Commit c5c31276 authored by Steve Lhomme's avatar Steve Lhomme

mkv.cpp: support highlighting a button when clicked (but the alpha channel doesn't seem to work)

parent e895b2b2
......@@ -99,6 +99,11 @@ extern "C" {
#define MKVD_TIMECODESCALE 1000000
#ifdef VSLHC1
#include <dvdnav.h>
#else /* VSLHC */
......@@ -138,65 +143,65 @@ typedef struct {
typedef struct {
unsigned int zero : 7; /* 25-31 */
unsigned int video_pres_mode_change : 1; /* 24 */
unsigned int karaoke_audio_pres_mode_change : 1; /* 23 */
unsigned int angle_change : 1;
unsigned int subpic_stream_change : 1;
unsigned int audio_stream_change : 1;
unsigned int pause_on : 1;
unsigned int still_off : 1;
unsigned int button_select_or_activate : 1;
unsigned int resume : 1; /* 16 */
unsigned int chapter_menu_call : 1; /* 15 */
unsigned int angle_menu_call : 1;
unsigned int audio_menu_call : 1;
unsigned int subpic_menu_call : 1;
unsigned int root_menu_call : 1;
unsigned int title_menu_call : 1;
unsigned int backward_scan : 1;
unsigned int forward_scan : 1; /* 8 */
unsigned int next_pg_search : 1; /* 7 */
unsigned int prev_or_top_pg_search : 1;
unsigned int time_or_chapter_search : 1;
unsigned int go_up : 1;
unsigned int stop : 1;
unsigned int title_play : 1;
unsigned int chapter_search_or_play : 1;
unsigned int title_or_time_play : 1; /* 0 */
unsigned char zero : 7; /* 25-31 */
unsigned char video_pres_mode_change : 1; /* 24 */
unsigned char karaoke_audio_pres_mode_change : 1; /* 23 */
unsigned char angle_change : 1;
unsigned char subpic_stream_change : 1;
unsigned char audio_stream_change : 1;
unsigned char pause_on : 1;
unsigned char still_off : 1;
unsigned char button_select_or_activate : 1;
unsigned char resume : 1; /* 16 */
unsigned char chapter_menu_call : 1; /* 15 */
unsigned char angle_menu_call : 1;
unsigned char audio_menu_call : 1;
unsigned char subpic_menu_call : 1;
unsigned char root_menu_call : 1;
unsigned char title_menu_call : 1;
unsigned char backward_scan : 1;
unsigned char forward_scan : 1; /* 8 */
unsigned char next_pg_search : 1; /* 7 */
unsigned char prev_or_top_pg_search : 1;
unsigned char time_or_chapter_search : 1;
unsigned char go_up : 1;
unsigned char stop : 1;
unsigned char title_play : 1;
unsigned char chapter_search_or_play : 1;
unsigned char title_or_time_play : 1; /* 0 */
unsigned int video_pres_mode_change : 1; /* 24 */
unsigned int zero : 7; /* 25-31 */
unsigned int resume : 1; /* 16 */
unsigned int button_select_or_activate : 1;
unsigned int still_off : 1;
unsigned int pause_on : 1;
unsigned int audio_stream_change : 1;
unsigned int subpic_stream_change : 1;
unsigned int angle_change : 1;
unsigned int karaoke_audio_pres_mode_change : 1; /* 23 */
unsigned int forward_scan : 1; /* 8 */
unsigned int backward_scan : 1;
unsigned int title_menu_call : 1;
unsigned int root_menu_call : 1;
unsigned int subpic_menu_call : 1;
unsigned int audio_menu_call : 1;
unsigned int angle_menu_call : 1;
unsigned int chapter_menu_call : 1; /* 15 */
unsigned int title_or_time_play : 1; /* 0 */
unsigned int chapter_search_or_play : 1;
unsigned int title_play : 1;
unsigned int stop : 1;
unsigned int go_up : 1;
unsigned int time_or_chapter_search : 1;
unsigned int prev_or_top_pg_search : 1;
unsigned int next_pg_search : 1; /* 7 */
unsigned char video_pres_mode_change : 1; /* 24 */
unsigned char zero : 7; /* 25-31 */
unsigned char resume : 1; /* 16 */
unsigned char button_select_or_activate : 1;
unsigned char still_off : 1;
unsigned char pause_on : 1;
unsigned char audio_stream_change : 1;
unsigned char subpic_stream_change : 1;
