Commit 82bd6cbd authored by Jean-Baptiste Kempf's avatar Jean-Baptiste Kempf

Qt: Profiles Editor for the transcoding.

Still a lot of testing and fixing needed.
The profiles are still in the main Qt Settings file.
parent 9034aecc
......@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ nodist_SOURCES_qt4 = \
components/playlist/playlist.moc.cpp \
components/playlist/panels.moc.cpp \
components/playlist/selector.moc.cpp \
components/sout/profile_selector.moc.cpp \
util/input_slider.moc.cpp \
util/customwidgets.moc.cpp \
resources.cpp \
......@@ -63,6 +64,7 @@ nodist_SOURCES_qt4 = \
ui/open.h \
ui/vlm.h \
ui/podcast_configuration.h \
ui/profiles.h \
ui/sprefs_audio.h \
ui/sprefs_input.h \
ui/sprefs_interface.h \
......@@ -217,6 +219,7 @@ SOURCES_qt4 = qt4.cpp \
components/playlist/standardpanel.cpp \
components/playlist/playlist.cpp \
components/playlist/selector.cpp \
components/sout/profile_selector.cpp \
util/input_slider.cpp \
util/customwidgets.cpp \
......@@ -261,6 +264,7 @@ noinst_HEADERS = \
components/playlist/playlist.hpp \
components/playlist/selector.hpp \
components/playlist/sorting.h \
components/sout/profile_selector.cpp \
util/input_slider.hpp \
util/customwidgets.hpp \
util/qvlcframe.hpp \
......@@ -279,6 +283,7 @@ EXTRA_DIST += \
ui/open_capture.ui \
ui/open.ui \
ui/podcast_configuration.ui \
ui/profiles.ui \
ui/sprefs_audio.ui \
ui/sprefs_input.ui \
ui/sprefs_interface.ui \
#include "components/sout/profile_selector.hpp"
#include "dialogs/sout.hpp"
#include <QHBoxLayout>
#include <QToolButton>
#include <QComboBox>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QMessageBox>
VLCProfileSelector::VLCProfileSelector( QWidget *_parent ): QWidget( _parent )
QHBoxLayout *layout = new QHBoxLayout( this );
QLabel *prLabel = new QLabel( qtr( "Profile"), this );
layout->addWidget( prLabel );
profileBox = new QComboBox( this );
layout->addWidget( profileBox );
QToolButton *editButton = new QToolButton( this );
editButton->setIcon( QIcon( ":/preferences" ) );
editButton->setToolTip( qtr( "Edit selected profile" ) );
layout->addWidget( editButton );
QToolButton *deleteButton = new QToolButton( this );
deleteButton->setIcon( QIcon( ":/clear" ) );
deleteButton->setToolTip( qtr( "Delete selected profile" ) );
layout->addWidget( deleteButton );
QToolButton *newButton = new QToolButton( this );
// newButton->setIcon( QIcon( ":/clear" ) );
newButton->setToolTip( qtr( "Create a new profile" ) );
BUTTONACT( newButton, newProfile() );
BUTTONACT( editButton, editProfile() );
BUTTONACT( deleteButton, deleteProfile() );
CONNECT( profileBox, activated( int ),
this, updateOptions( int ) );
inline void VLCProfileSelector::fillProfilesCombo()
QSettings settings(
#ifdef WIN32
QSettings::UserScope, "vlc", "vlc-qt-interface" );
int i_size = settings.beginReadArray( "codecs-profiles" );
for( int i = 0; i < i_size; i++ )
settings.setArrayIndex( i );
profileBox->addItem( settings.value( "Profile-Name" ).toString(),
settings.value( "Profile-Value" ) );
void VLCProfileSelector::newProfile()
editProfile( "", "" );
void VLCProfileSelector::editProfile()
editProfile( profileBox->currentText(),
profileBox->itemData( profileBox->currentIndex() ).toString() );
void VLCProfileSelector::editProfile( QString qs, QString value )
VLCProfileEditor *editor = new VLCProfileEditor( qs, value, this );
if( QDialog::Accepted == editor->exec() )
if( qs.isEmpty() )
