Commit 65d341df authored by Sam Hocevar's avatar Sam Hocevar

. chang� l'ordre des t�ches

parent 8ff71fea
...@@ -7,145 +7,155 @@ ...@@ -7,145 +7,155 @@
# #
# Urgency values: Wishlist, Normal, Important, Critical # Urgency values: Wishlist, Normal, Important, Critical
Task: 0x00 Task: 0x21
Difficulty: Medium Difficulty: Medium
Urgency: Wishlist Urgency: Normal
Description: Splash screen Description: Implement pause
The vlc needs a splash screen with a vlc logo, instead of There is no real `pause' command yet. Pausing just stops
the "waiting for stream" message. displaying and sound playback, but the streams continues to
be decoded. One will have to do a file implementation as
well as a network implementation.
Status: Todo Status: Todo
Task: 0x01 Task: 0x20
Difficulty: Hard Difficulty: Hard
Urgency: Wishlist Urgency: Important
Description: MGA YUV Description: Rewrite input for Program Stream files
The Matrox acceleration for the vlc does not work yet, Currently when we read a PS file, it is first translated to TS
though there are initialization routines in the code. because we first had only PS support. Now time has come to get
rid of this ugly kludge and integrate a proper PS input.
Status: Todo Status: Todo
Task: 0x02 Task: 0x1f
Difficulty: Medium Difficulty: Hard
Urgency: Normal Urgency: Normal
Description: Better Gnome interface Description: DeCSS and DVD ioctls
The Gnome interface has many stubs and is actually rather The vlc needs the DVD ioctls support as well as the integration
unfunctional. Someone should make the buttons work when of DeCSS to play DVDs properly. The person doing this should
the appropriate hooks exist. probably not live in a country where DeCSS has been ruled illegal.
Status: Todo Status: Todo
Task: 0x03 Task: 0x1e
Difficulty: Hard Difficulty: Hard
Urgency: Important Urgency: Wishlist
Description: Playlist API Description: ASCII-art output
Currently only files given in the command line are played, For the ones who don't know how to waste their time, they can
one after the other. We need a smarter way to handle this, try to do an ASCII-art output plugin.
through AddFile(), MoveFile(), etc. functions. input_file
has to be modified to support this as well.
Status: Todo Status: Todo
Task: 0x04 Task: 0x1d
Difficulty: Medium Difficulty: Hard
Urgency: Normal Urgency: Normal
Description: Get rid of vlc.channels Description: LPCM decoder
The file vlc.channels should be removed and information The LPCM decoder is full of stubs, it only parses the stream
found in it put either into ~/.vlcrc or in another rc but does not decode it. Fix this.
file. Note that this file can be modified by the vlc.
Status: Todo
Task: 0x05
Difficulty: Easy
Urgency: Important
Description: vlms backport
The vlc uses the same file input code as the vlms (VideoLAN
Mini Server) which has been much improved. Someone should
port modifications done to the vlms back to the vlc.
Status: Todo Status: Todo
Task: 0x06 Task: 0x1c
Difficulty: Guru Difficulty: Guru
Urgency: Important Urgency: Important
Description: Optimize video parser Description: Fix field pictures support
The video parser has some speed issues currently unexplained: Some MPEG2 streams are interleaved, and the vlc does not support
even though most functions are inlined, it keeps eating more this very well. Adding support for them requires an excellent
CPU than it should. This has to be investigated. knowledge of the MPEG2 papers.
Status: Todo Status: Todo
Task: 0x07 Task: 0x1b
Difficulty: Hard Difficulty: Hard
Urgency: Critical Urgency: Wishlist
Description: Fix VDEC_SMP segfaults Description: modularize decoder
When compiled to support SMP, the vlc segfaults. The synchro Make the decoder a plugin, so that two versions can coexist
code lacks locks, but there might be bugs elsewhere as well. without recompilation (MMX and non-MMX).
Status: Todo Status: Todo
Task: 0x08 Task: 0x1a
Difficulty: Easy Difficulty: Easy
Urgency: Important Urgency: Normal
Description: Get rid of floating instructions Description: Make interface more responsive
Mixing floating instructions and MMX is seldom a good idea, Status: Todo
it might be interesting to remove all floating instructions When in "waiting for stream" mode, the interface is refreshed
in a single thread. The audio decoders are of course not every 5 seconds. This is too long, and can be confusing for
concerned by this task. the user. Make it refresh at least after a keyboard/mouse event.
