ) )
vlc_mutex_lock( &p_logo_list->lock );
p_logo_list->i_repeat = newval.i_int;
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_logo_list->lock );
p_sys->b_need_update = VLC_TRUE;
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