profileBox->addItem( editor->name, QVariant( editor->transcodeValue() ) );
int i_profile = profileBox->findText( qs );
profileBox->setItemText( i_profile, editor->name );
profileBox->setItemData( i_profile, QVariant( editor->transcodeValue() ) );
delete editor;
emit optionsChanged();
void VLCProfileSelector::deleteProfile()
profileBox->removeItem( profileBox->currentIndex() );
void VLCProfileSelector::saveProfiles()
QSettings settings(
#ifdef WIN32
QSettings::UserScope, "vlc", "vlc-qt-interface" );
settings.beginWriteArray( "codecs-profiles" );
for( int i = 0; i < profileBox->count(); i++ )
settings.setArrayIndex( i );
settings.setValue( "Profile-Name", profileBox->itemText( i ) );
settings.setValue( "Profile-Value", profileBox->itemData( i ).toString() );
void VLCProfileSelector::updateOptions( int i )
QStringList options = profileBox->itemData( i ).toString().split( ";" );
if( options.size() < 16 )
mux = options[0];
SoutMrl smrl;
if( options[1].toInt() || options[2].toInt() )
smrl.begin( "transcode" );
if( options[1].toInt() )
smrl.option( "vcodec", options[4] );
smrl.option( "vb", options[5].toInt() );
smrl.option( "scale", options[6] );
smrl.option( "fps", options[7] );
smrl.option( "width", options[8].toInt() );
smrl.option( "height", options[9].toInt() );
if( options[2].toInt() )
smrl.option( "acodec", options[10] );
smrl.option( "ab", options[11].toInt() );
smrl.option( "channels", options[12].toInt() );
smrl.option( "samplerate", options[13].toInt() );
if( options[3].toInt() )
smrl.option( "scodec", options[14] );
if( options[15].toInt() )
smrl.option( "soverlay" );
transcode = smrl.getMrl();
transcode = "";
* VLCProfileEditor
VLCProfileEditor::VLCProfileEditor( QString qs_name, QString value,
QWidget *_parent )
: QVLCDialog( _parent, NULL )
ui.setupUi( this );
if( !qs_name.isEmpty() )
ui.profileLine->setText( qs_name );
ui.profileLine->setReadOnly( true );
CONNECT( ui.transcodeVideo, toggled( bool ),
this, setVTranscodeOptions( bool ) );
CONNECT( ui.transcodeAudio, toggled( bool ),
this, setATranscodeOptions( bool ) );
CONNECT( ui.transcodeSubs, toggled( bool ),
this, setSTranscodeOptions( bool ) );
setVTranscodeOptions( false );
setATranscodeOptions( false );
setSTranscodeOptions( false );
QPushButton *saveButton = new QPushButton( qtr( "Save" ) );
ui.buttonBox->addButton( saveButton, QDialogButtonBox::AcceptRole );
BUTTONACT( saveButton, close() );
QPushButton *cancelButton = new QPushButton( qtr( "Cancel" ) );
ui.buttonBox->addButton( cancelButton, QDialogButtonBox::RejectRole );
BUTTONACT( cancelButton, reject() );
fillProfile( value );
inline void VLCProfileEditor::registerCodecs()
#define ADD_VCODEC( name, fourcc ) ui.vCodecBox->addItem( name, QVariant( fourcc ) );
ADD_VCODEC( "MPEG-1", "mp1v" )
ADD_VCODEC( "MPEG-2", "mp2v" )
ADD_VCODEC( "MPEG-4", "mp4v" )
ADD_VCODEC( "H-263", "H263" )
ADD_VCODEC( "H-264", "h264" )
ADD_VCODEC( "Theora", "theo" )
ADD_VCODEC( "Dirac", "drac" )
#define ADD_ACODEC( name, fourcc ) ui.aCodecBox->addItem( name, QVariant( fourcc ) );
ADD_ACODEC( "MPEG Audio", "mpga" )
ADD_ACODEC( "MP3", "mp3" )
ADD_ACODEC( "MPEG 4 Audio ( AAC )", "mp4a" )
ADD_ACODEC( "A52/AC-3", "a52" )
ADD_ACODEC( "Vorbis", "vorb" )
ADD_ACODEC( "Flac", "flac" )
ADD_ACODEC( "Speex", "spx" )
ADD_ACODEC( "WAV", "s16l" )
ADD_ACODEC( "WMA", "wma" )
#define ADD_SCALING( factor ) ui.vScaleBox->addItem( factor );
ADD_SCALING( "0.25" )
ADD_SCALING( "0.5" )
ADD_SCALING( "0.75" )
ADD_SCALING( "1.25" )
