* Finds the next file in the update tree that matches status and type
* requirements set in the update_iterator
* Compare two integers
* \param p_uit update iterator
* \return UPDATE_FAIL if we can't find the next file, UPDATE_SUCCESS|UPDATE_FILE if we stay in the same release, UPDATE_SUCCESS|UPDATE_RELEASE|UPDATE_FILE if we change the release index
* Finds the previous file in the update tree that matches status and type
* requirements set in the update_iterator
* \param p_uit update iterator
* \return UPDATE_FAIL if we can't find the previous file, UPDATE_SUCCESS|UPDATE_FILE if we stay in the same release, UPDATE_SUCCESS|UPDATE_RELEASE|UPDATE_FILE if we change the release index
* Change the update iterator's position in the file and mirrors tree
* If position is negative, don't change it
* Compare two release numbers
* \param i_m position in mirrors list
* \param i_r position in releases list
* \param i_f position in release's files list
* \return UPDATE_FAIL when changing position fails or position wasn't changed, a combination of UPDATE_MIRROR, UPDATE_RELEASE and UPDATE_FILE otherwise
msg_Err(p_this,_("%s has an incorrect checksum, download failed or mirror is compromised.\n Please run an antivirus on %s, and report if that file is trojaned.\n If not, please try later."),