Commit a1a7db8e authored by Julien 'Lta' BALLET's avatar Julien 'Lta' BALLET Committed by Rafaël Carré

Adds Intel QuickSync Video encoder

Signed-off-by: default avatarRafaël Carré <>
parent f520484d
......@@ -2839,6 +2839,11 @@ if test "${enable_x264}" != "no"; then
dnl Intel QuickSync (aka MediaSDK) H264/H262 encoder
PKG_ENABLE_MODULES_VLC([QUICKSYNC], [qsv], libmfx, [Intel QuickSync MPEG4-Part10/MPEG2 (aka H.264/H.262) encoder], [auto])
dnl libfluidsynth (MIDI synthetizer) plugin
......@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ SOURCES_ddummy = ddummy.c
SOURCES_edummy = edummy.c
SOURCES_fdkaac = fdkaac.c
SOURCES_scte27 = scte27.c
SOURCES_qsv = qsv.c
libvlc_LTLIBRARIES += \ \
* qsv.c: mpeg4-part10/mpeg2 video encoder using Intel Media SDK
* Copyright (C) 2013 VideoLabs
* $Id$
* Authors: Julien 'Lta' BALLET <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
* Preamble
# include "config.h"
#include <vlc_common.h>
#include <vlc_plugin.h>
#include <vlc_picture.h>
#include <vlc_codec.h>
#include <mfx/mfxvideo.h>
#define SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "sout-qsv-"
/* Default wait on Intel Media SDK SyncOperation. Almost useless when async-depth >= 2 */
#define QSV_SYNCPOINT_WAIT (420)
/* Encoder input synchronization busy wait loop time */
#define QSV_BUSYWAIT_TIME (10000)
/* The SDK doesn't have a default bitrate, so here's one. */
/* Makes x a multiple of 'align'. 'align' must me a power of 2 */
#define QSV_ALIGN(align, x) (((x)+(align)-1)&~((align)-1))
* Modules descriptor
static int Open(vlc_object_t *);
static void Close(vlc_object_t *);
#define SW_IMPL_TEXT N_("Enable software mode")
#define SW_IMPL_LONGTEXT N_("Allow the use of the Intel Media SDK software " \
"implementation of the codecs if no QuickSync Video hardware " \
"acceleration is present on the system.")
#define PROFILE_TEXT N_("Codec Profile")
"Specify the codec profile explicitly. If you don't, the codec will " \
"determine the correct profile from other sources, such as resolution " \
"and bitrate. E.g. 'high'")
#define LEVEL_TEXT N_("Codec Level")
#define LEVEL_LONGTEXT N_( \
"Specify the codec level explicitly. If you don't, the codec will " \
"determine the correct profile from other sources, such as resolution " \
"and bitrate. E.g. '4.2' for mpeg4-part10 or 'low' for mpeg2")
#define GOP_SIZE_TEXT N_("Group of Picture size")
"Number of pictures within the current GOP (Group of Pictures); if " \
"GopPicSize=0, then the GOP size is unspecified. If GopPicSize=1, " \
"only I-frames are used.")
#define GOP_REF_DIST_TEXT N_("Group of Picture Reference Distance")
"Distance between I- or P- key frames; if it is zero, the GOP " \
"structure is unspecified. Note: If GopRefDist = 1, there are no B- " \
"frames used. ")
#define TARGET_USAGE_TEXT N_("Target Usage")
#define TARGET_USAGE_LONGTEXT N_("The target usage allow to choose between " \
"different trade-offs between quality and speed. Allowed values are : " \
"'speed', 'balanced' and 'quality'.")
