Commit 0041e5c4 authored by Felix Paul Kühne's avatar Felix Paul Kühne

macosx: make sure the text fields in the aboutbox are selectable to be able to copy revisions, etc.

parent 6327db9d
{ {
IBClasses = ( IBClasses = (
{CLASS = FirstResponder; LANGUAGE = ObjC; SUPERCLASS = NSObject; }, {
{CLASS = MPSlider; LANGUAGE = ObjC; SUPERCLASS = NSSlider; }, CLASS = FirstResponder;
ACTIONS = {helpGoHome = id; showGPL = id; }; SUPERCLASS = NSObject;
CLASS = VLAboutBox; },
"o_about_window" = id; LANGUAGE = ObjC;
"o_copyright_field" = id; SUPERCLASS = NSSlider;
"o_credits_scrollview" = id; },
"o_credits_textview" = id; {
"o_gpl_btn" = id; ACTIONS = {
"o_gpl_field" = id; helpGoHome = id;
"o_gpl_window" = id; showGPL = id;
"o_help_bwd_btn" = id; };
"o_help_fwd_btn" = id; CLASS = VLAboutBox;
"o_help_home_btn" = id; LANGUAGE = ObjC;
"o_help_web_view" = id; OUTLETS = {
"o_help_window" = id; "o_about_window" = id;
"o_name_field" = id; "o_copyright_field" = id;
"o_name_version_field" = id; "o_credits_scrollview" = id;
"o_revision_field" = id; "o_credits_textview" = id;
}; "o_gpl_btn" = id;
SUPERCLASS = NSObject; "o_gpl_field" = id;
}, "o_gpl_window" = id;
{CLASS = VLBrushedMetalImageView; LANGUAGE = ObjC; SUPERCLASS = NSImageView; }, "o_help_bwd_btn" = id;
{CLASS = VLCApplication; LANGUAGE = ObjC; SUPERCLASS = NSApplication; }, "o_help_fwd_btn" = id;
{CLASS = VLCControllerView; LANGUAGE = ObjC; SUPERCLASS = NSView; }, "o_help_home_btn" = id;
{CLASS = VLCControllerWindow; LANGUAGE = ObjC; SUPERCLASS = NSWindow; }, "o_help_web_view" = id;
{ "o_help_window" = id;
ACTIONS = { "o_name_field" = id;
backward = id; "o_name_version_field" = id;
faster = id; "o_revision_field" = id;
forward = id; };
loop = id; SUPERCLASS = NSObject;
mute = id; },
next = id; {
pause = id; CLASS = VLBrushedMetalImageView;
play = id; LANGUAGE = ObjC;
position = id; SUPERCLASS = NSImageView;
prev = id; },
random = id; {
repeat = id; CLASS = VLCApplication;
slower = id; LANGUAGE = ObjC;
stop = id; SUPERCLASS = NSApplication;
toggleVar = id; },
volumeDown = id; {
volumeSliderUpdated = id; CLASS = VLCControllerView;
volumeUp = id; LANGUAGE = ObjC;
windowAction = id; SUPERCLASS = NSView;
}; },
CLASS = VLCControls; {
LANGUAGE = ObjC; CLASS = VLCControllerWindow;
"o_btn_fullscreen" = id; SUPERCLASS = NSWindow;
"o_main" = id; },
"o_open" = id; {
"o_volumeslider" = id; ACTIONS = {
}; backward = id;
SUPERCLASS = NSObject; faster = id;
}, forward = id;
{ loop = id;
ACTIONS = { mute = id;
bandSliderUpdated = id; next = id;
changePreset = id; pause = id;
enable = id; play = id;
preampSliderUpdated = id; position = id;
toggleWindow = id; prev = id;
twopass = id; random = id;
}; repeat = id;
