Commit 8086b07c authored by Olivier Teulière's avatar Olivier Teulière

* skins2:

    - New Panel tag, allowing to group the resizing behaviour of controls
    - Documentation updated accordingly
    - Fixed a memory leak due to CtrlMove/CtrlResize objects
parent 7c23b5c7
......@@ -65,24 +65,6 @@ difficulty to understand how VLC skins work.</para>
<sect1 id="bezier">
<title>Bezier curves</title>
<para>One cool thing with VLC sliders is that they are not necessarily rectilinear, but they can follow any Bezier curve. So if you want to have a slider moving on a half-circle, or even doing a loop, you can!</para>
<para>This is not the place to explain how Bezier curves work (see <ulink url=""></ulink> for a nice introduction), the main thing to know is that a Bezier curve can be characterized by a set of points. Once you have them (thanks to the <link linkend="CurveMaker">CurveMaker</link> utility for example<!--XXX: deprecated-->), you just need to enter the list of points in the <link linkend="sliderpoints">points</link> attribute. Here is an example with 3 points: points="(2,50),(45,120),(88,50)".</para>
<para>Bezier curves can be used with the <link linkend="Slider">Slider</link> and <link linkend="Anchor">Anchor</link> tags:</para>
<listitem><para>For sliders, it defines the curve followed by the cursor of the slider. This curve is of course invisible, so if you want a visible background for your <link linkend="Slider">Slider</link> you need to provide it yourself using the <link linkend="Image">Image</link> tag.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>For anchors, the use of Bezier curves is more anecdotic. Its purpose is to have non-ponctual anchor, the whole curve becoming the anchor. In this case, a ponctual anchor (and only a ponctual one) can be attracted by any point of the curve, if it is in its range of action. In fact, you can consider the curve as an easy way to define at once many anchors that share the same properties (except their position, of course :)).</para></listitem>
<note><para>The coordinates are relative to the upper-left corner of the control (i.e. to its <link linkend="x">x</link> and <link linkend="y">y</link> attributes).</para></note>
<title>The bitmaps</title>
......@@ -321,12 +303,12 @@ difficulty to understand how VLC skins work.</para>
<sect3 id="layoutwidth">
<para><!--TODO: calculate it in VLC :)-->Width of the layout. this value is required since VLC is not (yet?) able to calculate it using the sizes and positions of the controls.</para>
<para><!--TODO: calculate it in VLC :)-->Initial width of the layout. This value is required since VLC is not (yet?) able to calculate it using the sizes and positions of the controls.</para>
<sect3 id="layoutheight">
<para><!--TODO: calculate it in VLC :)-->Height of the layout. this value is required since VLC is not (yet?) able to calculate it using the sizes and positions of the controls.</para>
<para><!--TODO: calculate it in VLC :)-->Initial height of the layout. This value is required since VLC is not (yet?) able to calculate it using the sizes and positions of the controls.</para>
<sect3 id="minwidth">
......@@ -353,25 +335,63 @@ difficulty to understand how VLC skins work.</para>
<sect2 id="Group">
<para>Adds an offset to the elements it contains. A Group is only supposed to ease the job of the skin designer, who can adjust the position of a group of controls without modifying all the coordinates, but you can ignore it if you want (only one Group is necessary, inside the <link linkend="Layout">Layout</link> tag). Group tags can be nested.</para>
<para>Add an offset to the elements it contains. A Group is only supposed to ease the job of the skin designer, who can adjust the position of a group of controls without modifying all the coordinates, but you can ignore it if you want (only one Group is necessary, inside the <link linkend="Layout">Layout</link> tag). Group tags can be nested. Note that Group elements are deprecated, since <link linkend="Panel">Panel</link> elements are more powerful.</para>
<sect3 id="groupx">
<para>Try and guess.</para>
<para>Horizontal offset, relative to the container box (see the <link linkend="layoutmodel">Layout model</link> for more details).</para>
<para>Default value: 0</para>
<sect3 id="groupy">
<para>What do you think?</para>
<para>Vertical offset, relative to the container box (see the <link linkend="layoutmodel">Layout model</link> for more details).</para>
<para>Default value: 0</para>
<sect2 id="Panel">
<para>A Panel can be seen as an enhanced <link linkend="Layout">Group</link>. It also adds an offset to the elements it contains, but in addition it becomes their reference for the lefttop, rightbottom, xkeepratio and ykeepratio attributes. Panel tags can be nested. Since VLC 0.9.0.</para>
<para>See the <link linkend="commattr">common attributes</link>.</para>
<sect3 id="panelx">
<para>Same as the <link linkend="x">x</link> attribute of the <link linkend="commattr">common attributes</link>.</para>
<sect3 id="panely">
<para>Same as the <link linkend="y">y</link> attribute of the <link linkend="commattr">common attributes</link>.</para>
<sect3 id="panelwidth">
<para>Initial width of this container box (see the <link linkend="layoutmodel">Layout model</link> for more details).</para>
<sect3 id="panelheight">
<para>Initial height of this container box (see the <link linkend="layoutmodel">Layout model</link> for more details).</para>
<sect3 id="panellefttop">
<para>Same as the <link linkend="lefttop">lefttop</link> attribute of the <link linkend="commattr">common attributes</link>.</para>
<sect3 id="panelrightbottom">
<para>Same as the <link linkend="rightbottom">rightbottom</link> attribute of the <link linkend="commattr">common attributes</link>.</para>
<sect3 id="panelxkeepratio">
<para>Same as the <link linkend="xkeepratio">xkeepratio</link> attribute of the <link linkend="commattr">common attributes</link>.</para>
<sect3 id="panelykeepratio">
<para>Same as the <link linkend="ykeepratio">ykeepratio</link> attribute of the <link linkend="commattr">common attributes</link>.</para>
<sect2 id="Anchor">
<para>Create a "magnetic point" (or curve) in the current window. If an anchor of another window enters in the range of action of this anchor, the 2 anchors will automatically be on the same place, and the windows are "sticked". Each anchor has a priority (<link linkend="anchorpriority">priority</link> attribute), and the anchor with the highest priority is the winner, which means that when moving its window all the other anchored windows will move too. To break the effect of 2 anchored windows, you need to move the window whose anchor has the lower priority.</para>
<sect3 id="anchorx">
<para>Is it really necessary to explain ?</para>
<para>Is it really necessary to explain?</para>
<para>Default value: 0</para>
<sect3 id="anchory">
......@@ -419,34 +439,34 @@ difficulty to understand how VLC skins work.</para>
<sect3 id="x">
<para>Horizontal offset of the control, relative to the parent tag (usually <link linkend="Group">Group</link> or <link linkend="Layout">Layout</link>).</para>
<para>Horizontal offset of the control, relative to the container box (see the <link linkend="layoutmodel">Layout model</link>) or to the parent <link linkend="Group">Group</link>.</para>
<para>Default value: 0</para>
<sect3 id="y">
<para>Vertical offset of the control, relative to the parent tag (usually <link linkend="Group">Group</link> or <link linkend="Layout">Layout</link>).</para>
<para>Vertical offset of the control, relative to the container box (see the <link linkend="layoutmodel">Layout model</link>) or to the parent <link linkend="Group">Group</link>.</para>
<para>Default value: 0</para>
<sect3 id="lefttop">
<para>Indicate to which corner of the Layout the top-left-hand corner of this control is attached, in case of resizing. Possible values are 'lefttop', 'leftbottom', 'righttop' and 'rightbottom'.</para>
<para>Indicate to which corner of the container box the top-left-hand corner of this control is attached, in case of resizing. Possible values are 'lefttop', 'leftbottom', 'righttop' and 'rightbottom'. See the <link linkend="layoutmodel">Layout model</link> for more details.</para>
<para>Default value: lefttop</para>
<sect3 id="rightbottom">
<para>Indicate to which corner of the Layout the bottom-right-hand corner of this control is attached, in case of resizing.</para>
<para>Indicate to which corner of the container box the bottom-right-hand corner of this control is attached, in case of resizing. See the <link linkend="layoutmodel">Layout model</link> for more details.</para>
<para>Default value: lefttop</para>
<sect3 id="xkeepratio">
<para>When set to true, the behaviour of the horizontal resizing is changed. Instead of taking into account the <link linkend="lefttop">lefttop</link> and <link linkend="rightbottom">rightbottom</link> attributes to determine how the control will be moved/resized, only its initial position inside the <link linkend="Layout">Layout</link> matters. For example, if initially the space to the left of the control is twice as big as the one to its right, this will stay the same during any horizontal resizing. The width of the control stays constant.</para>
<para>This attribute can be particularly useful to keep a control centered in the layout, without resizing it (to resize it, you would rather use the lefttop/rightbottom attributes). Available since VLC 0.8.6.</para>
<para>When set to true, the behaviour of the horizontal resizing is changed. Instead of taking into account the <link linkend="lefttop">lefttop</link> and <link linkend="rightbottom">rightbottom</link> attributes to determine how the control will be moved/resized, only its initial position inside the container box matters. For example, if initially the space to the left of the control is twice as big as the one to its right, this will stay the same during any horizontal resizing. The width of the control stays constant.</para>
<para>This attribute can be particularly useful to keep a control centered in the container box, without resizing it (to resize it, you would rather use the lefttop/rightbottom attributes). See the <link linkend="layoutmodel">Layout model</link> for more details. Available since VLC 0.8.6.</para>
<para>Default value: false</para>
<sect3 id="ykeepratio">
<para>When set to true, the behaviour of the vertical resizing is changed. Instead of taking into account the <link linkend="lefttop">lefttop</link> and <link linkend="rightbottom">rightbottom</link> attributes to determine how the control will be moved/resized, only its initial position inside the <link linkend="Layout">Layout</link> matters. For example, if initially the space to the top of the control is twice as big as the one to its bottom, this will stay the same during any vertical resizing. The height of the control stays constant.</para>
<para>This attribute can be particularly useful to keep a control centered in the layout, without resizing it (to resize it, you would rather use the lefttop/rightbottom attributes). Available since VLC 0.8.6.</para>
<para>This attribute can be particularly useful to keep a control centered in the container box, without resizing it (to resize it, you would rather use the lefttop/rightbottom attributes). See the <link linkend="layoutmodel">Layout model</link> for more details. Available since VLC 0.8.6.</para>
<para>Default value: false</para>
<sect3 id="help">
......@@ -1114,6 +1134,38 @@ difficulty to understand how VLC skins work.</para>
<sect1 id="layoutmodel">
<title>Layout model</title>
<para>Placing the controls on a window is easy, using their x and y attributes, but these positions become insufficient for a resizable window. Some controls (or groups of controls) should stay centered in the window, others should follow the right side of the window, others should change their size automatically, etc... To handle these various behaviours, the layout model followed by the skins engine is a model based on nested boxes.</para>
<para>There are 2 kinds of boxes:</para>
<emphasis>simple boxes</emphasis>: These boxes cannot contain other boxes. All the visible controls are simple boxes: Image, Button, Checkbox, Text, Slider, RadialSlider, Playlist, Playtree, Video.
