Commit 653b4cc3 authored by Gildas Bazin's avatar Gildas Bazin

* modules/demux/ogg.c: support for 'chaining' (concatenated ogg streams).
parent f061a98a
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* ogg.c : ogg stream input module for vlc
* Copyright (C) 2001 VideoLAN
* $Id: ogg.c,v 1.34 2003/09/25 23:09:41 gbazin Exp $
* $Id: ogg.c,v 1.35 2003/09/27 14:32:54 gbazin Exp $
* Authors: Gildas Bazin <>
......@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
#include <codecs.h> /* BITMAPINFOHEADER, WAVEFORMATEX */
#define OGG_BLOCK_SIZE 4096
* Definitions of structures and functions used by this plugins
......@@ -96,9 +95,10 @@ struct demux_sys_t
/* program clock reference (in units of 90kHz) derived from the pcr of
* the sub-streams */
mtime_t i_pcr;
int b_seekable;
int b_reinit;
/* stream state */
int b_eos;
/* OggDS headers for the new header format (used in ogm files) */
......@@ -153,8 +153,8 @@ static void Deactivate( vlc_object_t * );
static int Demux ( input_thread_t * );
/* Stream managment */
static int Ogg_StreamStart ( input_thread_t *, demux_sys_t *, int );
static void Ogg_StreamStop ( input_thread_t *, demux_sys_t *, int );
static int Ogg_ElemStreamStart ( input_thread_t *, demux_sys_t *, int );
static void Ogg_ElemStreamStop ( input_thread_t *, demux_sys_t *, int );
/* Bitstream manipulation */
static int Ogg_Check ( input_thread_t *p_input );
......@@ -162,8 +162,10 @@ static int Ogg_ReadPage ( input_thread_t *, demux_sys_t *, ogg_page * );
static void Ogg_UpdatePCR ( logical_stream_t *, ogg_packet * );
static void Ogg_DecodePacket ( input_thread_t *p_input,
logical_stream_t *p_stream, ogg_packet * );
static int Ogg_FindLogicalStreams( input_thread_t *p_input,
demux_sys_t *p_ogg );
static int Ogg_BeginningOfStream( input_thread_t *p_input, demux_sys_t *p_ogg);
static int Ogg_FindLogicalStreams( input_thread_t *p_input,demux_sys_t *p_ogg);
static void Ogg_EndOfStream( input_thread_t *p_input, demux_sys_t *p_ogg );
* Module descriptor
......@@ -178,7 +180,7 @@ vlc_module_end();
* Stream managment
static int Ogg_StreamStart( input_thread_t *p_input,
static int Ogg_ElemStreamStart( input_thread_t *p_input,
demux_sys_t *p_ogg, int i_stream )
#define p_stream p_ogg->pp_stream[i_stream]
......@@ -221,7 +223,7 @@ static int Ogg_StreamStart( input_thread_t *p_input,
#undef p_stream
static void Ogg_StreamStop( input_thread_t *p_input,
static void Ogg_ElemStreamStop( input_thread_t *p_input,
demux_sys_t *p_ogg, int i_stream )
#define p_stream p_ogg->pp_stream[i_stream]
......@@ -345,6 +347,7 @@ static void Ogg_DecodePacket( input_thread_t *p_input,
data_packet_t *p_data;
vlc_bool_t b_trash = VLC_FALSE;
int i_header_len = 0;
mtime_t i_pts;
if( p_stream->b_force_backup )
......@@ -386,47 +389,6 @@ static void Ogg_DecodePacket( input_thread_t *p_input,
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_input->stream.control.control_lock );
if( !p_stream->p_es->p_decoder_fifo || b_trash )
/* This stream isn't currently selected so we don't need to decode it,
* but we do need to store its pcr as it might be selected later on. */
if( p_stream->i_pcr >= 0 )
/* This is for streams where the granulepos of the header packets
* doesn't match these of the data packets (eg. ogg web radios). */
if( p_stream->i_previous_pcr == 0 &&
p_stream->i_pcr > 3 * DEFAULT_PTS_DELAY * 9/100 )
p_input->stream.p_selected_program->i_synchro_state =