CLASS = VLCEqualizer; slower = id;
LANGUAGE = ObjC; stop = id;
OUTLETS = { toggleVar = id;
"o_btn_equalizer" = id; volumeDown = id;
"o_ckb_2pass" = id; volumeSliderUpdated = id;
"o_ckb_enable" = id; volumeUp = id;
"o_fld_preamp" = id; windowAction = id;
"o_popup_presets" = id; };
"o_slider_band1" = id; CLASS = VLCControls;
"o_slider_band10" = id; LANGUAGE = ObjC;
"o_slider_band2" = id; OUTLETS = {
"o_slider_band3" = id; "o_btn_fullscreen" = id;
"o_slider_band4" = id; "o_main" = id;
"o_slider_band5" = id; "o_open" = id;
"o_slider_band6" = id; "o_volumeslider" = id;
"o_slider_band7" = id; };
"o_slider_band8" = id; SUPERCLASS = NSObject;
"o_slider_band9" = id; },
"o_slider_preamp" = id; {
"o_window" = id; ACTIONS = {
}; bandSliderUpdated = id;
SUPERCLASS = NSObject; changePreset = id;
}, enable = id;
{ preampSliderUpdated = id;
ACTIONS = { toggleWindow = id;
createOutlineGroup = id; twopass = id;
deleteOutlineGroup = id; };
handleGroup = id; CLASS = VLCEqualizer;
infoCancel = id; LANGUAGE = ObjC;
infoOk = id; OUTLETS = {
toggleInfoPanel = id; "o_btn_equalizer" = id;
togglePlaylistInfoPanel = id; "o_ckb_2pass" = id;
}; "o_ckb_enable" = id;
CLASS = VLCInfo; "o_fld_preamp" = id;
LANGUAGE = ObjC; "o_popup_presets" = id;
OUTLETS = { "o_slider_band1" = id;
"o_author_lbl" = id; "o_slider_band10" = id;
"o_author_txt" = id; "o_slider_band2" = id;
"o_btn_add_group" = id; "o_slider_band3" = id;
"o_btn_cancel" = id; "o_slider_band4" = id;
"o_btn_delete_group" = id; "o_slider_band5" = id;
"o_btn_ok" = id; "o_slider_band6" = id;
"o_group_cbx" = id; "o_slider_band7" = id;
"o_group_color" = id; "o_slider_band8" = id;
"o_group_lbl" = id; "o_slider_band9" = id;
"o_info_window" = id; "o_slider_preamp" = id;
"o_outline_view" = id; "o_window" = id;
"o_title_lbl" = id; };
"o_title_txt" = id; SUPERCLASS = NSObject;
"o_uri_lbl" = id; },
"o_uri_txt" = id; {
}; ACTIONS = {
SUPERCLASS = NSObject; createOutlineGroup = id;
}, deleteOutlineGroup = id;
{ handleGroup = id;
ACTIONS = { infoCancel = id;
clearRecentItems = id; infoOk = id;
closeError = id; toggleInfoPanel = id;
openCrashLog = id; togglePlaylistInfoPanel = id;
openDocumentation = id; };
openLicense = id; CLASS = VLCInfo;
openReadMe = id; LANGUAGE = ObjC;
openRecentItem = id; OUTLETS = {
openWebsite = id; "o_author_lbl" = id;
reportABug = id; "o_author_txt" = id;
timesliderUpdate = id; "o_btn_add_group" = id;
viewPreferences = id; "o_btn_cancel" = id;
}; "o_btn_delete_group" = id;
CLASS = VLCMain; "o_btn_ok" = id;
LANGUAGE = ObjC; "o_group_cbx" = id;
OUTLETS = { "o_group_color" = id;
"o_btn_ff" = id; "o_group_lbl" = id;
"o_btn_fullscreen" = id; "o_info_window" = id;
"o_btn_next" = id; "o_outline_view" = id;