ADD_SCALING( "1.5" )
ADD_SCALING( "1.75" )
#define ADD_SAMPLERATE( sample ) ui.aSampleBox->addItem( sample );
#define ADD_SCODEC( name, fourcc ) ui.subsCodecBox->addItem( name, QVariant( fourcc ) );
ADD_SCODEC( "DVB subtitle", "dvbs" )
ADD_SCODEC( "T.140", "t140" )
void VLCProfileEditor::fillProfile( QString qs )
QStringList options = qs.split( ";" );
if( options.size() < 16 )
ui.transcodeVideo->setChecked( options[1].toInt() );
ui.transcodeAudio->setChecked( options[2].toInt() );
ui.transcodeSubs->setChecked( options[3].toInt() );
ui.vCodecBox->setCurrentIndex( ui.vCodecBox->findData( options[4] ) );
ui.vBitrateSpin->setValue( options[5].toInt() );
ui.vScaleBox->setEditText( options[6] );
ui.vFrameBox->setValue( options[7].toDouble() );
ui.widthBox->setValue( options[8].toInt() );
ui.heightBox->setValue( options[9].toInt() );
ui.aCodecBox->setCurrentIndex( ui.aCodecBox->findData( options[10] ) );
ui.aBitrateSpin->setValue( options[11].toInt() );
ui.aChannelsSpin->setValue( options[12].toInt() );
ui.aSampleBox->setCurrentIndex( ui.aSampleBox->findData( options[13] ) );
ui.subsCodecBox->setCurrentIndex( ui.subsCodecBox->findData( options[14] ) );
ui.subsOverlay->setChecked( options[15].toInt() );
void VLCProfileEditor::setVTranscodeOptions( bool b_trans )
ui.vCodecLabel->setEnabled( b_trans );
ui.vCodecBox->setEnabled( b_trans );
ui.vBitrateLabel->setEnabled( b_trans );
ui.vBitrateSpin->setEnabled( b_trans );
ui.vScaleLabel->setEnabled( b_trans );
ui.vScaleBox->setEnabled( b_trans );
ui.heightBox->setEnabled( b_trans );
ui.heightLabel->setEnabled( b_trans );
ui.widthBox->setEnabled( b_trans );
ui.widthLabel->setEnabled( b_trans );
ui.vFrameBox->setEnabled( b_trans );
ui.vFrameLabel->setEnabled( b_trans );
void VLCProfileEditor::setATranscodeOptions( bool b_trans )
ui.aCodecLabel->setEnabled( b_trans );
ui.aCodecBox->setEnabled( b_trans );
ui.aBitrateLabel->setEnabled( b_trans );
ui.aBitrateSpin->setEnabled( b_trans );
ui.aChannelsLabel->setEnabled( b_trans );
ui.aChannelsSpin->setEnabled( b_trans );
ui.aSampleLabel->setEnabled( b_trans );
ui.aSampleBox->setEnabled( b_trans );
void VLCProfileEditor::setSTranscodeOptions( bool b_trans )
ui.subsCodecBox->setEnabled( b_trans );
ui.subsOverlay->setEnabled( b_trans );
void VLCProfileEditor::close()
if( ui.profileLine->text().isEmpty() )
QMessageBox::warning( this, qtr(" Profile Name Missing" ),
qtr( "You must set a name for the profile." ) );
name = ui.profileLine->text();
QString VLCProfileEditor::transcodeValue()
#define SMUX( x, txt ) if( ui.x->isChecked() ) muxValue = txt; else
SMUX( PSMux, "ps" )
SMUX( TSMux, "ts" )
SMUX( MPEG1Mux, "mpeg1" )
SMUX( OggMux, "ogg" )
SMUX( ASFMux, "asf" )
SMUX( MOVMux, "mp4" )
SMUX( WAVMux, "wav" )
SMUX( RAWMux, "raw" )
SMUX( FLVMux, "flv" )
SMUX( MKVMux, "mkv" )
SMUX( AVIMux, "avi" )
SMUX( MJPEGMux, "mjpg" );
#define currentData( box ) box->itemData( box->currentIndex() )
QStringList transcodeMRL;
<< muxValue
<< QString::number( ui.transcodeVideo->isChecked() )
<< QString::number( ui.transcodeAudio->isChecked() )
<< QString::number( ui.transcodeSubs->isChecked() )
<< currentData( ui.vCodecBox ).toString()
<< QString::number( ui.vBitrateSpin->value() )
<< ui.vScaleBox->currentText()
<< QString::number( ui.vFrameBox->value() )
<< QString::number( ui.widthBox->value() )
<< QString::number( ui.heightBox->value() )
<< currentData( ui.aCodecBox ).toString()
<< QString::number( ui.aBitrateSpin->value() )
