Commit 06b4737c authored by Jean-Paul Saman's avatar Jean-Paul Saman

PDA interface:

* improvements on Camera tabpage
parent 9af94c5a
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* pda_callbacks.c : Callbacks for the pda Linux Gtk+ plugin.
* Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 VideoLAN
* $Id: pda_callbacks.c,v 1.10 2003/11/09 15:55:23 jpsaman Exp $
* $Id: pda_callbacks.c,v 1.11 2003/11/09 18:52:29 jpsaman Exp $
* Authors: Jean-Paul Saman <>
......@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@
#include "pda_support.h"
#include "pda.h"
#define VLC_MAX_MRL 256
static char* get_file_stat(const char *path, uid_t *uid, gid_t *gid, off_t *size);
......@@ -582,7 +584,6 @@ NetworkBuildMRL (GtkEditable *editable,
const gchar *mrlAddress;
const gchar *mrlProtocol;
gint mrlPort;
#define VLC_MAX_MRL 256
char text[VLC_MAX_MRL];
int pos = 0;
......@@ -610,7 +611,6 @@ NetworkBuildMRL (GtkEditable *editable,
#undef VLC_MAX_MRL
......@@ -753,9 +753,91 @@ void
V4LBuildMRL (GtkEditable *editable,
gpointer user_data)
// GtkSpinButton *networkPort = NULL;
// GtkEntry *entryMRL = NULL;
GtkSpinButton *entryV4LChannel = NULL;
GtkSpinButton *entryV4LFrequency = NULL;
GtkSpinButton *entryV4LSampleRate = NULL;
GtkSpinButton *entryV4LQuality = NULL;
GtkSpinButton *entryV4LTuner = NULL;
gint i_v4l_channel;
gint i_v4l_frequency;
gint i_v4l_samplerate;
gint i_v4l_quality;
gint i_v4l_tuner;
GtkEntry *entryV4LVideoDevice = NULL;
GtkEntry *entryV4LAudioDevice = NULL;
GtkEntry *entryV4LNorm = NULL;
GtkEntry *entryV4LSize = NULL;
GtkEntry *entryV4LSoundDirection = NULL;
const gchar *p_v4l_video_device;
const gchar *p_v4l_audio_device;
const gchar *p_v4l_norm;
const gchar *p_v4l_size;
const gchar *p_v4l_sound_direction;
/* MJPEG only */
GtkCheckButton *checkV4LMJPEG = NULL;
GtkSpinButton *entryV4LDecimation = NULL;
gboolean b_v4l_mjpeg;
gint i_v4l_decimation;
/* end MJPEG only */
char v4l_mrl[VLC_MAX_MRL];
int pos;
pos = snprintf( &v4l_mrl[0], VLC_MAX_MRL, "v4l://");
entryV4LChannel = (GtkSpinButton*) lookup_widget( GTK_WIDGET(editable), "entryV4LChannel" );
entryV4LFrequency = (GtkSpinButton*) lookup_widget( GTK_WIDGET(editable), "entryV4LFrequency" );
entryV4LSampleRate = (GtkSpinButton*) lookup_widget( GTK_WIDGET(editable), "entryV4LSampleRate" );
entryV4LQuality = (GtkSpinButton*) lookup_widget( GTK_WIDGET(editable), "entryV4LQuality" );
entryV4LTuner = (GtkSpinButton*) lookup_widget( GTK_WIDGET(editable), "entryV4LTuner" );
entryV4LVideoDevice = (GtkEntry*) lookup_widget( GTK_WIDGET(editable), "entryV4LVideoDevice" );
entryV4LAudioDevice = (GtkEntry*) lookup_widget( GTK_WIDGET(editable), "entryV4LAudioDevice" );
entryV4LNorm = (GtkEntry*) lookup_widget( GTK_WIDGET(editable), "entryV4LNorm" );
entryV4LSize = (GtkEntry*) lookup_widget( GTK_WIDGET(editable), "entryV4LSize" );
entryV4LSoundDirection = (GtkEntry*) lookup_widget( GTK_WIDGET(editable), "entryV4LSoundDirection" );
i_v4l_channel = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int(entryV4LChannel);
i_v4l_frequency = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int(entryV4LFrequency);
i_v4l_samplerate = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int(entryV4LSampleRate);
i_v4l_quality = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int(entryV4LQuality);
i_v4l_tuner = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int(entryV4LTuner);
p_v4l_video_device = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(entryV4LVideoDevice));
p_v4l_audio_device = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(entryV4LAudioDevice));
p_v4l_norm = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(entryV4LNorm));
p_v4l_size = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(entryV4LSize));
p_v4l_sound_direction = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(entryV4LSoundDirection));
pos += snprintf( &v4l_mrl[pos], VLC_MAX_MRL - pos, ":%s", (char*)p_v4l_video_device );
pos += snprintf( &v4l_mrl[pos], VLC_MAX_MRL - pos, ":adev=%s", (char*)p_v4l_audio_device );
pos += snprintf( &v4l_mrl[pos], VLC_MAX_MRL - pos, ":norm=%s", (char*)p_v4l_norm );
pos += snprintf( &v4l_mrl[pos], VLC_MAX_MRL - pos, ":size=%s", (char*)p_v4l_size );
pos += snprintf( &v4l_mrl[pos], VLC_MAX_MRL - pos, ":%s", (char*)p_v4l_sound_direction );
pos += snprintf( &v4l_mrl[pos], VLC_MAX_MRL - pos, ":channel=%d", (int)i_v4l_channel );
pos += snprintf( &v4l_mrl[pos], VLC_MAX_MRL - pos, ":frequency=%d", (int)i_v4l_frequency );
pos += snprintf( &v4l_mrl[pos], VLC_MAX_MRL - pos, ":samplerate=%d", (int)i_v4l_samplerate );
pos += snprintf( &v4l_mrl[pos], VLC_MAX_MRL - pos, ":quality=%d", (int)i_v4l_quality );
pos += snprintf( &v4l_mrl[pos], VLC_MAX_MRL - pos, ":tuner=%d", (int)i_v4l_tuner );
/* MJPEG only */
checkV4LMJPEG = (GtkCheckButton*) lookup_widget( GTK_WIDGET(editable), "checkV4LMJPEG" );
b_v4l_mjpeg = gtk_toggle_button_get_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(checkV4LMJPEG));
if (b_v4l_mjpeg)
entryV4LDecimation = (GtkSpinButton*) lookup_widget( GTK_WIDGET(editable), "entryV4LDecimation" );
i_v4l_decimation = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int(entryV4LDecimation);
pos += snprintf( &v4l_mrl[pos], VLC_MAX_MRL - pos, ":mjpeg:%d", (int)i_v4l_decimation );
/* end MJPEG only */
if (pos >= VLC_MAX_MRL)
g_print( "%s\n", v4l_mrl );
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