Commit ba3c22cf authored by Laurent Aimar's avatar Laurent Aimar

Cleaned up the way BDA store data from the sample grabber.

parent 9861cd7b
......@@ -565,25 +565,5 @@ static int Control( access_t *p_access, int i_query, va_list args )
static block_t *Block( access_t *p_access )
block_t *p_block;
long l_buffer_len;
if( !vlc_object_alive (p_access) )
return NULL;
l_buffer_len = dvb_GetBufferSize( p_access );
if( l_buffer_len < 0 )
p_access->info.b_eof = true;
return NULL;
p_block = block_New( p_access, l_buffer_len );
if( dvb_ReadBuffer( p_access, &l_buffer_len, p_block->p_buffer ) < 0 )
p_access->info.b_eof = true;
return NULL;
return p_block;
return dvb_Pop( p_access );
......@@ -67,8 +67,7 @@ int dvb_SubmitATSCTuneRequest( access_t* p_access );
int dvb_SubmitDVBTTuneRequest( access_t* p_access );
int dvb_SubmitDVBCTuneRequest( access_t* p_access );
int dvb_SubmitDVBSTuneRequest( access_t* p_access );
long dvb_GetBufferSize( access_t* p_access );
long dvb_ReadBuffer( access_t* p_access, long* l_buffer_len, BYTE* p_buff );
block_t *dvb_Pop( access_t* p_access );
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -69,22 +69,60 @@ extern "C" {
long dvb_GetBufferSize( access_t* p_access )
block_t *dvb_Pop( access_t* p_access )
if( p_access->p_sys->p_bda_module )
return p_access->p_sys->p_bda_module->GetBufferSize();
return -1;
long dvb_ReadBuffer( access_t* p_access, long* l_buffer_len, BYTE* p_buff )
if( p_access->p_sys->p_bda_module )
return p_access->p_sys->p_bda_module->ReadBuffer( l_buffer_len,
p_buff );
return -1;
return p_access->p_sys->p_bda_module->Pop();
return NULL;
* BDAOutput
BDAOutput::BDAOutput( access_t *p_access ) :
p_access(p_access), p_first(NULL), pp_next(&p_first)
vlc_mutex_init( &lock );
vlc_cond_init( &wait );
vlc_mutex_destroy( &lock );
vlc_cond_destroy( &wait );
void BDAOutput::Push( block_t *p_block )
vlc_mutex_locker l( &lock );
block_ChainLastAppend( &pp_next, p_block );
vlc_cond_signal( &wait );
block_t *BDAOutput::Pop()
vlc_mutex_locker l( &lock );
if( !p_first )
vlc_cond_timedwait( &wait, &lock, mdate() + 250*1000 );
block_t *p_ret = p_first;
p_first = NULL;
pp_next = &p_first;
return p_ret;
void BDAOutput::Empty()
vlc_mutex_locker l( &lock );
if( p_first )
block_ChainRelease( p_first );
p_first = NULL;
pp_next = &p_first;
* Constructor
......@@ -92,9 +130,9 @@ BDAGraph::BDAGraph( access_t* p_this ):
p_access( p_this ),
d_graph_register( 0 )
d_graph_register( 0 ),
output( p_this )
b_ready = false;
p_tuning_space = NULL;
p_tune_request = NULL;
p_media_control = NULL;
......@@ -1746,76 +1784,34 @@ HRESULT BDAGraph::Start()
* Read the stream of data - query the buffer size required
* Pop the stream of data
long BDAGraph::GetBufferSize()
block_t *BDAGraph::Pop()
long l_buffer_size = 0;
long l_queue_size;
b_ready = true;
for( int i_timer = 0; queue_sample.empty() && i_timer < 200; i_timer++ )
Sleep( 10 );
l_queue_size = queue_sample.size();
if( l_queue_size <= 0 )
msg_Warn( p_access, "BDA GetBufferSize: Timed Out waiting for sample" );
return -1;
/* Establish the length of the queue as it grows quickly. If the queue
* size is checked dynamically there is a risk of not exiting the loop */