"o_btn_play" = id; "o_title_lbl" = id;
"o_btn_prev" = id; "o_title_txt" = id;
"o_btn_rewind" = id; "o_uri_lbl" = id;
"o_btn_stop" = id; "o_uri_txt" = id;
"o_controls" = id; };
"o_dmi_mute" = id; SUPERCLASS = NSObject;
"o_dmi_next" = id; },
"o_dmi_play" = id; {
"o_dmi_previous" = id; ACTIONS = {
"o_dmi_stop" = id; clearRecentItems = id;
"o_err_btn_dismiss" = id; closeError = id;
"o_err_btn_msgs" = id; openCrashLog = id;
"o_err_bug_lbl" = id; openDocumentation = id;
"o_err_ckbk_surpress" = id; openLicense = id;
"o_err_lbl" = id; openReadMe = id;
"o_err_msg" = id; openRecentItem = id;
"o_error" = id; openWebsite = id;
"o_info" = id; reportABug = id;
"o_messages" = id; timesliderUpdate = id;
"o_mi_about" = id; viewPreferences = id;
"o_mi_add_intf" = id; };
"o_mi_audiotrack" = id; CLASS = VLCMain;
"o_mi_bring_atf" = id; LANGUAGE = ObjC;
"o_mi_bwd" = id; OUTLETS = {
"o_mi_channels" = id; "o_btn_ff" = id;
"o_mi_chapter" = id; "o_btn_fullscreen" = id;
"o_mi_clear" = id; "o_btn_next" = id;
"o_mi_close_window" = id; "o_btn_play" = id;
"o_mi_controller" = id; "o_btn_prev" = id;
"o_mi_copy" = id; "o_btn_rewind" = id;
"o_mi_cut" = id; "o_btn_stop" = id;
"o_mi_deinterlace" = id; "o_controls" = id;
"o_mi_device" = id; "o_dmi_mute" = id;
"o_mi_documentation" = id; "o_dmi_next" = id;
"o_mi_double_window" = id; "o_dmi_play" = id;
"o_mi_equalizer" = id; "o_dmi_previous" = id;
"o_mi_faster" = id; "o_dmi_stop" = id;
"o_mi_ffmpeg_pp" = id; "o_err_btn_dismiss" = id;
"o_mi_fittoscreen" = id; "o_err_btn_msgs" = id;
"o_mi_floatontop" = id; "o_err_bug_lbl" = id;
"o_mi_fullscreen" = id; "o_err_ckbk_surpress" = id;
"o_mi_fwd" = id; "o_err_lbl" = id;
"o_mi_half_window" = id; "o_err_msg" = id;
"o_mi_hide" = id; "o_error" = id;
"o_mi_hide_others" = id; "o_info" = id;
"o_mi_info" = id; "o_messages" = id;
"o_mi_license" = id; "o_mi_about" = id;
"o_mi_loop" = id; "o_mi_add_intf" = id;
"o_mi_messages" = id; "o_mi_audiotrack" = id;
"o_mi_minimize" = id; "o_mi_bring_atf" = id;
"o_mi_mute" = id; "o_mi_bwd" = id;
"o_mi_next" = id; "o_mi_channels" = id;
"o_mi_normal_window" = id; "o_mi_chapter" = id;
"o_mi_open_disc" = id; "o_mi_clear" = id;
"o_mi_open_file" = id; "o_mi_close_window" = id;
"o_mi_open_generic" = id; "o_mi_controller" = id;
"o_mi_open_net" = id; "o_mi_copy" = id;
"o_mi_open_recent" = id; "o_mi_cut" = id;
"o_mi_open_recent_cm" = id; "o_mi_deinterlace" = id;
"o_mi_paste" = id; "o_mi_device" = id;
"o_mi_play" = id; "o_mi_documentation" = id;
"o_mi_playlist" = id; "o_mi_double_window" = id;
"o_mi_prefs" = id; "o_mi_equalizer" = id;
"o_mi_previous" = id; "o_mi_faster" = id;
"o_mi_program" = id; "o_mi_ffmpeg_pp" = id;
"o_mi_quit" = id; "o_mi_fittoscreen" = id;
"o_mi_random" = id; "o_mi_floatontop" = id;