<< QString::number( ui.aChannelsSpin->value() )
<< ui.aSampleBox->currentText()
<< currentData( ui.subsCodecBox ).toString()
<< QString::number( ui.subsOverlay->isChecked() );
return transcodeMRL.join( ";" );
* profile_selector.hpp : A small profile selector and editor
* Copyright (C) 2009 the VideoLAN team
* $Id$
* Authors: Jean-Baptiste Kempf <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef _PROFILE_H_
#define _PROFILE_H_
#include "qt4.hpp"
#include <QWidget>
#include "util/qvlcframe.hpp"
#include "ui/profiles.h"
class QComboBox;
class VLCProfileSelector : public QWidget
VLCProfileSelector( QWidget *_parent );
QString getMux() { return mux; }
QString getTranscode() { return transcode; }
QComboBox *profileBox;
void fillProfilesCombo();
void editProfile( QString, QString );
void saveProfiles();
QString mux;
QString transcode;
private slots:
void newProfile();
void editProfile();
void deleteProfile();
void updateOptions( int i );
void optionsChanged();
class VLCProfileEditor : public QVLCDialog
Ui::Profiles ui;
VLCProfileEditor( QString, QString, QWidget * );
QString name;
QString muxValue;
QString transcodeValue();
void registerCodecs();
void fillProfile( QString qs );
virtual void close();
private slots:
void setVTranscodeOptions( bool );
void setATranscodeOptions( bool );
void setSTranscodeOptions( bool );
......@@ -73,16 +73,6 @@ struct sout_gui_descr_t
/* Mux */
char *psz_mux; /*< name of muxer to use in streaming */
/* Transcode */
bool b_soverlay; /*< enable burning overlay in the video */
char *psz_vcodec; /*< video codec to use in transcoding */
char *psz_acodec; /*< audio codec to use in transcoding */
char *psz_scodec; /*< subtitle codec to use in transcoding */
int32_t i_vb; /*< video bitrate to use in transcoding */
int32_t i_ab; /*< audio bitrate to use in transcoding */
int32_t i_channels; /*< number of audio channels to use in transcoding */
float f_scale; /*< scaling factor to use in transcoding */
/* Misc */
bool b_sap; /*< send SAP announcement */
bool b_all_es;/*< send all elementary streams from source stream */
......@@ -96,75 +86,6 @@ struct sout_gui_descr_t
struct streaming_account_t sa_icecast; /*< Icecast account information */
class SoutMrl
SoutMrl( const QString head = "")
mrl = head;
b_first = true;
b_has_bracket = false;
QString getMrl()
return mrl;
void begin( QString module )
if( !b_first )
mrl += ":";
b_first = false;
mrl += module;
b_has_bracket = false;
void end()
if( b_has_bracket )
mrl += "}";
void option( const QString option, const QString value = "" )
if( !b_has_bracket )
mrl += "{";
mrl += ",";
b_has_bracket = true;
mrl += option;
if( !value.isEmpty() )
char *psz = config_StringEscape( qtu(value) );
if( psz )
mrl += "=\"" + qfu( psz ) + "\"";
free( psz );
void option( const QString name, const int i_value, const int i_precision = 10 )
option( name, QString::number( i_value, i_precision ) );
void option( const QString name, const double f_value )
option( name, QString::number( f_value ) );
void option( const QString name, const QString base, const int i_value, const int i_precision = 10 )
option( name, base + ":" + QString::number( i_value, i_precision ) );
QString mrl;
bool b_has_bracket;
bool b_first;
SoutDialog* SoutDialog::instance = NULL;
SoutDialog::SoutDialog( QWidget *parent, intf_thread_t *_p_intf,
......@@ -181,7 +102,7 @@ SoutDialog::SoutDialog( QWidget *parent, intf_thread_t *_p_intf,
