Commit cbe9f051 authored by Antoine Cellerier's avatar Antoine Cellerier

Make code less readable and (hopefully) faster for gradient and edge modes.

parent 5fcb0513
......@@ -107,6 +107,10 @@ struct filter_sys_t
int i_gradient_type;
vlc_bool_t b_cartoon;
uint32_t *p_buf32;
uint32_t *p_buf32_bis;
uint8_t *p_buf8;
/* For hough mode */
int *p_pre_hough;
......@@ -176,6 +180,10 @@ static int Create( vlc_object_t *p_this )
p_filter->p_sys->b_cartoon =
var_GetInteger( p_filter, FILTER_PREFIX "cartoon" );
p_filter->p_sys->p_buf32 = NULL;
p_filter->p_sys->p_buf32_bis = NULL;
p_filter->p_sys->p_buf8 = NULL;
......@@ -188,8 +196,10 @@ static void Destroy( vlc_object_t *p_this )
filter_t *p_filter = (filter_t *)p_this;
free( p_filter->p_sys->p_buf32 );
free( p_filter->p_sys->p_buf32_bis );
free( p_filter->p_sys->p_buf8 );
free( p_filter->p_sys->p_pre_hough );
free( p_filter->p_sys );
......@@ -272,36 +282,36 @@ static void GaussianConvolution( picture_t *p_inpic, uint32_t *p_smooth )
p_smooth[y*i_src_visible+x] = (uint32_t)(
/* 2 rows up */
( p_inpix[(y-2)*i_src_pitch+x-2]<<1 )
+ ( p_inpix[(y-2)*i_src_pitch+x-1]<<2 )
+ ( p_inpix[(y-2)*i_src_pitch+x]<<2 )
+ ( p_inpix[(y-2)*i_src_pitch+x+1]<<2 )
+ ( p_inpix[(y-2)*i_src_pitch+x+2]<<1 )
( p_inpix[(y-2)*i_src_pitch+x-2] )
+ ((p_inpix[(y-2)*i_src_pitch+x-1]
+ p_inpix[(y-2)*i_src_pitch+x]
+ p_inpix[(y-2)*i_src_pitch+x+1])<<1 )
+ ( p_inpix[(y-2)*i_src_pitch+x+2] )
/* 1 row up */
+ ( p_inpix[(y-1)*i_src_pitch+x-2]<<2 )
+ ( p_inpix[(y-1)*i_src_pitch+x-1]<<3 )
+ ( p_inpix[(y-1)*i_src_pitch+x]*12 )
+ ( p_inpix[(y-1)*i_src_pitch+x+1]<<3 )
+ ( p_inpix[(y-1)*i_src_pitch+x+2]<<2 )
+ ((p_inpix[(y-1)*i_src_pitch+x-2]
+ ( p_inpix[(y-1)*i_src_pitch+x-1]<<1 )
+ ( p_inpix[(y-1)*i_src_pitch+x]*3 )
+ ( p_inpix[(y-1)*i_src_pitch+x+1]<<1 )
+ p_inpix[(y-1)*i_src_pitch+x+2]
/* */
+ ( p_inpix[y*i_src_pitch+x-2]<<2 )
+ ( p_inpix[y*i_src_pitch+x-1]*12 )
+ ( p_inpix[y*i_src_pitch+x]<<4 )
+ ( p_inpix[y*i_src_pitch+x+1]*12 )
+ ( p_inpix[y*i_src_pitch+x+2]<<2 )
+ p_inpix[y*i_src_pitch+x-2]
+ ( p_inpix[y*i_src_pitch+x-1]*3 )
+ ( p_inpix[y*i_src_pitch+x]<<2 )
+ ( p_inpix[y*i_src_pitch+x+1]*3 )
+ p_inpix[y*i_src_pitch+x+2]
/* 1 row down */
+ ( p_inpix[(y+1)*i_src_pitch+x-2]<<2 )
+ ( p_inpix[(y+1)*i_src_pitch+x-1]<<3 )
+ ( p_inpix[(y+1)*i_src_pitch+x]*12 )
+ ( p_inpix[(y+1)*i_src_pitch+x+1]<<3 )
+ ( p_inpix[(y+1)*i_src_pitch+x+2]<<2 )
+ p_inpix[(y+1)*i_src_pitch+x-2]
+ ( p_inpix[(y+1)*i_src_pitch+x-1]<<1 )
+ ( p_inpix[(y+1)*i_src_pitch+x]*3 )
+ ( p_inpix[(y+1)*i_src_pitch+x+1]<<1 )
+ p_inpix[(y+1)*i_src_pitch+x+2] )<<1 )
/* 2 rows down */
+ ( p_inpix[(y+2)*i_src_pitch+x-2]<<1 )
+ ( p_inpix[(y+2)*i_src_pitch+x-1]<<2 )
+ ( p_inpix[(y+2)*i_src_pitch+x]<<2 )
+ ( p_inpix[(y+2)*i_src_pitch+x+1]<<2 )
+ ( p_inpix[(y+2)*i_src_pitch+x+2]<<1 )
