 * config.h: limits and configuration
 * Defines all compilation-time configuration constants and size limits
 * Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 VideoLAN
 * Authors: Vincent Seguin <seguin@via.ecp.fr>
 *          Samuel Hocevar <sam@via.ecp.fr>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111, USA.

/* Conventions regarding names of symbols and variables
 * ----------------------------------------------------
 * - Symbols should begin with a prefix indicating in which module they are
 *   used, such as INTF_, VOUT_ or ADEC_.
 * - Regarding environment variables, which are used as initialization
 *  parameters for threads :
 *   + variable names should end with '_VAR'
 *   + environment variable default value should end with '_DEFAULT'
 *   + values having a special meaning with '_VAL'

 * Program information

/* Program version and copyright message */
                          /* "(" PROGRAM_BUILD ") (" PROGRAM_OPTIONS ")\n" */ \
                            "Copyright 1996-2000 VideoLAN\n"
#define COPYRIGHT_MESSAGE   "VideoLAN Client - version @VLC_VERSION@" \
                            " @VLC_CODENAME@ - (c)1996-2000 VideoLAN\n"

#define VERSION             "@VLC_VERSION@"

 * General compilation options

/* Define for DVB support - Note that some extensions or restrictions may be
 * incompatible with native MPEG2 streams */

/* Define to disable some obscure heuristics behind the video_parser and the
 * video_decoder that improve performance but are not fully MPEG2 compliant
 * and might cause problems with some very weird streams. */

/* Define for profiling and statistics support - such informations, like FPS
 * or pictures count won't be available if it not set */
/* #define STATS --moved in Makefile */

/* Define for unthreaded version of the program FIXME: not yet implemented ??*/
//#define NO_THREAD

 * Debugging options - define or undefine symbols
#if DEBUG == 1
/* General debugging support, which depends of the DEBUG define, is determined
 * in the Makefile */

/* Modules specific debugging - this will produce a lot of output, but can be
 * usefull to track a bug */
//#define DEBUG_INTF
//#define DEBUG_INPUT
//#define DEBUG_AUDIO
#define DEBUG_VOUT
#define DEBUG_VPAR

/* Debugging log file - if defined, a file can be used to store all messages. If
 * DEBUG_LOG_ONLY is defined, debug messages will only be printed to the log and
 * will not appear on the screen */
#define DEBUG_LOG                       "vlc-debug.log"


 * General configuration

#define CLOCK_FREQ 1000000

/* Automagically spawn input, audio and video threads ? */
/* XXX?? used ? */
#define AUTO_SPAWN

/* When creating or destroying threads in blocking mode, delay to poll thread
 * status */
#define THREAD_SLEEP                    ((int)(0.010*CLOCK_FREQ))

 * Decoders FIFO configuration

/* Size of the FIFO. FIFO_SIZE+1 must be a power of 2 */
#define FIFO_SIZE                       511

 * Paths

#define DATA_PATH                       "@prefix@/share/videolan"
#define PLUGIN_PATH                     "@prefix@/lib/videolan/vlc"

#define MAX_PLUGIN_COUNT                32

 * Interface configuration

/* Environment variable containing the display method */
#define INTF_METHOD_VAR                 "vlc_intf"

/* Environment variable used to store startup script name and default value */
#define INTF_INIT_SCRIPT_VAR            "vlcrc"
#define INTF_INIT_SCRIPT_DEFAULT        ".vlcrc"

/* Environment variable used to store channels file and default value */
#define INTF_CHANNELS_VAR               "vlc_channels"
#define INTF_CHANNELS_DEFAULT           "vlc.channels"

/* Base delay in micro second for interface sleeps */
#define INTF_IDLE_SLEEP                 ((int)(0.050*CLOCK_FREQ))

/* Step for changing gamma, and minimum and maximum values */
#define INTF_GAMMA_STEP                 .1
#define INTF_GAMMA_LIMIT                3