#define IDR_INTERVAL_TEXT N_("IDR interval")
"For H.264, IdrInterval specifies IDR-frame interval in terms of I- " \
"frames; if IdrInterval=0, then every I-frame is an IDR-frame. If " \
"IdrInterval=1, then every other I-frame is an IDR-frame, etc. " \
"For MPEG2, IdrInterval defines sequence header interval in terms " \
"of I-frames. If IdrInterval=N, SDK inserts the sequence header " \
"before every Nth I-frame. If IdrInterval=0 (default), SDK inserts " \
"the sequence header once at the beginning of the stream. ")
#define RATE_CONTROL_TEXT N_("Rate Control Method")
"The rate control method to use when encoding. Can be one of " \
"'crb', 'vbr', 'qp', 'avbr'. 'qp' mode isn't supported for mpeg2")
#define QP_TEXT N_("Quantization parameter")
#define QP_LONGTEXT N_("Quantization parameter for all types of frames. " \
"This parameters sets qpi, qpp and qpp. It has less precedence than " \
"the forementionned parameters. Used only if rc_method is 'qp'.")
#define QPI_TEXT N_("Quantization parameter for I-frames")
#define QPI_LONGTEXT N_("Quantization parameter for I-frames. This parameter " \
"overrides any qp set globally. Used only if rc_method is 'qp'.")
#define QPP_TEXT N_("Quantization parameter for P-frames")
#define QPP_LONGTEXT N_("Quantization parameter for P-frames. This parameter " \
"overrides any qp set globally. Used only if rc_method is 'qp'.")
#define QPB_TEXT N_("Quantization parameter for B-frames")
#define QPB_LONGTEXT N_("Quantization parameter for B-frames. This parameter " \
"overrides any qp set globally. Used only if rc_method is 'qp'.")
#define MAX_BITRATE_TEXT N_("Maximum Bitrate")
#define MAX_BITRATE_LONGTEXT N_("Defines the maximum bitrate in Kpbs " \
"(1000 bits/s) for VBR rate control method. If not set, this parameter" \
". is computed from other sources such as bitrate, profile, level, etc.")
#define ACCURACY_TEXT N_("Accuracy of RateControl")
#define ACCURACY_LONGTEXT N_("Tolerance in percentage of the 'avbr' " \
" (Average Variable BitRate) method. (e.g. 10 with a bitrate of 800 " \
" kpbs means the encoder tries not to go above 880 kpbs and under " \
" 730 kpbs. The targeted accuracy is only reached after a certained " \
" convergence period. See the convergence parameter")
#define CONVERGENCE_TEXT N_("Convergence time of 'avbr' RateControl")
#define CONVERGENCE_LONGTEXT N_("Number of 100 frames before the " \
"'avbr' rate control method reaches the requested bitrate with " \
"the requested accuracy. See the accuracy parameter. ")
#define NUM_SLICE_TEXT N_("Number of slices per frame")
#define NUM_SLICE_LONGTEXT N_("Number of slices in each video frame; "\
"each slice contains one or more macro-block rows. If numslice is " \
"not set, the encoder may choose any slice partitioning allowed " \
"by the codec standard.")
#define NUM_REF_FRAME_TEXT N_("Number of reference frames")
#define NUM_REF_FRAME_LONGTEXT N_("Number of reference frames")
#define ASYNC_DEPTH_TEXT N_("Number of parallel operations")
#define ASYNC_DEPTH_LONGTEXT N_("Defines the number of parallel " \
"encoding operations before we synchronise the result. Higher " \
" may result on better throughput depending on hardware. " \
"MPEG2 needs at least 1 here.")