"o_mi_readme" = id; "o_mi_fullscreen" = id;
"o_mi_repeat" = id; "o_mi_fwd" = id;
"o_mi_reportabug" = id; "o_mi_half_window" = id;
"o_mi_screen" = id; "o_mi_hide" = id;
"o_mi_select_all" = id; "o_mi_hide_others" = id;
"o_mi_services" = id; "o_mi_info" = id;
"o_mi_show_all" = id; "o_mi_license" = id;
"o_mi_slower" = id; "o_mi_loop" = id;
"o_mi_stop" = id; "o_mi_messages" = id;
"o_mi_subtitle" = id; "o_mi_minimize" = id;
"o_mi_title" = id; "o_mi_mute" = id;
"o_mi_videotrack" = id; "o_mi_next" = id;
"o_mi_visual" = id; "o_mi_normal_window" = id;
"o_mi_vol_down" = id; "o_mi_open_disc" = id;
"o_mi_vol_up" = id; "o_mi_open_file" = id;
"o_mi_website" = id; "o_mi_open_generic" = id;
"o_msgs_btn_crashlog" = id; "o_mi_open_net" = id;
"o_msgs_panel" = id; "o_mi_open_recent" = id;
"o_mu_add_intf" = id; "o_mi_open_recent_cm" = id;
"o_mu_audio" = id; "o_mi_paste" = id;
"o_mu_audiotrack" = id; "o_mi_play" = id;
"o_mu_channels" = id; "o_mi_playlist" = id;
"o_mu_chapter" = id; "o_mi_prefs" = id;
"o_mu_controls" = id; "o_mi_previous" = id;
"o_mu_deinterlace" = id; "o_mi_program" = id;
"o_mu_device" = id; "o_mi_quit" = id;
"o_mu_edit" = id; "o_mi_random" = id;
"o_mu_ffmpeg_pp" = id; "o_mi_readme" = id;
"o_mu_file" = id; "o_mi_repeat" = id;
"o_mu_help" = id; "o_mi_reportabug" = id;
"o_mu_program" = id; "o_mi_screen" = id;
"o_mu_screen" = id; "o_mi_select_all" = id;
"o_mu_subtitle" = id; "o_mi_services" = id;
"o_mu_title" = id; "o_mi_show_all" = id;
"o_mu_video" = id; "o_mi_slower" = id;
"o_mu_videotrack" = id; "o_mi_stop" = id;
"o_mu_visual" = id; "o_mi_subtitle" = id;
"o_mu_window" = id; "o_mi_title" = id;
"o_playlist" = id; "o_mi_videotrack" = id;
"o_prefs" = id; "o_mi_visual" = id;
"o_scrollfield" = id; "o_mi_vol_down" = id;
"o_timefield" = id; "o_mi_vol_up" = id;
"o_timeslider" = id; "o_mi_website" = id;
"o_volumeslider" = id; "o_msgs_btn_crashlog" = id;
"o_window" = id; "o_msgs_panel" = id;
}; "o_mu_add_intf" = id;
SUPERCLASS = NSObject; "o_mu_audio" = id;
}, "o_mu_audiotrack" = id;
{ "o_mu_channels" = id;
ACTIONS = { "o_mu_chapter" = id;
openDisc = id; "o_mu_controls" = id;
openDiscMenusChanged = id; "o_mu_deinterlace" = id;
openDiscStepperChanged = id; "o_mu_device" = id;
openDiscTypeChanged = id; "o_mu_edit" = id;
openFile = id; "o_mu_ffmpeg_pp" = id;
openFileBrowse = id; "o_mu_file" = id;
openFileGeneric = id; "o_mu_help" = id;
openFileStreamChanged = id; "o_mu_program" = id;
openNet = id; "o_mu_screen" = id;
openNetModeChanged = id; "o_mu_subtitle" = id;
openNetStepperChanged = id; "o_mu_title" = id;
openVTSBrowse = id; "o_mu_video" = id;
panelCancel = id; "o_mu_videotrack" = id;
panelOk = id; "o_mu_visual" = id;
subCloseSheet = id; "o_mu_window" = id;