Status: Todo Status: Todo
Task: 0x09 Task: 0x19
Difficulty: Easy Difficulty: Hard
Urgency: Normal Urgency: Normal
Description: Get rid of dumb vlc aliases Description: Support MP1 and MP3
When compiling the vlc, some symlinks to the main app The vlc does not support all MPEG1 audio formats yet, nor
are created, such as gvlc, ggivlc, etc. Actually this does it support MPEG1/2 layer 3.
might confuse the user, so they should be removed,
except perhaps gvlc and fbvlc which follow a usual
naming scheme.
Status: Done 8 Aug 2000 (sam)
Task: 0x0a Task: 0x18
Difficulty: Guru
Urgency: Wishlist
Description: Split interface/video_output
The interface and the vout modules are too dependant, which
makes it impossible to run the Glide output with the Gnome
interface for instance. This will require a major rewrite of
the interface, and a solid knowledge of how the vlc internals
Status: Todo
Task: 0x17
Difficulty: Hard
Urgency: Normal
Description: Add 24bpp YUV
There is no 24bpp support yet. Add it, either in MMX
or in C.
Status: Todo
Task: 0x16
Difficulty: Medium Difficulty: Medium
Urgency: Important Urgency: Important
Description: Do separate packages Description: Fix 8bpp YUV
The plugins can be compiled with specific libraries, such The 8bpp YUV function is broken, there is some serious
as Gnome, GGI, Esound. Putting all of them in the same alpha blending, and it scales pretty badly. Fix it.
package would require a lot of useless dependencies, thus
one should do separate packages: a core "vlc" package, and
"vlc-fb", "vlc-ggi", "vlc-esd" packages depending on the
core package.
Status: Todo Status: Todo
Task: 0x0b Task: 0x15
Difficulty: Medium Difficulty: Medium
Urgency: Important Urgency: Critical
Description: Allow to force synchro Description: Fix input_file exit
Add a --force-synchro option to bypass the auto-adaptative input_file does not exit cleanly when the file is finished,
algorithm present in the vlc. Options should allow displaying which makes it impossible to quit the vlc. Fix it.
only I frames, only I and P, or all frames, or some more Status: Todo
fancy stuff such as half the Bs.
Status: Done 8 Aug 2000 (sam)
Task: 0x0c Task: 0x14
Difficulty: Guru
Urgency: Wishlist
Description: Debug MPEG1 video
The MPEG1 support has been done, but it still crashes.
Status: Todo
Task: 0x13
Difficulty: Hard Difficulty: Hard
Urgency: Critical Urgency: Wishlist
Description: Fix synchro Description: Support MPEG1 timecodes
The synchronization algorithm sucks a bit. While it is The vlc can parse an MPEG1 system stream, but the parsed
quite efficient on frameskipping on slow machines, it PCR values do not seem to be correct. Check what's wrong.
is not smart enough on fast machines and does not detect
when it has enough time for a frame. Perhaps a better
handling of the dates might help.
Status: Todo Status: Todo
Task: 0x0d Task: 0x12
Difficulty: Medium Difficulty: Medium
Urgency: Important Urgency: Important
Description: Framebuffer exit bug Description: Fix 32bpp MMX YUV
When the vlc abnormally exits in framebuffer mode, it leaves The MMX 32bpp YUV function is buggy.
the console in an unusable state. This does not happen on
the Matrox framebuffer, but it does on the VESA one.
Status: Todo Status: Todo
Task: 0x0e Task: 0x11
Difficulty: Hard
Urgency: Normal
Description: Optimize YUV scaling
The YUV scaling method does not seem very efficient. Perhaps
some CPU cycles can be gained by saving some buffers.
Status: Todo
Task: 0x10
Difficulty: Easy Difficulty: Easy
Urgency: Wishlist Urgency: Normal
Description: Rename channel names Description: vlc icon
Channels should start from 1 (not 0) like on a VCR or TV, The vlc needs an icon. It should render well in 48x48 but
and Channel 0 should be renamed to "Playlist" or similar. can be any size.