<emphasis>container boxes</emphasis>: These boxes can contain other boxes. Only two XML tags create container boxes: <link linkend="Panel">Panel</link> and <link linkend="Layout">Layout</link>. The Layout tag is necessarily the top-level box for the current layout, and cannot be contained, but Panel elements can be contained.
<para>A box inside a container box always defines how it should react when its container box is resized. Two different mechanisms are provided: corners anchoring (useful when resizing of the inner box is wanted, for example) and constant ratio (mainly useful to keep the inner box centered inside its parent):</para>
<emphasis>corners anchoring</emphasis>: The top-left-hand corner (TL) and the bottom-right-hand corner (BR) of the inner box are "tied" to corners of the container box (TL, TR, BL or BR). When any resizing occurs, tied corners move together, which can move or resize the inner box. For example, if the TL corner of the inner box is tied to the TL corner of the container (let's write it TL/TL), and if the BR corner of the inner box is also tied to the TL corner of the container box (BR/TL), the inner box will not be resized, and will always stay at the same place (this is the default behaviour). If we have TL/TL and TL/BL, the inner box is resized vertically its container is resized. If we have TL/TR and BR/TR, the inner box moves with the TR corner of its container. We could even define TL/BR and BR/TL, in which case increasing the size of the container box would shrink the size of the inner box... until it disappears completely!
<para>This mechanism is controlled by the <link linkend="lefttop">lefttop</link> and <link linkend="rightbottom">rightbottom</link> attributes of the controls.
<emphasis>constant ratio</emphasis>: When a box doesn't fill completely its container box, there is space on the top, bottom, left and right of the inner box. It is possible to force the ratio between the space on the top and the space on the bottom (or the one on the left and the one on the right) to be constant. Any resizing of the container box will then move the inner box accordingly, and the size of the inner box will never change (it overrides the corners anchoring mechanism). The horizontal and vertical ratios being independent, it is for example possible to keep only the horizontal ratio constant, in which case the inner box can still resize vertically (depending on its attributes for the corners anchoring, of course).
<para>This mechanism is controlled by the <link linkend="xkeepratio">xkeepratio</link> and <link linkend="ykeepratio">ykeepratio</link> attributes of the controls.
......@@ -1136,6 +1188,24 @@ difficulty to understand how VLC skins work.</para>
<sect1 id="bezier">
<title>Bezier curves</title>
<para>One cool thing with VLC sliders is that they are not necessarily rectilinear, but they can follow any Bezier curve. So if you want to have a slider moving on a half-circle, or even doing a loop, you can!</para>
<para>This is not the place to explain how Bezier curves work (see <ulink url=""></ulink> for a nice introduction), the main thing to know is that a Bezier curve can be characterized by a set of points. Once you have them (thanks to the <link linkend="CurveMaker">CurveMaker</link> utility for example<!--XXX: deprecated-->), you just need to enter the list of points in the <link linkend="sliderpoints">points</link> attribute. Here is an example with 3 points: points="(2,50),(45,120),(88,50)".</para>
<para>Bezier curves can be used with the <link linkend="Slider">Slider</link> and <link linkend="Anchor">Anchor</link> tags:</para>
<listitem><para>For sliders, it defines the curve followed by the cursor of the slider. This curve is of course invisible, so if you want a visible background for your <link linkend="Slider">Slider</link> you need to provide it yourself using a <link linkend="SliderBackground">SliderBackground</link> or <link linkend="Image">Image</link> tag.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>For anchors, the use of Bezier curves is more anecdotic. Its purpose is to have non-ponctual anchor, the whole curve becoming the anchor. In this case, a ponctual anchor (and only a ponctual one) can be attracted by any point of the curve, if it is in its range of action. In fact, you can consider the curve as an easy way to define at once many anchors that share the same properties (except their position, of course :)).</para></listitem>
<note><para>The coordinates are relative to the upper-left corner of the control (i.e. to its <link linkend="x">x</link> and <link linkend="y">y</link> attributes).</para></note>
<title>Tools and advice</title>
......@@ -1143,7 +1213,7 @@ difficulty to understand how VLC skins work.</para>
<title>Generating Bezier curves</title>
To generate easily Bezier curves, you can use the <ulink url="/vlc/skins/VLC-curve-maker.exe">curve-maker</ulink> (sorry, this is for Windows users only). Basically, you add and remove points at will, and you can move them to see how the curve evolves. When you have reached the perfect curve, you just have to copy-paste the list of abscissas and ordinates to form the <link linkend="sliderpoints">points</link> attribute of your <link linkend="Slider">Slider</link> or <link linkend="Playlist">Playlist</link>. The curve-maker also allows to load a .bmp file, this could be useful if you want to follow a specific pattern of a slider, for example.
To generate easily Bezier curves, you can use the <ulink url="/vlc/skins/VLC-curve-maker.exe">CurveMaker</ulink> utility (sorry, this is for Windows users only). Basically, you add and remove points at will, and you can move them to see how the curve evolves. When you have reached the perfect curve, you just have to copy-paste the list of abscissas and ordinates to form the <link linkend="sliderpoints">points</link> attribute of your <link linkend="Slider">Slider</link> or <link linkend="Anchor">Anchor</link>. The curve-maker also allows to load a .bmp file, this could be useful if you want to follow a specific pattern of a slider, for example.
<note><para>This tool was made for the first version of the skins and has not been modified since then. This explains why it does not use PNG files and why it does not generate directly the value of the <link linkend="sliderpoints">points</link> attribute.</para></note>
......@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ Theme *Builder::build()
// (at least) can give a valid window handle to the OSPopup objects
ADD_OBJECTS( PopupMenu );
ADD_OBJECTS( Layout );
ADD_OBJECTS( Anchor );
ADD_OBJECTS( Button );
ADD_OBJECTS( Checkbox );
......@@ -138,6 +139,25 @@ Theme *Builder::build()
} \
// Macro to get the parent box of a control, given the panel ID
#define GET_BOX( pRect, id, pLayout ) \
if( id == "none" ) \
pRect = &pLayout->getRect(); \
else \
{ \
const Position *pParent = \
m_pTheme->getPositionById( rData.m_panelId ); \
if( pParent == NULL ) \
{ \
msg_Err( getIntf(), "parent panel could not be found: %s", \
rData.m_panelId.c_str() ); \
return; \
} \
pRect = pParent; \
void Builder::addTheme( const BuilderData::Theme &rData )
WindowManager &rManager = m_pTheme->getWindowManager();
......@@ -382,7 +402,8 @@ void Builder::addAnchor( const BuilderData::Anchor &rData )
const Position pos = makePosition( rData.m_leftTop, rData.m_leftTop,
rData.m_xPos, rData.m_yPos,
pCurve->getHeight(), *pLayout );
pLayout->getRect() );
Anchor *pAnc = new Anchor( getIntf(), pos, rData.m_range, rData.m_priority,
*pCurve, *pLayout );
......@@ -424,18 +445,19 @@ void Builder::addButton( const BuilderData::Button &rData )
CtrlButton *pButton = new CtrlButton( getIntf(), *pBmpUp, *pBmpOver,
*pBmpDown, *pCommand, UString( getIntf(), rData.m_tooltip.c_str() ),
UString( getIntf(), rData.m_help.c_str() ), pVisible );
m_pTheme->m_controls[rData.m_id] = CtrlGenericPtr( pButton );
// Compute the position of the control
// XXX (we suppose all the images have the same size...)
const GenericRect *pRect;
GET_BOX( pRect, rData.m_panelId , pLayout);
const Position pos = makePosition( rData.m_leftTop, rData.m_rightBottom,
rData.m_xPos, rData.m_yPos,
pBmpUp->getHeight(), *pLayout,
pBmpUp->getHeight(), *pRect,
rData.m_xKeepRatio, rData.m_yKeepRatio );
pLayout->addControl( pButton, pos, rData.m_layer );
m_pTheme->m_controls[rData.m_id] = CtrlGenericPtr( pButton );
......@@ -500,18 +522,19 @@ void Builder::addCheckbox( const BuilderData::Checkbox &rData )
*pCommand2, UString( getIntf(), rData.m_tooltip1.c_str() ),
UString( getIntf(), rData.m_tooltip2.c_str() ), *pVar,
UString( getIntf(), rData.m_help.c_str() ), pVisible );
m_pTheme->m_controls[rData.m_id] = CtrlGenericPtr( pCheckbox );
// Compute the position of the control
// XXX (we suppose all the images have the same size...)