/* ADD HERE for new profiles */
#define ADD_PROFILE( name, shortname ) ui.profileBox->addItem( qtr( name ), QVariant( QString( shortname ) ) );
ADD_PROFILE( "Custom" , "Custom" )
/* ADD_PROFILE( "Custom" , "Custom" )
ADD_PROFILE( "Ogg / Theora", "theora" )
ADD_PROFILE( "Ogg / Vorbis", "vorbis" )
ADD_PROFILE( "MPEG-2", "mpeg2" )
......@@ -194,41 +115,7 @@ SoutDialog::SoutDialog( QWidget *parent, intf_thread_t *_p_intf,
ADD_PROFILE( "Windows (wmv/asf)", "Windows" )
#define ADD_VCODEC( name, fourcc ) ui.vCodecBox->addItem( name, QVariant( fourcc ) );
ADD_VCODEC( "MPEG-1", "mp1v" )
ADD_VCODEC( "MPEG-2", "mp2v" )
ADD_VCODEC( "MPEG-4", "mp4v" )
ADD_VCODEC( "H-263", "H263" )
ADD_VCODEC( "H-264", "h264" )
ADD_VCODEC( "Theora", "theo" )
#define ADD_ACODEC( name, fourcc ) ui.aCodecBox->addItem( name, QVariant( fourcc ) );
ADD_ACODEC( "MPEG Audio", "mpga" )
ADD_ACODEC( "MP3", "mp3" )
ADD_ACODEC( "MPEG 4 Audio ( AAC )", "mp4a" )
ADD_ACODEC( "A52/AC-3", "a52" )
ADD_ACODEC( "Vorbis", "vorb" )
ADD_ACODEC( "Flac", "flac" )
ADD_ACODEC( "Speex", "spx" )
ADD_ACODEC( "WAV", "s16l" )
ADD_ACODEC( "WMA", "wma" )
#define ADD_SCALING( factor ) ui.vScaleBox->addItem( factor );
ADD_SCALING( "0.25" )
ADD_SCALING( "0.5" )
ADD_SCALING( "0.75" )
ADD_SCALING( "1.25" )
ADD_SCALING( "1.5" )
ADD_SCALING( "1.75" )
ui.mrlEdit->setToolTip ( qtr( "Stream output string.\n"
"This is automatically generated "
"when you change the above settings,\n"
......@@ -245,25 +132,11 @@ SoutDialog::SoutDialog( QWidget *parent, intf_thread_t *_p_intf,
CT( fileEdit ); CT( HTTPEdit ); CT( RTPEdit ); CT( MMSHEdit ); CT( UDPEdit );
CT( IcecastEdit ); CT( IcecastMountpointEdit ); CT( IcecastNamePassEdit );
CS( HTTPPort ); CS( RTPPort ); CS( RTPPort2 ); CS( MMSHPort ); CS( UDPPort );
/* Transcode */
CC( vCodecBox ); CC( subsCodecBox ); CC( aCodecBox ) ;
CB( transcodeVideo ); CB( transcodeAudio ); CB( transcodeSubs );
/* CB( sOverlay ); */
CS( vBitrateSpin ); CS( aBitrateSpin ); CS( aChannelsSpin ); CC( vScaleBox );
/* Mux */
CB( PSMux ); CB( TSMux ); CB( MPEG1Mux ); CB( OggMux ); CB( ASFMux );
CB( MP4Mux ); CB( MOVMux ); CB( WAVMux ); CB( RAWMux ); CB( FLVMux );
/* Misc */
CB( soutAll ); CB( soutKeep ); CS( ttl ); CT( sapName ); CT( sapGroup );
CONNECT( ui.profileBox, activated( const QString & ), this, setOptions() );
// CONNECT( ui.profileSelect, optionsChanged(), this, updateMRL() );
CONNECT( ui.fileSelectButton, clicked() , this, fileBrowse() );
CONNECT( ui.transcodeVideo, toggled( bool ),
this, setVTranscodeOptions( bool ) );
CONNECT( ui.transcodeAudio, toggled( bool ),
this, setATranscodeOptions( bool ) );
CONNECT( ui.transcodeSubs, toggled( bool ),
this, setSTranscodeOptions( bool ) );
CONNECT( ui.rawInput, toggled( bool ), this, setRawOptions( bool ) );
okButton = new QPushButton( qtr( "&Stream" ) );
......@@ -290,32 +163,6 @@ void SoutDialog::fileBrowse()
void SoutDialog::setVTranscodeOptions( bool b_trans )
ui.vCodecLabel->setEnabled( b_trans );
ui.vCodecBox->setEnabled( b_trans );
ui.vBitrateLabel->setEnabled( b_trans );
ui.vBitrateSpin->setEnabled( b_trans );
ui.vScaleLabel->setEnabled( b_trans );
ui.vScaleBox->setEnabled( b_trans );
void SoutDialog::setATranscodeOptions( bool b_trans )
ui.aCodecLabel->setEnabled( b_trans );
ui.aCodecBox->setEnabled( b_trans );
ui.aBitrateLabel->setEnabled( b_trans );
ui.aBitrateSpin->setEnabled( b_trans );
ui.aChannelsLabel->setEnabled( b_trans );
ui.aChannelsSpin->setEnabled( b_trans );