static const int const profile_h264_list[] =
static const char *const profile_h264_text[] =
{ "decide", "baseline", "main", "extended", "high" };
static const int const profile_mpeg2_list[] =
static const char *const profile_mpeg2_text[] =
{ "decide", "simple", "main", "high" };
static const int const level_h264_list[] =
{ 0, 10, 9, 12, 13, 20, 21, 22, 30, 31, 32, 40, 41, 42, 50, 51, 52};
static const char *const level_h264_text[] =
{ "decide", "1", "1.1b", "1.2", "1.3", "2", "2.1", "2.2", "3", "3.1",
"3.2", "4", "4.1", "4.2", "5", "5.1", "5.2" };
static const int const level_mpeg2_list[] =
static const char *const level_mpeg2_text[] =
{ "decide", "low", "main", "high", "high1440" };
static const int const target_usage_list[] =
static const char *const target_usage_text[] =
{ "decide", "quality", "balanced", "speed" };
static const int const rc_method_list[] =
static const char *const rc_method_text[] =
{ "cbr", "vbr", "qp", "avbr" };
vlc_module_begin ()
set_description(N_("Intel QuickSync Video encoder for MPEG4-Part10/MPEG2 (aka H.264/H.262)"))
set_capability("encoder", 0)
set_callbacks(Open, Close)
add_bool(SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "software", false, SW_IMPL_TEXT, SW_IMPL_LONGTEXT, true)
add_string(SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "h264-profile", "unspecified" , PROFILE_TEXT, PROFILE_LONGTEXT, false)
change_string_list(profile_h264_text, profile_h264_text)
add_string(SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "h264-level", "unspecified", LEVEL_TEXT, LEVEL_LONGTEXT, false)
change_string_list(level_h264_text, level_h264_text)
add_string(SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "mpeg2-profile", "unspecified", PROFILE_TEXT, PROFILE_LONGTEXT, false)
change_string_list(profile_mpeg2_text, profile_mpeg2_text)
add_string(SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "mpeg2-level", "unspecified", LEVEL_TEXT, LEVEL_LONGTEXT, false)
change_string_list(level_mpeg2_text, level_mpeg2_text)
add_integer(SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "gop-size", 32, GOP_SIZE_TEXT, GOP_SIZE_LONGTEXT, true)
add_integer(SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "gop-refdist", 4, GOP_REF_DIST_TEXT, GOP_REF_DIST_LONGTEXT, true)
add_integer(SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "idr-interval", 0, IDR_INTERVAL_TEXT, IDR_INTERVAL_LONGTEXT, true)
add_string(SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "target-usage", "quality", TARGET_USAGE_TEXT, TARGET_USAGE_LONGTEXT, false)
change_string_list(target_usage_text, target_usage_text)
add_string(SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "rc-method", "vbr", RATE_CONTROL_TEXT, RATE_CONTROL_LONGTEXT, true)
change_string_list(rc_method_text, rc_method_text)
add_integer(SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "qp", 0, QP_TEXT, QP_LONGTEXT, true)
change_integer_range(0, 51)
add_integer(SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "qpi", 0, QPI_TEXT, QPI_LONGTEXT, true)
change_integer_range(0, 51)
add_integer(SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "qpp", 0, QPP_TEXT, QPP_LONGTEXT, true)
change_integer_range(0, 51)
add_integer(SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "qpb", 0, QPB_TEXT, QPB_LONGTEXT, true)
change_integer_range(0, 51)
add_integer(SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "bitrate-max", 0, MAX_BITRATE_TEXT, MAX_BITRATE_LONGTEXT, true)
add_integer(SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "accuracy", 0, ACCURACY_TEXT, ACCURACY_LONGTEXT, true)
change_integer_range(0, 100)
add_integer(SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "num-slice", 0, NUM_SLICE_TEXT, NUM_SLICE_LONGTEXT, true)
add_integer(SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "num-ref-frame", 0, NUM_REF_FRAME_TEXT, NUM_REF_FRAME_LONGTEXT, true)
add_integer(SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "async-depth", 4, ASYNC_DEPTH_TEXT, ASYNC_DEPTH_LONGTEXT, true)
change_integer_range(1, 32)
vlc_module_end ()
* Local prototypes
static const char *const sout_options[] = {
"software", "h264-profile", "h264-level", "mpeg2-profile", "mpeg2-level",
"gop-size", "gop-refdist", "target-usage", "rc-method", "qp", "qpi", "qpp",
"qpb", "bitrate-max", "accuracy", "convergence", "num-slice",
"num-ref-frame", "async-depth",
// Frame pool for QuickSync video encoder with Intel Media SDK's format frames.
typedef struct qsv_frame_pool_t
mfxFrameInfo fmt; // IntelMediaSDK format info.
mfxFrameSurface1 *frames; // An allocated array of 'size' frames.
unsigned int size; // The number of frame in the pool.