const GenericRect *pRect;
GET_BOX( pRect, rData.m_panelId , pLayout);
const Position pos = makePosition( rData.m_leftTop, rData.m_rightBottom,
rData.m_xPos, rData.m_yPos,
pBmpUp1->getHeight(), *pLayout,
pBmpUp1->getHeight(), *pRect,
rData.m_xKeepRatio, rData.m_yKeepRatio );
pLayout->addControl( pCheckbox, pos, rData.m_layer );
m_pTheme->m_controls[rData.m_id] = CtrlGenericPtr( pCheckbox );
......@@ -550,20 +573,23 @@ void Builder::addImage( const BuilderData::Image &rData )
(rData.m_resize == "scale" ? CtrlImage::kScale : CtrlImage::kMosaic);
CtrlImage *pImage = new CtrlImage( getIntf(), *pBmp, *pCommand,
resizeMethod, UString( getIntf(), rData.m_help.c_str() ), pVisible );
m_pTheme->m_controls[rData.m_id] = CtrlGenericPtr( pImage );
// Compute the position of the control
const GenericRect *pRect;
GET_BOX( pRect, rData.m_panelId , pLayout);
const Position pos = makePosition( rData.m_leftTop, rData.m_rightBottom,
rData.m_xPos, rData.m_yPos,
pBmp->getWidth(), pBmp->getHeight(),
*pLayout, rData.m_xKeepRatio,
*pRect, rData.m_xKeepRatio,
rData.m_yKeepRatio );
// XXX: test to be changed! XXX
if( rData.m_actionId == "move" )
CtrlMove *pMove = new CtrlMove( getIntf(), m_pTheme->getWindowManager(),
*pImage, *pWindow, UString( getIntf(), rData.m_help.c_str() ),
pVisible );
m_pTheme->m_controls[rData.m_id + "_move"] = CtrlGenericPtr( pMove );
pLayout->addControl( pMove, pos, rData.m_layer );
else if( rData.m_actionId == "resizeS" )
......@@ -572,6 +598,7 @@ void Builder::addImage( const BuilderData::Image &rData )
m_pTheme->getWindowManager(), *pImage, *pLayout,
UString( getIntf(), rData.m_help.c_str() ), pVisible,
WindowManager::kResizeS );
m_pTheme->m_controls[rData.m_id + "_rsz"] = CtrlGenericPtr( pResize );
pLayout->addControl( pResize, pos, rData.m_layer );
else if( rData.m_actionId == "resizeE" )
......@@ -580,6 +607,7 @@ void Builder::addImage( const BuilderData::Image &rData )
m_pTheme->getWindowManager(), *pImage, *pLayout,
UString( getIntf(), rData.m_help.c_str() ), pVisible,
WindowManager::kResizeE );
m_pTheme->m_controls[rData.m_id + "_rsz"] = CtrlGenericPtr( pResize );
pLayout->addControl( pResize, pos, rData.m_layer );
else if( rData.m_actionId == "resizeSE" )
......@@ -588,14 +616,38 @@ void Builder::addImage( const BuilderData::Image &rData )
m_pTheme->getWindowManager(), *pImage, *pLayout,
UString( getIntf(), rData.m_help.c_str() ), pVisible,
WindowManager::kResizeSE );
m_pTheme->m_controls[rData.m_id + "_rsz"] = CtrlGenericPtr( pResize );
pLayout->addControl( pResize, pos, rData.m_layer );
pLayout->addControl( pImage, pos, rData.m_layer );
m_pTheme->m_controls[rData.m_id] = CtrlGenericPtr( pImage );
void Builder::addPanel( const BuilderData::Panel &rData )
// This method makes the assumption that the Panels are created in the
// order of the XML, because each child Panel expects its parent Panel
// in order to be fully created
GenericLayout *pLayout = m_pTheme->getLayoutById( rData.m_layoutId );
if( pLayout == NULL )
msg_Err( getIntf(), "unknown layout id: %s", rData.m_layoutId.c_str() );
const GenericRect *pRect;
GET_BOX( pRect, rData.m_panelId , pLayout);
Position *pPos =
new Position( makePosition( rData.m_leftTop, rData.m_rightBottom,
rData.m_xPos, rData.m_yPos,
rData.m_width, rData.m_height,
*pRect, rData.m_xKeepRatio,
rData.m_yKeepRatio ) );
m_pTheme->m_positions[rData.m_id] = PositionPtr( pPos );
......@@ -657,13 +709,16 @@ void Builder::addText( const BuilderData::Text &rData )
CtrlText *pText = new CtrlText( getIntf(), *pVar, *pFont,
UString( getIntf(), rData.m_help.c_str() ), rData.m_color, pVisible,
scrolling, alignment );
m_pTheme->m_controls[rData.m_id] = CtrlGenericPtr( pText );
int height = pFont->getSize();
// Compute the position of the control
const GenericRect *pRect;
GET_BOX( pRect, rData.m_panelId , pLayout);
const Position pos = makePosition( rData.m_leftTop, rData.m_rightBottom,
rData.m_xPos, rData.m_yPos,
rData.m_width, height, *pLayout,
rData.m_width, height, *pRect,
rData.m_xKeepRatio, rData.m_yKeepRatio );
pLayout->addControl( pText, pos, rData.m_layer );
......@@ -671,8 +726,6 @@ void Builder::addText( const BuilderData::Text &rData )
// Set the text of the control
UString msg( getIntf(), rData.m_text.c_str() );
pVar->set( msg );
m_pTheme->m_controls[rData.m_id] = CtrlGenericPtr( pText );
......@@ -708,19 +761,20 @@ void Builder::addRadialSlider( const BuilderData::RadialSlider &rData )
rData.m_minAngle, rData.m_maxAngle,
UString( getIntf(), rData.m_help.c_str() ),
pVisible );
m_pTheme->m_controls[rData.m_id] = CtrlGenericPtr( pRadial );
// XXX: resizing is not supported
// Compute the position of the control
const GenericRect *pRect;
GET_BOX( pRect, rData.m_panelId , pLayout);
const Position pos = makePosition( rData.m_leftTop, rData.m_rightBottom,
rData.m_xPos, rData.m_yPos,
pSeq->getHeight() / rData.m_nbImages,
rData.m_xKeepRatio, rData.m_yKeepRatio );
pLayout->addControl( pRadial, pos, rData.m_layer );
m_pTheme->m_controls[rData.m_id] = CtrlGenericPtr( pRadial );
......@@ -772,18 +826,19 @@ void Builder::addSlider( const BuilderData::Slider &rData )
*pCurve, *pVar, rData.m_thickness, pBgImage, rData.m_nbHoriz,
rData.m_nbVert, rData.m_padHoriz, rData.m_padVert,
pVisible, UString( getIntf(), rData.m_help.c_str() ) );
m_pTheme->m_controls[rData.m_id + "_bg"] = CtrlGenericPtr( pBackground );
// Compute the position of the control
const GenericRect *pRect;
GET_BOX( pRect, rData.m_panelId , pLayout);
const Position pos = makePosition( rData.m_leftTop, rData.m_rightBottom,
rData.m_xPos, rData.m_yPos,
pCurve->getWidth(), pCurve->getHeight(),
rData.m_xKeepRatio, rData.m_yKeepRatio );
pLayout->addControl( pBackground, pos, rData.m_layer );
m_pTheme->m_controls[rData.m_id + "_bg"] = CtrlGenericPtr( pBackground );
// Get the bitmaps of the cursor
GenericBitmap *pBmpUp = NULL;
GET_BMP( pBmpUp, rData.m_upId );
......@@ -799,11 +854,10 @@ void Builder::addSlider( const BuilderData::Slider &rData )
*pBmpOver, *pBmpDown, *pCurve, *pVar, pVisible,
UString( getIntf(), rData.m_tooltip.c_str() ),
UString( getIntf(), rData.m_help.c_str() ) );
m_pTheme->m_controls[rData.m_id] = CtrlGenericPtr( pCursor );
pLayout->addControl( pCursor, pos, rData.m_layer );
m_pTheme->m_controls[rData.m_id] = CtrlGenericPtr( pCursor );
// Associate the cursor to the background
pBackground->associateCursor( *pCursor );
......@@ -853,17 +907,18 @@ void Builder::addList( const BuilderData::List &rData )
CtrlList *pList = new CtrlList( getIntf(), *pVar, *pFont, pBgBmp,
fgColor, playColor, bgColor1, bgColor2, selColor,
UString( getIntf(), rData.m_help.c_str() ), pVisible );
m_pTheme->m_controls[rData.m_id] = CtrlGenericPtr( pList );
// Compute the position of the control
const GenericRect *pRect;
GET_BOX( pRect, rData.m_panelId , pLayout);
const Position pos = makePosition( rData.m_leftTop, rData.m_rightBottom,
rData.m_xPos, rData.m_yPos,
rData.m_width, rData.m_height,
rData.m_xKeepRatio, rData.m_yKeepRatio );
pLayout->addControl( pList, pos, rData.m_layer );
m_pTheme->m_controls[rData.m_id] = CtrlGenericPtr( pList );
void Builder::addTree( const BuilderData::Tree &rData )
......@@ -918,17 +973,18 @@ void Builder::addTree( const BuilderData::Tree &rData )
pItemBmp, pOpenBmp, pClosedBmp,
fgColor, playColor, bgColor1, bgColor2, selColor,
UString( getIntf(), rData.m_help.c_str() ), pVisible, pFlat );
m_pTheme->m_controls[rData.m_id] = CtrlGenericPtr( pTree );
// Compute the position of the control
const GenericRect *pRect;
GET_BOX( pRect, rData.m_panelId , pLayout);
const Position pos = makePosition( rData.m_leftTop, rData.m_rightBottom,
rData.m_xPos, rData.m_yPos,
rData.m_width, rData.m_height,
rData.m_xKeepRatio, rData.m_yKeepRatio );
pLayout->addControl( pTree, pos, rData.m_layer );
m_pTheme->m_controls[rData.m_id] = CtrlGenericPtr( pTree );
void Builder::addVideo( const BuilderData::Video &rData )
......@@ -948,32 +1004,33 @@ void Builder::addVideo( const BuilderData::Video &rData )
CtrlVideo *pVideo = new CtrlVideo( getIntf(), *pLayout,
rData.m_autoResize, UString( getIntf(), rData.m_help.c_str() ),
pVisible );
m_pTheme->m_controls[rData.m_id] = CtrlGenericPtr( pVideo );
// Compute the position of the control
const GenericRect *pRect;
GET_BOX( pRect, rData.m_panelId , pLayout);
const Position pos = makePosition( rData.m_leftTop, rData.m_rightBottom,
rData.m_xPos, rData.m_yPos,
rData.m_width, rData.m_height,
rData.m_xKeepRatio, rData.m_yKeepRatio );
pLayout->addControl( pVideo, pos, rData.m_layer );
m_pTheme->m_controls[rData.m_id] = CtrlGenericPtr( pVideo );
const Position Builder::makePosition( const string &rLeftTop,
const string &rRightBottom,
int xPos, int yPos, int width,
int height, const Box &rBox,
int height, const GenericRect &rRect,
bool xKeepRatio, bool yKeepRatio ) const
int left = 0, top = 0, right = 0, bottom = 0;
Position::Ref_t refLeftTop = Position::kLeftTop;
Position::Ref_t refRightBottom = Position::kLeftTop;
int boxWidth = rBox.getWidth();
int boxHeight = rBox.getHeight();
int boxWidth = rRect.getWidth();
int boxHeight = rRect.getHeight();
// Position of the left top corner
if( rLeftTop == "lefttop" )
......@@ -1042,7 +1099,7 @@ const Position Builder::makePosition( const string &rLeftTop,
bottom = yPos + height;
return Position( left, top, right, bottom, rBox, refLeftTop,
return Position( left, top, right, bottom, rRect, refLeftTop,
refRightBottom, xKeepRatio, yKeepRatio );
......@@ -1101,14 +1158,7 @@ Bezier *Builder::getPoints( const char *pTag ) const
return NULL;
#if 0