void SoutDialog::setSTranscodeOptions( bool b_trans )
ui.subsCodecBox->setEnabled( b_trans );
ui.subsOverlay->setEnabled( b_trans );
void SoutDialog::setRawOptions( bool b_raw )
ui.localOutput->setEnabled( !b_raw );
......@@ -327,16 +174,17 @@ void SoutDialog::setRawOptions( bool b_raw )
ui.UDPRTPLabel->setEnabled( !b_raw );
if( b_raw )
ui.tabWidget->setDisabled( true );
// ui.tabWidget->setDisabled( true );
void SoutDialog::setOptions()
QString profileString =
/* QString profileString =
ui.profileBox->itemData( ui.profileBox->currentIndex() ).toString();
msg_Dbg( p_intf, "Profile Used: %s", qtu( profileString ));
msg_Dbg( p_intf, "Profile Used: %s", qtu( profileString )); */
int index;
#define setProfile( muxName, hasVideo, vCodecName, hasAudio, aCodecName ) \
......@@ -353,7 +201,7 @@ void SoutDialog::setOptions()
/* ADD HERE the profiles you want and need */
if( profileString == "IPod" ) setProfile( MP4, true, "mp4v", true, "mp4a" )
/* if( profileString == "IPod" ) setProfile( MP4, true, "mp4v", true, "mp4a" )
else if( profileString == "theora" ) setProfile( Ogg, true, "theo", true, "vorb" )
else if( profileString == "vorbis" ) setProfile( Ogg, false, "", true, "vorb" )
else if( profileString == "mpeg2" ) setProfile( TS, true, "mp2v", true, "mpga" )
......@@ -363,10 +211,10 @@ void SoutDialog::setOptions()
else if( profileString == "h264" ) setProfile( TS, true, "h264", true, "mp4a" )
else if( profileString == "XBox" ) setProfile( ASF, true, "WMV2", true, "wma" )
else if( profileString == "Windows" ) setProfile( ASF, true, "WMV2", true, "wma" )
else if( profileString == "PSP" ) setProfile( MP4, true, "mp4v", true, "mp4a" )
else if( profileString == "PSP" ) setProfile( MP4, true, "mp4v", true, "mp4a" )*/
/* If the profile is not a custom one, then disable the tabWidget */
if ( profileString == "Custom" )
/* if ( profileString == "Custom" )
ui.tabWidget->setEnabled( true );
ui.tabWidget->setDisabled( true );
......@@ -473,9 +321,9 @@ void SoutDialog::updateMRL()
sout.b_sap =>isChecked();
sout.b_all_es = ui.soutAll->isChecked();
sout.b_sout_keep = ui.soutKeep->isChecked();
sout.psz_vcodec = strdup( qtu( ui.vCodecBox->itemData( ui.vCodecBox->currentIndex() ).toString() ) );
/* sout.psz_vcodec = strdup( qtu( ui.vCodecBox->itemData( ui.vCodecBox->currentIndex() ).toString() ) );
sout.psz_acodec = strdup( qtu( ui.aCodecBox->itemData( ui.aCodecBox->currentIndex() ).toString() ) );
sout.psz_scodec = strdup( qtu( ui.subsCodecBox->itemData( ui.subsCodecBox->currentIndex() ).toString() ) );
sout.psz_scodec = strdup( qtu( ui.subsCodecBox->itemData( ui.subsCodecBox->currentIndex() ).toString() ) );*/
sout.psz_file = strdup( qtu( ui.fileEdit->text() ) );
sout.psz_http = strdup( qtu( ui.HTTPEdit->text() ) );
sout.psz_mms = strdup( qtu( ui.MMSHEdit->text() ) );
......@@ -491,10 +339,10 @@ void SoutDialog::updateMRL()
sout.i_rtp_audio = sout.i_udp = ui.UDPPort->value();
sout.i_rtp_video = ui.RTPPort2->value();
sout.i_icecast = ui.IcecastPort->value();
sout.i_ab = ui.aBitrateSpin->value();
/* sout.i_ab = ui.aBitrateSpin->value();
sout.i_vb = ui.vBitrateSpin->value();
sout.i_channels = ui.aChannelsSpin->value();
sout.f_scale = atof( qtu( ui.vScaleBox->currentText() ) );
sout.f_scale = atof( qtu( ui.vScaleBox->currentText() ) ); */
sout.psz_group = strdup( qtu( ui.sapGroup->text() ) );
sout.psz_name = strdup( qtu( ui.sapName->text() ) );
......@@ -506,58 +354,25 @@ void SoutDialog::updateMRL()
