Commit 6a25256c authored by Eric Petit's avatar Eric Petit

vout_intf.c: write snapshots on Desktop on BeOS

 beos/*: use B_KEY_DOWN/B_KEY_UP messages instead of KeyDown()/KeyUp()
   so we can have access to the key code and be more reliable (fixes a
   bunch of hotkeys). Fixed snapshots (missing pf_control)
parent ed65a598
......@@ -46,17 +46,10 @@ void E_(CloseVideo) ( vlc_object_t * );
* Module descriptor
static char * ppsz_screenshotformat[] = { "TGA", "PPM", "PNG", "JPEG", "BMP" };
set_category( CAT_INTERFACE );
set_subcategory( SUBCAT_INTERFACE_GENERAL );
add_bool( "beos-dvdmenus", 0, NULL, _("Use DVD Menus"), "", VLC_TRUE );
add_string( "beos-screenshotpath", "/boot/home/", NULL,
_("Screenshot Path"), "", VLC_TRUE );
add_string( "beos-screenshotformat", "PNG", NULL,
_("Screenshot Format"),"", VLC_TRUE );
change_string_list( ppsz_screenshotformat, 0, 0 );
set_description( _("BeOS standard API interface") );
set_capability( "interface", 100 );
set_callbacks( E_(OpenIntf), E_(CloseIntf) );
......@@ -208,7 +208,6 @@ MediaControlView::AttachedToWindow()
r.bottom += height;
// see that our calculated minimal width is not smaller than what
// the menubar can be
printf("preferred: width: %f, height: %f - width: %f\n", width, height, r.Width());
width -= r.Width();
if (width > 0.0)
r.right += width;
......@@ -78,8 +78,6 @@ struct vout_sys_t
#define MOUSE_IDLE_TIMEOUT 2000000 // two seconds
#define DEFAULT_SCREEN_SHOT_PATH "/boot/home/vlc screenshot"
* beos_GetAppWindow : retrieve a BWindow pointer from the window name
......@@ -343,12 +341,6 @@ VideoWindow::VideoWindow(int v_width, int v_height, BRect frame,
if (config_GetInt(p_vout, "fullscreen"))
// add a few useful shortcuts
// XXX works only with US keymap
AddShortcut( '1', 0, new BMessage( RESIZE_50 ) );
AddShortcut( '2', 0, new BMessage( RESIZE_100 ) );
AddShortcut( '3', 0, new BMessage( RESIZE_200 ) );
......@@ -403,62 +395,82 @@ VideoWindow::MessageReceived( BMessage *p_message )
// save a screen shot
if ( BBitmap* current = bitmap[i_buffer] )
case B_KEY_DOWN:
case B_KEY_UP:
key_map * keys;
char * chars;
int32 key, modifiers;
if( p_message->FindInt32( "key", &key ) != B_OK ||
p_message->FindInt32( "modifiers", &modifiers ) != B_OK )
// the following line might be tempting, but does not work for some overlay bitmaps!!!
// BBitmap* temp = new BBitmap( current );
// so we clone the bitmap ourselves
// however, we need to take care of potentially different padding!
// memcpy() is slow when reading from grafix memory, but what the heck...
BBitmap* temp = new BBitmap( current->Bounds(), current->ColorSpace() );
if ( temp && temp->IsValid() )
int32_t height = (int32_t)current->Bounds().Height();
uint8_t* dst = (uint8_t*)temp->Bits();
uint8_t* src = (uint8_t*)current->Bits();
int32_t dstBpr = temp->BytesPerRow();
int32_t srcBpr = current->BytesPerRow();
int32_t validBytes = dstBpr > srcBpr ? srcBpr : dstBpr;
for ( int32_t y = 0; y < height; y++ )
memcpy( dst, src, validBytes );
dst += dstBpr;
src += srcBpr;
char * path = config_GetPsz( p_vout, "beos-screenshotpath" );
if ( !path )
path = strdup( DEFAULT_SCREEN_SHOT_PATH );
/* FIXME - we should check which translators are
actually available */
char * psz_format = config_GetPsz( p_vout, "beos-screenshotformat" );
if( !strcmp( psz_format, "TGA" ) )
format = 'TGA ';
else if( !strcmp( psz_format, "PPM" ) )
