Commit 07d957f1 authored by Derk-Jan Hartman's avatar Derk-Jan Hartman

cc codec: don't use a static variable in the middle of the code for no reason what so ever.

parent 5f8cd399
......@@ -155,6 +155,7 @@ struct decoder_sys_t
int i_block;
block_t *pp_block[CC_MAX_REORDER_SIZE];
int64_t i_last_pts;
int i_field;
int i_channel;
......@@ -206,6 +207,7 @@ static int Open( vlc_object_t *p_this )
/* init of p_sys */
memset( p_sys, 0, sizeof( *p_sys ) );
p_sys->i_block = 0;
p_sys->i_last_pts = 0;
p_sys->i_field = i_field;
p_sys->i_channel = i_channel;
......@@ -391,12 +393,12 @@ static subpicture_t *Convert( decoder_t *p_dec, block_t *p_block )
if( p_block )
block_Release( p_block );
static int64_t i_last = 0;
if( b_changed )//&& i_pts - i_last > 100*1000 )
p_sys->i_last_pts = 0;
if( b_changed )//&& i_pts - p_sys->i_last_pts > 100*1000 )
char *psz_subtitle = Eia608Text( &p_sys->eia608, false );
char *psz_html = NULL;//Eia608Text( &p_sys->eia608, true );
i_last = i_pts;
p_sys->i_last_pts = i_pts;
return Subtitle( p_dec, psz_subtitle, psz_html, i_pts );
return NULL;
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