Commit 6ec51c91 authored by Pierre Ynard's avatar Pierre Ynard

WinCE: strip plugin DLLs when creating package

This is quite important on devices where storage space is limited...
parent 1a445678
......@@ -890,7 +890,7 @@ endif
find vlc-$(VERSION)/sdk.tmp -type d | sort -r | xargs rmdir
rm -Rf vlc-$(VERSION)/sdk/bin
#strip exe and main dll
# Strip DLLs
package-win-common-strip: package-win32-base-debug
@if test -e "$(win32_debugdir)"; then \
echo "Error: please remove $(win32_debugdir), it is in the way"; \
......@@ -898,23 +898,18 @@ package-win-common-strip: package-win32-base-debug
else \
echo "OK."; mkdir -p "$(win32_debugdir)"; \
for i in "" vlc-$(VERSION)/*$(LIBEXT) ; \
do if test -n "$$i" ; then \
for i in "" $(win32_destdir)/*$(LIBEXT) \
$(win32_destdir)/plugins/*$(LIBEXT) \
; do \
if test -n "$$i" ; then \
$(OBJCOPY) --only-keep-debug "$$i" "$$i.dbg"; \
$(OBJCOPY) --strip-all "$$i" ; \
$(OBJCOPY) --add-gnu-debuglink="$$i.dbg" "$$i" ; \
mv "$$i.dbg" "$(win32_debugdir)"; \
fi; done
fi ; \
#strip all plugins dll
package-win32-base: package-win-common-strip
for i in "" $(win32_destdir)/plugins/*$(LIBEXT) ; \
do if test -n "$$i" ; then \
$(OBJCOPY) --only-keep-debug "$$i" "$$i.dbg"; \
$(OBJCOPY) --strip-all "$$i" ; \
$(OBJCOPY) --add-gnu-debuglink="$$i.dbg" "$$i" ; \
mv "$$i.dbg" "$(win32_debugdir)"; \
fi ; done
package-win32-base-exe: package-win32-base
# Create package
......@@ -980,13 +975,14 @@ package-win32-debug: package-win32-base-debug-zip package-win32-base-debug-7zip
# Clean up
rm -Rf $(win32_destdir)
package-wince-base: package-win-common package-win-common-strip
package-wince-base: package-win-common-strip
package-wince-base-zip: package-wince-base
# Create package
zip -r vlc-$(VERSION) vlc-$(VERSION)
rm -f -- vlc-$(VERSION)
zip -r -9 vlc-$(VERSION) vlc-$(VERSION)
package-wince: package-wince-base package-wince-base-zip
package-wince: package-wince-base-zip
# Clean up
rm -Rf $(win32_destdir)
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