} qsv_frame_pool_t;
typedef struct async_task_t
mfxBitstream bs; // Intel's bitstream structure.
mfxSyncPoint syncp; // Async Task Sync Point.
block_t *block; // VLC's block structure to be returned by Encode.
} async_task_t;
struct encoder_sys_t
mfxSession session; // Intel Media SDK Session.
mfxVideoParam params; // Encoding parameters.
mfxIMPL impl; // Actual implementation (hw/sw).
qsv_frame_pool_t frames; // IntelMediaSDK's frame pool.
uint64_t dts_warn_counter; // DTS warning counter for rate-limiting of msg;
uint64_t busy_warn_counter; // Device Bussy warning counter for rate-limiting of msg;
uint64_t async_depth; // Number of parallel encoding operations.
uint64_t first_task; // The next sync point to be synchronized.
async_task_t *tasks; // The async encoding tasks.
mtime_t offset_pts; // The pts of the first frame, to avoid conversion overflow.
mtime_t last_dts; // The dts of the last frame, to interpolate over buggy dts
static block_t *Encode(encoder_t *, picture_t *);
static inline mtime_t qsv_timestamp_to_mtime(int64_t mfx_ts)
return mfx_ts / INT64_C(9) * INT64_C(100);
static inline uint64_t qsv_mtime_to_timestamp(mtime_t vlc_ts)
return vlc_ts / UINT64_C(100) * UINT64_C(9);
* Create a new frame pool with 'size' frames in it. Pools cannot be resized.
static int qsv_frame_pool_Init(qsv_frame_pool_t *pool,
mfxFrameAllocRequest *request,
uint64_t async_depth)
size_t size = request->NumFrameSuggested + async_depth;
pool->frames = calloc(size, sizeof(mfxFrameSurface1));
if (unlikely(!pool->frames))
return VLC_ENOMEM;
pool->size = size;
memcpy(&pool->fmt, &request->Info, sizeof(request->Info));
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
memcpy(&pool->frames[i].Info, &request->Info, sizeof(request->Info));
pool->frames[i].Data.Pitch = QSV_ALIGN(32, request->Info.Width);
* Destroys a pool frame. Only call this function after a MFXClose
* call since we doesn't check for Locked frames.
static void qsv_frame_pool_Destroy(qsv_frame_pool_t *pool)
for (size_t i = 0; i < pool->size; i++) {
picture_t *pic = (picture_t *) pool->frames[i].Data.MemId;
if (pic)
* Finds an unlocked frame, releases the associated picture if
* necessary associates the new picture with it and return the frame.
* Returns 0 if there's an error.
static mfxFrameSurface1 *qsv_frame_pool_Get(qsv_frame_pool_t *pool,
picture_t *pic)
for (size_t i = 0; i < pool->size; i++) {
mfxFrameSurface1 *frame = &pool->frames[i];
if (frame->Data.Locked)
if (frame->Data.MemId)
picture_Release((picture_t *)frame->Data.MemId);
frame->Data.MemId = pic;
frame->Data.Y = pic->p[0].p_pixels;
frame->Data.U = pic->p[1].p_pixels;
frame->Data.V = pic->p[1].p_pixels + 1;
frame->Data.TimeStamp = qsv_mtime_to_timestamp(pic->date);
// Specify picture structure at runtime.
if (pic->b_progressive)
else if (pic->b_top_field_first)
frame->Info.PicStruct = MFX_PICSTRUCT_FIELD_TFF;
frame->Info.PicStruct = MFX_PICSTRUCT_FIELD_BFF;
return frame;
return NULL;
static uint64_t qsv_params_get_value(const char *const *text,
const int const *list,
size_t size, char *sel)
size_t result = 0;
if (unlikely(!sel))
return list[0];
size /= sizeof(list[0]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
if (!strcmp(sel, text[i])) {
result = i;
// sel comes from var_InheritString and must be freed.