if( x < 0 || y < 0 )
msg_Err( getIntf(),
"Slider points cannot have negative coordinates!" );
return NULL;
xBez.push_back( x );
yBez.push_back( y );
pTag += n;
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class Bezier;
class CmdGeneric;
class GenericFont;
class Position;
class Box;
class GenericRect;
/// Class for skin construction
......@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ class Builder: public SkinObject
void addButton( const BuilderData::Button &rData );
void addCheckbox( const BuilderData::Checkbox &rData );
void addImage( const BuilderData::Image &rData );
void addPanel( const BuilderData::Panel &rData );
void addText( const BuilderData::Text &rData );
void addRadialSlider( const BuilderData::RadialSlider &rData );
void addSlider( const BuilderData::Slider &rData );
......@@ -90,7 +91,8 @@ class Builder: public SkinObject
const Position makePosition( const string &rLeftTop,
const string &rRightBottom,
int xPos, int yPos, int width, int height,
const Box &rBox, bool xKeepRatio = false,
const GenericRect &rRect,
bool xKeepRatio = false,
bool yKeepRatio = false ) const;
// Build the full path of a file
......@@ -9,13 +9,14 @@ MenuSeparator pos:int popupId:string
Window id:string xPos:int yPos:int visible:bool dragDrop:bool playOnDrop:bool
Layout id:string width:int height:int minWidth:int maxWidth:int minHeight:int maxHeight:int windowId:string
Anchor xPos:int yPos:int leftTop:string range:int priority:int points:string layoutId:string
Button id:string xPos:int yPos:int leftTop:string rightBottom:string xKeepRatio:bool yKeepRatio:bool visible:string upId:string downId:string overId:string actionId:string tooltip:string help:string layer:int windowId:string layoutId:string
Checkbox id:string xPos:int yPos:int leftTop:string rightBottom:string xKeepRatio:bool yKeepRatio:bool visible:string up1Id:string down1Id:string over1Id:string up2Id:string down2Id:string over2Id:string state:string action1:string action2:string tooltip1:string tooltip2:string help:string layer:int windowId:string layoutId:string
Image id:string xPos:int yPos:int leftTop:string rightBottom:string xKeepRatio:bool yKeepRatio:bool visible:string bmpId:string actionId:string action2Id:string resize:string help:string layer:int windowId:string layoutId:string
Button id:string xPos:int yPos:int leftTop:string rightBottom:string xKeepRatio:bool yKeepRatio:bool visible:string upId:string downId:string overId:string actionId:string tooltip:string help:string layer:int windowId:string layoutId:string panelId:string
Checkbox id:string xPos:int yPos:int leftTop:string rightBottom:string xKeepRatio:bool yKeepRatio:bool visible:string up1Id:string down1Id:string over1Id:string up2Id:string down2Id:string over2Id:string state:string action1:string action2:string tooltip1:string tooltip2:string help:string layer:int windowId:string layoutId:string panelId:string
Image id:string xPos:int yPos:int leftTop:string rightBottom:string xKeepRatio:bool yKeepRatio:bool visible:string bmpId:string actionId:string action2Id:string resize:string help:string layer:int windowId:string layoutId:string panelId:string
IniFile id:string file:string
Text id:string xPos:int yPos:int visible:string fontId:string text:string width:int leftTop:string rightBottom:string xKeepRatio:bool yKeepRatio:bool color:uint32_t scrolling:string alignment:string help:string layer:int windowId:string layoutId:string
RadialSlider id:string visible:string xPos:int yPos:int leftTop:string rightBottom:string xKeepRatio:bool yKeepRatio:bool sequence:string nbImages:int minAngle:float maxAngle:float value:string tooltip:string help:string layer:int windowId:string layoutId:string
Slider id:string visible:string xPos:int yPos:int leftTop:string rightBottom:string xKeepRatio:bool yKeepRatio:bool upId:string downId:string overId:string points:string thickness:int value:string imageId:string nbHoriz:int nbVert:int padHoriz:int padVert:int tooltip:string help:string layer:int windowId:string layoutId:string
List id:string xPos:int yPos:int visible:string width:int height:int leftTop:string rightBottom:string xKeepRatio:bool yKeepRatio:bool fontId:string var:string bgImageId:string fgColor:string playColor:string bgColor1:string bgColor2:string selColor:string help:string layer:int windowId:string layoutId:string
Tree id:string xPos:int yPos:int visible:string flat:string width:int height:int leftTop:string rightBottom:string xKeepRatio:bool yKeepRatio:bool fontId:string var:string bgImageId:string itemImageId:string openImageId:string closedImageId:string fgColor:string playColor:string bgColor1:string bgColor2:string selColor:string help:string layer:int windowId:string layoutId:string
Video id:string xPos:int yPos:int width:int height:int leftTop:string rightBottom:string xKeepRatio:bool yKeepRatio:bool visible:string autoResize:bool help:string layer:int windowId:string layoutId:string
Panel id:string xPos:int yPos:int leftTop:string rightBottom:string xKeepRatio:bool yKeepRatio:bool width:int height:int layer:int windowId:string layoutId:string panelId:string
Text id:string xPos:int yPos:int visible:string fontId:string text:string width:int leftTop:string rightBottom:string xKeepRatio:bool yKeepRatio:bool color:uint32_t scrolling:string alignment:string help:string layer:int windowId:string layoutId:string panelId:string
RadialSlider id:string visible:string xPos:int yPos:int leftTop:string rightBottom:string xKeepRatio:bool yKeepRatio:bool sequence:string nbImages:int minAngle:float maxAngle:float value:string tooltip:string help:string layer:int windowId:string layoutId:string panelId:string
Slider id:string visible:string xPos:int yPos:int leftTop:string rightBottom:string xKeepRatio:bool yKeepRatio:bool upId:string downId:string overId:string points:string thickness:int value:string imageId:string nbHoriz:int nbVert:int padHoriz:int padVert:int tooltip:string help:string layer:int windowId:string layoutId:string panelId:string
List id:string xPos:int yPos:int visible:string width:int height:int leftTop:string rightBottom:string xKeepRatio:bool yKeepRatio:bool fontId:string var:string bgImageId:string fgColor:string playColor:string bgColor1:string bgColor2:string selColor:string help:string layer:int windowId:string layoutId:string panelId:string
Tree id:string xPos:int yPos:int visible:string flat:string width:int height:int leftTop:string rightBottom:string xKeepRatio:bool yKeepRatio:bool fontId:string var:string bgImageId:string itemImageId:string openImageId:string closedImageId:string fgColor:string playColor:string bgColor1:string bgColor2:string selColor:string help:string layer:int windowId:string layoutId:string panelId:string
Video id:string xPos:int yPos:int width:int height:int leftTop:string rightBottom:string xKeepRatio:bool yKeepRatio:bool visible:string autoResize:bool help:string layer:int windowId:string layoutId:string panelId:string
......@@ -203,8 +203,8 @@ m_xPos( xPos ), m_yPos( yPos ), m_leftTop( leftTop ), m_range( range ), m_priori
/// Type definition
struct Button
Button( const string & id, int xPos, int yPos, const string & leftTop, const string & rightBottom, bool xKeepRatio, bool yKeepRatio, const string & visible, const string & upId, const string & downId, const string & overId, const string & actionId, const string & tooltip, const string & help, int layer, const string & windowId, const string & layoutId ):
m_id( id ), m_xPos( xPos ), m_yPos( yPos ), m_leftTop( leftTop ), m_rightBottom( rightBottom ), m_xKeepRatio( xKeepRatio ), m_yKeepRatio( yKeepRatio ), m_visible( visible ), m_upId( upId ), m_downId( downId ), m_overId( overId ), m_actionId( actionId ), m_tooltip( tooltip ), m_help( help ), m_layer( layer ), m_windowId( windowId ), m_layoutId( layoutId ) {}
Button( const string & id, int xPos, int yPos, const string & leftTop, const string & rightBottom, bool xKeepRatio, bool yKeepRatio, const string & visible, const string & upId, const string & downId, const string & overId, const string & actionId, const string & tooltip, const string & help, int layer, const string & windowId, const string & layoutId, const string & panelId ):
m_id( id ), m_xPos( xPos ), m_yPos( yPos ), m_leftTop( leftTop ), m_rightBottom( rightBottom ), m_xKeepRatio( xKeepRatio ), m_yKeepRatio( yKeepRatio ), m_visible( visible ), m_upId( upId ), m_downId( downId ), m_overId( overId ), m_actionId( actionId ), m_tooltip( tooltip ), m_help( help ), m_layer( layer ), m_windowId( windowId ), m_layoutId( layoutId ), m_panelId( panelId ) {}
string m_id;
int m_xPos;
......@@ -223,6 +223,7 @@ m_id( id ), m_xPos( xPos ), m_yPos( yPos ), m_leftTop( leftTop ), m_rightBottom(
int m_layer;
string m_windowId;
string m_layoutId;
string m_panelId;
/// List
list<Button> m_listButton;
......@@ -230,8 +231,8 @@ m_id( id ), m_xPos( xPos ), m_yPos( yPos ), m_leftTop( leftTop ), m_rightBottom(
/// Type definition
struct Checkbox
Checkbox( const string & id, int xPos, int yPos, const string & leftTop, const string & rightBottom, bool xKeepRatio, bool yKeepRatio, const string & visible, const string & up1Id, const string & down1Id, const string & over1Id, const string & up2Id, const string & down2Id, const string & over2Id, const string & state, const string & action1, const string & action2, const string & tooltip1, const string & tooltip2, const string & help, int layer, const string & windowId, const string & layoutId ):
