Commit c1d352b6 authored by Antoine Cellerier's avatar Antoine Cellerier

* luaplaylist.c: add vlc.msg_{info,err,warn,dbg}() functions. register the...

* luaplaylist.c: add vlc.msg_{info,err,warn,dbg}() functions. register the and vlc.readline() for parse() only (so that they can't be used in the probing phase)
* share/luaplaylist/*: move help to README.txt
parent 71eeebf7
......@@ -70,8 +70,12 @@ vlc_module_end();
struct demux_sys_t
lua_State *p_state;
char *psz_filename;
static demux_t *vlclua_get_demux( lua_State *p_state )
demux_t *p_demux;
......@@ -156,6 +160,71 @@ static int vlclua_resolve_xml_special_chars( lua_State *p_state )
return 1;
static int vlclua_msg_dbg( lua_State *p_state )
demux_t *p_demux = vlclua_get_demux( p_state );
int i = lua_gettop( p_state );
if( !i ) return 0;
const char *psz_cstring = lua_tostring( p_state, 1 );
if( !psz_cstring ) return 0;
msg_Dbg( p_demux, "%s: %s", p_demux->p_sys->psz_filename, psz_cstring );
return 0;
static int vlclua_msg_warn( lua_State *p_state )
demux_t *p_demux = vlclua_get_demux( p_state );
int i = lua_gettop( p_state );
if( !i ) return 0;
const char *psz_cstring = lua_tostring( p_state, 1 );
if( !psz_cstring ) return 0;
msg_Warn( p_demux, "%s: %s", p_demux->p_sys->psz_filename, psz_cstring );
return 0;
static int vlclua_msg_err( lua_State *p_state )
demux_t *p_demux = vlclua_get_demux( p_state );
int i = lua_gettop( p_state );
if( !i ) return 0;
const char *psz_cstring = lua_tostring( p_state, 1 );
if( !psz_cstring ) return 0;
msg_Err( p_demux, "%s: %s", p_demux->p_sys->psz_filename, psz_cstring );
return 0;
static int vlclua_msg_info( lua_State *p_state )
demux_t *p_demux = vlclua_get_demux( p_state );
int i = lua_gettop( p_state );
if( !i ) return 0;
const char *psz_cstring = lua_tostring( p_state, 1 );
if( !psz_cstring ) return 0;
msg_Info( p_demux, "%s: %s", p_demux->p_sys->psz_filename, psz_cstring );
return 0;
/* Functions to register */
static luaL_Reg p_reg[] =
{ "peek", vlclua_peek },
{ "decode_uri", vlclua_decode_uri },
{ "resolve_xml_special_chars", vlclua_resolve_xml_special_chars },
{ "msg_dbg", vlclua_msg_dbg },
{ "msg_warn", vlclua_msg_warn },
{ "msg_err", vlclua_msg_err },
{ "msg_info", vlclua_msg_info },
/* Functions to register for parse() function call only */
static luaL_Reg p_reg_parse[] =
{ "read", vlclua_read },
{ "readline", vlclua_readline },
static int file_select( const char *file )
int i = strlen( file );
......@@ -211,15 +280,6 @@ int E_(Import_LuaPlaylist)( vlc_object_t *p_this )
# endif
static luaL_Reg p_reg[] =
{ "peek", vlclua_peek },
{ "read", vlclua_read },
{ "readline", vlclua_readline },
{ "decode_uri", vlclua_decode_uri },
{ "resolve_xml_special_chars", vlclua_resolve_xml_special_chars }
p_demux->p_sys = (demux_sys_t*)malloc( sizeof( demux_sys_t ) );
if( !p_demux->p_sys )
......@@ -265,6 +325,7 @@ int E_(Import_LuaPlaylist)( vlc_object_t *p_this )
free( psz_filename ); psz_filename = NULL;
asprintf( &psz_filename, "%s/%s", psz_dir, *ppsz_file );
msg_Dbg( p_demux, "Trying Lua playlist script %s", psz_filename );
p_demux->p_sys->psz_filename = psz_filename;
/* Ugly hack to delete previous versions of the probe() and parse()
* functions. */
......@@ -316,8 +377,6 @@ int E_(Import_LuaPlaylist)( vlc_object_t *p_this )
free( psz_filename );
if( ppsz_filelist )
for( ppsz_file = ppsz_filelist; ppsz_file < ppsz_fileend;
......@@ -340,6 +399,7 @@ void E_(Close_LuaPlaylist)( vlc_object_t *p_this )
demux_t *p_demux = (demux_t *)p_this;
lua_close( p_demux->p_sys->p_state );
free( p_demux->p_sys->psz_filename );
free( p_demux->p_sys );
......@@ -347,10 +407,12 @@ static int Demux( demux_t *p_demux )
input_item_t *p_input;
lua_State *p_state = p_demux->p_sys->p_state;
char psz_filename[] = "FIXME";
char *psz_filename = p_demux->p_sys->psz_filename;
luaL_register( p_state, "vlc", p_reg_parse );
lua_getglobal( p_state, "parse" );
if( !lua_isfunction( p_state, lua_gettop( p_state ) ) )
See "youtube.lua" for instructions to code your own Lua playlist script.