// Returns the found item, or the default/first one if not found.
return list[result];
static int Open(vlc_object_t *this)
encoder_t *enc = (encoder_t *)this;
encoder_sys_t *sys = NULL;
mfxStatus sts = MFX_ERR_NONE;
mfxFrameAllocRequest alloc_request;
mfxExtCodingOptionSPSPPS headers;
mfxExtBuffer *extended_params[1] = {(mfxExtBuffer *)&headers};
uint8_t *p_extra;
size_t i_extra;
uint8_t nals[128];
if (enc->fmt_out.i_codec != VLC_CODEC_H264 &&
enc->fmt_out.i_codec != VLC_CODEC_MPGV && !enc->b_force)
if (!enc-> || !enc-> ||
!enc-> || !enc-> {
msg_Err(enc, "Framerate and picture dimensions must be non-zero");
/* Allocate the memory needed to store the decoder's structure */
sys = calloc(1, sizeof(encoder_sys_t));
if (unlikely(!sys))
return VLC_ENOMEM;
/* Initialize dispatcher, it will loads the actual SW/HW Implementation */
sts = MFXInit(MFX_IMPL_AUTO, 0, &sys->session);
if (sts != MFX_ERR_NONE) {
msg_Err(enc, "Unable to find an Intel Media SDK implementation.");
config_ChainParse(enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX, sout_options, enc->p_cfg);
/* Checking if we are on software and are allowing it */
MFXQueryIMPL(sys->session, &sys->impl);
if (!var_InheritBool(enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "software") && (sys->impl & MFX_IMPL_SOFTWARE)) {
msg_Err(enc, "No hardware implementation found and software mode disabled");
msg_Dbg(enc, "Using Intel QuickSync Video %s implementation",
sys->impl & MFX_IMPL_HARDWARE ? "hardware" : "software");
/* Vlc module configuration */
enc->p_sys = sys;
enc->fmt_in.i_codec = VLC_CODEC_NV12; // Intel Media SDK requirement
enc-> = 12;
/* Input picture format description */
sys->params.mfx.FrameInfo.FrameRateExtN = enc->;
sys->params.mfx.FrameInfo.FrameRateExtD = enc->;
sys->params.mfx.FrameInfo.FourCC = MFX_FOURCC_NV12;
sys->params.mfx.FrameInfo.ChromaFormat = MFX_CHROMAFORMAT_YUV420;
sys->params.mfx.FrameInfo.Width = QSV_ALIGN(16, enc->;
sys->params.mfx.FrameInfo.Height = QSV_ALIGN(32, enc->;
sys->params.mfx.FrameInfo.CropW = enc->;
sys->params.mfx.FrameInfo.CropH = enc->;
sys->params.mfx.FrameInfo.PicStruct = MFX_PICSTRUCT_UNKNOWN;
/* Parsing options common to all RC methods and codecs */
sys->params.AsyncDepth = var_InheritInteger(enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "async-depth");
sys->params.mfx.GopPicSize = var_InheritInteger(enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "gop-size");
sys->params.mfx.GopRefDist = var_InheritInteger(enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "gop-refdist");
sys->params.mfx.IdrInterval = var_InheritInteger(enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "idr-interval");
sys->params.mfx.NumSlice = var_InheritInteger(enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "num-slice");
sys->params.mfx.NumRefFrame = var_InheritInteger(enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "num-ref-frame");
sys->params.mfx.TargetUsage = qsv_params_get_value(target_usage_text,
target_usage_list, sizeof(target_usage_list),
var_InheritString(enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "target-usage"));
if (enc->fmt_out.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_H264) {
sys->params.mfx.CodecId = MFX_CODEC_AVC;
sys->params.mfx.CodecProfile = qsv_params_get_value(profile_h264_text,
profile_h264_list, sizeof(profile_h264_list),