m_id( id ), m_xPos( xPos ), m_yPos( yPos ), m_leftTop( leftTop ), m_rightBottom( rightBottom ), m_xKeepRatio( xKeepRatio ), m_yKeepRatio( yKeepRatio ), m_visible( visible ), m_up1Id( up1Id ), m_down1Id( down1Id ), m_over1Id( over1Id ), m_up2Id( up2Id ), m_down2Id( down2Id ), m_over2Id( over2Id ), m_state( state ), m_action1( action1 ), m_action2( action2 ), m_tooltip1( tooltip1 ), m_tooltip2( tooltip2 ), m_help( help ), m_layer( layer ), m_windowId( windowId ), m_layoutId( layoutId ) {}
Checkbox( const string & id, int xPos, int yPos, const string & leftTop, const string & rightBottom, bool xKeepRatio, bool yKeepRatio, const string & visible, const string & up1Id, const string & down1Id, const string & over1Id, const string & up2Id, const string & down2Id, const string & over2Id, const string & state, const string & action1, const string & action2, const string & tooltip1, const string & tooltip2, const string & help, int layer, const string & windowId, const string & layoutId, const string & panelId ):
m_id( id ), m_xPos( xPos ), m_yPos( yPos ), m_leftTop( leftTop ), m_rightBottom( rightBottom ), m_xKeepRatio( xKeepRatio ), m_yKeepRatio( yKeepRatio ), m_visible( visible ), m_up1Id( up1Id ), m_down1Id( down1Id ), m_over1Id( over1Id ), m_up2Id( up2Id ), m_down2Id( down2Id ), m_over2Id( over2Id ), m_state( state ), m_action1( action1 ), m_action2( action2 ), m_tooltip1( tooltip1 ), m_tooltip2( tooltip2 ), m_help( help ), m_layer( layer ), m_windowId( windowId ), m_layoutId( layoutId ), m_panelId( panelId ) {}
string m_id;
int m_xPos;
......@@ -256,6 +257,7 @@ m_id( id ), m_xPos( xPos ), m_yPos( yPos ), m_leftTop( leftTop ), m_rightBottom(
int m_layer;
string m_windowId;
string m_layoutId;
string m_panelId;
/// List
list<Checkbox> m_listCheckbox;
......@@ -263,8 +265,8 @@ m_id( id ), m_xPos( xPos ), m_yPos( yPos ), m_leftTop( leftTop ), m_rightBottom(
/// Type definition
struct Image
Image( const string & id, int xPos, int yPos, const string & leftTop, const string & rightBottom, bool xKeepRatio, bool yKeepRatio, const string & visible, const string & bmpId, const string & actionId, const string & action2Id, const string & resize, const string & help, int layer, const string & windowId, const string & layoutId ):
m_id( id ), m_xPos( xPos ), m_yPos( yPos ), m_leftTop( leftTop ), m_rightBottom( rightBottom ), m_xKeepRatio( xKeepRatio ), m_yKeepRatio( yKeepRatio ), m_visible( visible ), m_bmpId( bmpId ), m_actionId( actionId ), m_action2Id( action2Id ), m_resize( resize ), m_help( help ), m_layer( layer ), m_windowId( windowId ), m_layoutId( layoutId ) {}
Image( const string & id, int xPos, int yPos, const string & leftTop, const string & rightBottom, bool xKeepRatio, bool yKeepRatio, const string & visible, const string & bmpId, const string & actionId, const string & action2Id, const string & resize, const string & help, int layer, const string & windowId, const string & layoutId, const string & panelId ):
m_id( id ), m_xPos( xPos ), m_yPos( yPos ), m_leftTop( leftTop ), m_rightBottom( rightBottom ), m_xKeepRatio( xKeepRatio ), m_yKeepRatio( yKeepRatio ), m_visible( visible ), m_bmpId( bmpId ), m_actionId( actionId ), m_action2Id( action2Id ), m_resize( resize ), m_help( help ), m_layer( layer ), m_windowId( windowId ), m_layoutId( layoutId ), m_panelId( panelId ) {}
string m_id;
int m_xPos;
......@@ -282,6 +284,7 @@ m_id( id ), m_xPos( xPos ), m_yPos( yPos ), m_leftTop( leftTop ), m_rightBottom(
int m_layer;
string m_windowId;
string m_layoutId;
string m_panelId;
/// List
list<Image> m_listImage;
......@@ -298,11 +301,34 @@ m_id( id ), m_file( file ) {}
/// List
list<IniFile> m_listIniFile;
/// Type definition
struct Panel
Panel( const string & id, int xPos, int yPos, const string & leftTop, const string & rightBottom, bool xKeepRatio, bool yKeepRatio, int width, int height, int layer, const string & windowId, const string & layoutId, const string & panelId ):
m_id( id ), m_xPos( xPos ), m_yPos( yPos ), m_leftTop( leftTop ), m_rightBottom( rightBottom ), m_xKeepRatio( xKeepRatio ), m_yKeepRatio( yKeepRatio ), m_width( width ), m_height( height ), m_layer( layer ), m_windowId( windowId ), m_layoutId( layoutId ), m_panelId( panelId ) {}
string m_id;
int m_xPos;
int m_yPos;
string m_leftTop;
string m_rightBottom;
bool m_xKeepRatio;
bool m_yKeepRatio;
int m_width;
int m_height;
int m_layer;
string m_windowId;
string m_layoutId;
string m_panelId;
/// List
list<Panel> m_listPanel;
/// Type definition
struct Text
Text( const string & id, int xPos, int yPos, const string & visible, const string & fontId, const string & text, int width, const string & leftTop, const string & rightBottom, bool xKeepRatio, bool yKeepRatio, uint32_t color, const string & scrolling, const string & alignment, const string & help, int layer, const string & windowId, const string & layoutId ):
m_id( id ), m_xPos( xPos ), m_yPos( yPos ), m_visible( visible ), m_fontId( fontId ), m_text( text ), m_width( width ), m_leftTop( leftTop ), m_rightBottom( rightBottom ), m_xKeepRatio( xKeepRatio ), m_yKeepRatio( yKeepRatio ), m_color( color ), m_scrolling( scrolling ), m_alignment( alignment ), m_help( help ), m_layer( layer ), m_windowId( windowId ), m_layoutId( layoutId ) {}
Text( const string & id, int xPos, int yPos, const string & visible, const string & fontId, const string & text, int width, const string & leftTop, const string & rightBottom, bool xKeepRatio, bool yKeepRatio, uint32_t color, const string & scrolling, const string & alignment, const string & help, int layer, const string & windowId, const string & layoutId, const string & panelId ):
m_id( id ), m_xPos( xPos ), m_yPos( yPos ), m_visible( visible ), m_fontId( fontId ), m_text( text ), m_width( width ), m_leftTop( leftTop ), m_rightBottom( rightBottom ), m_xKeepRatio( xKeepRatio ), m_yKeepRatio( yKeepRatio ), m_color( color ), m_scrolling( scrolling ), m_alignment( alignment ), m_help( help ), m_layer( layer ), m_windowId( windowId ), m_layoutId( layoutId ), m_panelId( panelId ) {}
string m_id;
int m_xPos;
......@@ -322,6 +348,7 @@ m_id( id ), m_xPos( xPos ), m_yPos( yPos ), m_visible( visible ), m_fontId( font
int m_layer;
string m_windowId;
string m_layoutId;
string m_panelId;
/// List
list<Text> m_listText;
......@@ -329,8 +356,8 @@ m_id( id ), m_xPos( xPos ), m_yPos( yPos ), m_visible( visible ), m_fontId( font
/// Type definition
struct RadialSlider
RadialSlider( const string & id, const string & visible, int xPos, int yPos, const string & leftTop, const string & rightBottom, bool xKeepRatio, bool yKeepRatio, const string & sequence, int nbImages, float minAngle, float maxAngle, const string & value, const string & tooltip, const string & help, int layer, const string & windowId, const string & layoutId ):
m_id( id ), m_visible( visible ), m_xPos( xPos ), m_yPos( yPos ), m_leftTop( leftTop ), m_rightBottom( rightBottom ), m_xKeepRatio( xKeepRatio ), m_yKeepRatio( yKeepRatio ), m_sequence( sequence ), m_nbImages( nbImages ), m_minAngle( minAngle ), m_maxAngle( maxAngle ), m_value( value ), m_tooltip( tooltip ), m_help( help ), m_layer( layer ), m_windowId( windowId ), m_layoutId( layoutId ) {}
RadialSlider( const string & id, const string & visible, int xPos, int yPos, const string & leftTop, const string & rightBottom, bool xKeepRatio, bool yKeepRatio, const string & sequence, int nbImages, float minAngle, float maxAngle, const string & value, const string & tooltip, const string & help, int layer, const string & windowId, const string & layoutId, const string & panelId ):
m_id( id ), m_visible( visible ), m_xPos( xPos ), m_yPos( yPos ), m_leftTop( leftTop ), m_rightBottom( rightBottom ), m_xKeepRatio( xKeepRatio ), m_yKeepRatio( yKeepRatio ), m_sequence( sequence ), m_nbImages( nbImages ), m_minAngle( minAngle ), m_maxAngle( maxAngle ), m_value( value ), m_tooltip( tooltip ), m_help( help ), m_layer( layer ), m_windowId( windowId ), m_layoutId( layoutId ), m_panelId( panelId ) {}
string m_id;
string m_visible;
......@@ -350,6 +377,7 @@ m_id( id ), m_visible( visible ), m_xPos( xPos ), m_yPos( yPos ), m_leftTop( lef
int m_layer;
string m_windowId;
string m_layoutId;
string m_panelId;
/// List
list<RadialSlider> m_listRadialSlider;
......@@ -357,8 +385,8 @@ m_id( id ), m_visible( visible ), m_xPos( xPos ), m_yPos( yPos ), m_leftTop( lef
/// Type definition
struct Slider
Slider( const string & id, const string & visible, int xPos, int yPos, const string & leftTop, const string & rightBottom, bool xKeepRatio, bool yKeepRatio, const string & upId, const string & downId, const string & overId, const string & points, int thickness, const string & value, const string & imageId, int nbHoriz, int nbVert, int padHoriz, int padVert, const string & tooltip, const string & help, int layer, const string & windowId, const string & layoutId ):
m_id( id ), m_visible( visible ), m_xPos( xPos ), m_yPos( yPos ), m_leftTop( leftTop ), m_rightBottom( rightBottom ), m_xKeepRatio( xKeepRatio ), m_yKeepRatio( yKeepRatio ), m_upId( upId ), m_downId( downId ), m_overId( overId ), m_points( points ), m_thickness( thickness ), m_value( value ), m_imageId( imageId ), m_nbHoriz( nbHoriz ), m_nbVert( nbVert ), m_padHoriz( padHoriz ), m_padVert( padVert ), m_tooltip( tooltip ), m_help( help ), m_layer( layer ), m_windowId( windowId ), m_layoutId( layoutId ) {}