) >> 7 /* 115 */;
+ ( p_inpix[(y+2)*i_src_pitch+x-2] )
+ ((p_inpix[(y+2)*i_src_pitch+x-1]
+ p_inpix[(y+2)*i_src_pitch+x]
+ p_inpix[(y+2)*i_src_pitch+x+1])<<1 )
+ ( p_inpix[(y+2)*i_src_pitch+x+2] )
) >> 6 /* 115 */;
......@@ -321,7 +331,11 @@ static void FilterGradient( filter_t *p_filter, picture_t *p_inpic,
uint8_t *p_inpix = p_inpic->p[Y_PLANE].p_pixels;
uint8_t *p_outpix = p_outpic->p[Y_PLANE].p_pixels;
uint32_t *p_smooth = (uint32_t *)malloc( i_num_lines * i_src_visible * sizeof(uint32_t));
uint32_t *p_smooth;
if( !p_filter->p_sys->p_buf32 )
p_filter->p_sys->p_buf32 =
(uint32_t *)malloc( i_num_lines * i_src_visible * sizeof(uint32_t));
p_smooth = p_filter->p_sys->p_buf32;
if( !p_smooth ) return;
......@@ -350,34 +364,36 @@ static void FilterGradient( filter_t *p_filter, picture_t *p_inpic,
| -2 0 2 | and | 0 0 0 |
| -1 0 1 | | -1 -2 -1 | */
for( y = 1; y < i_num_lines - 1; y++ )
for( x = 1; x < i_src_visible - 1; x++ )
uint32_t a =
( ( p_smooth[(y-1)*i_src_visible+x]
- p_smooth[(y+1)*i_src_visible+x] ) <<1 )
+ ( p_smooth[(y-1)*i_src_visible+x-1]
- p_smooth[(y+1)*i_src_visible+x-1] )
+ ( p_smooth[(y-1)*i_src_visible+x+1]
- p_smooth[(y+1)*i_src_visible+x+1] )
( ( p_smooth[y*i_src_visible+x-1]
- p_smooth[y*i_src_visible+x+1] ) <<1 )
+ ( p_smooth[(y-1)*i_src_visible+x-1]
- p_smooth[(y-1)*i_src_visible+x+1] )
+ ( p_smooth[(y+1)*i_src_visible+x-1]
- p_smooth[(y+1)*i_src_visible+x+1] )
#define FOR \
for( y = 1; y < i_num_lines - 1; y++ ) \
{ \
for( x = 1; x < i_src_visible - 1; x++ ) \
{ \
uint32_t a = \
( \
abs( \
( p_smooth[(y-1)*i_src_visible+x-1] \
- p_smooth[(y+1)*i_src_visible+x-1] ) \
+ ( ( p_smooth[(y-1)*i_src_visible+x] \
- p_smooth[(y+1)*i_src_visible+x] ) <<1 ) \
+ ( p_smooth[(y-1)*i_src_visible+x+1] \
- p_smooth[(y+1)*i_src_visible+x+1] ) \
) \
+ \
abs( \
( p_smooth[(y-1)*i_src_visible+x-1] \
- p_smooth[(y-1)*i_src_visible+x+1] ) \
+ ( ( p_smooth[y*i_src_visible+x-1] \
- p_smooth[y*i_src_visible+x+1] ) <<1 ) \
+ ( p_smooth[(y+1)*i_src_visible+x-1] \
- p_smooth[(y+1)*i_src_visible+x+1] ) \
) \
if( p_filter->p_sys->i_gradient_type )
if( p_filter->p_sys->b_cartoon )
if( a > 60 )
p_outpix[y*i_dst_pitch+x] = 0x00;
......@@ -397,26 +413,28 @@ static void FilterGradient( filter_t *p_filter, picture_t *p_inpic,
p_outpix[y*i_dst_pitch+x] =
0x28 - ((0x28 - p_inpix[y*i_src_pitch+x] )>>2);
if( a>>8 )
p_outpix[y*i_dst_pitch+x] = 255;
p_outpix[y*i_dst_pitch+x] = (uint8_t)a;
if( a>>8 )
p_outpix[y*i_dst_pitch+x] = 0;
p_outpix[y*i_dst_pitch+x] = (uint8_t)(255 - a);
p_outpix[y*i_dst_pitch+x] = 0xff-(uint8_t)a;
if( p_smooth ) free( p_smooth );
#undef FOR
......@@ -447,9 +465,24 @@ static void FilterEdge( filter_t *p_filter, picture_t *p_inpic,
uint8_t *p_inpix = p_inpic->p[Y_PLANE].p_pixels;