Instructions to code your own VLC Lua playlist script.
$Id: $
Examples: See dailymotion.lua, googlevideo.lua, metacafe.lua and youbtube.lua.
VLC Lua playlist modules should define two functions:
* probe(): returns true if we want to handle the playlist in this script
* parse(): read the incoming data and return playlist item(s)
The playlist is a table of playlist objects.
A playlist object has the following members:
.path: the item's full path / URL
.name: the item's name in playlist (OPTIONAL)
.title: the item's Title (OPTIONAL, meta data)
.artist: the item's Artist (OPTIONAL, meta data)
.genre: the item's Genre (OPTIONAL, meta data)
.copyright: the item's Copyright (OPTIONAL, meta data)
.album: the item's Album (OPTIONAL, meta data)
.tracknum: the item's Tracknum (OPTIONAL, meta data)
.description: the item's Description (OPTIONAL, meta data)
.rating: the item's Rating (OPTIONAL, meta data)
.date: the item's Date (OPTIONAL, meta data)
.setting: the item's Setting (OPTIONAL, meta data)
.url: the item's URL (OPTIONAL, meta data)
.language: the item's Language (OPTIONAL, meta data)
.nowplaying: the item's NowPlaying (OPTIONAL, meta data)
.publisher: the item's Publisher (OPTIONAL, meta data)
.encodedby: the item's EncodedBy (OPTIONAL, meta data)
.arturl: the item's ArtURL (OPTIONAL, meta data)
.trackid: the item's TrackID (OPTIONAL, meta data)
Invalid playlist items will be discarded by VLC.
VLC defines a global vlc object with the following members:
* vlc.path: the URL string (without the leading http:// or file:// element)
* vlc.access: the access used ("http" for http://, "file" for file://, etc.)
* vlc.peek( <int> ): return the first <int> characters from the playlist file.
* <int> ): read <int> characters from the playlist file.
* vlc.readline(): return a new line of playlist data on each call.
* vlc.decode_uri( <string> ): decode %xy characters in a string.
* vlc.resolve_xml_special_chars( <string> ): decode &abc; characters in a
* vlc.msg_dbg( <string> ): print a debug message.
* vlc.msg_warn( <string> ): print a warning message.
* vlc.msg_err( <string> ): print an error message.
* vlc.msg_info( <string> ): print an info message.
Lua scripts are tried in alphabetical order in the luaplaylist/ directory.
Lua documentation is available on .
VLC uses Lua 5.1
All the Lua standard libraries are available.
-- $Id$
VLC Lua playlist modules should define two functions:
* probe(): returns true if we want to handle the playlist in this script
* parse(): read the incoming data and return playlist item(s)
The playlist is a table of playlist objects.
A playlist object has the following members:
.path: the item's full path / URL
.name: the item's name in playlist (OPTIONAL)
.title: the item's Title (OPTIONAL, meta data)
.artist: the item's Artist (OPTIONAL, meta data)
.genre: the item's Genre (OPTIONAL, meta data)
.copyright: the item's Copyright (OPTIONAL, meta data)
.album: the item's Album (OPTIONAL, meta data)
.tracknum: the item's Tracknum (OPTIONAL, meta data)
.description: the item's Description (OPTIONAL, meta data)
.rating: the item's Rating (OPTIONAL, meta data)
.date: the item's Date (OPTIONAL, meta data)
.setting: the item's Setting (OPTIONAL, meta data)
.url: the item's URL (OPTIONAL, meta data)
.language: the item's Language (OPTIONAL, meta data)
.nowplaying: the item's NowPlaying (OPTIONAL, meta data)
.publisher: the item's Publisher (OPTIONAL, meta data)
.encodedby: the item's EncodedBy (OPTIONAL, meta data)
.arturl: the item's ArtURL (OPTIONAL, meta data)
.trackid: the item's TrackID (OPTIONAL, meta data)
Invalid playlist items will be discarded by VLC.
VLC defines a global vlc object with the following members:
* vlc.path: the URL string (without the leading http:// or file:// element)
* vlc.access: the access used ("http" for http://, "file" for file://, etc.)
* vlc.peek( <int> ): return the first <int> characters from the playlist file.
* <int> ): read <int> characters from the playlist file.
* vlc.readline(): return a new line of playlist data on each call.
* vlc.decode_uri( <string> ): decode %xy characters in a string.
* vlc.resolve_xml_special_chars( <string> ): decode &abc; characters in a string.
Lua scripts are tried in alphabetical order in the luaplaylist/ directory.
Lua documentation is available on .
VLC uses Lua 5.1
All the Lua standard libraries are available.
-- Helper function to get a parameter's value in a URL
function get_url_param( url, name )
return string.gsub( vlc.path, "^.*""=([^&]*).*$", "%1" )
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