Commit a5b4ede6 authored by Rafaël Carré's avatar Rafaël Carré

mpris controller: update to new api

parent ac88248a
......@@ -271,14 +271,22 @@ def icon_clicked(widget, event):
# get playing status, modify the Play/Pause button accordingly
def GetPlayStatus(widget):
global playing
global shuffle
global loop
global repeat
status = player.GetStatus()
if status == 0:
playing = status[0] == 0
if playing:
img_bt_toggle.set_from_stock("gtk-media-pause", gtk.ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR)
playing = True
img_bt_toggle.set_from_stock("gtk-media-play", gtk.ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR)
playing = False
shuffle = status[1] == 1
bt_shuffle.set_active( shuffle )
loop = status[2] == 1
bt_loop.set_active( loop )
repeat = status[3] == 1
bt_repeat.set_active( repeat )
# loads glade file from the directory where the script is,
# so we can use /path/to/ to execute it.
import sys
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