for( long l_queue_count=0; l_queue_count < l_queue_size; l_queue_count++ )
l_buffer_size += queue_sample.front()->GetActualDataLength();
queue_buffer.push( queue_sample.front() );
return l_buffer_size;
return output.Pop();
* Read the stream of data - Retrieve from the buffer queue
* SampleCB - Callback when the Sample Grabber has a sample
long BDAGraph::ReadBuffer( long* pl_buffer_len, BYTE* p_buffer )
STDMETHODIMP BDAGraph::SampleCB( double d_time, IMediaSample *p_sample )
if( p_sample->IsDiscontinuity() == S_OK )
msg_Warn( p_access, "BDA SampleCB: Sample Discontinuity.");
*pl_buffer_len = 0;
BYTE *p_buff_temp;
const size_t i_sample_size = p_sample->GetActualDataLength();
BYTE *p_sample_data;
p_sample->GetPointer( &p_sample_data );
while( !queue_buffer.empty() )
if( i_sample_size > 0 && p_sample_data )
queue_buffer.front()->GetPointer( &p_buff_temp );
hr = queue_buffer.front()->IsDiscontinuity();
if( hr == S_OK )
msg_Warn( p_access,
"BDA ReadBuffer: Sample Discontinuity. 0x%8lx", hr );
memcpy( p_buffer + *pl_buffer_len, p_buff_temp,
queue_buffer.front()->GetActualDataLength() );
*pl_buffer_len += queue_buffer.front()->GetActualDataLength();
return *pl_buffer_len;
block_t *p_block = block_New( p_access, i_sample_size );
* SampleCB - Callback when the Sample Grabber has a sample
STDMETHODIMP BDAGraph::SampleCB( double d_time, IMediaSample *p_sample )
if( b_ready )
if( p_block )
queue_sample.push( p_sample );
memcpy( p_block->p_buffer, p_sample_data, i_sample_size );
output.Push( p_block );
msg_Warn( p_access, "BDA SampleCB: Not ready - dropped sample" );
return S_OK;
......@@ -1842,23 +1838,8 @@ HRESULT BDAGraph::Destroy()
/* We need to empty the buffers of any unprocessed data */
msg_Dbg( p_access, "Queue sample size = %d", queue_sample.size() );
while( !queue_sample.empty() )
ul_refcount = queue_sample.front()->Release();
if( ul_refcount )
msg_Warn( p_access, "BDAGraph: Non-zero Ref: %d", ul_refcount );
msg_Dbg( p_access, "Queue buffer size = %d", queue_buffer.size() );
while( !queue_buffer.empty() )
ul_refcount = queue_buffer.front()->Release();
if( ul_refcount )
msg_Warn( p_access, "BDAGraph: Non-zero Ref: %d", ul_refcount );
if( p_grabber )
......@@ -52,6 +52,24 @@ using namespace std;
#include "bdadefs.h"
#include "bda.h"
class BDAOutput
BDAOutput( access_t * );
void Push( block_t * );
block_t *Pop();
void Empty();
access_t *p_access;
vlc_mutex_t lock;
vlc_cond_t wait;
block_t *p_first;
block_t **pp_next;
/* The main class for building the filter graph */
class BDAGraph : public ISampleGrabberCB
......@@ -59,12 +77,14 @@ public:
BDAGraph( access_t* p_access );
virtual ~BDAGraph();
/* */
int SubmitATSCTuneRequest();
int SubmitDVBTTuneRequest();
int SubmitDVBCTuneRequest();
int SubmitDVBSTuneRequest();
long GetBufferSize();
long ReadBuffer( long* l_buffer_len, BYTE* p_buff );
/* */
block_t *Pop();
/* ISampleGrabberCB methods */
......@@ -82,9 +102,7 @@ private:
/* registration number for the RunningObjectTable */
DWORD d_graph_register;
queue<IMediaSample*> queue_sample;
queue<IMediaSample*> queue_buffer;
BOOL b_ready;
BDAOutput output;
IMediaControl* p_media_control;
IGraphBuilder* p_filter_graph;
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