uint8_t *p_outpix = p_outpic->p[Y_PLANE].p_pixels;
uint32_t *p_smooth = malloc( i_num_lines*i_src_visible * sizeof(uint32_t) );
uint32_t *p_grad = malloc( i_num_lines*i_src_visible *sizeof(uint32_t) );
uint8_t *p_theta = malloc( i_num_lines*i_src_visible *sizeof(uint8_t) );
uint32_t *p_smooth;
uint32_t *p_grad;
uint8_t *p_theta;
if( !p_filter->p_sys->p_buf32 )
p_filter->p_sys->p_buf32 =
(uint32_t *)malloc( i_num_lines * i_src_visible * sizeof(uint32_t));
p_smooth = p_filter->p_sys->p_buf32;
if( !p_filter->p_sys->p_buf32_bis )
p_filter->p_sys->p_buf32_bis =
(uint32_t *)malloc( i_num_lines * i_src_visible * sizeof(uint32_t));
p_grad = p_filter->p_sys->p_buf32_bis;
if( !p_filter->p_sys->p_buf8 )
p_filter->p_sys->p_buf8 =
(uint8_t *)malloc( i_num_lines * i_src_visible * sizeof(uint8_t));
p_theta = p_filter->p_sys->p_buf8;
if( !p_smooth || !p_grad || !p_theta ) return;
......@@ -486,17 +519,17 @@ static void FilterEdge( filter_t *p_filter, picture_t *p_inpic,
int gradx =
( ( p_smooth[(y-1)*i_src_visible+x]
- p_smooth[(y+1)*i_src_visible+x] ) <<1 )
+ ( p_smooth[(y-1)*i_src_visible+x-1]
( p_smooth[(y-1)*i_src_visible+x-1]
- p_smooth[(y+1)*i_src_visible+x-1] )
+ ( ( p_smooth[(y-1)*i_src_visible+x]
- p_smooth[(y+1)*i_src_visible+x] ) <<1 )
+ ( p_smooth[(y-1)*i_src_visible+x+1]
- p_smooth[(y+1)*i_src_visible+x+1] );
int grady =
( ( p_smooth[y*i_src_visible+x-1]
- p_smooth[y*i_src_visible+x+1] ) <<1 )
+ ( p_smooth[(y-1)*i_src_visible+x-1]
( p_smooth[(y-1)*i_src_visible+x-1]
- p_smooth[(y-1)*i_src_visible+x+1] )
+ ( ( p_smooth[y*i_src_visible+x-1]
- p_smooth[y*i_src_visible+x+1] ) <<1 )
+ ( p_smooth[(y+1)*i_src_visible+x-1]
- p_smooth[(y+1)*i_src_visible+x+1] );
......@@ -531,29 +564,29 @@ static void FilterEdge( filter_t *p_filter, picture_t *p_inpic,
&& p_grad[y*i_src_visible+x] > p_grad[(y+1)*i_src_visible+x] )
p_outpix[y*i_dst_pitch+x] = 0;
} else goto colorize;
} else goto colorize;
case THETA_P:
if( p_grad[y*i_src_visible+x] > p_grad[(y-1)*i_src_visible+x-1]
&& p_grad[y*i_src_visible+x] > p_grad[(y+1)*i_src_visible+x+1] )
p_outpix[y*i_dst_pitch+x] = 0;
} else goto colorize;
} else goto colorize;
case THETA_M:
if( p_grad[y*i_src_visible+x] > p_grad[(y-1)*i_src_visible+x+1]
&& p_grad[y*i_src_visible+x] > p_grad[(y+1)*i_src_visible+x-1] )
p_outpix[y*i_dst_pitch+x] = 0;
} else goto colorize;
} else goto colorize;
case THETA_X:
if( p_grad[y*i_src_visible+x] > p_grad[y*i_src_visible+x-1]
&& p_grad[y*i_src_visible+x] > p_grad[y*i_src_visible+x+1] )
p_outpix[y*i_dst_pitch+x] = 0;
} else goto colorize;
} else goto colorize;
......@@ -577,9 +610,6 @@ static void FilterEdge( filter_t *p_filter, picture_t *p_inpic,
if( p_smooth ) free( p_smooth );
if( p_grad ) free( p_grad );
if( p_theta) free( p_theta );
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