/* Maximum number of channels */
#define INTF_MAX_CHANNELS               10

 * X11 settings

/* Title of the X11 window */
#define VOUT_TITLE                      "VideoLAN Client"

 * Input thread configuration

/* Environment variable containing the display method */
#define INPUT_METHOD_VAR                "vlc_input"

/* XXX?? */
#define INPUT_IDLE_SLEEP                ((int)(0.100*CLOCK_FREQ))

 * General limitations

/* Maximum number of input threads - this value is used exclusively by
 * interface, and is in fact an interface limitation */
#define INPUT_MAX_THREADS               10

/* Maximum size of a data packet (128 kB) */
#define INPUT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE           131072

/* Maximum length of a pre-parsed chunk (4 MB) */
#define INPUT_PREPARSE_LENGTH           4194304

/* Maximum length of a hostname or source name */
#define INPUT_MAX_SOURCE_LENGTH         100

/* Default remote server */
#define INPUT_SERVER_VAR                "vlc_server"
#define INPUT_SERVER_DEFAULT            ""

/* Default input port */
#define INPUT_PORT_VAR                  "vlc_server_port"
#define INPUT_PORT_DEFAULT              1234

/* Broadcast mode */
#define INPUT_BROADCAST_VAR             "vlc_broadcast"

 * Vlan method

/* Default network interface and environment variable */
#define INPUT_IFACE_VAR                 "vlc_iface"
#define INPUT_IFACE_DEFAULT             "eth0"

/* Default server and port */
#define INPUT_VLAN_SERVER_VAR           "vlc_vlan_server"
#define INPUT_VLAN_PORT_VAR             "vlc_vlan_port"
#define INPUT_VLAN_PORT_DEFAULT         6010

/* Delay between vlan changes - this is required to avoid flooding the VLAN
 * server */

/* Duration between the time we receive the data packet, and the time we will
 * mark it to be presented */
#define DEFAULT_PTS_DELAY               (.2*CLOCK_FREQ)

#define INPUT_DVD_DEVICE_VAR            "vlc_dvd_device"
#define INPUT_DVD_DEVICE_DEFAULT        "/dev/dvd"
#define INPUT_DVD_AUDIO_VAR             "vlc_dvd_audio"
#define INPUT_DVD_CHANNEL_VAR           "vlc_dvd_channel"
#define INPUT_DVD_SUBTITLE_VAR          "vlc_dvd_subtitle"

 * Audio configuration

/* Environment variable containing the audio output method */
#define AOUT_METHOD_VAR                 "vlc_aout"

/* Environment variable used to store dsp device name, and default value */
#define AOUT_DSP_VAR                    "vlc_dsp"
#define AOUT_DSP_DEFAULT                "/dev/dsp"

/* Default audio output format (AOUT_FMT_S16_NE = Native Endianess) */
#define AOUT_FORMAT_DEFAULT             AOUT_FMT_S16_NE
/* #define AOUT_FORMAT_DEFAULT          AOUT_FMT_S8 */
/* #define AOUT_FORMAT_DEFAULT          AOUT_FMT_U8 */
/* #define AOUT_FORMAT_DEFAULT          AOUT_FMT_S16_BE */
/* #define AOUT_FORMAT_DEFAULT          AOUT_FMT_S16_LE */
/* #define AOUT_FORMAT_DEFAULT          AOUT_FMT_U16_BE */
/* #define AOUT_FORMAT_DEFAULT          AOUT_FMT_U16_LE */

/* Environment variable for stereo, and default value */
#define AOUT_STEREO_VAR                 "vlc_stereo"
#define AOUT_STEREO_DEFAULT             1

/* Volume */
#define VOLUME_DEFAULT                  512
#define VOLUME_STEP                     128
#define VOLUME_MAX                      1024

/* Environment variable for output rate, and default value */
#define AOUT_RATE_VAR                   "vlc_audio_rate"
#define AOUT_RATE_DEFAULT               44100