var_InheritString(enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "h264-profile"));
sys->params.mfx.CodecLevel = qsv_params_get_value(level_h264_text,
level_h264_list, sizeof(level_h264_list),
var_InheritString(enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "h264-level"));
msg_Dbg(enc, "Encoder in H264 mode, with profile %d and level %d",
sys->params.mfx.CodecProfile, sys->params.mfx.CodecLevel);
} else {
sys->params.mfx.CodecId = MFX_CODEC_MPEG2;
sys->params.mfx.CodecProfile = qsv_params_get_value(profile_mpeg2_text,
profile_mpeg2_list, sizeof(profile_mpeg2_list),
var_InheritString(enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "mpeg2-profile"));
sys->params.mfx.CodecLevel = qsv_params_get_value(level_mpeg2_text,
level_mpeg2_list, sizeof(level_mpeg2_list),
var_InheritString(enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "mpeg2-level"));
msg_Dbg(enc, "Encoder in MPEG2 mode, with profile %d and level %d",
sys->params.mfx.CodecProfile, sys->params.mfx.CodecLevel);
sys->params.mfx.RateControlMethod = qsv_params_get_value(rc_method_text,
rc_method_list, sizeof(rc_method_list),
var_InheritString(enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "rc-method"));
msg_Dbg(enc, "Encoder using '%s' Rate Control method",
var_InheritString(enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "rc-method"));
if (sys->params.mfx.RateControlMethod == MFX_RATECONTROL_CQP) {
sys->params.mfx.QPI = sys->params.mfx.QPB = sys->params.mfx.QPP =
var_InheritInteger(enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "qp");
sys->params.mfx.QPI = var_InheritInteger(enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "qpi");
sys->params.mfx.QPB = var_InheritInteger(enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "qpb");
sys->params.mfx.QPP = var_InheritInteger(enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "qpp");
} else {
if (!enc->fmt_out.i_bitrate) {
msg_Warn(enc, "No bitrate specified, using default %d",
sys->params.mfx.TargetKbps = QSV_BITRATE_DEFAULT;
} else
sys->params.mfx.TargetKbps = enc->fmt_out.i_bitrate / 1000;
if (sys->params.mfx.RateControlMethod == MFX_RATECONTROL_AVBR) {
sys->params.mfx.Accuracy = var_InheritInteger(enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "accuracy");
sys->params.mfx.Convergence = var_InheritInteger(enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "convergence");
} else if (sys->params.mfx.RateControlMethod == MFX_RATECONTROL_VBR)
sys->params.mfx.MaxKbps = var_InheritInteger(enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "bitrate-max");
/* Initializing MFX_Encoder */
sts = MFXVideoENCODE_Init(sys->session, &sys->params);
if (sts == MFX_ERR_NONE)
msg_Dbg(enc, "Successfuly initialized video encoder");
else if (sts < MFX_ERR_NONE) {
msg_Err(enc, "Unable to initialize video encoder error (%d). " \
" Most likely because of provided encoding parameters", sts);
goto error;
} else
msg_Warn(enc, "Video encoder initialization : %d. The stream might be corrupted/invalid", sts);
/* Querying PPS/SPS Headers, BufferSizeInKB, ... */
memset(&headers, 0, sizeof(headers));
memset(&nals, 0, sizeof(nals));
headers.Header.BufferSz = sizeof(headers);
headers.SPSBufSize = headers.PPSBufSize = 64;
headers.SPSBuffer = nals;
headers.PPSBuffer = nals + 64;
sys->params.ExtParam = (mfxExtBuffer **)&extended_params;
sys->params.NumExtParam = 1;