unsigned char angle_change : 1;
unsigned char karaoke_audio_pres_mode_change : 1; /* 23 */
unsigned char forward_scan : 1; /* 8 */
unsigned char backward_scan : 1;
unsigned char title_menu_call : 1;
unsigned char root_menu_call : 1;
unsigned char subpic_menu_call : 1;
unsigned char audio_menu_call : 1;
unsigned char angle_menu_call : 1;
unsigned char chapter_menu_call : 1; /* 15 */
unsigned char title_or_time_play : 1; /* 0 */
unsigned char chapter_search_or_play : 1;
unsigned char title_play : 1;
unsigned char stop : 1;
unsigned char go_up : 1;
unsigned char time_or_chapter_search : 1;
unsigned char prev_or_top_pg_search : 1;
unsigned char next_pg_search : 1; /* 7 */
} ATTRIBUTE_PACKED user_ops_t;
......@@ -293,41 +298,41 @@ typedef struct {
typedef struct {
unsigned int btn_coln : 2; /**< button color number */
unsigned int x_start : 10; /**< x start offset within the overlay */
unsigned int zero1 : 2; /**< reserved */
unsigned int x_end : 10; /**< x end offset within the overlay */
uint32 btn_coln : 2; /**< button color number */
uint32 x_start : 10; /**< x start offset within the overlay */
uint32 zero1 : 2; /**< reserved */
uint32 x_end : 10; /**< x end offset within the overlay */
unsigned int zero3 : 2; /**< reserved */
unsigned int up : 6; /**< button index when pressing up */
uint32 zero3 : 2; /**< reserved */
uint32 up : 6; /**< button index when pressing up */
unsigned int auto_action_mode : 2; /**< 0: no, 1: activated if selected */
unsigned int y_start : 10; /**< y start offset within the overlay */
unsigned int zero2 : 2; /**< reserved */
unsigned int y_end : 10; /**< y end offset within the overlay */
uint32 auto_action_mode : 2; /**< 0: no, 1: activated if selected */
uint32 y_start : 10; /**< y start offset within the overlay */
uint32 zero2 : 2; /**< reserved */
uint32 y_end : 10; /**< y end offset within the overlay */
unsigned int zero4 : 2; /**< reserved */
unsigned int down : 6; /**< button index when pressing down */
uint32 zero4 : 2; /**< reserved */
uint32 down : 6; /**< button index when pressing down */
unsigned char zero5 : 2; /**< reserved */
unsigned char left : 6; /**< button index when pressing left */
unsigned char zero6 : 2; /**< reserved */
unsigned char right : 6; /**< button index when pressing right */
unsigned int x_end : 10;
unsigned int zero1 : 2;
unsigned int x_start : 10;
unsigned int btn_coln : 2;
uint32 x_end : 10;
uint32 zero1 : 2;
uint32 x_start : 10;
uint32 btn_coln : 2;
unsigned int up : 6;
unsigned int zero3 : 2;
uint32 up : 6;
uint32 zero3 : 2;
unsigned int y_end : 10;
unsigned int zero2 : 2;
unsigned int y_start : 10;
unsigned int auto_action_mode : 2;
uint32 y_end : 10;
uint32 zero2 : 2;
uint32 y_start : 10;
uint32 auto_action_mode : 2;
unsigned int down : 6;
unsigned int zero4 : 2;
uint32 down : 6;
uint32 zero4 : 2;
unsigned char left : 6;
unsigned char zero5 : 2;
unsigned char right : 6;
......@@ -360,6 +365,7 @@ typedef struct {
#pragma pack()
#endif /* VSLHC */
......@@ -1220,6 +1226,7 @@ public:
......@@ -1271,10 +1278,13 @@ public:
void StartUiThread();
void StopUiThread();
bool b_ui_hooked;
inline void SwapButtons();
/* for spu variables */
input_thread_t *p_input;
block_t *p_pci_packet;
int16 i_curr_button;
uint8_t alpha[4];
/* event */
event_thread_t *p_ev;
......@@ -1798,6 +1808,7 @@ static void BlockDecode( demux_t *p_demux, KaxBlock *block, mtime_t i_pts,
if ( p_sys->p_pci_packet != NULL )
block_Release( p_sys->p_pci_packet );
p_sys->p_pci_packet = p_block;
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_sys->p_ev->lock );