Slider( const string & id, const string & visible, int xPos, int yPos, const string & leftTop, const string & rightBottom, bool xKeepRatio, bool yKeepRatio, const string & upId, const string & downId, const string & overId, const string & points, int thickness, const string & value, const string & imageId, int nbHoriz, int nbVert, int padHoriz, int padVert, const string & tooltip, const string & help, int layer, const string & windowId, const string & layoutId, const string & panelId ):
m_id( id ), m_visible( visible ), m_xPos( xPos ), m_yPos( yPos ), m_leftTop( leftTop ), m_rightBottom( rightBottom ), m_xKeepRatio( xKeepRatio ), m_yKeepRatio( yKeepRatio ), m_upId( upId ), m_downId( downId ), m_overId( overId ), m_points( points ), m_thickness( thickness ), m_value( value ), m_imageId( imageId ), m_nbHoriz( nbHoriz ), m_nbVert( nbVert ), m_padHoriz( padHoriz ), m_padVert( padVert ), m_tooltip( tooltip ), m_help( help ), m_layer( layer ), m_windowId( windowId ), m_layoutId( layoutId ), m_panelId( panelId ) {}
string m_id;
string m_visible;
......@@ -384,6 +412,7 @@ m_id( id ), m_visible( visible ), m_xPos( xPos ), m_yPos( yPos ), m_leftTop( lef
int m_layer;
string m_windowId;
string m_layoutId;
string m_panelId;
/// List
list<Slider> m_listSlider;
......@@ -391,8 +420,8 @@ m_id( id ), m_visible( visible ), m_xPos( xPos ), m_yPos( yPos ), m_leftTop( lef
/// Type definition
struct List
List( const string & id, int xPos, int yPos, const string & visible, int width, int height, const string & leftTop, const string & rightBottom, bool xKeepRatio, bool yKeepRatio, const string & fontId, const string & var, const string & bgImageId, const string & fgColor, const string & playColor, const string & bgColor1, const string & bgColor2, const string & selColor, const string & help, int layer, const string & windowId, const string & layoutId ):
m_id( id ), m_xPos( xPos ), m_yPos( yPos ), m_visible( visible ), m_width( width ), m_height( height ), m_leftTop( leftTop ), m_rightBottom( rightBottom ), m_xKeepRatio( xKeepRatio ), m_yKeepRatio( yKeepRatio ), m_fontId( fontId ), m_var( var ), m_bgImageId( bgImageId ), m_fgColor( fgColor ), m_playColor( playColor ), m_bgColor1( bgColor1 ), m_bgColor2( bgColor2 ), m_selColor( selColor ), m_help( help ), m_layer( layer ), m_windowId( windowId ), m_layoutId( layoutId ) {}
List( const string & id, int xPos, int yPos, const string & visible, int width, int height, const string & leftTop, const string & rightBottom, bool xKeepRatio, bool yKeepRatio, const string & fontId, const string & var, const string & bgImageId, const string & fgColor, const string & playColor, const string & bgColor1, const string & bgColor2, const string & selColor, const string & help, int layer, const string & windowId, const string & layoutId, const string & panelId ):
m_id( id ), m_xPos( xPos ), m_yPos( yPos ), m_visible( visible ), m_width( width ), m_height( height ), m_leftTop( leftTop ), m_rightBottom( rightBottom ), m_xKeepRatio( xKeepRatio ), m_yKeepRatio( yKeepRatio ), m_fontId( fontId ), m_var( var ), m_bgImageId( bgImageId ), m_fgColor( fgColor ), m_playColor( playColor ), m_bgColor1( bgColor1 ), m_bgColor2( bgColor2 ), m_selColor( selColor ), m_help( help ), m_layer( layer ), m_windowId( windowId ), m_layoutId( layoutId ), m_panelId( panelId ) {}
string m_id;
int m_xPos;
......@@ -416,6 +445,7 @@ m_id( id ), m_xPos( xPos ), m_yPos( yPos ), m_visible( visible ), m_width( width
int m_layer;
string m_windowId;
string m_layoutId;
string m_panelId;
/// List
list<List> m_listList;
......@@ -423,8 +453,8 @@ m_id( id ), m_xPos( xPos ), m_yPos( yPos ), m_visible( visible ), m_width( width
/// Type definition
struct Tree
Tree( const string & id, int xPos, int yPos, const string & visible, const string & flat, int width, int height, const string & leftTop, const string & rightBottom, bool xKeepRatio, bool yKeepRatio, const string & fontId, const string & var, const string & bgImageId, const string & itemImageId, const string & openImageId, const string & closedImageId, const string & fgColor, const string & playColor, const string & bgColor1, const string & bgColor2, const string & selColor, const string & help, int layer, const string & windowId, const string & layoutId ):
m_id( id ), m_xPos( xPos ), m_yPos( yPos ), m_visible( visible ), m_flat( flat ), m_width( width ), m_height( height ), m_leftTop( leftTop ), m_rightBottom( rightBottom ), m_xKeepRatio( xKeepRatio ), m_yKeepRatio( yKeepRatio ), m_fontId( fontId ), m_var( var ), m_bgImageId( bgImageId ), m_itemImageId( itemImageId ), m_openImageId( openImageId ), m_closedImageId( closedImageId ), m_fgColor( fgColor ), m_playColor( playColor ), m_bgColor1( bgColor1 ), m_bgColor2( bgColor2 ), m_selColor( selColor ), m_help( help ), m_layer( layer ), m_windowId( windowId ), m_layoutId( layoutId ) {}
Tree( const string & id, int xPos, int yPos, const string & visible, const string & flat, int width, int height, const string & leftTop, const string & rightBottom, bool xKeepRatio, bool yKeepRatio, const string & fontId, const string & var, const string & bgImageId, const string & itemImageId, const string & openImageId, const string & closedImageId, const string & fgColor, const string & playColor, const string & bgColor1, const string & bgColor2, const string & selColor, const string & help, int layer, const string & windowId, const string & layoutId, const string & panelId ):
m_id( id ), m_xPos( xPos ), m_yPos( yPos ), m_visible( visible ), m_flat( flat ), m_width( width ), m_height( height ), m_leftTop( leftTop ), m_rightBottom( rightBottom ), m_xKeepRatio( xKeepRatio ), m_yKeepRatio( yKeepRatio ), m_fontId( fontId ), m_var( var ), m_bgImageId( bgImageId ), m_itemImageId( itemImageId ), m_openImageId( openImageId ), m_closedImageId( closedImageId ), m_fgColor( fgColor ), m_playColor( playColor ), m_bgColor1( bgColor1 ), m_bgColor2( bgColor2 ), m_selColor( selColor ), m_help( help ), m_layer( layer ), m_windowId( windowId ), m_layoutId( layoutId ), m_panelId( panelId ) {}
string m_id;
int m_xPos;
......@@ -452,6 +482,7 @@ m_id( id ), m_xPos( xPos ), m_yPos( yPos ), m_visible( visible ), m_flat( flat )
int m_layer;
string m_windowId;
string m_layoutId;
string m_panelId;
/// List
list<Tree> m_listTree;
......@@ -459,8 +490,8 @@ m_id( id ), m_xPos( xPos ), m_yPos( yPos ), m_visible( visible ), m_flat( flat )
/// Type definition
struct Video
Video( const string & id, int xPos, int yPos, int width, int height, const string & leftTop, const string & rightBottom, bool xKeepRatio, bool yKeepRatio, const string & visible, bool autoResize, const string & help, int layer, const string & windowId, const string & layoutId ):
m_id( id ), m_xPos( xPos ), m_yPos( yPos ), m_width( width ), m_height( height ), m_leftTop( leftTop ), m_rightBottom( rightBottom ), m_xKeepRatio( xKeepRatio ), m_yKeepRatio( yKeepRatio ), m_visible( visible ), m_autoResize( autoResize ), m_help( help ), m_layer( layer ), m_windowId( windowId ), m_layoutId( layoutId ) {}
Video( const string & id, int xPos, int yPos, int width, int height, const string & leftTop, const string & rightBottom, bool xKeepRatio, bool yKeepRatio, const string & visible, bool autoResize, const string & help, int layer, const string & windowId, const string & layoutId, const string & panelId ):
m_id( id ), m_xPos( xPos ), m_yPos( yPos ), m_width( width ), m_height( height ), m_leftTop( leftTop ), m_rightBottom( rightBottom ), m_xKeepRatio( xKeepRatio ), m_yKeepRatio( yKeepRatio ), m_visible( visible ), m_autoResize( autoResize ), m_help( help ), m_layer( layer ), m_windowId( windowId ), m_layoutId( layoutId ), m_panelId( panelId ) {}
string m_id;
int m_xPos;
......@@ -477,6 +508,7 @@ m_id( id ), m_xPos( xPos ), m_yPos( yPos ), m_width( width ), m_height( height )
int m_layer;
string m_windowId;
string m_layoutId;
string m_panelId;
/// List
list<Video> m_listVideo;
......@@ -36,6 +36,11 @@ SkinParser::SkinParser( intf_thread_t *pIntf, const string &rFileName,
m_pData = new BuilderData();
// Special id, we don't want any control to have the same one
m_idSet.insert( "none" );
// At the beginning, there is no Panel
m_panelStack.push_back( "none" );
......@@ -196,7 +201,7 @@ void SkinParser::handleBeginElement( const string &rName, AttrList_t &attr )
convertBoolean( attr["ykeepratio"] ), attr["visible"],
attr["up"], attr["down"], attr["over"], attr["action"],
attr["tooltiptext"], attr["help"],
m_curLayer, m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId );
m_curLayer, m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId, m_panelStack.back() );
m_pData->m_listButton.push_back( button );
......@@ -233,7 +238,7 @@ void SkinParser::handleBeginElement( const string &rName, AttrList_t &attr )
attr["up2"], attr["down2"], attr["over2"], attr["state"],
attr["action1"], attr["action2"], attr["tooltiptext1"],
attr["tooltiptext2"], attr["help"], m_curLayer, m_curWindowId,
m_curLayoutId );
m_curLayoutId, m_panelStack.back() );
m_pData->m_listCheckbox.push_back( checkbox );
......@@ -282,7 +287,8 @@ void SkinParser::handleBeginElement( const string &rName, AttrList_t &attr )
convertBoolean( attr["xkeepratio"] ),
convertBoolean( attr["ykeepratio"] ), attr["visible"],
attr["image"], attr["action"], attr["action2"], attr["resize"],
attr["help"], m_curLayer, m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId );
attr["help"], m_curLayer, m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId,
m_panelStack.back() );
m_pData->m_listImage.push_back( imageData );
......@@ -305,6 +311,32 @@ void SkinParser::handleBeginElement( const string &rName, AttrList_t &attr )
m_pData->m_listLayout.push_back( layout );