MFXVideoENCODE_GetVideoParam(sys->session, &sys->params);
sys->params.NumExtParam = 0;
sys->params.ExtParam = NULL;
i_extra = headers.SPSBufSize + headers.PPSBufSize;
p_extra = malloc(i_extra);
if (unlikely(!p_extra))
goto nomem;
memcpy(p_extra, headers.SPSBuffer, headers.SPSBufSize);
memcpy(p_extra + headers.SPSBufSize, headers.PPSBuffer, headers.PPSBufSize);
enc->fmt_out.p_extra = p_extra;
enc->fmt_out.i_extra = i_extra;
sys->async_depth = sys->params.AsyncDepth;
sys->tasks = calloc(sys->async_depth, sizeof(async_task_t));
if (unlikely(!sys->tasks))
goto nomem;
/* Request number of surface needed and creating frame pool */
if (MFXVideoENCODE_QueryIOSurf(sys->session, &sys->params, &alloc_request)!= MFX_ERR_NONE)
goto error;
if (qsv_frame_pool_Init(&sys->frames, &alloc_request, sys->async_depth) != VLC_SUCCESS)
goto nomem;
msg_Dbg(enc, "Requested %d surfaces for work", alloc_request.NumFrameSuggested);
enc->pf_encode_video = Encode;
return VLC_ENOMEM;
static void Close(vlc_object_t *this)
encoder_t *enc = (encoder_t *)this;
encoder_sys_t *sys = enc->p_sys;
/* if (enc->fmt_out.p_extra) */
/* free(enc->fmt_out.p_extra); */
if (sys->frames.size)
if (sys->tasks)
* The behavior in the next function comes from x264.c
static void qsv_set_block_flags(block_t *block, uint16_t frame_type)
if ((frame_type & MFX_FRAMETYPE_IDR) || (frame_type & MFX_FRAMETYPE_REF))
block->i_flags = BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_I;
else if ((frame_type & MFX_FRAMETYPE_P) || (frame_type & MFX_FRAMETYPE_I))
block->i_flags = BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_P;
else if (frame_type & MFX_FRAMETYPE_B)
block->i_flags = BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_B;
block->i_flags = BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_PB;
* Convert the Intel Media SDK's timestamps into VLC's format.
static void qsv_set_block_ts(encoder_t *enc, encoder_sys_t *sys, block_t *block, mfxBitstream *bs)
if (!bs->TimeStamp)
block->i_pts = qsv_timestamp_to_mtime(bs->TimeStamp) + sys->offset_pts;
block->i_dts = qsv_timestamp_to_mtime(bs->DecodeTimeStamp) + sys->offset_pts;
/* HW encoder (with old driver versions) and some parameters
combinations doesn't set the DecodeTimeStamp field so we warn
the user about it */
if (!bs->DecodeTimeStamp || bs->DecodeTimeStamp > (int64_t)bs->TimeStamp)
if (sys->dts_warn_counter++ % 16 == 0) // Rate limiting this message.
msg_Warn(enc, "Encode returning empty DTS or DTS > PTS. Your stream will be invalid. "
" Please double-check they weren't any warning at encoder initialization "
" and that you have the last version of Intel's drivers installed.");
* The Encode function has 3 encoding phases :
* - Feed : We feed the encoder until it stops to return MFX_MORE_DATA_NEEDED
* and the async_tasks are all in use (honouring the AsyncDepth)
* - Main encoding phase : synchronizing the oldest task each call.
* - Empty : pic = 0, we empty the decoder. Synchronizing the remaining tasks.
static block_t *Encode(encoder_t *this, picture_t *pic)
encoder_t *enc = (encoder_t *)this;
encoder_sys_t *sys = enc->p_sys;
async_task_t *task = NULL;
block_t *block = NULL;
mfxFrameSurface1 *frame = NULL;
mfxStatus sts;
if (pic) {
/* To avoid qsv -> vlc timestamp conversion overflow, we use timestamp relative
to the first picture received. That way, vlc will overflow before us.