Status: Todo Status: Todo
Task: 0x0f Task: 0x0f
...@@ -157,154 +167,145 @@ Description: Better black&white support ...@@ -157,154 +167,145 @@ Description: Better black&white support
the video decoder knows it does not need to. the video decoder knows it does not need to.
Status: Todo Status: Todo
Task: 0x10 Task: 0x0e
Difficulty: Easy Difficulty: Easy
Urgency: Normal Urgency: Wishlist
Description: vlc icon Description: Rename channel names
The vlc needs an icon. It should render well in 48x48 but Channels should start from 1 (not 0) like on a VCR or TV,
can be any size. and Channel 0 should be renamed to "Playlist" or similar.
Status: Todo
Task: 0x11
Difficulty: Hard
Urgency: Normal
Description: Optimize YUV scaling
The YUV scaling method does not seem very efficient. Perhaps
some CPU cycles can be gained by saving some buffers.
Status: Todo Status: Todo
Task: 0x12 Task: 0x0d
Difficulty: Medium Difficulty: Medium
Urgency: Important Urgency: Important
Description: Fix 32bpp MMX YUV Description: Framebuffer exit bug
The MMX 32bpp YUV function is buggy. When the vlc abnormally exits in framebuffer mode, it leaves
the console in an unusable state. This does not happen on
the Matrox framebuffer, but it does on the VESA one.
Status: Todo Status: Todo
Task: 0x13 Task: 0x0c
Difficulty: Hard Difficulty: Hard
Urgency: Wishlist
Description: Support MPEG1 timecodes
The vlc can parse an MPEG1 system stream, but the parsed
PCR values do not seem to be correct. Check what's wrong.
Status: Todo
Task: 0x14
Difficulty: Guru
Urgency: Wishlist
Description: Debug MPEG1 video
The MPEG1 support has been done, but it still crashes.
Status: Todo
Task: 0x15
Difficulty: Medium
Urgency: Critical Urgency: Critical
Description: Fix input_file exit Description: Fix synchro
input_file does not exit cleanly when the file is finished, The synchronization algorithm sucks a bit. While it is
which makes it impossible to quit the vlc. Fix it. quite efficient on frameskipping on slow machines, it
is not smart enough on fast machines and does not detect
when it has enough time for a frame. Perhaps a better
handling of the dates might help.
Status: Todo Status: Todo
Task: 0x16 Task: 0x0b
Difficulty: Medium Difficulty: Medium
Urgency: Important Urgency: Important
Description: Fix 8bpp YUV Description: Allow to force synchro
The 8bpp YUV function is broken, there is some serious Add a --force-synchro option to bypass the auto-adaptative
alpha blending, and it scales pretty badly. Fix it. algorithm present in the vlc. Options should allow displaying
Status: Todo only I frames, only I and P, or all frames, or some more
fancy stuff such as half the Bs.
Task: 0x17 Status: Done 8 Aug 2000 (sam)
Difficulty: Hard
Urgency: Normal
Description: Add 24bpp YUV
There is no 24bpp support yet. Add it, either in MMX
or in C.
Status: Todo
Task: 0x18 Task: 0x0a
Difficulty: Guru Difficulty: Medium
Urgency: Wishlist Urgency: Important
Description: Split interface/video_output Description: Do separate packages
The interface and the vout modules are too dependant, which The plugins can be compiled with specific libraries, such
makes it impossible to run the Glide output with the Gnome as Gnome, GGI, Esound. Putting all of them in the same
interface for instance. This will require a major rewrite of package would require a lot of useless dependencies, thus
the interface, and a solid knowledge of how the vlc internals one should do separate packages: a core "vlc" package, and
work. "vlc-fb", "vlc-ggi", "vlc-esd" packages depending on the
core package.
Status: Todo Status: Todo
Task: 0x19 Task: 0x09
Difficulty: Hard Difficulty: Easy
Urgency: Normal Urgency: Normal
Description: Support MP1 and MP3 Description: Get rid of dumb vlc aliases
The vlc does not support all MPEG1 audio formats yet, nor When compiling the vlc, some symlinks to the main app
does it support MPEG1/2 layer 3. are created, such as gvlc, ggivlc, etc. Actually this
might confuse the user, so they should be removed,
except perhaps gvlc and fbvlc which follow a usual
naming scheme.