m_curLayer = 0;
else if( rName == "Panel" )
CheckDefault( "x", "0" );
CheckDefault( "y", "0" );
CheckDefault( "lefttop", "lefttop" );
CheckDefault( "rightbottom", "lefttop" );
CheckDefault( "xkeepratio", "false" );
CheckDefault( "ykeepratio", "false" );
RequireDefault( "width" );
RequireDefault( "height" );
string panelId = uniqueId( "none" );
const BuilderData::Panel panel( panelId,
atoi( attr["x"] ) + m_xOffset, atoi( attr["y"] ) + m_yOffset,
attr["lefttop"], attr["rightbottom"],
convertBoolean( attr["xkeepratio"] ),
convertBoolean( attr["ykeepratio"] ),
atoi( attr["width"] ), atoi( attr["height" ] ),
m_curLayer, m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId, m_panelStack.back() );
m_pData->m_listPanel.push_back( panel );
// Add the panel to the stack
m_panelStack.push_back( panelId );
else if( rName == "Playlist" )
RequireDefault( "id" );
......@@ -346,7 +378,7 @@ void SkinParser::handleBeginElement( const string &rName, AttrList_t &attr )
attr["selcolor"], attr["help"],
m_curLayer, m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId );
m_curLayer, m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId, m_panelStack.back() );
m_pData->m_listTree.push_back( treeData );
......@@ -389,7 +421,7 @@ void SkinParser::handleBeginElement( const string &rName, AttrList_t &attr )
attr["fgcolor"], attr["playcolor"],
attr["bgcolor1"], attr["bgcolor2"],
attr["selcolor"], attr["help"],
m_curLayer, m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId );
m_curLayer, m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId, m_panelStack.back() );
m_pData->m_listTree.push_back( treeData );
......@@ -421,7 +453,7 @@ void SkinParser::handleBeginElement( const string &rName, AttrList_t &attr )
atoi( attr["nbImages"] ), atof( attr["minAngle"] ) * M_PI /180,
atof( attr["maxAngle"] ) * M_PI / 180, attr["value"],
attr["tooltiptext"], attr["help"], m_curLayer, m_curWindowId,
m_curLayoutId );
m_curLayoutId, m_panelStack.back() );
m_pData->m_listRadialSlider.push_back( radial );
......@@ -458,7 +490,8 @@ void SkinParser::handleBeginElement( const string &rName, AttrList_t &attr )
convertBoolean( attr["ykeepratio"] ), attr["up"], attr["down"],
attr["over"], attr["points"], atoi( attr["thickness"] ),
newValue, "none", 0, 0, 0, 0, attr["tooltiptext"],
attr["help"], m_curLayer, m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId );
attr["help"], m_curLayer, m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId,
m_panelStack.back() );
m_pData->m_listSlider.push_back( slider );
......@@ -508,7 +541,8 @@ void SkinParser::handleBeginElement( const string &rName, AttrList_t &attr )
convertBoolean( attr["ykeepratio"] ),
convertColor( attr["color"] ),
attr["scrolling"], attr["alignment"],
attr["help"], m_curLayer, m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId );
attr["help"], m_curLayer, m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId,
m_panelStack.back() );
m_pData->m_listText.push_back( textData );
......@@ -568,7 +602,8 @@ void SkinParser::handleBeginElement( const string &rName, AttrList_t &attr )
convertBoolean( attr["xkeepratio"] ),
convertBoolean( attr["ykeepratio"] ),
attr["visible"], convertBoolean( attr["autoresize"] ),
attr["help"], m_curLayer, m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId );
attr["help"], m_curLayer, m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId,
m_panelStack.back() );
m_pData->m_listVideo.push_back( videoData );
......@@ -611,6 +646,10 @@ void SkinParser::handleEndElement( const string &rName )
m_curPopupId = "";
else if( rName == "Panel" )
......@@ -61,6 +61,8 @@ class SkinParser: public XMLParser
/// Current offset of the controls
int m_xOffset, m_yOffset;
list<int> m_xOffsetList, m_yOffsetList;
/// Stack of panel ids
list<string> m_panelStack;
/// Layer of the current control in the layout
int m_curLayer;
/// Set of used id
......@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
GenericLayout::GenericLayout( intf_thread_t *pIntf, int width, int height,
int minWidth, int maxWidth, int minHeight,
int maxHeight ):
SkinObject( pIntf ), m_pWindow( NULL ), m_width( width ),
m_height( height ), m_minWidth( minWidth ), m_maxWidth( maxWidth ),
SkinObject( pIntf ), m_pWindow( NULL ), m_rect( 0, 0, width, height ),
m_minWidth( minWidth ), m_maxWidth( maxWidth ),
m_minHeight( minHeight ), m_maxHeight( maxHeight ), m_pVideoControl( NULL ),
m_visible( false ), m_pVarActive( NULL )
......@@ -165,8 +165,7 @@ void GenericLayout::onControlUpdate( const CtrlGeneric &rCtrl,
void GenericLayout::resize( int width, int height )
// Update the window size
m_width = width;
m_height = height;
m_rect = Rect( 0, 0 , width, height );
// Recreate a new image
if( m_pImage )
......@@ -199,7 +198,7 @@ void GenericLayout::resize( int width, int height )
void GenericLayout::refreshAll()
refreshRect( 0, 0, m_width, m_height );
refreshRect( 0, 0, m_rect.getWidth(), m_rect.getHeight() );
......@@ -231,10 +230,10 @@ void GenericLayout::refreshRect( int x, int y, int width, int height )
x = 0;
if( y < 0)
y = 0;
if( x + width > m_width )
width = m_width - x;
if( y + height > m_height )
height = m_height - y;
if( x + width > m_rect.getWidth() )
width = m_rect.getWidth() - x;
if( y + height > m_rect.getHeight() )
height = m_rect.getHeight() - y;
// Refresh the window... but do not paint on a visible video control!
if( !m_pVideoControl || !m_pVideoControl->isVisible() )
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ struct LayeredControl
/// Base class for layouts
class GenericLayout: public SkinObject, public Box
class GenericLayout: public SkinObject
GenericLayout( intf_thread_t *pIntf, int width, int height,
......@@ -84,12 +84,20 @@ class GenericLayout: public SkinObject, public Box
virtual OSGraphics *getImage() const { return m_pImage; }
/// Get the position of the layout (relative to the screen)
* Note: These values are different from the m_rect.getLeft() and
* m_rect.getTop(), which always return 0.
* The latter methods are there as a "root rect" for the panels and
* controls, since each control knows its parent rect, but returns
* coordinates relative to the root rect.
virtual int getLeft() const { return m_pWindow->getLeft(); }
virtual int getTop() const { return m_pWindow->getTop(); }
/// Get the size of the layout
virtual int getWidth() const { return m_width; }
virtual int getHeight() const { return m_height; }
virtual int getWidth() const { return m_rect.getWidth(); }
virtual int getHeight() const { return m_rect.getHeight(); }
virtual const GenericRect &getRect() const { return m_rect; }
/// Get the minimum and maximum size of the layout
virtual int getMinWidth() const { return m_minWidth; }
......@@ -141,14 +149,14 @@ class GenericLayout: public SkinObject, public Box
/// Parent window of the layout
TopWindow *m_pWindow;
/// Layout size
int m_width, m_height;
Rect m_rect;
int m_minWidth, m_maxWidth;
int m_minHeight, m_maxHeight;
/// Image of the layout
OSGraphics *m_pImage;
/// List of the controls in the layout
list<LayeredControl> m_controlList;
//// Video control
/// Video control
CtrlVideo *m_pVideoControl;
/// List of the anchors in the layout
list<Anchor*> m_anchorList;
......@@ -197,35 +197,39 @@ void Theme::saveConfig()
while( pos != string::npos ); \
return NULL;
GenericBitmap *Theme::getBitmapById( const string &id )
GenericBitmap *Theme::getBitmapById( const string &id ) const
FIND_FIRST_OBJECT( GenericBitmapPtr, m_bitmaps );
GenericFont *Theme::getFontById( const string &id )
GenericFont *Theme::getFontById( const string &id ) const
FIND_FIRST_OBJECT( GenericFontPtr, m_fonts );
Popup *Theme::getPopupById( const string &id )
Popup *Theme::getPopupById( const string &id ) const
FIND_OBJECT( PopupPtr, m_popups );
TopWindow *Theme::getWindowById( const string &id )
TopWindow *Theme::getWindowById( const string &id ) const
FIND_OBJECT( TopWindowPtr, m_windows );
GenericLayout *Theme::getLayoutById( const string &id )
GenericLayout *Theme::getLayoutById( const string &id ) const
FIND_OBJECT( GenericLayoutPtr, m_layouts );
CtrlGeneric *Theme::getControlById( const string &id )
CtrlGeneric *Theme::getControlById( const string &id ) const
FIND_OBJECT( CtrlGenericPtr, m_controls );
Position *Theme::getPositionById( const string &id ) const
FIND_OBJECT( PositionPtr, m_positions );
......@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
#include "../commands/cmd_generic.hpp"
#include "../utils/bezier.hpp"
#include "../utils/variable.hpp"
#include "../utils/position.hpp"
#include "../controls/ctrl_generic.hpp"
#include <string>
#include <list>
......@@ -55,12 +56,13 @@ class Theme: public SkinObject
void loadConfig();
void saveConfig();
GenericBitmap *getBitmapById( const string &id );
GenericFont *getFontById( const string &id );
Popup *getPopupById( const string &id );
TopWindow *getWindowById( const string &id );
GenericLayout *getLayoutById( const string &id );
CtrlGeneric *getControlById( const string &id );
GenericBitmap *getBitmapById( const string &id ) const;
GenericFont *getFontById( const string &id ) const;
Popup *getPopupById( const string &id ) const;
TopWindow *getWindowById( const string &id ) const;
GenericLayout *getLayoutById( const string &id ) const;
CtrlGeneric *getControlById( const string &id ) const;
Position *getPositionById( const string &id ) const;
WindowManager &getWindowManager() { return m_windowManager; }
......@@ -77,6 +79,8 @@ class Theme: public SkinObject
map<string, GenericLayoutPtr> m_layouts;