subDelayStepperChanged = id; "o_playlist" = id;
subFileBrowse = id; "o_prefs" = id;
subFpsStepperChanged = id; "o_scrollfield" = id;
subOverride = id; "o_timefield" = id;
subSettings = id; "o_timeslider" = id;
subsChanged = id; "o_volumeslider" = id;
}; "o_window" = id;
CLASS = VLCOpen; };
OUTLETS = { },
"o_btn_cancel" = id; {
"o_btn_ok" = id; ACTIONS = {
"o_disc_chapter" = id; openDisc = id;
"o_disc_chapter_lbl" = id; openDiscMenusChanged = id;
"o_disc_chapter_stp" = id; openDiscStepperChanged = id;
"o_disc_device" = id; openDiscTypeChanged = id;
"o_disc_device_lbl" = id; openFile = id;
"o_disc_dvd_menus" = id; openFileBrowse = id;
"o_disc_title" = id; openFileGeneric = id;
"o_disc_title_lbl" = id; openFileStreamChanged = id;
"o_disc_title_stp" = id; openNet = id;
"o_disc_type" = id; openNetModeChanged = id;
"o_disc_videots_btn_browse" = id; openNetStepperChanged = id;
"o_disc_videots_folder" = id; openVTSBrowse = id;
"o_file_btn_browse" = id; panelCancel = id;
"o_file_path" = id; panelOk = id;
"o_file_stream" = id; subCloseSheet = id;
"o_file_sub_align_lbl" = id; subDelayStepperChanged = id;
"o_file_sub_align_pop" = id; subFileBrowse = id;
"o_file_sub_btn_browse" = id; subFpsStepperChanged = id;
"o_file_sub_btn_settings" = id; subOverride = id;
"o_file_sub_ckbox" = id; subSettings = id;
"o_file_sub_delay" = id; subsChanged = id;
"o_file_sub_delay_lbl" = id; };
"o_file_sub_delay_stp" = id; CLASS = VLCOpen;
"o_file_sub_encoding_lbl" = id; LANGUAGE = ObjC;
"o_file_sub_encoding_pop" = id; OUTLETS = {
"o_file_sub_file_box" = id; "o_btn_cancel" = id;
"o_file_sub_font_box" = id; "o_btn_ok" = id;
"o_file_sub_fps" = id; "o_disc_chapter" = id;
"o_file_sub_fps_lbl" = id; "o_disc_chapter_lbl" = id;
"o_file_sub_fps_stp" = id; "o_disc_chapter_stp" = id;
"o_file_sub_ok_btn" = id; "o_disc_device" = id;
"o_file_sub_override" = id; "o_disc_device_lbl" = id;
"o_file_sub_path" = id; "o_disc_dvd_menus" = id;
"o_file_sub_sheet" = id; "o_disc_title" = id;
"o_file_sub_size_lbl" = id; "o_disc_title_lbl" = id;
"o_file_sub_size_pop" = id; "o_disc_title_stp" = id;
"o_mrl" = id; "o_disc_type" = id;
"o_mrl_lbl" = id; "o_disc_videots_btn_browse" = id;
"o_net_http_url" = id; "o_disc_videots_folder" = id;
"o_net_http_url_lbl" = id; "o_file_btn_browse" = id;
"o_net_mode" = id; "o_file_path" = id;
"o_net_udp_port" = id; "o_file_stream" = id;
"o_net_udp_port_lbl" = id; "o_file_sub_align_lbl" = id;
"o_net_udp_port_stp" = id; "o_file_sub_align_pop" = id;
"o_net_udpm_addr" = id; "o_file_sub_btn_browse" = id;
"o_net_udpm_addr_lbl" = id; "o_file_sub_btn_settings" = id;
"o_net_udpm_port" = id; "o_file_sub_ckbox" = id;
"o_net_udpm_port_lbl" = id; "o_file_sub_delay" = id;
