Commit 93dacf03 authored by Damien Fouilleul's avatar Damien Fouilleul

- bye, bye "fast-mutex" and "win9x-cv-method" variables

parent 3202adfa
......@@ -483,20 +483,6 @@ HRESULT VLCPlugin::getVLC(libvlc_instance_t** pp_libvlc)
if( _b_autoloop )
ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--loop";
if( IsDebuggerPresent() )
** VLC default threading mechanism is designed to be as compatible
** with POSIX as possible. However when debugged on win32, threads
** lose signals and eventually VLC get stuck during initialization.
** threading support can be configured to be more debugging friendly
** but it will be less compatible with POSIX.
** This is done by initializing with the following options:
ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--fast-mutex";
ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--win9x-cv-method=1";
_p_libvlc = libvlc_new(ppsz_argc, ppsz_argv, NULL);
if( NULL == _p_libvlc )
......@@ -98,20 +98,6 @@ NPError VlcPlugin::init(int argc, char* const argn[], char* const argv[])
RegCloseKey( h_key );
ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--no-one-instance";
if( IsDebuggerPresent() )
** VLC default threading mechanism is designed to be as compatible
** with POSIX as possible. However when debugged on win32, threads
** lose signals and eventually VLC get stuck during initialization.
** threading support can be configured to be more debugging friendly
** but it will be less compatible with POSIX.
** This is done by initializing with the following options:
ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--fast-mutex";
ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--win9x-cv-method=1";
#if 0
ppsz_argv[0] = "C:\\Cygwin\\home\\damienf\\vlc-trunk\\vlc";
......@@ -74,8 +74,17 @@ int __vlc_threads_init( vlc_object_t *p_this )
#elif defined( ST_INIT_IN_ST_H )
#elif defined( UNDER_CE )
#elif defined( WIN32 )
b_fast_mutex = config_GetInt( p_this, "fast-mutex" );
i_win9x_cv = config_GetInt( p_this, "win9x-cv-method" );
if( IsDebuggerPresent() )
/* SignalObjectAndWait() API is problematic under a debugger */
b_fast_mutex = VLC_TRUE;
i_win9x_cv = 0;
b_fast_mutex = VLC_FALSE;
i_win9x_cv = 1;
#elif defined( HAVE_KERNEL_SCHEDULER_H )
#elif defined( PTHREAD_COND_T_IN_PTHREAD_H )
pthread_mutex_lock( &once_mutex );
......@@ -508,7 +517,7 @@ int __vlc_cond_destroy( const char * psz_file, int i_line, vlc_cond_t *p_condvar
int __vlc_threadvar_create( vlc_object_t *p_this, vlc_threadvar_t *p_tls )
int i_ret;
int i_ret = -1;
#if defined( PTH_INIT_IN_PTH_H )
i_ret = pth_key_create( &p_tls->handle, NULL );
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