......@@ -2383,14 +2394,75 @@ int demux_sys_t::EventThread( vlc_object_t *p_this )
if( p_ev->b_clicked )
int32_t button;
int32_t best,dist,d;
int32_t mx,my,dx,dy;
b_activated = VLC_TRUE;
// dvdnav_mouse_activate( NULL, pci, valx.i_int, valy.i_int );
// get current button
dist = 0x08000000; /* >> than (720*720)+(567*567); */
for(button = 1; button <= pci->hli.hl_gi.btn_ns; button++) {
btni_t *button_ptr = &(pci->hli.btnit[button-1]);
if((valx.i_int >= button_ptr->x_start) && (valx.i_int <= button_ptr->x_end) &&
(valy.i_int >= button_ptr->y_start) && (valy.i_int <= button_ptr->y_end)) {
mx = (button_ptr->x_start + button_ptr->x_end)/2;
my = (button_ptr->y_start + button_ptr->y_end)/2;
dx = mx - valx.i_int;
dy = my - valy.i_int;
d = (dx*dx) + (dy*dy);
/* If the mouse is within the button and the mouse is closer
* to the center of this button then it is the best choice. */
if(d < dist) {
dist = d;
best = button;
// select new button
if ( best != 0 && best != p_sys->i_curr_button )
vlc_value_t val;
if( var_Get( p_sys->p_input, "highlight-mutex", &val ) == VLC_SUCCESS )
vlc_mutex_t *p_mutex = (vlc_mutex_t *) val.p_address;
btni_t *button_ptr = &(pci->hli.btnit[best-1]);
uint32_t i_palette;
if(button_ptr->btn_coln != 0) {
i_palette = pci->hli.btn_colit.btn_coli[button_ptr->btn_coln-1][1];
} else {
i_palette = 0;
p_sys->alpha[0] = i_palette & 0x0f;
p_sys->alpha[1] = (i_palette>>4) & 0x0f;
p_sys->alpha[2] = (i_palette>>8) & 0x0f;
p_sys->alpha[3] = (i_palette>>12)& 0x0f;
vlc_mutex_lock( p_mutex );
val.i_int = button_ptr->x_start; var_Set( p_sys->p_input, "x-start", val );
val.i_int = button_ptr->x_end; var_Set( p_sys->p_input, "x-end", val );
val.i_int = button_ptr->y_start; var_Set( p_sys->p_input, "y-start", val );
val.i_int = button_ptr->y_end; var_Set( p_sys->p_input, "y-end", val );
val.p_address = (void *)p_sys->alpha;
var_Set( p_sys->p_input, "menu-contrast", val );
val.b_bool = VLC_TRUE; var_Set( p_sys->p_input, "highlight", val );
vlc_mutex_unlock( p_mutex );
p_sys->i_curr_button = best;
msg_Dbg( &p_sys->demuxer, "Selected button %d", best );
p_ev->b_moved = VLC_FALSE;
p_ev->b_clicked = VLC_FALSE;
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_ev->lock );
if( p_vout && p_vout->b_die )
var_DelCallback( p_vout, "mouse-moved", EventMouse, p_ev );
......@@ -2398,6 +2470,7 @@ int demux_sys_t::EventThread( vlc_object_t *p_this )
vlc_object_release( p_vout );
p_vout = NULL;
if( p_vout == NULL )
p_vout = (vlc_object_t*) vlc_object_find( p_sys->p_input, VLC_OBJECT_VOUT,
......@@ -4562,6 +4635,8 @@ void demux_sys_t::PreloadLinked( matroska_segment_c *p_segment )
titles.push_back( *p_title );
// TODO decide which segment should be first used (VMG for DVD)
bool demux_sys_t::IsUsedSegment( matroska_segment_c &segment ) const
......@@ -5478,3 +5553,25 @@ bool matroska_script_interpretor_c::Interpret( const binary * p_command, size_t
return b_result;
void demux_sys_t::SwapButtons()
pci_t *pci = (pci_t *) &p_pci_packet->p_buffer[1];
uint8_t button;
for( button = 1; button <= pci->hli.hl_gi.btn_ns; button++) {
binary *p_data = (binary*) &(pci->hli.btnit[button-1]);
btni_t *button_ptr = &(pci->hli.btnit[button-1]);
uint16 i_x_start = ((p_data[0] & 0x3F) << 4 ) + ( p_data[1] >> 4 );
uint16 i_x_end = ((p_data[1] & 0x03) << 8 ) + p_data[2];
uint16 i_y_start = ((p_data[3] & 0x3F) << 4 ) + ( p_data[4] >> 4 );
uint16 i_y_end = ((p_data[4] & 0x03) << 8 ) + p_data[5];
button_ptr->x_start = i_x_start;
button_ptr->x_end = i_x_end;
button_ptr->y_start = i_y_start;
button_ptr->y_end = i_y_end;
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