if ( sout.b_udp ) counter ++;
if ( sout.b_icecast ) counter ++;
#define SMUX( x, txt ) if( ui.x->isChecked() ) sout.psz_mux = strdup( txt );
SMUX( PSMux, "ps" );
SMUX( TSMux, "ts" );
SMUX( MPEG1Mux, "mpeg1" );
SMUX( OggMux, "ogg" );
SMUX( ASFMux, "asf" );
SMUX( MP4Mux, "mp4" );
SMUX( MOVMux, "mov" );
SMUX( WAVMux, "wav" );
SMUX( RAWMux, "raw" );
SMUX( FLVMux, "flv" );
SMUX( MKVMux, "mkv" );
sout.psz_mux = strdup( qtu( ui.profileSelect->getMux() ) );
bool trans = false;
bool more = false;
SoutMrl smrl( ":sout=#" );
if ( ( ui.transcodeVideo->isChecked() || ui.transcodeAudio->isChecked() )
&& !ui.rawInput->isChecked() /*demuxdump speciality*/ )
smrl.begin( "transcode" );
if ( ui.transcodeVideo->isChecked() )
smrl.option( "vcodec", qfu( sout.psz_vcodec ) );
smrl.option( "vb", sout.i_vb );
smrl.option( "scale", sout.f_scale );
trans = true;
if ( ui.transcodeAudio->isChecked() )
smrl.option( "acodec", qfu( sout.psz_acodec ) );
smrl.option( "ab", sout.i_ab );
smrl.option( "channels", sout.i_channels );
trans = true;
mrl = smrl.getMrl();
/* Special case for demuxdump */
if ( sout.b_file && sout.b_dump )
mrl = ":demux=dump :demuxdump-file=";
mrl.append( qfu( sout.psz_file ) );
else {
if( !ui.profileSelect->getTranscode().isEmpty() )
smrl.begin( ui.profileSelect->getTranscode() );
/* Protocol output */
if ( sout.b_local || sout.b_file || sout.b_http ||
......@@ -693,6 +508,7 @@ void SoutDialog::updateMRL()
mrl = smrl.getMrl();
if ( sout.b_all_es )
mrl.append( " :sout-all" );
......@@ -701,10 +517,11 @@ void SoutDialog::updateMRL()
mrl.append( " :sout-keep" );
ui.mrlEdit->setText( mrl );
free( sout.psz_acodec ); free( sout.psz_vcodec ); free( sout.psz_scodec );
free( sout.psz_file );free( sout.psz_http ); free( sout.psz_mms );
free( sout.psz_rtp ); free( sout.psz_udp ); free( sout.psz_mux );
free( sout.psz_name ); free( sout.psz_group );
free( sout.psz_icecast ); free( sout.psz_icecast_mountpoint );
free( sout.sa_icecast.psz_password ); free( sout.sa_icecast.psz_username );
......@@ -38,6 +38,76 @@ class QCheckBox;
class QGridLayout;
class QTextEdit;
class SoutMrl
SoutMrl( const QString head = "")
mrl = head;
b_first = true;
b_has_bracket = false;
QString getMrl()
return mrl;
void begin( QString module )
if( !b_first )
mrl += ":";
b_first = false;
mrl += module;
b_has_bracket = false;
void end()
if( b_has_bracket )
mrl += "}";
void option( const QString option, const QString value = "" )
if( !b_has_bracket )
mrl += "{";
mrl += ",";
b_has_bracket = true;
mrl += option;
if( !value.isEmpty() )
char *psz = config_StringEscape( qtu(value) );
if( psz )
mrl += "=\"" + qfu( psz ) + "\"";
free( psz );
void option( const QString name, const int i_value, const int i_precision = 10 )
option( name, QString::number( i_value, i_precision ) );
void option( const QString name, const double f_value )
option( name, QString::number( f_value ) );
void option( const QString name, const QString base, const int i_value, const int i_precision = 10 )
option( name, base + ":" + QString::number( i_value, i_precision ) );
QString mrl;
bool b_has_bracket;
bool b_first;
class SoutDialog : public QVLCDialog
......@@ -79,9 +149,6 @@ private slots:
void toggleSout();
void setOptions();
void fileBrowse();
void setVTranscodeOptions( bool );
void setATranscodeOptions( bool );
void setSTranscodeOptions( bool );
void setRawOptions( bool );
void changeUDPandRTPmess( bool );
void RTPtoggled( bool );
