Commit 9fbf506f authored by Gildas Bazin's avatar Gildas Bazin

* modules/mux/ogg.c: each ogg stream has to be cleared in OggCreateHeader().
parent bff03e0b
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* ogg.c: ogg muxer module for vlc
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 VideoLAN
* $Id: ogg.c,v 1.10 2003/09/28 16:50:04 gbazin Exp $
* $Id: ogg.c,v 1.11 2003/09/28 19:58:19 gbazin Exp $
* Authors: Laurent Aimar <>
* Gildas Bazin <>
......@@ -347,6 +347,7 @@ static int AddStream( sout_mux_t *p_mux, sout_input_t *p_input )
p_input->p_fmt->i_width );
SetDWLE( &p_stream->,
p_input->p_fmt->i_height );
msg_Dbg( p_mux, "mp4v/div3 stream" );
case VLC_FOURCC( 't', 'h', 'e', 'o' ):
......@@ -386,6 +387,7 @@ static int AddStream( sout_mux_t *p_mux, sout_input_t *p_input )
SetDWLE( &p_stream->,
p_input->p_fmt->i_block_align );
SetDWLE( &p_stream->, 0 );
msg_Dbg( p_mux, "mpga/a52 stream" );
case VLC_FOURCC( 'v', 'o', 'r', 'b' ):
......@@ -403,6 +405,7 @@ static int AddStream( sout_mux_t *p_mux, sout_input_t *p_input )
case VLC_FOURCC( 's', 'u','b', 't' ):
memcpy( p_stream->header.stream_type, "text ", 8 );
msg_Dbg( p_mux, "subtitles stream" );
......@@ -415,7 +418,6 @@ static int AddStream( sout_mux_t *p_mux, sout_input_t *p_input )
return( VLC_EGENERIC );
ogg_stream_init( &p_stream->os, rand () );
p_stream->b_new = VLC_TRUE;
......@@ -483,6 +485,7 @@ static sout_buffer_t *OggStreamFlush( sout_mux_t *p_mux,
i_size = og.header_len + og.body_len;
p_og = sout_BufferNew( p_mux->p_sout, i_size);
......@@ -516,6 +519,7 @@ static sout_buffer_t *OggStreamPageOut( sout_mux_t *p_mux,
i_size = og.header_len + og.body_len;
p_og = sout_BufferNew( p_mux->p_sout, i_size);
......@@ -548,6 +552,12 @@ static sout_buffer_t *OggCreateHeader( sout_mux_t *p_mux, mtime_t i_dts )
ogg_stream_t *p_stream = (ogg_stream_t*)p_mux->pp_inputs[i]->p_sys;
p_stream->b_new = VLC_FALSE;
msg_Dbg( p_mux, "creating header for %4.4s",
(char *)&p_stream->i_fourcc );
ogg_stream_init( &p_stream->os, rand() );
p_stream->i_packet_no = 0;
if( p_stream->i_fourcc == VLC_FOURCC( 'v', 'o', 'r', 'b' ) ||
p_stream->i_fourcc == VLC_FOURCC( 't', 'h', 'e', 'o' ) )
......@@ -641,6 +651,21 @@ static sout_buffer_t *OggCreateFooter( sout_mux_t *p_mux, mtime_t i_dts )
ogg_packet op;
int i;
/* flush all remaining data */
for( i = 0; i < p_mux->i_nb_inputs; i++ )
ogg_stream_t *p_stream = p_mux->pp_inputs[i]->p_sys;
/* skip newly added streams */
if( p_stream->b_new ) continue;
if( ( p_og = OggStreamFlush( p_mux, &p_stream->os, 0 ) ) )
OggSetDate( p_og, p_stream->i_dts, p_stream->i_length );
sout_AccessOutWrite( p_mux->p_access, p_og );
/* Write eos packets for each stream. */
for( i = 0; i < p_mux->i_nb_inputs; i++ )
......@@ -659,6 +684,7 @@ static sout_buffer_t *OggCreateFooter( sout_mux_t *p_mux, mtime_t i_dts )
p_og = OggStreamFlush( p_mux, &p_stream->os, 0 );
sout_BufferChain( &p_hdr, p_og );
ogg_stream_clear( &p_stream->os );
for( i = 0; i < p_sys->i_del_streams; i++ )
......@@ -673,6 +699,7 @@ static sout_buffer_t *OggCreateFooter( sout_mux_t *p_mux, mtime_t i_dts )
p_og = OggStreamFlush( p_mux, &p_sys->pp_del_streams[i]->os, 0 );
sout_BufferChain( &p_hdr, p_og );
ogg_stream_clear( &p_sys->pp_del_streams[i]->os );
return( p_hdr );
......@@ -729,7 +756,6 @@ static int Mux( sout_mux_t *p_mux )
/* Remove deleted logical streams */
for( i = 0; i < p_sys->i_del_streams; i++ )
ogg_stream_clear( &p_sys->pp_del_streams[i]->os );
FREE( p_sys->pp_del_streams[i] );
FREE( p_sys->pp_del_streams );
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