format = 'PPM ';
else if( !strcmp( psz_format, "JPEG" ) )
format = 'JPEG';
else if( !strcmp( psz_format, "BMP" ) )
format = 'BMP ';
_SaveScreenShot( temp, path, format );
/* Shouldn't happen */
if( ( p_message->what == B_KEY_UP ||
p_message->what == B_UNMAPPED_KEY_UP ) &&
!( modifiers & B_COMMAND_KEY ) )
/* We only use the KEY_UP messages to detect Alt+X
shortcuts (because the KEY_DOWN messages aren't
sent when Alt is pressed) */
/* Special case for Alt+1, Alt+2 and Alt+3 shortcuts: since
the character depends on the keymap, we use the key codes
directly (18, 19, 20) */
if( ( modifiers & B_COMMAND_KEY ) &&
key >= 18 && key <= 20 )
if( key == 18 )
PostMessage( RESIZE_50 );
else if( key == 19 )
PostMessage( RESIZE_100 );
delete temp;
PostMessage( RESIZE_200 );
/* Get the current keymap */
get_key_map( &keys, &chars );
if( key >= 128 || chars[keys->normal_map[key]] != 1 )
/* Weird key or Unicode character */
free( keys );
free( chars );
vlc_value_t val;
p_message->FindInt32( "key", (int32*) &val.i_int );
val.i_int = ConvertKeyToVLC( chars[keys->normal_map[key]+1] );
if( modifiers & B_COMMAND_KEY )
val.i_int |= KEY_MODIFIER_ALT;
if( modifiers & B_SHIFT_KEY )
val.i_int |= KEY_MODIFIER_SHIFT;
if( modifiers & B_CONTROL_KEY )
val.i_int |= KEY_MODIFIER_CTRL;
var_Set( p_vout->p_vlc, "key-pressed", val );
free( keys );
free( chars );
BWindow::MessageReceived( p_message );
......@@ -960,180 +972,6 @@ VideoWindow::_SetToSettings()
* VideoWindow::_SaveScreenShot
VideoWindow::_SaveScreenShot( BBitmap* bitmap, char* path,
uint32_t translatorID ) const
// make the info object from the parameters
screen_shot_info* info = new screen_shot_info;
info->bitmap = bitmap;
info->path = path;
info->translatorID = translatorID;
info->width = CorrectAspectRatio() ? i_width : fTrueWidth;
info->height = CorrectAspectRatio() ? i_height : fTrueHeight;
// spawn a new thread to take care of the actual saving to disk
thread_id thread = spawn_thread( _save_screen_shot,
"screen shot saver",
B_LOW_PRIORITY, (void*)info );
// start thread or do the job ourself if something went wrong
if ( thread < B_OK || resume_thread( thread ) < B_OK )
_save_screen_shot( (void*)info );
* VideoWindow::_save_screen_shot
VideoWindow::_save_screen_shot( void* cookie )
screen_shot_info* info = (screen_shot_info*)cookie;
if ( info && info->bitmap && info->bitmap->IsValid() && info->path )
// try to be as quick as possible creating the file (the user might have
// taken the next screen shot already!)
// make sure we have a unique name for the screen shot
BString path( info->path );
// create the folder if it doesn't exist
BString folder( info->path );
create_directory( folder.String(), 0777 );
path << "/vlc screenshot";
BEntry entry( path.String() );
int32_t appendedNumber = 0;
if ( entry.Exists() && !entry.IsSymLink() )
// we would clobber an existing entry
bool foundUniqueName = false;
appendedNumber = 1;
while ( !foundUniqueName ) {
BString newName( path.String() );
newName << " " << appendedNumber;
BEntry possiblyClobberedEntry( newName.String() );
if ( possiblyClobberedEntry.Exists()
&& !possiblyClobberedEntry.IsSymLink() )
foundUniqueName = true;
if ( appendedNumber > 0 )
path << " " << appendedNumber;
// there is still a slight chance to clobber an existing
// file (if it was created in the "meantime"), but we take it...