p_stream->i_previous_pcr = p_stream->i_pcr;
/* Call the pace control */
if( p_input->stream.p_selected_program->i_synchro_state ==
input_ClockManageRef( p_input,
p_stream->i_pcr );
Ogg_UpdatePCR( p_stream, p_oggpacket );
if( !( p_pes = input_NewPES( p_input->p_method_data ) ) )
if( !( p_data = input_NewPacket( p_input->p_method_data,
p_oggpacket->bytes ) ) )
input_DeletePES( p_input->p_method_data, p_pes );
p_data->p_payload_end = p_data->p_payload_start + p_oggpacket->bytes;
/* Convert the pcr into a pts */
if( p_stream->i_fourcc == VLC_FOURCC( 'v','o','r','b' ) )
......@@ -450,7 +412,7 @@ static void Ogg_DecodePacket( input_thread_t *p_input,
/* The granulepos is the end date of the sample */
p_pes->i_pts = ( p_stream->i_pcr < 0 ) ? 0 :
i_pts = ( p_stream->i_pcr < 0 ) ? 0 :
input_ClockGetTS( p_input, p_input->stream.p_selected_program,
p_stream->i_pcr );
......@@ -482,13 +444,32 @@ static void Ogg_DecodePacket( input_thread_t *p_input,
/* The granulepos is the start date of the sample */
p_pes->i_pts = ( p_stream->i_pcr < 0 ) ? 0 :
i_pts = ( p_stream->i_pcr < 0 ) ? 0 :
input_ClockGetTS( p_input, p_input->stream.p_selected_program,
p_stream->i_pcr );
if( !p_stream->p_es->p_decoder_fifo || b_trash )
/* This stream isn't currently selected so we don't need to decode it,
* but we did need to store its pcr as it might be selected later on */
if( !( p_pes = input_NewPES( p_input->p_method_data ) ) )
if( !( p_data = input_NewPacket( p_input->p_method_data,
p_oggpacket->bytes ) ) )
input_DeletePES( p_input->p_method_data, p_pes );
p_data->p_payload_end = p_data->p_payload_start + p_oggpacket->bytes;
p_pes->i_nb_data = 1;
p_pes->i_dts = p_pes->i_pts;
p_pes->i_dts = p_pes->i_pts = i_pts;
p_pes->p_first = p_pes->p_last = p_data;
p_pes->i_pes_size = p_oggpacket->bytes;
......@@ -1116,9 +1097,9 @@ static int Ogg_FindLogicalStreams( input_thread_t *p_input, demux_sys_t *p_ogg)
static int Activate( vlc_object_t * p_this )
int i_stream, b_forced;
demux_sys_t *p_ogg;
input_thread_t *p_input = (input_thread_t *)p_this;
demux_sys_t *p_ogg;
int b_forced;
p_input->p_demux_data = NULL;
b_forced = ( ( *p_input->psz_demux )&&
......@@ -1136,21 +1117,14 @@ static int Activate( vlc_object_t * p_this )
memset( p_ogg, 0, sizeof( demux_sys_t ) );
p_input->p_demux_data = p_ogg;
p_ogg->b_seekable = ( ( p_input->stream.b_seekable )
&&( p_input->stream.i_method == INPUT_METHOD_FILE ) );
p_ogg->pp_stream = NULL;
p_ogg->p_stream_video = NULL;
p_ogg->p_stream_audio = NULL;
p_ogg->p_stream_spu = NULL;
/* Initialize the Ogg physical bitstream parser */
ogg_sync_init( &p_ogg->oy );
/* Find the logical streams embedded in the physical stream and
* initialize our p_ogg structure. */
if( Ogg_FindLogicalStreams( p_input, p_ogg ) != VLC_SUCCESS )
msg_Err( p_input, "couldn't find an ogg logical stream" );
goto error;
/* Set exported function */
p_input->pf_demux = Demux;
......@@ -1176,6 +1150,36 @@ static int Activate( vlc_object_t * p_this )
goto error;
p_input->stream.p_selected_program = p_input->stream.pp_programs[0];
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_input->stream.stream_lock );
/* Begnning of stream, tell the demux to look for elementary streams. */
p_ogg->b_eos = VLC_TRUE;
return 0;
Deactivate( (vlc_object_t *)p_input );
return -1;
* Ogg_EndOfStream: Look for Beginning of Stream ogg pages and add Elementary
* streams.