(Thanks to funman for the idea) */
if (!sys->offset_pts) // First frame
sys->offset_pts = pic->date;
pic->date -= sys->offset_pts;
frame = qsv_frame_pool_Get(&sys->frames, pic);
if (!frame) {
msg_Warn(enc, "Unable to find an unlocked surface in the pool");
return NULL;
/* Finds an available SyncPoint */
for (size_t i = 0; i < sys->async_depth; i++)
if ((sys->tasks + (i + sys->first_task) % sys->async_depth)->syncp == 0) {
task = sys->tasks + (i + sys->first_task) % sys->async_depth;
} else
/* If !pic, we are emptying encoder and tasks, so we force the SyncOperation */
msg_Dbg(enc, "Emptying encoder");
/* There is no available task, we need to synchronize */
if (!task) {
task = sys->tasks + sys->first_task;
/* Synchronize and fill block_t. If the SyncOperation fails we leak :-/ (or we can segfault, ur choice) */
if (MFXVideoCORE_SyncOperation(sys->session, task->syncp, QSV_SYNCPOINT_WAIT) == MFX_ERR_NONE) {
block = task->block;
block->i_buffer = task->bs.DataLength;
block->p_buffer += task->bs.DataOffset;
qsv_set_block_ts(enc, sys, block, &task->bs);
qsv_set_block_flags(block, task->bs.FrameType);
/* msg_Dbg(enc, "block->i_pts = %lld, block->i_dts = %lld", block->i_pts, block->i_dts); */
/* msg_Dbg(enc, "FrameType = %#.4x, TimeStamp (pts) = %lld, DecodeTimeStamp = %lld", */
/* task->bs.FrameType, task->bs.TimeStamp, task->bs.DecodeTimeStamp); */
/* Copied from x264.c: This isn't really valid for streams with B-frames */
block->i_length = CLOCK_FREQ *
enc-> /
// Buggy DTS (value comes from experiments)
if (task->bs.DecodeTimeStamp < -10000)
block->i_dts = sys->last_dts + block->i_length;
sys->last_dts = block->i_dts;
} else // Only happens on buggy drivers
msg_Err(enc, "SyncOperation failed, outputting garbage data. "
"Updating your drivers and/or changing the encoding settings might resolve this");
/* Reset the task now it has been synchronized and advances first_task pointer */
task->syncp = 0;
sys->first_task = (sys->first_task + 1) % sys->async_depth;
/* Allocate block_t and prepare mfxBitstream for encoder */
if (!(task->block = block_Alloc(sys->params.mfx.BufferSizeInKB * 1000))) {
msg_Err(enc, "Unable to allocate block for encoder output");
return NULL;
memset(&task->bs, 0, sizeof(task->bs));
task->bs.MaxLength = sys->params.mfx.BufferSizeInKB * 1000;
task->bs.Data = task->block->p_buffer;
sts = MFXVideoENCODE_EncodeFrameAsync(sys->session, 0, frame, &task->bs, &task->syncp);
while (sts == MFX_WRN_DEVICE_BUSY) {
if (sys->busy_warn_counter++ % 16 == 0)
msg_Dbg(enc, "Device is busy, let's wait and retry");
sts = MFXVideoENCODE_EncodeFrameAsync(sys->session, 0, frame, &task->bs, &task->syncp);
// msg_Dbg(enc, "Encode async status: %d, Syncpoint = %tx", sts, (ptrdiff_t)task->syncp);
if (sts == MFX_ERR_MORE_DATA)
if (pic)
msg_Dbg(enc, "Encoder feeding phase, more data is needed.");
msg_Dbg(enc, "Encoder is empty");
else if (sts < MFX_ERR_NONE) {
msg_Err(enc, "Encoder not ready or error (%d), trying a reset...", sts);
MFXVideoENCODE_Reset(sys->session, &sys->params);
return block;
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