Commit 8b290cc6 authored by Felix Paul Kühne's avatar Felix Paul Kühne

* only save the affected modules (main, headphone, transform, adjust, invert,...

* only save the affected modules (main, headphone, transform, adjust, invert, motionblur, distort, clone, crop, normvol, headphone_channel_mixer, macosx) -- thanks to zorglub for the help (closes #382)
parent 5d06ca53
......@@ -769,18 +769,36 @@ static VLCExtended *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
playlist_t * p_playlist = vlc_object_find( VLCIntf, VLC_OBJECT_PLAYLIST, \
int returnedValue;
NSArray * theModules;
theModules = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: @"main", @"headphone", \
@"transform", @"adjust", @"invert", @"motionblur", @"distort", \
@"clone", @"crop", @"normvol", @"headphone_channel_mixer", @"macosx", \
unsigned int x = 0;
/* FIXME: we should only save the settings actually changed in this panel
* and no other. This would make the termination much quicker and is better
* for people who are using cmd-line-options (trac #382) -- FK (10/6/05) */
returnedValue = config_SaveConfigFile( p_playlist, NULL);
if (returnedValue == 0)
while ( x != [theModules count] )
msg_Dbg(p_playlist, "VLCExtended: saved preferences successfully");
} else {
msg_Dbg(p_playlist, "VLCExtended: error while saving the preferences " \
"(%i)" , returnedValue);
returnedValue = config_SaveConfigFile( p_playlist, [[theModules \
objectAtIndex: x] UTF8String] );
if (returnedValue != 0)
msg_Err(p_playlist, "VLCExtended: error while saving the " \
"preferences of '%s' (%i)", [[theModules objectAtIndex: x] \
UTF8String] , returnedValue);
[theModules release];
vlc_object_release( p_playlist );
x = ( x + 1 );
msg_Dbg( p_playlist, "VLCExtended: saved certain preferences successfully" );
[theModules release];
vlc_object_release( p_playlist );
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