Status: Done 8 Aug 2000 (sam)
Task: 0x1a Task: 0x08
Difficulty: Easy Difficulty: Easy
Urgency: Normal Urgency: Important
Description: Make interface more responsive Description: Get rid of floating instructions
Status: Todo Mixing floating instructions and MMX is seldom a good idea,
When in "waiting for stream" mode, the interface is refreshed it might be interesting to remove all floating instructions
every 5 seconds. This is too long, and can be confusing for in a single thread. The audio decoders are of course not
the user. Make it refresh at least after a keyboard/mouse event. concerned by this task.
Status: Todo Status: Todo
Task: 0x1b Task: 0x07
Difficulty: Hard Difficulty: Hard
Urgency: Wishlist Urgency: Critical
Description: modularize decoder Description: Fix VDEC_SMP segfaults
Make the decoder a plugin, so that two versions can coexist When compiled to support SMP, the vlc segfaults. The synchro
without recompilation (MMX and non-MMX). code lacks locks, but there might be bugs elsewhere as well.
Status: Todo Status: Todo
Task: 0x1c Task: 0x06
Difficulty: Guru Difficulty: Guru
Urgency: Important Urgency: Important
Description: Fix field pictures support Description: Optimize video parser
Some MPEG2 streams are interleaved, and the vlc does not support The video parser has some speed issues currently unexplained:
this very well. Adding support for them requires an excellent even though most functions are inlined, it keeps eating more
knowledge of the MPEG2 papers. CPU than it should. This has to be investigated.
Status: Todo Status: Todo
Task: 0x1d Task: 0x05
Difficulty: Hard Difficulty: Easy
Urgency: Important
Description: vlms backport
The vlc uses the same file input code as the vlms (VideoLAN
Mini Server) which has been much improved. Someone should
port modifications done to the vlms back to the vlc.
Status: Todo
Task: 0x04
Difficulty: Medium
Urgency: Normal Urgency: Normal
Description: LPCM decoder Description: Get rid of vlc.channels
The LPCM decoder is full of stubs, it only parses the stream The file vlc.channels should be removed and information
but does not decode it. Fix this. found in it put either into ~/.vlcrc or in another rc
file. Note that this file can be modified by the vlc.
Status: Todo Status: Todo
Task: 0x1e Task: 0x03
Difficulty: Hard Difficulty: Hard
Urgency: Wishlist Urgency: Important
Description: ASCII-art output Description: Playlist API
For the ones who don't know how to waste their time, they can Currently only files given in the command line are played,
try to do an ASCII-art output plugin. one after the other. We need a smarter way to handle this,
through AddFile(), MoveFile(), etc. functions. input_file
has to be modified to support this as well.
Status: Todo Status: Todo
Task: 0x1f Task: 0x02
Difficulty: Hard Difficulty: Medium
Urgency: Normal Urgency: Normal
Description: DeCSS and DVD ioctls Description: Better Gnome interface
The vlc needs the DVD ioctls support as well as the integration The Gnome interface has many stubs and is actually rather
of DeCSS to play DVDs properly. The person doing this should unfunctional. Someone should make the buttons work when
probably not live in a country where DeCSS has been ruled illegal. the appropriate hooks exist.
Status: Todo Status: Todo
Task: 0x20 Task: 0x01
Difficulty: Hard Difficulty: Hard
Urgency: Important Urgency: Wishlist
Description: Rewrite input for Program Stream files Description: MGA YUV
Currently when we read a PS file, it is first translated to TS The Matrox acceleration for the vlc does not work yet,
because we first had only PS support. Now time has come to get though there are initialization routines in the code.
rid of this ugly kludge and integrate a proper PS input.
Status: Todo Status: Todo
Task: 0x21 Task: 0x00
Difficulty: Medium Difficulty: Medium
Urgency: Normal Urgency: Wishlist
Description: Implement pause Description: Splash screen
There is no real `pause' command yet. Pausing just stops The vlc needs a splash screen with a vlc logo, instead of
displaying and sound playback, but the streams continues to the "waiting for stream" message.
be decoded. One will have to do a file implementation as
well as a network implementation.
Status: Todo Status: Todo
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