static int Ogg_BeginningOfStream( input_thread_t *p_input, demux_sys_t *p_ogg)
int i_stream;
/* Find the logical streams embedded in the physical stream and
* initialize our p_ogg structure. */
if( Ogg_FindLogicalStreams( p_input, p_ogg ) != VLC_SUCCESS )
msg_Warn( p_input, "couldn't find any ogg logical stream" );
vlc_mutex_lock( &p_input->stream.stream_lock );
p_input->stream.i_mux_rate = 0;
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_input->stream.stream_lock );
......@@ -1208,7 +1212,7 @@ static int Activate( vlc_object_t * p_this )
p_ogg->p_stream_video = p_stream;
/* TODO add test to see if a decoder has been found */
Ogg_StreamStart( p_input, p_ogg, i_stream );
Ogg_ElemStreamStart( p_input, p_ogg, i_stream );
......@@ -1221,7 +1225,7 @@ static int Activate( vlc_object_t * p_this )
p_ogg->pp_stream[i_audio]->p_es->i_cat != AUDIO_ES )
p_ogg->p_stream_audio = p_stream;
Ogg_StreamStart( p_input, p_ogg, i_stream );
Ogg_ElemStreamStart( p_input, p_ogg, i_stream );
......@@ -1239,7 +1243,7 @@ static int Activate( vlc_object_t * p_this )
else if( i_spu == i_stream )
p_ogg->p_stream_spu = p_stream;
Ogg_StreamStart( p_input, p_ogg, i_stream );
Ogg_ElemStreamStart( p_input, p_ogg, i_stream );
......@@ -1263,46 +1267,76 @@ static int Activate( vlc_object_t * p_this )
p_input->stream.p_selected_program->b_is_ok = 1;
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_input->stream.stream_lock );
return 0;
Deactivate( (vlc_object_t *)p_input );
return -1;
* Deactivate: frees unused data
static void Deactivate( vlc_object_t *p_this )
* Ogg_EndOfStream: clean up the ES when an End of Stream is detected.
static void Ogg_EndOfStream( input_thread_t *p_input, demux_sys_t *p_ogg )
input_thread_t *p_input = (input_thread_t *)p_this;
demux_sys_t *p_ogg = (demux_sys_t *)p_input->p_demux_data ;
int i, j;
int i_stream, j;
if( p_ogg )
#define p_stream p_ogg->pp_stream[i_stream]
vlc_mutex_lock( &p_input->stream.stream_lock );
if( p_input->stream.i_pgrm_number )
while( p_input->stream.p_selected_program->i_es_number )
/* Cleanup the bitstream parser */
ogg_sync_clear( &p_ogg->oy );
input_DelES( p_input,
p_input->stream.p_selected_program->pp_es[0] );
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_input->stream.stream_lock );
#undef p_stream
for( i = 0; i < p_ogg->i_streams; i++ )
for( i_stream = 0 ; i_stream < p_ogg->i_streams; i_stream++ )
ogg_stream_clear( &p_ogg->pp_stream[i]->os );
for( j = 0; j < p_ogg->pp_stream[i]->i_packets_backup; j++ )
#define p_stream p_ogg->pp_stream[i_stream]
vlc_mutex_lock( &p_input->stream.stream_lock );
p_input->stream.i_mux_rate -= (p_stream->i_bitrate / ( 8 * 50 ));
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_input->stream.stream_lock );
#undef p_stream
ogg_stream_clear( &p_ogg->pp_stream[i_stream]->os );
for( j = 0; j < p_ogg->pp_stream[i_stream]->i_packets_backup; j++ )
free( p_ogg->pp_stream[i]->p_packets_backup[j].packet );
free( p_ogg->pp_stream[i_stream]->p_packets_backup[j].packet );
if( p_ogg->pp_stream[i]->p_packets_backup)
free( p_ogg->pp_stream[i]->p_packets_backup );
if( p_ogg->pp_stream[i_stream]->p_packets_backup)
free( p_ogg->pp_stream[i_stream]->p_packets_backup );
#if 0 /* hmmm, it's already freed in input_DelES() */
if( p_ogg->pp_stream[i]->p_bih )
free( p_ogg->pp_stream[i]->p_bih );
if( p_ogg->pp_stream[i]->p_wf )
free( p_ogg->pp_stream[i]->p_wf );
free( p_ogg->pp_stream[i] );
free( p_ogg->pp_stream[i_stream] );
/* Reinit p_ogg */
if( p_ogg->pp_stream ) free( p_ogg->pp_stream );
p_ogg->pp_stream = NULL;
p_ogg->i_streams = 0;
p_ogg->p_stream_video = NULL;
p_ogg->p_stream_audio = NULL;
p_ogg->p_stream_spu = NULL;