/// Store the controls by ID
map<string, CtrlGenericPtr> m_controls;
/// Store the panel positions by ID
map<string, PositionPtr> m_positions;
/// Store the commands
list<CmdGenericPtr> m_commands;
/// Store the Bezier curves
......@@ -465,17 +465,17 @@ void WindowManager::checkAnchors( TopWindow *pWindow,
yOffset = workArea.getTop() - (*itMov)->getTop();
if( newLeft + (*itMov)->getWidth() > workArea.getRight() - m_magnet &&
newLeft + (*itMov)->getWidth() < workArea.getRight() + m_magnet )
int right = workArea.getLeft() + workArea.getWidth();
if( newLeft + (*itMov)->getWidth() > right - m_magnet &&
newLeft + (*itMov)->getWidth() < right + m_magnet )
xOffset = workArea.getRight() - (*itMov)->getLeft()
- (*itMov)->getWidth();
xOffset = right - (*itMov)->getLeft() - (*itMov)->getWidth();
if( newTop + (*itMov)->getHeight() > workArea.getBottom() - m_magnet &&
newTop + (*itMov)->getHeight() < workArea.getBottom() + m_magnet )
int bottom = workArea.getTop() + workArea.getHeight();
if( newTop + (*itMov)->getHeight() > bottom - m_magnet &&
newTop + (*itMov)->getHeight() < bottom + m_magnet )
yOffset = workArea.getBottom() - (*itMov)->getTop()
- (*itMov)->getHeight();
yOffset = bottom - (*itMov)->getTop() - (*itMov)->getHeight();
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ class WindowManager: public SkinObject
void move( TopWindow &rWindow, int left, int top ) const;
/// Tell the window manager that a resize is initiated for rWindow
/// Tell the window manager that a resize is initiated for rLayout
void startResize( GenericLayout &rLayout, Direction_t direction );
/// Tell the window manager that the current resizing ended
......@@ -34,28 +34,29 @@ Rect::Rect( int left, int top, int right, int bottom ):
Position::Position( int left, int top, int right, int bottom, const Box &rBox,
Ref_t refLeftTop, Ref_t refRightBottom, bool xKeepRatio,
bool yKeepRatio ):
Position::Position( int left, int top, int right, int bottom,
const GenericRect &rRect,
Ref_t refLeftTop, Ref_t refRightBottom,
bool xKeepRatio, bool yKeepRatio ):
m_left( left ), m_top( top ), m_right( right ), m_bottom( bottom ),
m_rBox( rBox ), m_refLeftTop( refLeftTop ),
m_rRect( rRect ), m_refLeftTop( refLeftTop ),
m_refRighBottom( refRightBottom ), m_xKeepRatio( xKeepRatio ),
m_yKeepRatio( yKeepRatio )
// Here is how the resizing algorithm works:
// - if we "keep the ratio" (xkeepratio="true" in the XML), the relative
// position of the control in the layout (i.e. the given rBox) is
// position of the control in the parent box (i.e. the given rRect) is
// saved, and will be kept constant. The size of the control will not
// be changed, only its position may vary. To do that, we consider the
// part of the layout to the left of the control (for an horizontal
// resizing) and the part of the layout to the right of the control,
// part of the box to the left of the control (for an horizontal
// resizing) and the part of the box to the right of the control,
// and we make sure that the ratio between their widths is constant.
// - if we don't keep the ratio, the resizing algorithm is completely
// different. We consider that the top left hand corner of the control
// ("lefttop" attribute in the XML) is linked to one of the 4 corners
// of the layouts ("lefttop", "leftbottom", "righttop" and
// of the parent box ("lefttop", "leftbottom", "righttop" and
// "rightbottom" values for the attribute). Same thing for the bottom
// right hand corner ("rightbottom" attribute). When resizing occurs,
// the linked corners will move together, and this will drive the
......@@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ Position::Position( int left, int top, int right, int bottom, const Box &rBox,
if( m_xKeepRatio )
// First compute the width of the box minus the width of the control
int freeSpace = m_rBox.getWidth() - (m_right - m_left);
int freeSpace = m_rRect.getWidth() - (m_right - m_left);
// Instead of computing left/right, we compute left/(left+right),
// which is more convenient in my opinion.
if( freeSpace != 0 )
......@@ -85,9 +86,9 @@ Position::Position( int left, int top, int right, int bottom, const Box &rBox,
// Initial the vertical ratio
if( m_yKeepRatio )
// First compute the width of the box minus the width of the control
int freeSpace = m_rBox.getHeight() - (m_bottom - m_top);
// Instead of computing left/right, we compute left/(left+right),
// First compute the height of the box minus the height of the control
int freeSpace = m_rRect.getHeight() - (m_bottom - m_top);
// Instead of computing top/bottom, we compute top/(top+bottom),
// which is more convenient in my opinion.
if( freeSpace != 0 )
......@@ -112,8 +113,8 @@ int Position::getLeft() const
// Ratio mode
// First compute the width of the box minus the width of the control
int freeSpace = m_rBox.getWidth() - (m_right - m_left);
return (int)(m_xRatio * freeSpace);
int freeSpace = m_rRect.getWidth() - (m_right - m_left);
return m_rRect.getLeft() + (int)(m_xRatio * freeSpace);
......@@ -121,11 +122,11 @@ int Position::getLeft() const
case kLeftTop:
case kLeftBottom:
return m_left;
return m_rRect.getLeft() + m_left;
case kRightTop:
case kRightBottom:
return m_rBox.getWidth() + m_left - 1;
return m_rRect.getLeft() + m_rRect.getWidth() + m_left - 1;
// Avoid a warning
......@@ -140,8 +141,8 @@ int Position::getTop() const
// Ratio mode
// First compute the height of the box minus the height of the control
int freeSpace = m_rBox.getHeight() - (m_bottom - m_top);
return (int)(m_yRatio * freeSpace);
int freeSpace = m_rRect.getHeight() - (m_bottom - m_top);
return m_rRect.getTop() + (int)(m_yRatio * freeSpace);
......@@ -149,11 +150,11 @@ int Position::getTop() const
case kLeftTop:
case kRightTop:
return m_top;
return m_rRect.getTop() + m_top;
case kRightBottom:
case kLeftBottom:
return m_rBox.getHeight() + m_top - 1;
return m_rRect.getTop() + m_rRect.getHeight() + m_top - 1;
// Avoid a warning
......@@ -177,11 +178,11 @@ int Position::getRight() const
case kLeftTop:
case kLeftBottom:
return m_right;
return m_rRect.getLeft() + m_right;
case kRightTop:
case kRightBottom:
return m_rBox.getWidth() + m_right - 1;
return m_rRect.getLeft() + m_rRect.getWidth() + m_right - 1;
// Avoid a warning
......@@ -205,11 +206,11 @@ int Position::getBottom() const
case kLeftTop:
case kRightTop:
return m_bottom;
return m_rRect.getTop() + m_bottom;
case kLeftBottom:
case kRightBottom:
return m_rBox.getHeight() + m_bottom - 1;
return m_rRect.getTop() + m_rRect.getHeight() + m_bottom - 1;
// Avoid a warning
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
#include "variable.hpp"
#include "observer.hpp"
#include "pointer.hpp"
/// Interface for rectangular objects
......@@ -41,17 +42,23 @@ class Box
/// Interface for rectangular objects with a position
class GenericRect: public Box
virtual int getLeft() const = 0;
virtual int getTop() const = 0;
/// Characterization of a rectangle
class Rect: public Box
class Rect: public GenericRect
Rect( int left, int top, int right, int bottom );
virtual int getLeft() const { return m_left; }
virtual int getTop() const { return m_top; }
virtual int getRight() const { return m_right; }
virtual int getBottom() const { return m_bottom; }
virtual int getWidth() const { return m_right - m_left; }
virtual int getHeight() const { return m_bottom - m_top; }
......@@ -64,7 +71,13 @@ class Rect: public Box
/// Relative position of a rectangle in a box
class Position
* Note: Even if the object is tied to its direct container rectangle, the
* coordinates returned by getLeft(), getTop(), getRight() and getBottom() are
* not relative to the direct container (which is usually a panel or the layout)
* but to the root container (i.e. the layout).
class Position: public GenericRect
/// Type for reference edge/corner
......@@ -81,20 +94,21 @@ class Position
/// Create a new position relative to the given box
Position( int left, int top, int right, int bottom, const Box &rBox,
Position( int left, int top, int right, int bottom,
const GenericRect &rRect,
Ref_t refLeftTop, Ref_t refRightBottom,
bool xKeepRatio, bool yKeepRatio );
~Position() {}
/// Get the position relative to the left top corner of the box
int getLeft() const;
int getTop() const;
virtual int getLeft() const;
virtual int getTop() const;
int getRight() const;
int getBottom() const;
/// Get the size of the rectangle
int getWidth() const;
int getHeight() const;
virtual int getWidth() const;
virtual int getHeight() const;
/// Get the reference corners
Ref_t getRefLeftTop() const { return m_refLeftTop; }
Ref_t getRefRightBottom() const { return m_refRighBottom; }
......@@ -105,7 +119,7 @@ class Position
int m_top;
int m_right;
int m_bottom;
const Box &m_rBox;
const GenericRect &m_rRect;
Ref_t m_refLeftTop;
Ref_t m_refRighBottom;
/// "Keep ratio" mode
......@@ -117,6 +131,8 @@ class Position
double m_yRatio;
typedef CountedPtr<Position> PositionPtr;
/// Variable implementing the Box interface
class VarBox: public Variable, public Box, public Subject<VarBox>
......@@ -87,12 +87,25 @@
minheight CDATA "-1"
maxheight CDATA "-1"
<!-- Grouping elements -->
<!ELEMENT Group (Group|Image|Button|Playlist|Slider|RadialSlider|Text|Checkbox|
x CDATA "0"
y CDATA "0"
<!ELEMENT Panel (Group|Image|Button|Playlist|Slider|RadialSlider|Text|Checkbox|
x CDATA "0"
y CDATA "0"
lefttop CDATA "lefttop"
rightbottom CDATA "lefttop"
xkeepratio CDATA "false"
ykeepratio CDATA "false"
<!-- Anchors -->
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