Commit 4eff5692 authored by Jakob Leben's avatar Jakob Leben

core playlist: refactor & fix #3737

parent 8a0bd27b
......@@ -90,21 +90,22 @@ static void input_item_add_subitem_tree ( const vlc_event_t * p_event,
p_up = p_up->p_parent;
if( b_flat )
playlist_DeleteItem( p_playlist, p_item, true );
p_item = playlist_InsertInputItemTree( p_playlist, p_parent,
p_new_root, pos, true );
p_item = playlist_InsertInputItemTree( p_playlist, p_item,
p_new_root, PLAYLIST_END, false );
p_item = playlist_InsertInputItemTree( p_playlist,
b_flat ? p_parent : p_item,
b_flat ? pos: PLAYLIST_END,
b_flat );
if( !b_flat ) var_SetAddress( p_playlist, "leaf-to-parent", p_input );
//control playback only if it was the current playing item that got subitems
if( b_current )
if( ( b_stop && !b_flat ) || !b_autostart )
if( !p_item || ( b_stop && !b_flat ) || !b_autostart )
playlist_Stop( p_playlist );
......@@ -796,40 +797,50 @@ static int RecursiveAddIntoParent (
input_item_node_t *p_node, int i_pos, bool b_flat,
playlist_item_t **pp_first_leaf )
*pp_first_leaf = NULL;
if( p_parent->i_children == -1 ) ChangeToNode( p_playlist, p_parent );
if( i_pos == PLAYLIST_END ) i_pos = p_parent->i_children;
for( int i = 0; i < p_node->i_children; i++ )
playlist_item_t *p_child = NULL;
if( b_flat ? p_node->pp_children[i]->i_children == 0 : 1 )
input_item_node_t *p_child_node = p_node->pp_children[i];
playlist_item_t *p_new_item = NULL;
bool b_children = p_child_node->i_children > 0;
//Create the playlist item represented by input node, if allowed.
if( !(b_flat && b_children) )
p_child = playlist_NodeAddInput( p_playlist,
p_new_item = playlist_NodeAddInput( p_playlist,
pl_Locked );
if( !p_new_item ) return i_pos;
//Swap parent for new item, if we will recurse
if( b_children ) p_parent = p_new_item;
if( p_node->pp_children[i]->i_children > 0 )
if( b_flat )
i_pos = RecursiveAddIntoParent(
p_playlist, p_parent,
p_node->pp_children[i], i_pos, true,
&p_child );
//Recurse if any children
if( b_children )
RecursiveAddIntoParent( p_playlist, p_child,
p_node->pp_children[i], 0, false,
&p_child );
//Substitute p_new_item for first child leaf
//(If flat, continue counting from current position)
int i_last_pos = RecursiveAddIntoParent(
p_playlist, p_parent, p_child_node,
( b_flat ? i_pos : 0 ),
&p_new_item );
//If flat, take position after recursion as current position
if( b_flat ) i_pos = i_last_pos;
assert( p_child != NULL );
if( i == 0 ) *pp_first_leaf = p_child;
assert( p_new_item != NULL );
if( i == 0 ) *pp_first_leaf = p_new_item;
return i_pos;
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