/* Number of audio output frames contained in an audio output fifo.
 * (AOUT_FIFO_SIZE + 1) must be a power of 2, in order to optimise the
 * %(AOUT_FIFO_SIZE + 1) operation with an &AOUT_FIFO_SIZE.
 * With 511 we have at least 511*384/2/48000=2 seconds of sound */
#define AOUT_FIFO_SIZE                  511

/* Maximum number of audio fifos. The value of AOUT_MAX_FIFOS should be a power
 * of two, in order to optimize the '/AOUT_MAX_FIFOS' and '*AOUT_MAX_FIFOS'
 * operations with '>>' and '<<' (gcc changes this at compilation-time) */
#define AOUT_MAX_FIFOS                  2

/* Duration (in microseconds) of an audio output buffer should be :
 * - short, in order to be able to play a new song very quickly (especially a
 *   song from the interface)
 * - long, in order to perform the buffer calculations as few as possible */
#define AOUT_BUFFER_DURATION            100000

 * Video configuration

 * Default settings for video output threads

/* Environment variable containing the display method */
#define VOUT_METHOD_VAR                 "vlc_vout"

/* Environment variable containing the motion compensation method */
#define MOTION_METHOD_VAR               "vlc_motion"

/* Environment variable containing the IDCT method */
#define IDCT_METHOD_VAR                 "vlc_idct"

/* Environment variable containing the YUV method */
#define YUV_METHOD_VAR                  "vlc_yuv"

/* Environment variable used in place of DISPLAY if available */
#define VOUT_DISPLAY_VAR                "vlc_display"

/* Default dimensions for display window - these dimensions are enough for the
 * standard width and height broadcasted MPEG-2 streams or DVDs */
#define VOUT_WIDTH_VAR                  "vlc_width"
#define VOUT_HEIGHT_VAR                 "vlc_height"
#define VOUT_WIDTH_DEFAULT              720
#define VOUT_HEIGHT_DEFAULT             576

/* Maximum width of a scaled source picture - this should be relatively high,
 * since higher stream values will result in no display at all. */
#define VOUT_MAX_WIDTH                  4096

/* Video heap size - remember that a decompressed picture is big
 * (~1 Mbyte) before using huge values */
#define VOUT_MAX_PICTURES               5

/* Number of simultaneous subpictures */
#define VOUT_MAX_SUBPICTURES            5

/* Maximum number of active areas in a rendering buffer. Active areas are areas
 * of the picture which need to be cleared before re-using the buffer. If a
 * picture, including its many additions such as subtitles, additionnal user
 * informations and interface, has too many active areas, some of them are
 * joined. */
#define VOUT_MAX_AREAS                  5

/* Environment variable for grayscale output mode, and default value */
#define VOUT_GRAYSCALE_VAR              "vlc_grayscale"
#define VOUT_GRAYSCALE_DEFAULT          0

/* Environment variable for fullscreen mode, and default value */
#define VOUT_FULLSCREEN_VAR             "vlc_fullscreen"

/* Environment variable for overlay mode, and default value */
#define VOUT_OVERLAY_VAR                "vlc_overlay"
#define VOUT_OVERLAY_DEFAULT            0

/* Default gamma */
#define VOUT_GAMMA                      0.

/* Default fonts */
#define VOUT_DEFAULT_FONT               "default8x9.psf"
#define VOUT_LARGE_FONT                 "default8x16.psf"

/* Statistics are displayed every n loops (=~ pictures) */
#define VOUT_STATS_NB_LOOPS             100

 * Time settings

/* Time during which the thread will sleep if it has nothing to
 * display (in micro-seconds) */
#define VOUT_IDLE_SLEEP                 ((int)(0.020*CLOCK_FREQ))

/* Maximum lap of time allowed between the beginning of rendering and
 * display. If, compared to the current date, the next image is too
 * late, the thread will perform an idle loop. This time should be
 * at least VOUT_IDLE_SLEEP plus the time required to render a few
 * images, to avoid trashing of decoded images */
#define VOUT_DISPLAY_DELAY              ((int)(0.500*CLOCK_FREQ))