BFile outFile( path.String(),
// make colorspace converted copy of bitmap
BBitmap* converted = new BBitmap( BRect( 0.0, 0.0, info->width, info->height ),
B_RGB32 );
status_t status = convert_bitmap( info->bitmap, converted );
if ( status == B_OK )
BTranslatorRoster* roster = BTranslatorRoster::Default();
uint32_t imageFormat = 0;
translator_id translator = 0;
bool found = false;
// find suitable translator
translator_id* ids = NULL;
int32 count = 0;
status = roster->GetAllTranslators( &ids, &count );
if ( status >= B_OK )
for ( int tix = 0; tix < count; tix++ )
const translation_format *formats = NULL;
int32 num_formats = 0;
bool ok = false;
status = roster->GetInputFormats( ids[tix],
&formats, &num_formats );
if (status >= B_OK)
for ( int iix = 0; iix < num_formats; iix++ )
if ( formats[iix].type == B_TRANSLATOR_BITMAP )
ok = true;
if ( !ok )
status = roster->GetOutputFormats( ids[tix],
&formats, &num_formats);
if ( status >= B_OK )
for ( int32_t oix = 0; oix < num_formats; oix++ )
if ( formats[oix].type != B_TRANSLATOR_BITMAP )
if ( formats[oix].type == info->translatorID )
found = true;
imageFormat = formats[oix].type;
translator = ids[tix];
delete[] ids;
if ( found )
// make bitmap stream
BBitmapStream outStream( converted );
status = outFile.InitCheck();
if (status == B_OK) {
status = roster->Translate( &outStream, NULL, NULL,
&outFile, imageFormat );
if ( status == B_OK )
BNodeInfo nodeInfo( &outFile );
if ( nodeInfo.InitCheck() == B_OK )
translation_format* formats;
int32 count;
status = roster->GetOutputFormats( translator,
(const translation_format **) &formats,
if ( status >= B_OK )
const char * mime = NULL;
for ( int ix = 0; ix < count; ix++ ) {
if ( formats[ix].type == imageFormat ) {
mime = formats[ix].MIME;
if ( mime )
nodeInfo.SetType( mime );
outStream.DetachBitmap( &converted );
delete converted;
if ( info )
delete info->bitmap;
free( info->path );
delete info;
return B_OK;
* VLCView::VLCView
......@@ -1161,8 +999,6 @@ VLCView::~VLCView()
// in order to get keyboard events
// periodically check if we want to hide the pointer
......@@ -1356,35 +1192,6 @@ VLCView::Pulse()
* VLCVIew::KeyUp
void VLCView::KeyUp( const char *bytes, int32 numBytes )
if( numBytes < 1 )
uint32_t mods = modifiers();
vlc_value_t val;
val.i_int = ConvertKeyToVLC( *bytes );
if( mods & B_COMMAND_KEY )
val.i_int |= KEY_MODIFIER_ALT;
if( mods & B_SHIFT_KEY )
val.i_int |= KEY_MODIFIER_SHIFT;
if( mods & B_CONTROL_KEY )
val.i_int |= KEY_MODIFIER_CTRL;
var_Set( p_vout->p_vlc, "key-pressed", val );
* VLCVIew::Draw
......@@ -1403,6 +1210,7 @@ static int Init ( vout_thread_t * );
static void End ( vout_thread_t * );
static int Manage ( vout_thread_t * );
static void Display ( vout_thread_t *, picture_t * );
static int Control ( vout_thread_t *, int, va_list );
static int BeosOpenDisplay ( vout_thread_t *p_vout );
static void BeosCloseDisplay( vout_thread_t *p_vout );
......@@ -1432,6 +1240,7 @@ int E_(OpenVideo) ( vlc_object_t *p_this )
p_vout->pf_manage = Manage;
p_vout->pf_render = NULL;
p_vout->pf_display = Display;
p_vout->pf_control = Control;
return( 0 );
......@@ -1562,6 +1371,11 @@ void Display( vout_thread_t *p_vout, picture_t *p_pic )
p_pic->p->p_pixels = (uint8_t*)p_vout->p_sys->p_window->bitmap[p_vout->p_sys->i_index]->Bits();
static int Control( vout_thread_t * p_vout, int i_query, va_list args )
return vout_vaControlDefault( p_vout, i_query, args );
/* following functions are local */
......@@ -117,7 +117,6 @@ class VLCView : public BView
const BMessage* dragMessage);
virtual void Pulse();
virtual void Draw(BRect updateRect);
virtual void KeyUp(const char* bytes, int32 numBytes);
vout_thread_t *p_vout;
......@@ -190,20 +189,6 @@ private:
void _SetVideoSize(uint32_t mode);
void _SetToSettings();
void _SaveScreenShot( BBitmap* bitmap,
char* path,
uint32_t translatorID ) const;
static int32 _save_screen_shot( void* cookie );
struct screen_shot_info
BBitmap* bitmap;
char* path;
uint32_t translatorID;
int32_t width;
int32_t height;
vout_thread_t *p_vout;
int32_t fTrueWidth; // incomming bitmap size
......@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ int vout_Snapshot( vout_thread_t *p_vout, picture_t *p_pic )
val.psz_string = 0;
#if defined(SYS_DARWIN) || defined(SYS_BEOS)
if( !val.psz_string && p_vout->p_vlc->psz_homedir )
asprintf( &val.psz_string, "%s/Desktop",
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