* Deactivate: frees unused data
static void Deactivate( vlc_object_t *p_this )
input_thread_t *p_input = (input_thread_t *)p_this;
demux_sys_t *p_ogg = (demux_sys_t *)p_input->p_demux_data ;
if( p_ogg )
/* Cleanup the bitstream parser */
ogg_sync_clear( &p_ogg->oy );
Ogg_EndOfStream( p_input, p_ogg );
free( p_ogg );
......@@ -1315,12 +1349,25 @@ static void Deactivate( vlc_object_t *p_this )
static int Demux( input_thread_t * p_input )
int i, i_stream, b_pcr = 0, b_eos = 0;
demux_sys_t *p_ogg = (demux_sys_t *)p_input->p_demux_data;
ogg_page oggpage;
ogg_packet oggpacket;
demux_sys_t *p_ogg = (demux_sys_t *)p_input->p_demux_data;
int i_stream;
if( p_ogg->b_eos )
if( Ogg_BeginningOfStream( p_input, p_ogg ) != VLC_SUCCESS ) return 0;
p_ogg->b_eos = VLC_FALSE;
msg_Dbg( p_input, "beginning of a group of logical streams" );
p_input->stream.p_selected_program->i_synchro_state = SYNCHRO_REINIT;
input_ClockManageRef( p_input, p_input->stream.p_selected_program,
0 );
#define p_stream p_ogg->pp_stream[i_stream]
/* detect new selected/unselected streams */
for( i_stream = 0; i_stream < p_ogg->i_streams; i_stream++ )
......@@ -1329,13 +1376,13 @@ static int Demux( input_thread_t * p_input )
if( p_stream->p_es->p_decoder_fifo &&
!p_stream->i_activated )
Ogg_StreamStart( p_input, p_ogg, i_stream );
Ogg_ElemStreamStart( p_input, p_ogg, i_stream );
if( !p_stream->p_es->p_decoder_fifo &&
p_stream->i_activated )
Ogg_StreamStop( p_input, p_ogg, i_stream );
Ogg_ElemStreamStop( p_input, p_ogg, i_stream );
......@@ -1382,19 +1429,25 @@ static int Demux( input_thread_t * p_input )
p_stream->i_pcr = -1;
p_stream->i_interpolated_pcr = -1;
p_ogg->b_reinit = 1;
* Demux ogg pages from the stream
* Demux an ogg page from the stream
for( i = 0; i < PAGES_READ_ONCE || p_ogg->b_reinit; i++ )
if( Ogg_ReadPage( p_input, p_ogg, &oggpage ) != VLC_SUCCESS )
b_eos = 1;
return 0; /* EOF */
/* Test for End of Stream */
if( ogg_page_eos( &oggpage ) )
msg_Dbg( p_input, "end of a group of logical streams" );
Ogg_EndOfStream( p_input, p_ogg );
p_ogg->b_eos = VLC_TRUE;
return 1;
for( i_stream = 0; i_stream < p_ogg->i_streams; i_stream++ )
......@@ -1411,42 +1464,49 @@ static int Demux( input_thread_t * p_input )
if( p_stream->b_reinit )
/* Convert the granulepos into a pcr */
/* If synchro is re-initialized we need to drop all the packets
* until we find a new dated one. */
Ogg_UpdatePCR( p_stream, &oggpacket );
if( p_stream->i_pcr >= 0 )
p_stream->b_reinit = 0;
else continue;
p_stream->i_interpolated_pcr = -1;
/* An Ogg/vorbis packet contains an end date granulepos */
if( p_stream->i_fourcc == VLC_FOURCC( 'v','o','r','b' ) )
if( ogg_stream_packetout( &p_stream->os, &oggpacket ) > 0 )
Ogg_DecodePacket( p_input, p_stream, &oggpacket );
p_ogg->b_reinit = 0;
Ogg_DecodePacket( p_input, p_stream, &oggpacket );
i_stream = 0;
p_ogg->i_pcr = p_stream->i_interpolated_pcr;
i_stream = 0; p_ogg->i_pcr = -1;
for( ; i_stream < p_ogg->i_streams; i_stream++ )
if( p_stream->i_cat == SPU_ES )
if( p_stream->i_interpolated_pcr < 0 )
if( p_stream->i_interpolated_pcr > 0
&& p_stream->i_interpolated_pcr < p_ogg->i_pcr )
if( p_ogg->i_pcr < 0 || p_stream->i_interpolated_pcr < p_ogg->i_pcr )
p_ogg->i_pcr = p_stream->i_interpolated_pcr;
if( p_stream->i_pcr >= 0 ) b_pcr = VLC_TRUE;
if( b_pcr )
if( p_input->stream.p_selected_program->i_synchro_state != SYNCHRO_REINIT )
input_ClockManageRef( p_input, p_input->stream.p_selected_program,
p_ogg->i_pcr );
......@@ -1454,6 +1514,5 @@ static int Demux( input_thread_t * p_input )
#undef p_stream
/* Did we reach the end of stream ? */
return( b_eos ? 0 : 1 );
return 1;
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