/* Delay (in microseconds) before an idle screen is displayed */
#define VOUT_IDLE_DELAY                 (5*CLOCK_FREQ)

/* Number of pictures required to computes the FPS rate */
#define VOUT_FPS_SAMPLES                20

/* Better be in advance when awakening than late... */
#define VOUT_MWAIT_TOLERANCE            ((int)(0.020*CLOCK_FREQ))

 * Framebuffer settings

/* Environment variable for framebuffer device, and default value */
#define VOUT_FB_DEV_VAR                 "vlc_fb_dev"
#define VOUT_FB_DEV_DEFAULT             "/dev/fb0"

/* Some frame buffers aren't able to support double buffering.
 * We don't want to lose one frame out of 2, so we may set the
// #define FB_NOYPAN

 * Video parser configuration

#define VPAR_IDLE_SLEEP                 ((int)(0.010*CLOCK_FREQ))

/* Time to sleep when waiting for a buffer (from vout or the video fifo).
 * It should be approximately the time needed to perform a complete picture
 * loop. Since it only happens when the video heap is full, it does not need
 * to be too low, even if it blocks the decoder. */
#define VPAR_OUTMEM_SLEEP               ((int)(0.020*CLOCK_FREQ))

/* Optimization level, from 0 to 2 - 1 is generally a good compromise. Remember
 * that raising this level dramatically lengthens the compilation time. */
#define VPAR_OPTIM_LEVEL                2

/* The following directives only apply if you define VDEC_SMP below. */

/* Number of macroblock buffers available. It should be always greater than
 * twice the number of macroblocks in a picture. VFIFO_SIZE + 1 should also
 * be a power of two. */
#define VFIFO_SIZE                      8191

/* Maximum number of macroblocks in a picture. */
#define MAX_MB                          2048

/* The synchro variable name */
#define VPAR_SYNCHRO_VAR                "vlc_synchro"

 * Video decoder configuration

//#define VDEC_SMP

#define VDEC_IDLE_SLEEP                 ((int)(0.100*CLOCK_FREQ))

/* Number of video_decoder threads to launch on startup of the video_parser.
 * It should always be less than half the number of macroblocks of a
 * picture. Only available if you defined VDEC_SMP above. */
#define NB_VDEC                         1

/* Maximum range of values out of the IDCT + motion compensation. */
#define VDEC_CROPRANGE                  2048

/* Nice increments for decoders -- necessary for x11 scheduling */
#define VDEC_NICE                       3

 * Generic decoder configuration

#define GDEC_IDLE_SLEEP                 ((int)(0.100*CLOCK_FREQ))

 * Messages and console interfaces configuration

/* Maximal size of a message to be stored in the mesage queue,
 * it is needed when vasprintf is not avalaible */
#define INTF_MAX_MSG_SIZE              512

/* Maximal size of the message queue - in case of overflow, all messages in the
 * queue are printed by the calling thread */
#define INTF_MSG_QSIZE                  64

/* Interface warnig message level */
#define INTF_WARNING_VAR                "warning_level"
#define INTF_WARNING_DEFAULT            12

/* Define to enable messages queues - disabling messages queue can be usefull
 * when debugging, since it allows messages which would not otherwise be printed,
 * due to a crash, to be printed anyway */
#ifndef DEBUG

/* Format of the header for debug messages. The arguments following this header
 * are the file (char *), the function (char *) and the line (int) in which the
 * message function was called */
#define INTF_MSG_DBG_FORMAT             "## %s:%s(),%i: "

/* Maximal number of arguments on a command line, including the function name */
#define INTF_MAX_ARGS                   20

/* Maximal size of a command line in a script */
#define INTF_MAX_CMD_SIZE               240

/* Number of memorized lines in console window text zone */
#define INTF_CONSOLE_MAX_TEXT           100

/* Maximal number of commands which can be saved in history list */
#define INTF_CONSOLE_MAX_HISTORY        20