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......@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
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......@@ -41,26 +41,16 @@
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......@@ -74,9 +64,6 @@
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......@@ -91,26 +78,16 @@
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......@@ -121,9 +98,6 @@
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......@@ -156,26 +130,16 @@
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......@@ -186,9 +150,6 @@
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......@@ -218,26 +179,16 @@
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......@@ -248,9 +199,6 @@
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......@@ -282,17 +230,10 @@
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......@@ -303,9 +244,6 @@
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......@@ -331,9 +269,6 @@
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<string>_("Video Port")</string>
......@@ -344,9 +279,6 @@
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......@@ -376,26 +308,16 @@
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......@@ -406,9 +328,6 @@
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......@@ -428,26 +347,16 @@
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......@@ -457,17 +366,10 @@
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......@@ -499,9 +401,6 @@
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......@@ -528,368 +427,14 @@
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<property name="text" >
<string>MPEG 1</string>
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<string>_("Video codec")</string>
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<string>_("Bitrate (kb/s)")</string>
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<string>_("Audio codec")</string>
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<string>_("Bitrate (kb/s)")</string>
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<property name="enabled" >
<item row="1" column="1" >
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<property name="enabled" >
<property name="text" >
<string>_("Overlay subtitles on the video")</string>
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......@@ -899,9 +444,6 @@
<layout class="QGridLayout" >
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<widget class="QCheckBox" name="sap" >
<property name="enabled" >
<property name="text" >
<string>_("SAP announce")</string>
......@@ -909,20 +451,13 @@
<item row="0" column="3" >
<widget class="QLabel" name="sapGroupLabel" >
<property name="enabled" >
<property name="text" >
<string>_("Group name")</string>
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<widget class="QSpinBox" name="ttl" >
......@@ -938,11 +473,7 @@
<item row="0" column="1" colspan="2" >
<widget class="QLineEdit" name="sapName" >
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......@@ -970,7 +501,7 @@
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<string>_("Generated stream output string")</string>
......@@ -982,7 +513,7 @@
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......@@ -1006,8 +537,19 @@
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<widget class="VLCProfileSelector" native="1" name="profileSelect" />
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