"o_net_udpm_port_stp" = id; "o_file_sub_delay_lbl" = id;
"o_output_ckbox" = id; "o_file_sub_delay_stp" = id;
"o_panel" = id; "o_file_sub_encoding_lbl" = id;
"o_playlist" = id; "o_file_sub_encoding_pop" = id;
"o_sout_options" = id; "o_file_sub_file_box" = id;
"o_tabview" = id; "o_file_sub_font_box" = id;
}; "o_file_sub_fps" = id;
SUPERCLASS = NSObject; "o_file_sub_fps_lbl" = id;
}, "o_file_sub_fps_stp" = id;
{ "o_file_sub_ok_btn" = id;
ACTIONS = { "o_file_sub_override" = id;
announceChanged = id; "o_file_sub_path" = id;
outputChanged = id; "o_file_sub_sheet" = id;
outputCloseSheet = id; "o_file_sub_size_lbl" = id;
outputFileBrowse = id; "o_file_sub_size_pop" = id;
outputInfoChanged = id; "o_mrl" = id;
outputMethodChanged = id; "o_mrl_lbl" = id;
outputSettings = id; "o_net_http_url" = id;
streamPortStepperChanged = id; "o_net_http_url_lbl" = id;
streamTTLStepperChanged = id; "o_net_mode" = id;
transcodeChanged = id; "o_net_udp_port" = id;
transcodeInfoChanged = id; "o_net_udp_port_lbl" = id;
}; "o_net_udp_port_stp" = id;
CLASS = VLCOutput; "o_net_udpm_addr" = id;
LANGUAGE = ObjC; "o_net_udpm_addr_lbl" = id;
OUTLETS = { "o_net_udpm_port" = id;
"o_btn_browse" = id; "o_net_udpm_port_lbl" = id;
"o_btn_ok" = id; "o_net_udpm_port_stp" = id;
"o_channel_name" = id; "o_output_ckbox" = id;
"o_channel_name_lbl" = id; "o_panel" = id;
"o_display" = id; "o_playlist" = id;
"o_dump_chkbox" = id; "o_sout_options" = id;
"o_file_chkbox" = id; "o_tabview" = id;
"o_file_field" = id; };
"o_http_chkbox" = id; SUPERCLASS = NSObject;
"o_method" = id; },
"o_misc_lbl" = id; {
"o_mux_lbl" = id; ACTIONS = {
"o_mux_selector" = id; announceChanged = id;
"o_open_panel" = id; outputChanged = id;
"o_options_lbl" = id; outputCloseSheet = id;
"o_output_ckbox" = id; outputFileBrowse = id;
"o_output_settings" = id; outputInfoChanged = id;
"o_output_sheet" = id; outputMethodChanged = id;
"o_rtsp_chkbox" = id; outputSettings = id;
"o_sap_chkbox" = id; streamPortStepperChanged = id;
"o_sdp_url" = id; streamTTLStepperChanged = id;
"o_sdp_url_lbl" = id; transcodeChanged = id;
"o_slp_chkbox" = id; transcodeInfoChanged = id;
"o_stream_address" = id; };
"o_stream_address_lbl" = id; CLASS = VLCOutput;
"o_stream_port" = id; LANGUAGE = ObjC;
"o_stream_port_lbl" = id; OUTLETS = {
"o_stream_port_stp" = id; "o_btn_browse" = id;
"o_stream_ttl" = id; "o_btn_ok" = id;
"o_stream_ttl_lbl" = id; "o_channel_name" = id;
"o_stream_ttl_stp" = id; "o_channel_name_lbl" = id;
"o_stream_type" = id; "o_display" = id;
"o_stream_type_lbl" = id; "o_dump_chkbox" = id;
"o_transcode_audio_bitrate" = id; "o_file_chkbox" = id;
"o_transcode_audio_bitrate_lbl" = id; "o_file_field" = id;
