Commit 665515c7 authored by Jai Menon's avatar Jai Menon Committed by Rémi Duraffort

MKV : Add support for parsing Matroska Tag elements and exporting them as metadata entries.

Signed-off-by: default avatarRémi Duraffort <>
parent d56e311e
......@@ -205,6 +205,67 @@ void matroska_segment_c::LoadCues( KaxCues *cues )
} \
ep->Up(); } while( 0 )
static const struct {
vlc_meta_type_t type;
const char *key;
} metadata_map[] = { {vlc_meta_Title, "TITLE"},
{vlc_meta_Artist, "ARTIST"},
{vlc_meta_Genre, "GENRE"},
{vlc_meta_Copyright, "COPYRIGHT"},
{vlc_meta_Description, "DESCRIPTION"},
{vlc_meta_Publisher, "PUBLISHER"},
{vlc_meta_URL, "URL"},
{vlc_meta_Title, NULL},
void matroska_segment_c::ParseSimpleTags( KaxTagSimple *tag )
EbmlElement *el;
EbmlParser *ep = new EbmlParser( &es, tag, &sys.demuxer );
char *k = NULL, *v = NULL;
if( !sys.meta )
sys.meta = vlc_meta_New();
msg_Dbg( &sys.demuxer, "| + Simple Tag ");
while( ( el = ep->Get() ) != NULL )
if( MKV_IS_ID( el, KaxTagName ) )
KaxTagName &key = *(KaxTagName*)el;
key.ReadData( es.I_O(), SCOPE_ALL_DATA );
k = strdup( UTFstring( key ).GetUTF8().c_str() );
if( MKV_IS_ID( el, KaxTagString ) )
KaxTagString &value = *(KaxTagString*)el;
value.ReadData( es.I_O(), SCOPE_ALL_DATA );
v = strdup( UTFstring( value ).GetUTF8().c_str() );
delete ep;
if( !k || !v )
msg_Warn( &sys.demuxer, "Invalid MKV SimpleTag found.");
for( int i = 0; metadata_map[i].key; i++ )
if( !strcmp( k, metadata_map[i].key ) )
vlc_meta_Set( sys.meta, metadata_map[i].type, v );
goto done;
vlc_meta_AddExtra( sys.meta, k, v );
free( k );
free( v );
void matroska_segment_c::LoadTags( KaxTags *tags )
/* Master elements */
......@@ -257,6 +318,8 @@ void matroska_segment_c::LoadTags( KaxTags *tags )
msg_Dbg( &sys.demuxer, "| + Multi Title" );
else if( MKV_IS_ID( el, KaxTagSimple ) )
ParseSimpleTags( static_cast<KaxTagSimple*>( el ) );
msg_Dbg( &sys.demuxer, "| + LoadTag Unknown (%s)", typeid( *el ).name() );
......@@ -280,6 +343,7 @@ void matroska_segment_c::LoadTags( KaxTags *tags )
void matroska_segment_c::InformationCreate( )
#if 0
sys.meta = vlc_meta_New();
if( psz_title )
......@@ -290,7 +354,7 @@ void matroska_segment_c::InformationCreate( )
vlc_meta_SetDate( sys.meta, psz_date_utc );
#if 0
if( psz_segment_filename )
fprintf( stderr, "***** WARNING: Unhandled meta - Use custom\n" );
......@@ -558,11 +622,11 @@ bool matroska_segment_c::LoadSeekHeadItem( const EbmlCallbacks & ClassInfos, int
ParseChapters( static_cast<KaxChapters*>( el ) );
i_chapters_position = i_element_position;
else if( MKV_IS_ID( el, KaxTag ) ) // FIXME
else if( MKV_IS_ID( el, KaxTags ) )
msg_Dbg( &sys.demuxer, "| + Tags" );
if( i_tags_position < 0 )
;//LoadTags( static_cast<KaxTags*>( el ) );
LoadTags( static_cast<KaxTags*>( el ) );
i_tags_position = i_element_position;
......@@ -146,6 +146,7 @@ public:
void IndexAppendCluster( KaxCluster *cluster );
void LoadCues( KaxCues *cues );
void LoadTags( KaxTags *tags );
void ParseSimpleTags( KaxTagSimple *tag );
void InformationCreate( );
void Seek( mtime_t i_date, mtime_t i_time_offset, int64_t i_global_position );
int BlockGet( KaxBlock * &, KaxSimpleBlock * &, bool *, bool *, int64_t *);
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