"o_transcode_audio_channels" = id; "o_http_chkbox" = id;
"o_transcode_audio_channels_lbl" = id; "o_method" = id;
"o_transcode_audio_chkbox" = id; "o_misc_lbl" = id;
"o_transcode_audio_selector" = id; "o_mux_lbl" = id;
"o_transcode_lbl" = id; "o_mux_selector" = id;
"o_transcode_video_bitrate" = id; "o_open_panel" = id;
"o_transcode_video_bitrate_lbl" = id; "o_options_lbl" = id;
"o_transcode_video_chkbox" = id; "o_output_ckbox" = id;
"o_transcode_video_scale" = id; "o_output_settings" = id;
"o_transcode_video_scale_lbl" = id; "o_output_sheet" = id;
"o_transcode_video_selector" = id; "o_rtsp_chkbox" = id;
}; "o_sap_chkbox" = id;
SUPERCLASS = NSObject; "o_sdp_url" = id;
}, "o_sdp_url_lbl" = id;
{ "o_slp_chkbox" = id;
ACTIONS = {handlePopUp = id; searchItem = id; }; "o_stream_address" = id;
CLASS = VLCPlaylist; "o_stream_address_lbl" = id;
LANGUAGE = ObjC; "o_stream_port" = id;
OUTLETS = { "o_stream_port_lbl" = id;
"o_btn_playlist" = id; "o_stream_port_stp" = id;
"o_loop_popup" = id; "o_stream_ttl" = id;
"o_mi_save_playlist" = id; "o_stream_ttl_lbl" = id;
"o_outline_view" = id; "o_stream_ttl_stp" = id;
"o_random_ckb" = id; "o_stream_type" = id;
"o_search_field" = id; "o_stream_type_lbl" = id;
"o_status_field" = id; "o_transcode_audio_bitrate" = id;
"o_tc_author" = id; "o_transcode_audio_bitrate_lbl" = id;
"o_tc_duration" = id; "o_transcode_audio_channels" = id;
"o_tc_name" = id; "o_transcode_audio_channels_lbl" = id;
}; "o_transcode_audio_chkbox" = id;
SUPERCLASS = NSObject; "o_transcode_audio_selector" = id;
}, "o_transcode_lbl" = id;
{CLASS = VLCPlaylistView; LANGUAGE = ObjC; SUPERCLASS = NSTableView; }, "o_transcode_video_bitrate" = id;
{ "o_transcode_video_bitrate_lbl" = id;
ACTIONS = {advancedToggle = id; closePrefs = id; resetAll = id; savePrefs = id; }; "o_transcode_video_chkbox" = id;
CLASS = VLCPrefs; "o_transcode_video_scale" = id;
LANGUAGE = ObjC; "o_transcode_video_scale_lbl" = id;
OUTLETS = { "o_transcode_video_selector" = id;
"o_advanced_ckb" = id; };
"o_cancel_btn" = id; SUPERCLASS = NSObject;
"o_prefs_view" = id; },
"o_prefs_window" = id; {
"o_reset_btn" = id; ACTIONS = {
"o_save_btn" = id; handlePopUp = id;
"o_tree" = id; searchItem = id;
}; };
"o_btn_playlist" = id;
"o_loop_popup" = id;
"o_mi_save_playlist" = id;
"o_outline_view" = id;
"o_random_ckb" = id;
"o_search_field" = id;
"o_status_field" = id;
"o_tc_author" = id;
"o_tc_duration" = id;
"o_tc_name" = id;
CLASS = VLCPlaylistView;
advancedToggle = id;
closePrefs = id;
resetAll = id;
savePrefs = id;
"o_advanced_ckb" = id;
"o_cancel_btn" = id;
"o_prefs_view" = id;
"o_prefs_window" = id;
"o_reset_btn" = id;
"o_save_btn" = id;
"o_tree" = id;
} }
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